Haha, yeah, and America has the benefit of needing a ton of resources just to keep our current configuration going. Figuring out where to best allocate infrastructure resources is really easy right now.True it's an oversimplification to be sure, but anything, anything would be better than these last two wars. It cannot be overstated how dumb they were.
Also though, Japan has awesome trains. I want them here. Especially to replace the NE clusterfuck of train system we have now
I wouldn't mind seeing it just for the sake of putting the gun lobby and overzealous gun advocates back on their heels. I don't think it's necessarily needed from a practical perspective but, from a political perspective, I'm tired of gun fetishists somehow always being granted control of the narrative with their sheer paranoia, complete lack of empathy and no sense of balance. AWB wouldn't be the end of the world, it's not a slippery slope, get over it.An assault weapon ban would have little impact on anything.
A link to what?You sure about the bolded? You have a link to this list?
Wow, Stevens opinion on District of Columbia v Heller is a great read.
"While many are in business for themselves, they express hostile attitudes toward free enterprise in polls,""They are disproportionately low-income and disproportionately likely to receive some form of government support. More than half of Hispanic births are out of wedlock. Take away the Spanish surname and Latino voters look a great deal like many other Democratic constituencies."
"Unless we mean to legalize every illegal in the country — including violent felons, gang members, cartel henchmen, and the like — there will be of necessity a system for sorting them out."
Don't over think the GDP contraction -- military spending fell 22% in the last quarter. Yes, 22%. Given that, a 0.1% contraction is great news for the rest of the economy. This should clarify why the sequester is a real bad idea, though.
Also, revisions.
How exactly do I kill a man with a video game? A gun, sure, that's easy, I shoot them, but a video game? What, do I bludgeon them to death or something?
How exactly do I kill a man with a video game? A gun, sure, that's easy, I shoot them, but a video game? What, do I bludgeon them to death or something?
You break the game disk(s) into pieces and repeatedly stab the man with them.
But what if it's a cartridge-based game?
How exactly do I kill a man with a video game? A gun, sure, that's easy, I shoot them, but a video game? What, do I bludgeon them to death or something?
But what if it's a cartridge-based game?
Just seeing a copy of GTA 4 will inspire him to join a Satanist cult and drink himself to death on rat poison.How exactly do I kill a man with a video game? A gun, sure, that's easy, I shoot them, but a video game? What, do I bludgeon them to death or something?
hopium: http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2013/01/the-tectonic-impact-of-obamas-re-election.html
Obama's approval ratings
Guys did you know Obama single handedly stoped the previous imigration bill? Lets hope he doesn''t stand in the way of good hearted republicans this time!
Guys did you know Obama single handedly stoped the previous imigration bill? Lets hope he doesn''t stand in the way of good hearted republicans this time!
I saw someone on Fox News the other night try to claim that the last bill was stopped by Obama alone.
hilarious stuff.
With the exception of property taxes, which came in at $14 million less than projected, the citys revenue was greater than expected in all categories last year, including a $27 million surplus from traffic fines, and $68 million more from sales taxes. Estate tax revenue was $53 million greater than expected, with $50 million of that sum coming from collections on one deceased individuals wealth. Multiple city officials said they were not permitted to identify the deceased person.
The bill he voted for lol
I wouldn't be able to deal with Graham's shit, I'm glad I'm not Obama.
Same guy thats over in the OT?
http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/30/world/meast/israel-syria-strike/index.html?hpt=wo_c2Israeli airstrike hit Syrian military targets reportedly carrying weapons headed for Lebanon
Fighter jets struck the vehicles because they were carrying SA-17 missile parts, a Russian-made medium-range delivery system, and equipment that could have been employed in an attack against Israel, another source told CNN.
But Damascus said the strike had instead targeted a research facility near the Syrian capital.
I wonder if, after his Presidency, Obama is going to tactfully shit on every Republican asshole who tried to sabotage the country out of spite and hatred for him.
The rise of 2nd amendment popularity came from marketing by a gun manufacturer at the end of the 19th century.
A marketing ploy just to sell more produ and it change the interpretation of the 2nd amendment
I'm pretty sure America's love of the second amendment and guns in general predates the founding of the country and seems to have ties to protestants gaining the 'right' retain guns and to defend themselves in Britain. Although I have no doubt gun manufacturers want to paint owning a gun in the best light possible, and has marketed itself extensively.
Frankly, I think the 2nd amendment is detrimental to the sustained health of the nation. It was a stupid and pointless right when it was added, and will only get more pointless as technology advances.
Sixty-seven percent of self-identified [Texas] Republicans and 39 percent of all of those polled believe the president should be impeached.
Gotta say that's pretty surprising.
That the number is so low, amirite?
Sixty-seven percent of self-identified [Texas] Republicans and 39 percent of all of those polled believe the president should be impeached.
Gotta say that's pretty surprising.
That the number is so low, amirite?
Existing?Impeached for what, exactly?
Impeached for what, exactly?
Impeached for what, exactly?
I really need to finish my DHP post on the second amendment and the stupidity of DC v Heller, but I have so much work![]()
I wonder how many moderates even "self-identify" as Republicans anymore.Sixty-seven percent of self-identified [Texas] Republicans and 39 percent of all of those polled believe the president should be impeached.
Gotta say that's pretty surprising.
That the number is so low, amirite?
Wow, Stevens opinion on District of Columbia v Heller is a great read.
I wonder how many moderates even "self-identify" as Republicans anymore.
Just read it over myself. To summarize:
*multiple pages of wrecking Scalia's shit with facts...aww snap, that's how you do historical analysis of the Framers' intent...English muthafucka, do you speak it...militias, militias, militias...why the hell are you just making shit up about hunting and self-defense out of thin air, Scalia...
"...For these reasons, I respectfully dissent."
Just read it over myself. To summarize:
*multiple pages of wrecking Scalia's shit with facts...aww snap, that's how you do historical analysis of the Framers' intent...English muthafucka, do you speak it...militias, militias, militias...why the hell are you just making shit up about hunting and self-defense out of thin air, Scalia...
"...For these reasons, I respectfully dissent."
...Disagree with which?I've read Scalia's decision, and a summary of Stevens dissent and I have to completely disagree.