My state representative opened his big stupid mouth yet again.
Sales tax is a bad idea.
It's regressive by nature (it can be sort of offseted to a certain degree) create more paperwork and bureaucracy, it hassles to small businesses and is really hard to enforce, which creates a system that reward fraud, which is never a good idea.
I can think of no economic reason to do it (but many political ones).
I feel like I made this post before...
My state representative opened his big stupid mouth yet again.
Man, the GOP is going to get all the Asian vote next election, they just know how to appeal to them.My state representative opened his big stupid mouth yet again.
I don't mind it by the way, allows you to better craft your argument (my last post notwithstanding, I was feeling lazy).I feel like we talk about a sales tax every few months, so odds are yes you made that post before.
You guys all agree that sales tax is not a good idea and that taxes should be done at a level where you can judge someone's income level? Or is a sales tax necessary even with its flaw of not being progressives?
Wow, that's 30 pounds of stupid in a 2 pound bag.
You've just described Glenn Grothman to a T. This is the same guy that put in legislation to make single parenthood child abuse. He said money means more to men than women. He said some crap about kwanzaa that I posted a few weeks ago. Every time he opens his mouth he promptly puts his foot in it, and even that foot doesn't block the shit that comes out.
My state representative opened his big stupid mouth yet again.
It's taking a terrible idea and trying to make it less horrible in a convoluted hard to explain way.The X Tax always seemed like an interesting idea. Its like a Vat, but progressive. Apparently it taxes investment income as well, though not really sure how (probably because a VAT tax slightly confuses me)
What does that mean?Sales taxes are more efficient in that they distort they market the least. At least at the lower levels of taxation. The problem is it is regressive.
What kind of crazies live in your district?
You've just described Glenn Grothman to a T. This is the same guy that put in legislation to make single parenthood child abuse. He said money means more to men than women. He said some crap about kwanzaa that I posted a few weeks ago. Every time he opens his mouth he promptly puts his foot in it, and even that foot doesn't block the shit that comes out.
What does that mean?
What is distorting the market and why should we strive to have the least of it?
What does it mean for a tax to be a efficient?
Why sales tax are more efficient?
More efficient than what?
It's taking a terrible idea and trying to make it less horrible in a convoluted hard to explain way.
I think in a democracy, we should strive as much as possible for solutions that the electorate can understand, you run into trouble otherwise, and specifically, taxes like that allows the government to change taxation in ways that are not immediately obvious to most of the citizens; some would argue they were designed for that end specifically, and by some, I mean I.
And seriously, outside my conspiracy theories, what advantage does it have over the income tax outside warding the Norquist?
The end of your bday month, I believe. It definitely won't run to the end of the year.
And yet gets re-elected over and over again? What are your neighbors like? Maybe he's just preaching to the choir.
Dammit Obama
On my phone and lakers just started up but ill link this.
I'd rather be a Lakers fan right now than wade through that. okay, not really, but it's pretty damn close. okay, it's not even close, but still, I'm not reading it.On my phone and lakers just started up but ill link this.
Tonight on the doors I met a man who immediately started blasting liberals and Democrats. He made several references to fecal matter and maggots, and talked about fairly violent outcomes for members of these groups. He ended his rant by saying he was very happy with my opponent because they shared the same values. When he stopped, I said, What I heard from you was a lot of hate and anger. Are those the values you are referring to? He looked stunned, but then replied Well, its just so hard to be a gentleman with you because I think about all of the bad things liberals have done and it makes me so mad. I responded by saying Yeah, the things that have been said and done to me make it hard to be a lady sometimes, too, and yet here I am, choosing to behave like one. He was silent for a few moments and then said Well, thank you for stopping by. But I just dont like your kind. I looked him in the eye and said, I hope you have a good rest of your day and I hope you can get past the hate someday because holding onto it can really drag a person down. Luckily, I had quite a few blocks to walk to get to my next door so I had some time to process what had just happened. At first, I felt angry, and I wanted to lash back. But then I realized I had been given a gift at that door the gift of a glimpse at what would happen if I let that anger take over. I dont ever want to be consumed by that much hate and the only person who can stop that from happening is me. And so I made the choice to move on to the next door, without carrying his hate and his anger and I felt a freedom that I hadnt felt before knocking on his door.
Last night on the doors I met a man who asked me part way through our conversation Democrat or Republican? I stated I was a Democrat running against Glenn Grothman and he replied, Oh, I will never vote for a Democrat. I hate Democrats. I asked him why he hated Democrats and he spent the next 5 minutes telling me about how the Democrats try to intimidate Republicans and call them all kinds of nasty names. He talked about unions trying to scare people and teachers trying to fleece the taxpayers. Eventually, he paused and I said, I understand your concerns. Ive had a lot of hateful things said and done to me in the last year and a half and I know how much that hurts. He looked at me in surprise and said, That doesnt happen to Democrats. It only happens to Republicans. At first I tried to tell him about some of my personal experiences, but he just shook his head and said he didnt believe Republicans would do those things. Finally, I said Sir, when I asked you why you hated Democrats, I stood here and listened while you called union members thugs, teachers leeches, and Democrats less than human. I belong to every single one of those groups and I cant think of more personal, or hateful names to be called, especially to my face. So not only has this happened to me in the past, but it happened right here on your stoop. There was an awkward silence and then he said But I would never call you those things. I waited patiently while he contemplated the dilemma at hand. Finally, he asked me to share more about my experiences in the last year and a half and he listened intently as I described some of my ordeals. He said he had no idea these kinds of things had been happening and agreed that BOTH sides needed to return to civil discourse and debate. I doubt that he will vote for me, but I do think our conversation will affect whether he continues to use generalizations, or begins to talk about specific policies, statements, and incidences that he is concerned about. Generalizations eliminate our chances of finding common ground and keeps us from addressing our specific concerns and grievances. It was an important lesson to be reminded of on the doors.
Here are two of the stories from the lady that ran against Grothman and her going door to door around here:
Republican Glenn Grothman (R-West Bend) handily defeated his Democratic opponent, Tanya Lohr, in last week’s election, but apparently it wasn’t easy. Grothman took to the airwaves Thursday morning to talk about “the special interests” he was up against, including, um, the New World Order. Grothman also claimed that President Obama and Tammy Baldwin probably won their elections due to fraud, and that eventually he’s “going to have to lay down the gauntlet” on the people who enforce Obamacare. Seriously.
When speaking with Sly this morning, State Senator Grothman seemed truly baffled by the $600 donation he said Tanya Lohr received from “the New World Order” aka “the Council on Foreign Relations,” so much so that he couldn’t really be certain from whence the donation came. The donation was sent from a woman named “Anne” who lives in Maryland, and according to Grothman, she has donated before.
When radio show host Sly Sylvestor pressed Grothman to explain why the Council on Foreign Relations might be out to get him and asked if there “was a target on his back,” Grothman admitted it was a real head-scratcher. He plans to look into it further, he said.
Grothman also plans to “talk to some more people” about the probability that President Obama won re-election due to fraud, explaining that “some people are of the opinion that Democrats cheat.”
One thing Grothman did seem certain about was that the U.S. Supreme Court does not enforce the Constitution and that it hasn’t for many years, which is why America’s going downhill, and why state senators like himself will “eventually have to lay down the gauntlet” on those who enforce Obamacare (aka the feds).
Also, missed this fun Grothman story
Also, missed this fun Grothman story
Here are two of the stories from the lady that ran against Grothman and her going door to door around here:
can he not pronounce "racist?"My state representative opened his big stupid mouth yet again.
can he not pronounce "racist?"
Haha fair enough.I'd rather be a Lakers fan right now than wade through that. okay, not really, but it's pretty damn close. okay, it's not even close, but still, I'm not reading it.
If you still feel like arguing the point after Paul Millsap done mauling you guys, we can pick it up.
can he not pronounce "racist?"
I still don't understand what it mean to "distort the market" in this context.Haha fair enough.
I'm not a big fan sales taxes because of the regressivity. Taxes change the price and quantity supplied of the market unless the demand or supply is perfectly inelastic. How much depends on many factors including the type of tax. There is also waste, compliance costs and stuff. Sales taxes have less of these.
Now you have to weight the be write of this versus negatives like regressivity. I'm not arguing we should strive so only distort the market as little as possible. But less dostortion generally means a better allocation of resources.
That study actually quantified a few taxes with sales tax being best.
You wanted to know what the benefit if a sales tax is and that's what it is. Doesn't mean it outweighs all the cons all the time though.
Prices and quantity supplied are not why they would be without intervention via taxes. There's also a dead weight loss (google it)
If Hillary runs, every Democrat needs to get in line and wait 'till 2024. Hillary will get the democrats back into power in 2016.
Why do people want Hilary to run? Isn't she even more right wing than Obama?
Why do people want Hilary to run? Isn't she even more right wing than Obama?
Can I also google the first sentence in your post?Prices and quantity supplied are not why they would be without intervention via taxes. There's also a dead weight loss (google it)
Any discussion on the DC Cir. invalidating Obama's recess appointments to the Labor Board?
I'm pretty pissed.
Why do people want Hilary to run? Isn't she even more right wing than Obama?
Scott Lemiux from LGM has a pretty good post on it:
lol @ this comment:
Scott Lemiux from LGM has a pretty good post on it:
My state representative opened his big stupid mouth yet again.
Saxby Chambliss is retiring.
Also it looks like scott brown had a good friday night
Haha fair enough.
I'm not a big fan sales taxes because of the regressivity. Taxes change the price and quantity supplied of the market unless the demand or supply is perfectly inelastic. How much depends on many factors including the type of tax. There is also waste, compliance costs and stuff. Sales taxes have less of these.
Now you have to weight the be write of this versus negatives like regressivity. I'm not arguing we should strive so only distort the market as little as possible. But less dostortion generally means a better allocation of resources.
That study actually quantified a few taxes with sales tax being best.
You wanted to know what the benefit if a sales tax is and that's what it is. Doesn't mean it outweighs all the cons all the time though.