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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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For the third month in a row in our national 2016 GOP tracking Rubio leads the way. He's at 22% to 15% for Paul Ryan, 13% each for Jeb Bush and Chris Christie, 11% for Mike Huckabee, 10% for Rand Paul, 4% for Bobby Jindal, 3% for Rick Perry, and 1% for Susana Martinez. Rubio continues to lead based on his appeal to the furthest right segment of the Republican Party- he's at 28% with 'very conservative' voters to 15% for Huckabee and 14% for Ryan.
On the Democratic side Hillary Clinton continues to dominate both nationally and in Iowa. Nationally she's at 58% to 19% for Joe Biden, 8% for Elizabeth Warren, and 3% for Andrew Cuomo. She's even stronger in Iowa at 68% to 21% for Biden with no one else over 2%. Her favorability rating with Democrats there is 90/5.

If Clinton doesn't run Democrats are pretty open to a Biden candidacy. Nationally he gets 57% to 13% for Warren and 5% for Cuomo, and in Iowa he gets 58% to 13% for Cuomo and 7% for Warren. If neither Clinton nor Biden ran a plurality of Democrats- 36% nationally and 37% in Iowa- would be undecided.


As much as I want to agree with this...they said the same thing about Obama in 07.
They also said it about Ron Paul.
Conventional wisdom is not always right, but it's right quite a lot.

Edit: not sure it was the consensus about Obama in '07, a lot of people had pegged him for presidency since 2004.

Rubio shouldn't even run if Hillary is involved. Dude is only 41, he will get his chance. Hillary is going to steamroll whoever she faces. Republicans should martyr someone who will put a good face on the party but who they don't care about being painted as a loser.
Rubio shouldn't even run if Hillary is involved. Dude is only 41, he will get his chance. Hillary is going to steamroll whoever she faces. Republicans should martyr someone who will put a good face on the party but who they don't care about being painted as a loser.

But according to PD all Rubio/GOP candidate needs is 35% of hispanic vote and he will win.


That girl in the bunny hat
Rubio shouldn't even run if Hillary is involved. Dude is only 41, he will get his chance. Hillary is going to steamroll whoever she faces. Republicans should martyr someone who will put a good face on the party but who they don't care about being painted as a loser.

Let Ron Paul run. It'd be hilarious.


I need to be explained what constituency he appeals to. Throw Hispanics out if we're talking him going national.
Rubio's appeal is based upon the Obama mold: Young, telegenic, inspiring, a paradigm shattering minority, and the promise of a realigning election that could usher in a new conservative era for 30 years.

It's an imperfect fit. Republicans need a "conservative with a smile" as a standard bearer and Rubio has a pained smile, an unnatural sunniness. He's not tall like Obama or JFK before him. He's balding and frankly not that handsome. He's not a gifted intellectual and shows it in self-serving moments like wasting his 5 minutes with John Kerry during the confirmation hearing by giving a 4 minute sermon on how wrong Obama's foreign policy is.

And lastly, Republican dreams of ushering in a new conservative era are mostly fantasy now. Obama's already defining this era and the demographic trends have firmly established the Democrats as the majority party, as 2012 proved. Republicans are too late, they'll have to wait a number of years now for the current liberal ascendancy to run its course and for the public to be open to a new message.

Parties only get a few chances to have a lasting election that gives them a President who leaves his mark on the times. Usually elections are like 2004 for the Democrats or 2012 for Republicans: mostly filler, and with no real chance of changing the dynamic long-term. Republicans got theirs in 1980 and took it, Democrats had theirs in 2008 and they got it. Republican fancy Rubio as a man of destiny who will meet the moment, but I just don't see the moment coming up.


Rubio shouldn't even run if Hillary is involved. Dude is only 41, he will get his chance. Hillary is going to steamroll whoever she faces. Republicans should martyr someone who will put a good face on the party but who they don't care about being painted as a loser.

I said this earlier this week. Rubio definitely looks like he's making a run for it, but I do wonder if he'd step back if Hillary ran. I don't think it's a given that she steamrolls anyone. It's not quite a given, though she has a good chance to. It's enough of a hazard, though that yeah I don't know that a 41 year old guy would really want to risk that.

It'll be interesting to see if any of the bigger names step back a bit if/when Hillary announces.


Rubio shouldn't even run if Hillary is involved. Dude is only 41, he will get his chance. Hillary is going to steamroll whoever she faces. Republicans should martyr someone who will put a good face on the party but who they don't care about being painted as a loser.
I'm looking forward to the despair that'll be on display when the Dems win their third and hopefully fourth Presidential elections. Gonna be delicious.
I'm looking forward to the despair that'll be on display when the Dems win their third and hopefully fourth Presidential elections. Gonna be delicious.

The day Scalia steps down and Obama or Hillary replaces them with a Liberal Judge.

Now THAT is going to be delicious.

Essentially the GOP can't use the Judiciary Branch for....anything! For an entire generation potentially.
CHEEZMO™;47439829 said:
I have some dipshit on my Twitter feed who occasionally makes RAND PAUL 2016 tweets.

I want it.

I wonder what Ron Paul fans think of Rand's semi-neoconservative foreign policy speech last week and him arguing for more foreign aid (for Israel of course)


The day Scalia steps down and Obama or Hillary replaces them with a Liberal Judge.

Now THAT is going to be delicious.

Essentially the GOP can't use the Judiciary Branch for....anything! For an entire generation potentially.
I would think that Scalia's replacement day would be the point where they realize that all is lost, and that there's no denying it or hope to turn things around. Having five judges on the high court has been their ace in the hole for decades now, and losing such a trump card would be devastating.

I think I'd take off of work and watch Fox all day when it happens. Yup.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Sorry, based on historical evidence he will get a good amount of the Hispanic vote simply due to his race. I'm not saying Hispanics are monolithic, just that we seen the same pattern with every other race, yours is not special (see Kennedy, Mario Cuomo, JC Watts, etc). By 2015/2016 his association with the tea party will be long over, he'll be moderating his stances, and he could have immigration reform under his belt.

Historical evidence? Can you name one cuban-american that has garnered the majority of the non-cuban american Hispanic vote. The difference in this case is that Hispanic immigrants are from a huge number of different countries, with vastly different cultures, ideologies, class structure, etc. Most African-Americans in the US are not recent immigrants, thus they can identify with another Africa-American politician more readily, i.e. they are basically from the same group. Same goes for Italian-Americans (also, just one country), or whichever other examples you mentioned. Has history shown that a Chinese-American politician garnered the majority of the Japanese-American vote, or vice versa? I would be very surprised if it has.
There are few people who aren't better than Jindal.

The GOP base will never vote for someone named "Piyush." I wouldn't expect them to vote for someone named Rubio, either, but I'm sure there's plenty who will convince themselves he's Italian.

Got evidence? Not doubting you, I've just never heard that before. Rouse have him a list of pet projects including campaign finance reform, I never got the impression he truly cared about them.

Why didn't we just elect Pete Rouse? He's obviously the power behind the throne. And Barack Obama is empty at his core and cares about nothing. PD, you've once again struck at the heart of the matter!

WTF is that? He basically just stole Kerry's joke and drew a picture of it. The well must have been really dry that day.

Plus, those are some damn tall heels, almost stripper height.


The problem with Rubio is that they're throwing a "spanish"* guy out there go get the latino vote, by being obvious about going after the latino vote.

Obama hasn't done much**, but what he has done was made sure that voting by blocks is irrelevant. He never chased the black vote, but he got nearly all of it. He never directly chased the young vote and got a huge portion of it. He never pandered to "white issues" and got a good portion of them.

That's the problem with the GOP, unlike themselves, most voters simply aren't whittled down into individual topics, or individual ideals.

He'll be Herman Cain'ed in less than two years.

*Cuban people don't really count as spanish people. /racist

**Apart from hitlering a recovery and commieing energy indepence and OBL
Cain was never a serious candidate, nor is he a smart person in general. I think Rubio deserves some credit and respect to a degree. He may be Cuban but I see no reason to believe he'll bomb with Hispanics nationally because of this; besides he only needs 35-40% of the Hispanic vote. I'm guessing he'll be courting Hispanic groups, media, and leaders nonstop for the next two years and it will work in his benefit.

He may be marketed as a Hispanic magnet but that doesn't make him a nonstarter with white people. Time will tell where the country will be ideologically in a couple years, and whether his conservative ideals will be popular. Gore and democrats thought thy were pretty invincible in 1997 yet republicans won the WH in the next election; Obama is no Clinton, and the economy remains weak. We don't know where the country will be in 2015/2016, or whether Obama will be a popular president or seen as a failure. Not do we know if Hillary will run or whether she's even healthy enough to run.

Obama barnstormed the country for democrats in 2006. Obviously democrats were going to have a big year regardless but he was credited with helping a lot of people win, and he banked a lot of support; straight out of Nixon's playbook. Rubio is perhaps the only energetic republican out there, outside of Chrisie; he will be barn storming in 2014 too, and if history repeats then republicans will have a good election, which he will receive credit for. In short, the chips are already in his favor.
I can't wait to hear Rubio explain to Hispanic audiences why it's great policy that a Cuban who sets foot on Florida sand gets an automatic path to citizenship.
Cain was never a serious candidate, nor is he a smart person in general. I think Rubio deserves some credit and respect to a degree. He may be Cuban but I see no reason to believe he'll bomb with Hispanics nationally because of this; besides he only needs 35-40% of the Hispanic vote. I'm guessing he'll be courting Hispanic groups, media, and leaders nonstop for the next two years and it will work in his benefit.

He may be marketed as a Hispanic magnet but that doesn't make him a nonstarter with white people. Time will tell where the country will be ideologically in a couple years, and whether his conservative ideals will be popular. Gore and democrats thought thy were pretty invincible in 1997 yet republicans won the WH in the next election; Obama is no Clinton, and the economy remains weak. We don't know where the country will be in 2015/2016, or whether Obama will be a popular president or seen as a failure. Not do we know if Hillary will run or whether she's even healthy enough to run.

Obama barnstormed the country for democrats in 2006. Obviously democrats were going to have a big year regardless but he was credited with helping a lot of people win, and he banked a lot of support; straight out of Nixon's playbook. Rubio is perhaps the only energetic republican out there, outside of Chrisie; he will be barn storming in 2014 too, and if history repeats then republicans will have a good election, which he will receive credit for. In short, the chips are already in his favor.

Can a mod please change his username to "Dick Morris?"
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