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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Holo-Biggie is unannounced act at this year's Governor's Ball festival.

East-side representin'. Book it.
This will not end well, you know Kings of Leon are packing
Seriously, 4 brothers from Tennessee, you're telling me that when they roll 4 deep it's not 10-15 guns in the club?

Ok I don't feel as bad that this guy is my senator.


I'm a sucker for this stuff. But seriously I vote on policy. Just joking about me now liking him
I was just making a joke, I don't think he's a terrible person, just very wrong on policy.
It is however, a very good reason to feel bad he's you senator, so I guess I was half joking.

EDIT: If Rubio's passion for rap gave you a hard on, prepare to get flaccid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mr4SaiRVf34

Just the same talking points on climate change: there is debate on whether there is scientific consensus, the climate is changing all the time, what's the point of action if we're the only ones committing, etc. The failure to connect the dots beyond "action on climate change may hurt certain industries" is pathetically short-sighted. How about taking the long-term view and realising that failing to take action now means that it's his kids and grand-kids that will be on the cleanup committee.

Luckily I don't care about climate change. Party on, Rubio

His fiscal views on the other hand...


The Autumn Wind
I was just making a joke, I don't think he's a terrible person, just very wrong on policy.
It is however, a very good reason to feel bad he's you senator, so I guess I was half joking.
Bill Nelson is my senator. Rubio can get fucked.
Ok I don't feel as bad that this guy is my senator.

@daveweigel: Rubio, asked point blank if climate change is a threat to Florida: “I’ve seen reasonable debate on that.”

@daveweigel: Rubio explaining why he voted against VAWA: “Who’s for violence against women? You can call a law anything you want?”

@journosnow Rubio dodges on #ENDA: “I don’t have it in front of me.” #BuzzFeedBrews
Just saw ToxicAdam still has his Poligaf tag yet he doesn't post here. Boo this man!

BOO the mods who snatched my tag and gave it to him. My tag was the same but revoked after TA created a winning thread title. After someone else created a new winning thread title, TA still retained his tag. I hate dictatorships.


haha i wasnt talking about that honestly, it's just that i cant get enough of that meme. it's a problem i know, i considered posting here first, because here is great.

Yea, I posted it here then went to OT and saw you posted it an hour earlier.

They need congressional approval don't they?
I've been studying up because of my French Contemporary Cinema class, but I think France's semi-presidential system of government is great. Something to look at for a modern democracy.
So absurd that a government service has to pay for itself; they should be subsided with tax revenues. Let's hold the military to the same standard, we might have to cut back on bombing the hell out of people.

At the same time, it could use a little streamlining. USPS is basically 80% junk mail, 15% bills and 5% actual mail from family / friends. As I slowly move to electronic billing, the ratio will only get worse. Don't get me wrong though ... I think it's stupuid they have to fund themselves as well.


At the same time, it could use a little streamlining. USPS is basically 80% junk mail, 15% bills and 5% actual mail from family / friends. As I slowly move to electronic billing, the ratio will only get worse. Don't get me wrong though ... I think it's stupuid they have to fund themselves as well.
The Postal Service is in the midst of a major restructuring throughout its retail, delivery and mail processing operations. Since 2006, it has cut annual costs by about $15 billion.

they are doing a pretty good job cleaning up recently. They've been revamping their delivery systems so they become actually useful as well. I almost always ship via USPS when i have to pay for shipping. Its cheaper and quicker


The Cryptarch's Bane
At the same time, it could use a little streamlining. USPS is basically 80% junk mail, 15% bills and 5% actual mail from family / friends. As I slowly move to electronic billing, the ratio will only get worse. Don't get me wrong though ... I think it's stupuid they have to fund themselves as well.
Well, they do shipping. That's unaffected by this though (packages on Sat. are still A-ok)

edit: And just to be clear I fucking love the USPS. So reasonable <3


No Scrubs
So absurd that a government service has to pay for itself; they should be subsided with tax revenues. Let's hold the military to the same standard, we might have to cut back on bombing the hell out of people.

If I remember right the problem is that they have to have the full pensions ready for each of their workers as soon as they are hired on or something equally stupid.


If I remember right the problem is that they have to have the full pensions ready for each of their workers as soon as they are hired on or something equally stupid.

Considering our government's recent attitudes on paying back debts, it's probably a wise idea to set aside that money. But still stupid, since they are only resource constrained due to idiotic policy.


No Scrubs
Considering our government's recent attitudes on paying back debts, it's probably a wise idea to set aside that money. But still stupid, since they are only resource constrained due to idiotic policy.

It just seems silly to me to have them pay for the entire pension of a worker they just hired on, who isn't going to be needing it for at least 20 years or so. No one else does it that way simply because it's impossible to afford.


Bwah? Walker's doing something good, I think.

Madison - In the wake of recent mass shootings in Wisconsin and around the country, Gov. Scott Walker said Wednesday he would seek nearly $29 million more in state money for treating mental illness.

Speaking to the Wisconsin Counties Association, the Republican governor said that the funding would improve children's lives, lower the use of other public services by mentally ill residents left untreated and pull in tens of millions of dollars in additional federal money.

Walker said that the state initiatives would also improve public safety and that plans to address the issue of mental health took on greater urgency after the mass killings. But he was also careful not to imply that there would be a clear link between treating mental illness and preventing mass killings.

"It goes beyond just that," Walker said of the need for more treatment of mental illness. "We've got to break that (social) stigma."

Walker said the $28.9 million in state money would go to a range of programs to help families and foster children, address mental illness and substance abuse through outpatient programs and additional inpatient units for those who need more direct intervention.


Yet he's still undecided on whether to participate in the Medicaid expansion under Obamacare.

It seems you're right. I forgot he was still going back and forth on that... Ugh.

&#8220;Some suggest we should accept the federal government's offer of additional funds under provisions of the Affordable Care Act. However, given the uncertainty around the federal budget, long-term funding is highly uncertain,&#8221; Walker wrote. &#8220;Think about it. Congress can't pay for what they mandate today. What makes us think they can pay for even bigger costs in the future.&#8221;

Welp, dude's a fucking moron, for sure.

For one, none of that makes any goddamned sense. Congress can pay for what they mandate today. For two, you're a goddamned governor, not the fucking congress's watchdog. If they "run out" (LOL) years down the road it's not your fucking problem, it's theirs. Making the poor people here suffer because you think some other people will be inept down the road doesn't make any sense at all.

Wonder if he's using the mental health expansion as cover to keep refusing the medicaid expansion.


No Sat. delivery is a bummer. But I know a few people who want to see the USPS gone altogether. Even funnier is how they claim to be pro-business. :lol

the proper phrase is "The Alan Colmes Position." ;)

Already filled by Beckle on The Five, and whenever Juan Williams pops up.

Morris was in a league of crazy all his own

Yet so many people 'shared' his election prediction on my FB feed.


This Post Office crap really bothers me. My business relies 150% on cheap USPS flat-rate boxes, it would die a brutal death if not for the USPS. I fear what's coming next.

LOL Fox News.

Basically, GOP still loves Fox (though it's dwindling) and split on who they hate more, everyone else hates Fox but is split among who they like more.

lol @ some GOPers saying Comedy Central is the least trusted news source.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Rubio giving the SOTU response

I always find the concept of SOTU responses hilarious.

It's an outline of the president's national priorities and the conditions of the country. A response is basically the opposition going "LOOK AT MEEEEEEEEEEEE"

Might make sense if we actually had a parliamentary system.


The Cryptarch's Bane
LOL Fox News.

Basically, GOP still loves Fox (though it's dwindling) and split on who they hate more, everyone else hates Fox but is split among who they like more.

lol @ some GOPers saying Comedy Central is the least trusted news source.
It's always been this way, but the fact that Conservatives almost universally only trust one news source, the biggest and most successful one in the world, while decrying the bias found in the "mainstream media," is just too delicious.

Mike M

Nick N
I'm hoping he pulls a Jindal and bombs.

Best possible outcome, but I think Rubio's had a little more exposure. Did Jindal even have any exposure to the national stage prior to his Kenneth The Page impression knocking volcano monitoring in Alaska a month before a volcanic erruption?


No Scrubs
Best possible outcome, but I think Rubio's had a little more exposure. Did Jindal even have any exposure to the national stage prior to his Kenneth The Page impression knocking volcano monitoring in Alaska a month before a volcanic erruption?

Not really no. It doesn't mean Rubio can't bomb it hard, I'm sure he'll do something stupid maybe just not as stupid.
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