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Oh shit, liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinks!When does the Obama/Clinton joint interview supposed to come on?
Oh shit, liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinks!When does the Obama/Clinton joint interview supposed to come on?
When does the Obama/Clinton joint interview supposed to come on?
Our best bet is that Corbett is denied a second term in 2014 and we get a Democratic Governor who would not allow this kind of thing. Really hoping this happens. But I can't think of anyone who is strong enough to win. Maybe Nutter?
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I really hate the drugs = alcohol argument.
Because no. Simply no.
Alcohol is among the most harmful drugs. It's entirely arbitrary that it's legal and others are not.
Our best bet is that Corbett is denied a second term in 2014 and we get a Democratic Governor who would not allow this kind of thing. Really hoping this happens. But I can't think of anyone who is strong enough to win. Maybe Nutter? If he can secure the turnout in Philly it's a done deal. Being that he is from there he should hopefully have no trouble. Onorato sucked so bad, being from Pittsburgh I knew that as soon as he won the primary, given the climate was bad for Dems to begin with, he didn't have a chance in hell.
Corbett is awful. He's worse than Tom Ridge. He's easily the worst governor we've had in decades. A true embarrassment.
But that ignores two vastly enormous issues.
1) Addiction. You can have a beer at the party and not get addicted. Now try meth.
2) It's liquid.
Ban all alcohol. Ok. Now try and tell me people will stand at the corner with trenchcoats and bottles of alcohol - they wont. Too heavy, too bulky. Same trenchcoat could hide 5lbs of coke and 2,000 pills.
I was recently in an argument where a girl said she is not interested in dating pot smokers. A pot head got all defensive and started arguing that its no worse than alcohol and why should she care if someone smokes but not if someone drinks etc etc.
Dude seemed to miss the entire point....
False equivalencies ahoy!
1.) I can't speak for meth (i've never come in contact with it, don't know anyone who does it, and as far as I know it's basically drain cleaner and amphetemines) but cocaine and heroin are also not "instantly addictive." You can certainly go out to a party, do a line of coke or whatever, and not wake up a junkie. consistent abuse is a completely different issue, but this is also a problem with alcohol.
2.) "It's liquid" is meaningless. People most certainly DID stand on corners with trenchcoats and smuggle alcohol. look up the history of prohibition sometime. Secret clubs, midnight liquor runs, corruption and bribery of local officials, the works. And in terms of personal use a small flask of highly potent alcohol (say, 151, or grain alcohol) is easily hidden.
3.) Pot is far less damaging to the body than alcohol is. this isn't up for debate. long term alcohol use will destroy your liver and your nervous system, and the withdrawal can be fatal. Pot isn't anywhere near as bad, as it's not addictive- at least not in the sense that alcohol is, where the body literally becomes dependent on it. You might have the lung cancer argument and the second hand smoke argument, but smoking can be done in private (not always at a crowded party) where this isn't an issue, and pot can be eaten in brownies and whatnot, eliminating the lung cancer and secondhand smoke argument entirely.
Hell, I don't smoke tobacco OR pot, and love to drink, but the alcohol/pot comparison is a losing argument, as alcohol will always come out looking way worse.
Alcohol is among the most harmful drugs. It's entirely arbitrary that it's legal and others are not.
But that ignores two vastly enormous issues.
1) Addiction. You can have a beer at the party and not get addicted. Now try meth.
2) It's liquid.
What about acid. You can take thousands of doses in a lifetime and never get as close to it being an addiction as you can with alcohol. It is also sometimes a liquid.
PS: I can smell when someone has been drinking alcohol, it stenches up the whole place, I've also had a drunk person piss on my rug. Zero effect is a bit of an exaggeration.
Im sorry, I didnt realize we were having this debate in the 70s.
Can you get drunk off someones breath?
Does that smell fill up an entire room like pot does?
Haha, depends on how drunk they are.
Depends on what they ate.
There are a wide range of drugs with many different effects and delivery mechanisms, each has to be evaluated individually. It's not just on one end you have alcohol and on the other you have all the big bad drugs, they all are different, and they all have a different effect/cost on society.
As a non-drinker, people who have been drinking and enter a room do stink the place up.One can consume alcohol in a crowded room with zero effect on everyone around them.
Smoking pot, on the other hand, involves smoking - something the western world is trying to phase out. If you light up, everyone around you has to deal with the stench and the possible side effects.
Well, here's mine. Although I'm not sure this is a conservative issue, it's something I can see a lot of conservatives agreeing with me. It concerns the role of Spanish in the US, and how it seems that a large number of immigrants aren't learning English. Therefore I support such policies as English as a national language and federal funding for English-learning schools/programs. Here are some caveats that I am aware of:
1. I've seen studies, and PEW polling, that second and third generation children of immigrants adoption of English happens.
2. That many immigrants are poor and cannot afford or find the time to learn English. Though that didn't stop previous generations of immigrants from learning English.
I remember cringing at that bilingual speech during the DNC. I'm hoping for some good English-language laws in Obama's proposal and during the upcoming immigration reform brawl.
true. alcohol has a lot of negatives. Cocaine and heroin have a lot of negatives. Pot has some as well, though less than both. (when's the last time you heard of "pot drivers" being an epidemic? when's the last time a stoner gave himself pot poisoning, threw up all over you, and had to be taken to the hospital to avoid dying?)
As a non-drinker, people who have been drinking and enter a room do stink the place up.
The impact of alcohol on both the individual and to society as a whole are enormous. I think you are underestimating that simply because it's accepted.
Not advocating for drug legalization or alcohol being banned. But I think you need to look at alcohol in context of other drugs.
Well, here's mine. Although I'm not sure this is a conservative issue, it's something I can see a lot of conservatives agreeing with me. It concerns the role of Spanish in the US, and how it seems that a large number of immigrants aren't learning English. Therefore I support such policies as English as a national language and federal funding for English-learning schools/programs. Here are some caveats that I am aware of:
1. I've seen studies, and PEW polling, that second and third generation children of immigrants adoption of English happens.
2. That many immigrants are poor and cannot afford or find the time to learn English. Though that didn't stop previous generations of immigrants from learning English.
I remember cringing at that bilingual speech during the DNC. I'm hoping for some good English-language laws in Obama's proposal and during the upcoming immigration reform brawl.
Ban all alcohol. Ok. Now try and tell me people will stand at the corner with trenchcoats and bottles of alcohol - they wont. Too heavy, too bulky. Same trenchcoat could hide 5lbs of coke and 2,000 pills.
For those of you who say that drugs like meth and heroine are destructive to families, what should the law be regarding drugs like those?
Actually, its a very serious problem but theres no "breathalyzer" style test available.
...In 2010, 10,228 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (31%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States.... Drugs other than alcohol (e.g., marijuana and cocaine) are involved in about 18% of motor vehicle driver deaths. These other drugs are often used in combination with alcohol
Im looking at it in terms of I can go to a bar with 500 people drinking and leave sober and smelling peachy.
Try that at a pot cafe with 500 people.
You argue that previous generations DID learn english. Really? Youre telling me there arent 75 year old polish men who lives in the US for 50 years that dont know english above the 1st grade level? Ever been to chinatown?
I find that statement ignorant and without factual basis.
Why would you go to a pot bar if you don't like the smell??
You think people don't do acid anymore?Im sorry, I didnt realize we were having this debate in the 70s.
Alcoholics smell like shit.Im sorry, I didnt realize we were having this debate in the 70s.
Can you get drunk off someones breath?
Does that smell fill up an entire room like pot does?
From the CDC:
So alcohol related accidents are responsible for nearly twice the vehicular related accidents as every other drug put together and those accidents were frequently "other drugs" in combination with alcohol. In terms of driving hazards, alcohol is far and away more of a problem than any other controlled substance. Combined.
1.) Again, pot can be eaten. there are plenty of pot cafes where one can eat a brownie, and "smell" isn't an issue.
2.) The smell issue is just as valid when you consider tobacco. Go into a bar that allows smoking, and you'll come out in an hour smelling like you were just in a house fire. States that ban indoor smoking (PA does) would likely also ban indoor pot smoking, and this ceases to be an issue.
Alcoholics smell like shit.
Yes, that's exactly why people smoke pot inside concerts, because they get off at inconveniencing people and "feel entitled to break as many laws as possible", not because if they smoke in the designated area they'll get busted.But marijuana? Its like many pot users have this enormous sense of entitlement where they feel they can break as many laws as needed, and inconvenience as many people around them as possible all so that THEY can chemically alter their brain to have fun.
Yes, that's exactly why people smoke pot inside concerts, because they get off at inconveniencing people and "feel entitled to break as many laws as possible", not because if they smoke in the designated area they'll get busted.
Authoritarians scares the shit out me.
So my post is up:
It was originally suppose to be much longer but I pretty decided to narrow the topic.
Then it sounds like your problem is more how people consume the drug than it is the drug itself.If theres no easy way to test for the drug, then how can there be any stats on the total number of drug-impaired drivers?
For deaths, an autopsy can be conducted, but if not....?
And Ive no problem with that. Except thats not how most pot users consumer their drug.
As I said, most of the west is moving to ban indoor smoking....
But I disagree with your last point.
Ever been to an indoor concert? No smoking allowed.
Ive never seen anyone light up a cigar, pipe, or tobacco cigarette.....
But marijuana? Its like many pot users have this enormous sense of entitlement where they feel they can break as many laws as needed, and inconvenience as many people around them as possible all so that THEY can chemically alter their brain to have fun.
I've yet to go to a concert where responsible pot users pull out brownies.
As do potheads who dont bathe. Thats besides the point. Pouring a vodka tonic wont fill a large room with a repugnant stench.
Weekend PoliGAF is fun lol.
The only explanation you can come up with as to why people smoke in shows (as opposed as eating brownies) is that they get off pissing people and breaking the law?Again, they could bring brownies. But they dont.
Then it sounds like your problem is more how people consume the drug than it is the drug itself.
Sorry but if you want to compare the negatives of alcohol vs. marijuana, alcohol is going to lose every time. Pot culture can be annoying but I have several friends who smoke pot and are perfectly courteous and respectful about it - they keep it in private places and don't light up if they know someone won't like it. On the other hand, give someone a few drinks and they will always become a raging asshole.
The only explanation you can come up with as to why people smoke in shows (as opposed as eating brownies) is that they get off pissing people and breaking the law?
You're arguing yourself into a corner, take a breath and try to reassess what you're saying.
If theres no easy way to test for the drug, then how can there be any stats on the total number of drug-impaired drivers?
For deaths, an autopsy can be conducted, but if not....?
And Ive no problem with that. Except thats not how most pot users consumer their drug.
As I said, most of the west is moving to ban indoor smoking....
Ever been to an indoor concert? No smoking allowed.
Ive never seen anyone light up a cigar, pipe, or tobacco cigarette.....
But marijuana? Its like many pot users have this enormous sense of entitlement where they feel they can break as many laws as needed, and inconvenience as many people around them as possible all so that THEY can chemically alter their brain to have fun.
I've yet to go to a concert where responsible pot users pull out brownies.
As do potheads who dont bathe. Thats besides the point. Pouring a vodka tonic wont fill a large room with a repugnant stench.
uh, a standard piss test or blood test will tell you if someone has been smoking marijuana. it just stays in your system longer, so its hard to tell how long ago someone was smoking. up to a month, but not usually longer than two weeks. Blood tests are ALWAYS taken at accidents where the driver is suspected to be under the influence.
cocaine will show up for about 2 days, IIRC.
Alcohol on the other hand, usually only shows up for a couple of hours, despite there being evidence that hung over drivers are nearly as much of a hazard as actively drunk drivers. So the 18% estimate on "other drugs" is likely HIGHER than reality, and the 31% estimate on alcohol is lower.
how would you know? did you take a survey? Smoking might be prevalent because it's currently the most convenient delivery system. Being able to pick up a marijuana hersheys at the 7-11 might change things.
There's this thing called "outdoor smoking."
yes, I have, and yes i have seen people smoke cigarettes. are you crazy? cigarette smokers dont give a crap about rules- but its easier to enforce those rules the smaller the venue is. a restaurant and a cafe and an indoor concert venue are two completely different things.
you don't seem to like them period, so I doubt you know many. But currently pot brownies would have to be made by the user and this is time consuming. not everyone has a couple of hours to bake them. Change the laws regarding selling pre packaged food, and this might change. Again, there are places where this is legal, and those are very popular.
you seem to be unaware that alcohol alters the body chemistry, literally causing alcoholics to "stink" in some cases. It's not pleasant.
That's one way of looking at it.No, I didnt say they enjoy screwing people over, theyre just too entitled and selfish to care about the consequences. Take a breath and read it again.
That's one way of looking at it.
Most people I know who smoke at shows (I generally don't, but that's mostly because is don't want the venue to get slapped with fines because of me) don't think it bothers people, and at least in the places I go to, there're mostly right.
They may be wrong I their assessment, but I promise you the absolute majority of pot smokers try to accommodate non smokers and most assuredly have no intention of screwing them over.
You on the other hand, seem to care about smokers much less than someone like me (who smoked pretty much all of his adult life) care about someone like you, so who is really the selfish side here?
If theres a non fatal accident, the cop will pull out the breathlyzer - not a pee cup or a blood extractor.
They also dont pull up cell records which is a big problem too.
Im not arguing that alcohol isnt a big fucking deal with road collisions - Im just saying other drugs (including legal prescription drugs) may be under reported.
and I'm saying you're incorrect. Passing the breathalyzer isn't a get out of jail free card. If you fail one OR you fail a "road test" (touch your nose, walk this line, let me see your pupils, etc) to determine sobriety (cops use both) then you will be taken in and forced to take a blood test, which will show any narcotics you've taken in the last 2 weeks, depending on the drug.
On the other hand, if you're hung over and cause an accident as a result then there's not a lot cops can do. Alcohol won't show on the breathalyzer, and a blood test will show you well under the legal limit (if not zero). Alcohol in this case is far more likely to be under reported than narcotics.
Fox News offered Sarah Palin a new contract before she decided to part ways with the network where she has held forth as a commentator for the last three years.
However, it would be hard to describe it as a generous contract .
The new contract offered by Fox, say people familiar with the situation, would have provided only a fraction of the million-dollar-a-year salary. It was then, they say, that Palin turned it down and both sides agreed to call it quits.
That varies by state BTW.
You get the same problem with tired driving. Impossible to test for.
While it should be obvious that all of these symptoms will affect a driver's ability, a recent study by Brunel University in England on the effects of driving while hungover revealed some interesting data. The study's subjects were observed driving a five-mile course in driving simulators while sober and while experiencing the effects of a hangover. When comparing the two tests, it was found that:
•Hungover drivers drove an average of 10 mph faster.
•The average speed for sober drivers was 32.6 mph but rose to 41.7 mph for hungover drivers.
•Hungover drivers drove above the speed limit 26% of the time compared to only 6.3% of the time while sober.
•Hungover drivers left their lane four times as often as sober drivers.
•Hungover drivers committed double the number of traffic violations, such as running red lights.
•Traffic violations rose from an average of 3.9 for sober drivers to 8.5 for hungover drivers.
Not around here, not in the places I go to.Dont think it bothers people?
You want to never smell pot in shows.I have no idea what the last line means.
You want to never smell pot in shows.
People want to smoke pot at shows.
You seem to value your want infinitely higher than other people wants, and I think that's a sign of selfishness and entitlement, the very things you accuse pot smokers of.
I'm speaking of my state, since I can't speak for all 50.
Tired driving is indeed impossible to test for, but it doesn't have one distinct cause.
Hung over driving is a direct result of alcohol consumption, cannot be tested for, and is estimated to be just as detrimental to your driving ability as drunk driving is.
you can't ignore the possibility when arguing that "other drugs" might be under reported, when alcohol clearly is.
The above data points out that the effect of driving with a hangover is actually worse than the effects from driving under the influence of marijuana.