PPP Results
Which corporation do you trust for your news. How sad.
PPP Results
TPM said:Pretty amazed by this. Sen. Levin appears to have consented to Sen. Cruzs demand for an open-ended investigation into every speech Hagel gave in the last four years and what foreign governments and foreign agents may have influenced him.
oh god, they're going to find out Hagel is the cause of Benghazi.
Obama resignation coming.
oh god, they're going to find out Hagel is the cause of Benghazi.
Obama resignation coming.
Is this some veiled insinuation that Hagel's comments re:Israel are the result if him being in league with Iran or something? Seriously, WTF is this, someone help me out.
Much has been made in recent weeks about the NRA's political strength, but PPP's newest national poll finds more voters consider their endorsement to be a negative than a positive. 39% say they would be less likely to vote for a candidate who had the NRA's support to just 26% who say they'd be more likely to, with 32% saying it wouldn't influence them one way or the other. Among independents 41% consider an NRA endorsement to be a turn off to 27% who say it's a plus.
Is this some veiled insinuation that Hagel's comments re:Israel are the result if him being in league with Iran or something? Seriously, WTF is this, someone help me out.
It's interesting how political empires can collapse so suddenly.NRA being delegitimized since Sandy pretty hard.
(CNN) -- It's best not to monkey around with Donald Trump -- or maybe that's a bad choice of words.
The billionaire real estate mogul is suing millionaire comedian Bill Maher for $5 million.
Because Maher said -- in jest, as comedians are wont to do -- that he would donate $5 million to a charity if Trump could prove he wasn't the "the spawn of his mother having sex with an orangutan."
"I'm not saying it's true," Maher told Jay Leno on "The Tonight Show" last month.
"I hope it's not true, but unless he comes up with proof ... I'm willing to offer $5 million to Donald Trump that he can donate to a charity of his choice -- Hair Club for Men; The Institute for Incorrigible Douche-bag-ery. Whatever charity."
What a waste of resources...
Conservatives think really think that Rubio is the "Republican Obama".
What a waste of space...
There was a conservative GAFer who really loved Rubio, but I forget who. He always mentioned how Rubio's backstory was so inspirational, and how well he spoke.
Damn...I can't remember who it was though.
Not every house gets a package every day. The route is much quicker.
Cheebs perhaps? His background never made an impression on me.fixed
Rubio's speech will be in Spanish btw. He's pretty good at giving speeches, as his RNC one showed. Can't say I've been impressed by him on the stump though. He hasn't done much of anything in the senate; I suppose in that sense he is the republican Obama. And while he's currently beating the drum on immigration I won't believe it until he actually votes for a bill.
It'll be subtitled in Spanish?
Excellent. Alienate the base right off the bat. Should be fun.Rubio's speech will be in Spanish btw. He's pretty good at giving speeches, as his RNC one showed. Can't say I've been impressed by him on the stump though. He hasn't done much of anything in the senate; I suppose in that sense he is the republican Obama. And while he's currently beating the drum on immigration I won't believe it until he actually votes for a bill.
And suddenly, Scott Brown not running in the special election makes sense. Why represent constituents when you can make money spreading propaganda with no consequences instead? Can we make "DeMint" a verb?
Excellent. Alienate the base right off the bat. Should be fun.
Rubio's speech will be in Spanish btw.
It's not a big deal. To sane, rational people. But that's not who I'm referring to.They had a separate guy give a spanish speech with the same content last year if my memory serves me right it was. I don't think thats a big deal at all.
It's not a big deal. To sane, rational people. But that's not who I'm referring to.
What a waste of resources...
The bubble is soundproof.Didn't we all decide this was an incredibly stupid idea last year?
Didn't we all decide this was an incredibly stupid idea last year?
OMG YES!!!!!Dick Morris on Piers Morgan Tonight right now.
He's such a cartoon character. He simply refuses to answer any question with Nate Silver in it. I think he knows the days of punditry are over.
I was responding to PD's insinuation that by highlighting the fact that Rubio speaks spanish it will make a difference. (Though I hope he speaks better than our other Spanish Speaking president) If it the same speech as it will be in english then I don't think it'll gain traction. I'd be interested if they change it
I think also that the Spanish speech will only be on univision not that the Spanish speech will be the main speech.
Didn't we all decide this was an incredibly stupid idea last year?
In criticizing the private college presidents, Representative Virginia Foxx, the North Carolina Republican who leads the subcommittee on higher education, adapted the famous statement from the German theologian Martin Niemöller on Germans who ignored Nazi persecution. ("First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out because I was not a communist.")
" 'They came for the for-profits, and I didn't speak up...' " Foxx said. "Nobody really spoke up like they should have."
I didn't insinuate anything, I merely stated he will be giving the response in Spanish, and it will be subtitled for English audiences. Steve Deace just mentioned he talked to some conservative grata roots operatives who aren't happy about it.
He'll get 35-40% of the Hispanic vote, which is enough to win under normal circumstances. The asterisk will be whether Hillary runs
He'll get 35-40% of the Hispanic vote, which is enough to win under normal circumstances.
You are wrong as usual.
To be fair, he'll get a chunk of that "not sure" low information voter block.
In PD's defence, I would expect to see that figure rise if:
- Rubio got the nomination
- GOP help pass immigration reform
- No republicans say anything stupid about latino immigrants that the DEMS can jump on
That's a big "if" though.
Exactly. Hispanics aren't a monolithic voting block that will automatically vote for a Spanish speaker. Besides, just wait and see how Rubio will get annihilated in primaries over his immigration backing. All this talk of him being a national candidate is moot.He'll have to do more than that. I'm not sure you guys understand the Hispanic population in the US. Those are similar favorabilities that Romney had.
He'll have to do more than that. I'm not sure you guys understand the Hispanic population in the US. Those are similar favorabilities that Romney had.