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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Why? He didn't accomplish much of anything outside of sink money into failing projects

I know you're trolling, but please don't help perpetuate this bullshit.

All you're doing is fanning the flames of social resistance. It's part of the reason why our infrastructure continues to suffer
I know you're trolling, but please don't help perpetuate this bullshit.

All you're doing is fanning the flames of social resistance. It's part of the reason why our infrastructure continues to suffer

How is that a troll? A lot of people believe Chu was out of his element in the DoE, and the administration's energy strategy has largely been to throw money at green start ups that haven't blossomed.


I know you're trolling, but please don't help perpetuate this bullshit.

All you're doing is fanning the flames of social resistance. It's part of the reason why our infrastructure continues to suffer

Clearly he was a big failure while he was running things:

A review of loan portfolio indicates total defaults are likely to be in the range $400 - $800 million dollars, or about one quarter the amount projected and budgeted before. Based on a reasonable assessment of outstanding portfolio financial profile and risks, the DOE loan program can therefore rationally only be viewed as a big success
Given the clear success of its loan guarantee program to date based on rational measures of financial performance and on other measures including security, employment and US competitiveness, the largest risk is that DOE slows its loan guarantee program. Failing to make substantial additional loan guarantees to expand US strength in renewable and clean energy, strengthen US jobs, competiveness and security would be an irrational failure.

No wait...the other thing.

Also clean energy hasn't risen much either

Before President Obama took office, the U.S. had 25 gigawatts of wind power, and the government’s ‘base case’ energy forecast expected 40 GW by 2030. Well, it’s not quite 2030 yet, but we’ve already got 50 GW of wind. We’ve also got about 5 GW of solar, which isn’t much but is over six times as much as we had before Obama.”


The weatherization thing was also such a lame thing, it's only saving people $400 per year on electricity bills.

According to DOE (PDF), every weatherized home saves its occupants an average of up to $400 annually on energy bills. Low-income families spend a higher percentage of their total income on their energy bills – nearly 14%, compared to some 3% for higher-earning households, according to the same DOE study.



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Sorry for double post but this is unrelated to above.


edit: fuck I'm an idiot
Fox has an article about traditional marriage

The problem? The picture Suzanne Venker uses is actually of two lesbian women.

Here is it archived into the internet once Fox finds out what picture it actually used. It appears it's a bit old, but the first I've heard of it

This fucking news outlet is such a goddamn joke. I want to bash my head in every single time I read this shit.

edit: fuck I'm an idiot

...What kind of "very liberal" person thinks video games are more dangerous than guns?

Edit: Never mind, apparently. Confused now. :p
Fox has an article about traditional marriage

The problem? The picture Suzanne Venker uses is actually of two lesbian women.

Here is it archived into the internet once Fox finds out what picture it actually used. It appears it's a bit old, but the first I've heard of it

The picture is a pittance of a problem compared to what's actually written in the article. But by all means, focus on the picture!

This message is not an anomaly; the idea that women don’t need men or marriage is palpable. It began in earnest more than forty years ago, with the modern feminist movement. Feminists assured women their efforts would result in more satisfying marriages, but the result is something else altogether. It looks something like this:

1. Women postpone marriage indefinitely and move in and out of intense romantic relationships, or even live with their boyfriends for years at a time. Eventually, their biological clocks start ticking and many decide they better hurry up and get married to provide a stable home for their yet-to-be-born children. Trouble is, their boyfriend’s not willing to commit.

So women should settle as soon as they can for a man and pop out babies? They can't be too picky? What the fuck are you trying to say here, lady?

2. Marriage becomes a competitive sport. The complementary nature of marriage—in which two people work together, as equals, toward the same goal but with an appreciation for the qualities each gender brings to the table—has been obliterated. Today, husbands and wives are locked in a battle about whom does more on the home front and how they’re going to get everything done. That’s not a marriage. That’s war.
Then who is going to do the majority of the home work? Women?

Today, men and women have no idea who’s supposed to do what.

Prior to the 1970s, people viewed gender roles as as equally valuable. Many would argue women had the better end of the deal! It’s hard to claim women were oppressed in a nation in which men were expected to stand up when a lady enters the room or to lay down their lives to spare women life. When the Titanic went down in 1912, its sinking took 1,450 lives. Only 103 were women. One-hundred three.
Oh...women...I guess. Because it's a defined gender role. Why do we have to have defined gender roles?

And how in the world is this women being nostalgic about the 1910s? A time when women couldn't vote, could barely get a higher education, and couldn't hold respectable positions in businesses and government. I got $10 down (or however much that is in 1912, adjusting for inflation) that she wouldn't be able to publish this article in a widely-circulated newspaper.

That's probably like a $10,000 bet.


The Autumn Wind
Suzanne Venker seems to be the go-to writer at Fox to talk about how useless and helpless women are. Can't have a man write that stuff, after all.
Oh...women...I guess. Because it's a defined gender role. Why do we have to have defined gender roles?

And how in the world is this women being nostalgic about the 1910s? A time when women couldn't vote, could barely get a higher education, and couldn't hold respectable positions in businesses and government. I got $10 down (or however much that is in 1912, adjusting for inflation) that she wouldn't be able to publish this article in a widely-circulated newspaper.

That's probably like a $10,000 bet.
She'd submit her article, have it rejected on the grounds of being written by a woman, smack her head and say "Of course! Writing for newspapers is a man's job!" and go back to leading a happy fulfilling life only taking care of sons.
The picture is a pittance of a problem compared to what's actually written in the article. But by all means, focus on the picture!

Fox News having articles that say stuff like that is a foregone conclusion. I'm not particularly surprised or stunned by anything posted on their site, especially opinion posts, unless it's something which actually makes sense (which is pretty rare)

I merely find it funny the author talks about traditional gender roles (presumably traditional marriage as well) and uses a picture of two lesbian women to demonstrate it


So women should settle as soon as they can for a man and pop out babies? They can't be too picky? What the fuck are you trying to say here, lady?
The standard line here is that this isn't something an individual woman can fix, although being a good Christian girl helps. The point is that this is what feminism has wrought. We must dismantle feminism to limit the ability of men to "get the milk for free". These people take a pretty dim view of women, but they also don't seem to think too highly of men. We only care about sex. If you dig into this you hear a lot about how women and traditional gender roles are important because they civilize men; they support pretty nasty restrictions on women's choices because women are responsible for keeping men well-behaved.

Also, holy crap at "Prior to the 1970s, people viewed gender roles as equally valuable". Suuuuuure.

Also also, what about non-white women?
So I'm reading a book on the Arab-Israeli conflict, and again I'm coming to the conclusion that Pres. Carter was severely underrated. The book was talking about how Carter personally salvaged the Camp David Egyptian-Israeli negotiations on multiple occasions. He ended up convincing both sides that if they didn't compromise the US would turn their back on them diplomatically and then offered lots of aid money as a further incentive. Apparently Carter's offers are why Israel and Egypt get the most aid money to to this day (or at least before Mubarak fell).

Carter didn't get the more comprehensive solutions looking for, but he still did a pretty good job.
Fox News having articles that say stuff like that is a foregone conclusion. I'm not particularly surprised or stunned by anything posted on their site, especially opinion posts, unless it's something which actually makes sense (which is pretty rare)

I merely find it funny the author talks about traditional gender roles (presumably traditional marriage as well) and uses a picture of two lesbian women to demonstrate it

Doesn't mean they should be ignored or overlooked.


So I'm reading a book on the Arab-Israeli conflict, and again I'm coming to the conclusion that Pres. Carter was severely underrated. The book was talking about how Carter personally salvaged the Camp David Egyptian-Israeli negotiations on multiple occasions. He ended up convincing both sides that if they didn't compromise the US would turn their back on them diplomatically and then offered lots of aid money as a further incentive. Apparently Carter's offers are why Israel and Egypt get the most aid money to to this day (or at least before Mubarak fell).

Carter didn't get the more comprehensive solutions looking for, but he still did a pretty good job.

This is why I find America's unconditional support of Israel so stupid. How the hell are you supposed to put pressure on them to do something that they dont necessarily want to do if you will always support them and never take away aid money?
Doesn't mean they should be ignored or overlooked.

It's an opinion piece, there's plenty of terrible opinions all over the internet. There's no point in getting upset over someone's horrible opinion because there's a lot of them in the world

The picture has been changed, as an fyi. That was fast


It's an opinion piece, there's plenty of terrible opinions all over the internet. There's no point in getting upset over someone's horrible opinion because there's a lot of them in the world

The picture has been changed, as an fyi. That was fast

Getting upset about dumb opinions is the entire purpose of the Internet.


As much as I want to agree with this...they said the same thing about Obama in 07.
Yup. The quick dismissal of Rubio has to make you wonder if it's because people really think he might be able to pull it off.

Only Hillary can save us. Besides her, who do Dems really have? No one...
It's an opinion piece, there's plenty of terrible opinions all over the internet. There's no point in getting upset over someone's horrible opinion because there's a lot of them in the world

The picture has been changed, as an fyi. That was fast

I'm not getting upset. It's more fun to discuss what's written in the article.
Yup. The quick dismissal of Rubio has to make you wonder if it's because people really think he might be able to pull it off.

Only Hillary can save us. Besides her, who do Dems really have? No one...

Obama wasn't the favorite nor was he being anointed as the savoir of the Democratic Party.
Clearly he was a big failure while he was running things:

No wait...the other thing.

Also clean energy hasn't risen much either


The weatherization thing was also such a lame thing, it's only saving people $400 per year on electricity bills.

Never said he was some utter failure, I said his tenure was mixed and largely focused on pimping money into unproven start ups and R&D (most of which can be credited to the stimulus, and would have been done without him). We won't know the true impact of this for some time. Meanwhile shame is poised to have more of an impact on energy over the next decade.
Never said he was some utter failure, I said his tenure was mixed and largely focused on pimping money into unproven start ups and R&D (most of which can be credited to the stimulus, and would have been done without him). We won't know the true impact of this for some time. Meanwhile shame is poised to have more of an impact on energy over the next decade.

Right, because what you said wasn't implying "utter failure" at all. Come on, you can do better than this.
Right, because what you said wasn't implying "utter failure" at all. Come on, you can do better than this.
Read the post again. I questioned why people thought he did a great job considering his tenure was dominated by financing green energy tech that hasn't taken off. Obviously part of that is the government's fault in terms of lack of focus (compared to Saudi Arabia and China) but the government has been pumping billions into these markets for years.
I read that post again before making the comment. You were implying he was an utter failure, which is why people were so glad to see Copernicus shut you down.
Read the post again. I questioned why people thought he did a great job considering his tenure was dominated by financing green energy tech that hasn't taken off. Obviously part of that is the government's fault in terms of lack of focus (compared to Saudi Arabia and China) but the government has been pumping billions into these markets for years.

Well stop watching Fox News. Yeah, Solyndra went bankrupt . . . why? Because solar prices have dropped so steeply that it is now very economical to slap PV up on your house. Natural gas prices are cheap and we consider that a victory but when solar prices drop we consider that a failure? WTF?!?! New industries always involve a large amount of failure. How many Altair, Sinclair, Atari, Amiga, TRS-80, Ti, Commodore 64, or other personal computers are around today? None. So is the PC industry a big failure? Herp derp.

Energy has done really well in the past 4 years. Domestic oil production is up, natural gas prices are down, solar prices are down and installations are up like crazy, wind prices are down and installations are up like crazy, etc. The USA's energy situation is the envy Europe and Asia right now.


Good thing Chu took a few minutes away from randomly making it rain on anyone wanting a handout for planting trees to use gamma rays to help out with that whole BP spill thing, or the whole inventing electrofuels copout.

Sounds like another deadweight to me (ignore the fact that he's been the longest acting energy secretary), now let's take him to task for something ..... that was anticipated?

The test for America's policy makers will be whether they are willing to accept a few failures in exchange for many successes. America's entrepreneurs and innovators who are leaders in global clean energy race understand that not every risk can – or should – be avoided. Michelangelo said, "The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark."
Read the post again. I questioned why people thought he did a great job considering his tenure was dominated by financing green energy tech that hasn't taken off. Obviously part of that is the government's fault in terms of lack of focus (compared to Saudi Arabia and China) but the government has been pumping billions into these markets for years.

It's like you give credence to every vague or disingenuous talking point that Bullshit Mountain has pimped.


without hillary, who will stop husted from installing demon programs on every voting machine in ohio again?
Hey there! You continue to mock me about that, but it's still worth getting concerned about despite the fact that Obama carried Ohio.

In a closer outcome it could have mattered. Simply put, no one should be advocating the usage of what is essentially alpha or beta software for tallying votes. Period. End of story. Based on principal alone this is just a bad idea. Talk to any computer programmer, they'll tell you.

Husted breached his contract for last minute, untested changes to voting machine software. If Obama lost the state and/or the election I guarantee you this entire thread would still be crying foul to some extent.


Well stop watching Fox News. Yeah, Solyndra went bankrupt . . . why? Because solar prices have dropped so steeply that it is now very economical to slap PV up on your house. Natural gas prices are cheap and we consider that a victory but when solar prices drop we consider that a failure? WTF?!?! New industries always involve a large amount of failure. How many Altair, Sinclair, Atari, Amiga, TRS-80, Ti, Commodore 64, or other personal computers are around today? None. So is the PC industry a big failure? Herp derp.

Energy has done really well in the past 4 years. Domestic oil production is up, natural gas prices are down, solar prices are down and installations are up like crazy, wind prices are down and installations are up like crazy, etc. The USA's energy situation is the envy Europe and Asia right now.

Solar panels have dropped in price by 80 percent in the past five years and can provide electricity at a cost that is at or below the current retail cost of grid power in 20 states, including many of the Northeast states. So why isn’t there more of a push for this clean, affordable, safe and inexhaustible source of electricity?

First, the investor-owned utilities that depend on the existing system for their profits have little economic interest in promoting a technology that empowers customers to generate their own power. Second, state regulatory agencies and local governments impose burdensome permitting and siting requirements that unnecessarily raise installation costs. Today, navigating the regulatory red tape constitutes 25 percent to 30 percent of the total cost of solar installation in the United States, according to data from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and, as such, represents a higher percentage of the overall cost than the solar equipment itself.

In Germany, where sensible federal rules have fast-tracked and streamlined the permit process, the costs are considerably lower. It can take as little as eight days to license and install a solar system on a house in Germany. In the United States, depending on your state, the average ranges from 120 to 180 days. More than one million Germans have installed solar panels on their roofs. Australia also has a streamlined permitting process and has solar panels on 10 percent of its homes. Solar photovoltaic power would give America the potential to challenge the utility monopolies, democratize energy generation and transform millions of homes and small businesses into energy generators. Rational, market-based rules could turn every American into an energy entrepreneur. That transition to renewable power could create millions of domestic jobs and power in this country with American resourcefulness, initiative and entrepreneurial energy while taking a substantial bite out of the nation’s emissions of greenhouse gases and other dangerous pollutants.

Seems that it costs more than just the solar panel. I have little hope that the process will be streamlined considering how much power/money the interest groups who would oppose it have

This growing spat between Bill Maher and Donald Trump is getting delicious.


My dad (who's a lawyer) says that Cooley, the firm representing Trump, is a highly regarded and respected top law firm, and the higher-ups probably aren't happy about having their letterhead associated so publicly with this idiocy and plastered onscreen on national TV for a solid two minutes. But hey, they agreed to represent him.

I bet that lawyer's gonna get no end of grief on LinkedIn and in legal circles now that he's outed.
Hey there! You continue to mock me about that, but it's still worth getting concerned about

I despise every aspect of the Ohio state government with every fiber of my being and have had every reason to shit all over anything anyone in office since 2010 has done, and believe me:

It was fucking nothing.
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