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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Interesting Freep thread:

While the title says it all, I thought a goodbye was in order.

While I've been a FReeper for well over a decade, I must declare that it is time to part ways. While I have the greatest respect for a great many of you, the days where I can in good conscience remain silent about the issues that set me apart from the rest of FReeperdom have past. For clarity, or perhaps catharsis, I'm not entirely certain which, I'll lay them out on the table an call the ZOT™ down upon myself.

The racism: I just can't handle it anymore. FR has become increasingly racist since President Obama took office, and enforcement has dropped. Now, not a single crime can be reported with an "amish" comment, and I've yet to see a post express embarrassment or shame when lo and behold sometimes the perpetrators turned out to be lily white.

Homosexuality: FR is on the wrong side of history on this one, and I'll just leave it at that.

Mostly though, it's the hate. More and more posts reference violent solutions to political disagreements. Some subtly couched, others make no pretense. I wouldn't be surprised at all if I read in the morning paper that a FReeper murdered a federal bureaucrat or a federal judge.

I've learned so much, from so many of you, and for that I'm grateful. I genuinely and truly wish all of you well, and sincerely hope you all live out the rest of your lives in happiness.

FYI, the concept of “racism”, which you should well know did not exist 150 years ago, and had to be invented, and it’s not something like a lightbulb that had to be invented, that concept is said to have been invented by none other than Leon Trotsky. It’s caught on, achieved its propagandistic purposes to the point where you and the Communists can sing Kumbaya together about it, even though it is something doesn’t exist, just like, say, global warming. Look up ethnocentrism, and tell us in what human culture, at what point in history, it did not appear.

Good luck in the church of anti-Racism!

This...I don't know whether to salute or shake my head. That's either a masterful troll or a crazy man


Everything you complain about began in FR as a REACTION to what was an overt set of policies instituted by this racist, hateful, homosexual-supporting socialist tyrant.

i can't read this place for more than 2 minutes at a time


Holy what the hell?!

Everything you complain about began in FR as a REACTION to what was an overt set of policies instituted by this racist, hateful, homosexual-supporting socialist tyrant.

We are angry. We tried being friendly and smiling and getting along with leftists.

They did a Trayvon with our heads into the pavement.

Good riddance.

Good job FR, you consistently hit the bottom of the barrel... Fuck...


i just wish somebody could actually be a tyrant and force them to review what Ronald Reagan actually did and then compare it to modern Obama policies

and then I wish somebody would also teach them what-the-fuck tyrant or socialist means at this point
Holy what the hell?!

Good job FR, you consistently hit the bottom of the barrel... Fuck...
That's sad that that person actually believes they tried to be friendly. I can only imagine the hate he or she must have been spewing at anyone who objected to any conservative opinion. It's like those stories of that woman who knocked on doors from the other day. They truly believe that they're the only ones being civil and that liberals are the evil fearmongering name callers. Smd.
That's sad that that person actually believes they tried to be friendly. I can only imagine the hate he or she must have been spewing at anyone who objected to any conservative opinion. It's like those stories of that woman who knocked on doors from the other day. They truly believe that they're the only ones being civil and that liberals are the evil fearmongering name callers. Smd.
I'm really curious at what point in Obama's presidency they thought conservatives tried to be accommodating.



The offensive posts are, obviously, offensive, but the sheer ignorance in many of the posts is stupefying.

Ok, Adios then.

Re the homosexuality thing, by the way, both my gay brothers contracted AIDS from homosexual behavior, one who died six years ago, the other still suffering with the chemo. It is not a historical issue: history is clear on the matter, as is scripture and doctrine. The conservative tradition is correct, that is, morally correct, and physically correct. Decadence carries a high price. God does not make mistakes, yet people do have the freedom to err.

Straight people can't contract HIV?

The racism: I just can't handle it anymore.
I've seen only one instance of racism here on Free Republic and that was back in summer 2009 when some moronic pictures and cartoons were posted about Obama's family (and his children) when they vacationed in France. The mods were quick on the draw and pulled the offensive thread.

Then the truth came out. The racist pictures and comments were the acts of leftist infiltrators trying to disrupt this site. It was clear that they weren't genuine FReepers. That one incident aside, Free Republic is perhaps the most non-racist site on the web. Have you forgotten that Jim Robinson looked very favorably on the candidacy of Herman Cain? And people like Thomas Sowell, Allen West and Clarence Thomas have long been held in high esteem here.

"Look guys, here are four black people that we can tolerate! Who's the real racist now?"
Everytime people mention Freepers I think of Freegans or whatever the dumpster divers call themselves and I guess one just does the dumpster diving mentally rather than physically?
Why even read anything on there? We already know Freepers are a worthless bunch of racists etc. Why give yourself the heartburn?

I oocasionally read stuff on there just to remind myself how completely out of it some people are. Your brain has to be pretty twisted to spew the stuff they do.
It constantly baffles me when liberals and Democrats go into red strongholds to breathe in the hate.

It's good to engage in constructive discussions with someone with a different point of view, but this isn't the way to go about it.


Sidhe / PikPok
i just wish somebody could actually be a tyrant and force them to review what Ronald Reagan actually did and then compare it to modern Obama policies

and then I wish somebody would also teach them what-the-fuck tyrant or socialist means at this point

A large portion of the US population clearly has no concept of the luxurious level of freedom they have compared to most of the rest of the world.

I'd suggest it would only take an hour to teach these people what the words they are usually actually mean, as well as some brief world history to give some examples and contrast.

The challenge is then the lifetime it would take to overcome their prejudices, fears, hate, and mistrust.
The daily incompetence of Erin Burnett.

Daily Mail UK (LOL)

yes that one! posted a story saying Chicago is demolishing Reagan's childhood home to make a Parking Lot for Obama's library.


Erin Burnett...with her impeccable journalistic skills tweets this:



and then the WH press secretary responds:


Another snippet from The Passage of Power. I had realized this, but I didn't realize this until Caro had laid it out in front of me.

Though presidents have been assassinated before, Johnson's ascendency was unique. Kennedy was killed on November 22, 1963. The next presidential election was less than a year away on November 3rd, 1964, and the Democratic convention was even earlier on August 24th. Though Johnson was the President, it was far from assured he would receive his party's nomination in the next election because Northeastern Democrats still didn't trust him on a wide range of issues (most importantly civil rights). So, that means, Johnson had to, within a year, do the following: assemble a cabinet loyal to him and build a functioning government that he could work with, clinch his party's nomination by passing the strong civil rights bill through Congress since Reconstruction, and in addition to that, build a legislative record strong enough he could run on for the election.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed on July 2nd, 1964.
Anyone post about the PPP poll that only has Brown up by 3 over Markey?

The race is certainly going to be interesting and it seems like Brown is going to run, if he loses he's basically done with politics for good


Anyone post about the PPP poll that only has Brown up by 3 over Markey?

The race is certainly going to be interesting and it seems like Brown is going to run, if he loses he's basically done with politics for good

I don't think so. He'll try for governor as well eventually. Massachusetts seems to still stubbornly like him.

Also, there was this poll as well, but I dunno what their reputation is:

Brown leads a generic Democrat in a theoretical general election match-up, 44 percent to 36 percent. When matched up against Markey specifically, Brown leads 53 percent to 31 percent. The poll was conducted prior to news stories about Lynch’s potential entrance into the race, and does not include a head to head match-up between Brown and Lynch.

Over half (55 percent) of Massachusetts registered voters view Scott Brown favorably.

Both Markey (59 percent) and Lynch (66 percent) have broad swaths of voters who did not offer an opinion of the Congressmen.
I don't think so. He'll try for governor as well eventually. Massachusetts seems to still stubbornly like him.

Also, there was this poll as well, but I dunno what their reputation is:

Well, if he didn't run for Kerry's seat I imagine he would go for Governor, but I can't imagine after losing twice that he'd run again. Maybe, Massachusetts seems to like Republican governors, but he'd be a two-time loser

PPP's poll is the first that shows the race that close, there's a couple others (including the one you posted) that showed Brown up a lot. PPP was the third most accurate pollster in 2012 and had a slight right lean that year, but it all depends on what their likely voter model is (which afaik is "do you plan on voting in this election? if no, hang up")

Either way, though, Coakley had a 30 point lead up on Brown at this point in 2010. Markey's name recognition is still not great and I doubt the Democrats are going to sit back and let another 2010 happen


Here's Durbin destroying LaPierre.

LaPierre. That sounds French. I don't trust that guy.

Giffords' husband at the end brings up the same point I always think about when people mention the "good guy with a gun" regarding how easily it would be for a well intentioned but untrained armed citizen to accidentally cause even more harm in these circumstances.


The Autumn Wind
Giffords' husband at the end brings up the same point I always think about when people mention the "good guy with a gun" regarding how easily it would be for a well intentioned but untrained armed citizen to accidentally cause even more harm in these circumstances.
I don't think many of these people thinking they'll play hero realize that gunning down an armed killer in the middle of mass hysteria is not the same as spending a couple hours at the shooting range every so often.
I don't think many of these people thinking they'll play hero realize that gunning down an armed killer in the middle of mass hysteria is not the same as spending a couple hours at the shooting range every so often.
Especially in a school setting. You'd need military training to get a shot at the bad guy in a chaotic situation.
Brown will be challenging a candidate less energetic/inspiring than Warren, in the beginning of summer, without Obama on the ticket. I'm not going to say he is a sure fire shot, but polls already show him well within striking distance; MA still likes the guy, mere months after he was exposed as a republican. We'll see. Lots of college kids will be heading home in late June



Whether you are liberal or conservative, libertarian, moderate or politically agnostic, everyone should be concerned when leaders of our government believe they can intentionally try to delegitimize a news organization they don’t like.

In fact, if you are a liberal – as I am – you should be the most offended, as liberalism is founded on the idea of cherishing dissent and an inviolable right to freedom of expression.

That more liberals aren't calling out the White House for this outrageous behavior tells you something about the state of liberalism in America today.
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