we already know the answer to that question is no
we already know the answer to that question is no
David Simon will explain it better than I will. http://vimeo.com/29805278
BREAKING NEWS: Reuters says Pope Benedict is gonna resign. Not much else is known.
I wonder how this will affect Obama's reelection chances.
Dude. You should have made a thread lol. It's going to be huge. Too late now though =(BREAKING NEWS: Reuters says Pope Benedict is gonna resign. Not much else is known.
I wonder how this will affect Obama's reelection chances.
Dude. You should have made a thread lol. It's going to be huge. Too late now though =(
Action movie star Steven Seagal has been drafted in to train a volunteer armed posse to defend Phoenix-area schools against gunmen.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio - who calls himself "America's Toughest Sheriff" - called on the Under Siege actor in the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting in Connecticut, which left 26 children and staff dead.
Hulk star Lou Ferrigno is also signed up for the Maricopa posse
I'm just going to leave this here since I don't know if it's threadworthy or more likely because I don't want to bring shame onto my fellow Americans.
David Simon will explain it better than I will. http://vimeo.com/29805278
The Onion can't compete with the absurdity of reality.
I'm not sure but the point about wanting to know what time Obama went to bed is coming off as racisty to me. Something a total fuckwit would say. Its degrading.
That'd probably be a good thing to vigorously study because although it does feel like the latter, you can't say for sure.Saw this and gotta ask: It's probably the latter, but are there more shootings than usual following Newton, or is it simply that more shootings are making the headlines because of Newton?
Watching John McCain melt down over this manufactured and disgraceful nonsense tells me that he wasn't simply a good old republican who made a poor choice with a Veep pick, but rather a fucking venal angry shit bullet that we narrowly dodged.
He has fucked himself for good. And I think Karl Rove will now be seen as a net drag on the party.
Electronics made in china are cheap; Therefore, there are no poors
I'm just going to leave this here since I don't know if it's threadworthy or more likely because I don't want to bring shame onto my fellow Americans.
I was under the impression it was strictly surveillance drones. Not armed.I keep reading about an authorized drone strike on US soil for that Cop killer. The only link provided is from msn.com but it is a tiny article that provides zero details. Any truth to this?
I was under the impression it was strictly surveillance drones. Not armed.
I was under the impression it was strictly surveillance drones. Not armed.
Yeah. This president has been out to lunch on jobs. Obama proposed an economic package in late 2011. It was dead in the water largely because House Republicans refuse to compromise on anything remotely effective. And, to a lesser extent, conservative Congressional Democrats balked at supporting more spending before the campaigns. So if any proposal must satisfy an intransigent Republican House, what is the benefit of additional proposals? He's had a jobs plan that included provisions with long-term implications. Yet it is futile given the current political impasse. So the notion that Obama and the Democrats have failed because they lacked a plan is erroneous.Sounds like the sotu will focus on jobs. Bill Clinton hit the nail on the head during his speech ar the dem retreat: the party needs a job plan. The administration has acted as if unemployment isn't a problem for months if not years, focusing almost entirely on budget fight after budget fight. Obviously republicans are to blame for much of that but it wouldn't be hard to come to the conclusion that both parties aren't interested in jobs.
I would hope that we see less focus on pie in the sky shit like an assault weapons ban or climate change. The Jobs Act was a start, but there needs to be something beyond that small package, something long term instead of a smaller stimulus. I'm baffled why congress allegedly has to tackle gun violence after Newtown when there has been more public interest and outcry for jobs over the last four years.
Yeah. This president has been out to lunch on jobs. Obama proposed an economic package in late 2011. It was dead in the water largely because House Republicans refuse to compromise on anything remotely effective. And, to a lesser extent, conservative Congressional Democrats balked at supporting more spending before the campaigns. So if any proposal must satisfy an intransigent Republican House, what is the benefit of additional proposals? He's had a jobs plan that included provisions with long-term implications. Yet it is futile given the current political impasse. So the notion that Obama and the Democrats have failed because they lacked a plan is erroneous.
Democrats have tried. Obama even unveiled his proposal to a joint session of Congress on national television. And it fizzled spectacularly. Republicans have demonstrated an unwillingness to compromise even slightly on the matter. Perhaps greater pressure would compel them, although I am doubtful. Of course, I am not suggesting Obama ignore the topic. But it's mistaken to identify the problem as an absence of a plan.Obama and the Dems could at least try to sell a jobs/stimulus plan to the public, rather than letting Republicans say "no" and proceed to own the media narrative about spending.
Dems should be pushing their own message that what we need right now is more jobs, not less spending, and they should be shouting left and right that cutting spending cuts jobs. They haven't though. They've just folded and accepted the Republican's framing of the issue and most of the public probably thinks that cutting spending will create jobs, so Obama shouldn't be surprised when Republicans don't feel any pressure to support a jobs bill.
Obama and the Dems could at least try to sell a jobs/stimulus plan to the public, rather than letting Republicans say "no" and proceed to own the media narrative about spending.
Dems should be pushing their own message that what we need right now is more jobs, not less spending, and they should be shouting left and right that cutting spending cuts jobs. They haven't though. They've just folded and accepted the Republican's framing of the issue and most of the public probably thinks that cutting spending will create jobs, so Obama shouldn't be surprised when Republicans don't feel any pressure to support a jobs bill.
Who would be the Democratic equivalent of Nugent to bring to a Republican President's SotU?Ted Nugent, who last yr likened Obama & Dems to coyotes who deserve to be shot, will attend SOTU as Rep. Stockman's guest.
Yes another election. Has nate weighed in on whos leading in the polling for the next pope?BREAKING NEWS: Reuters says Pope Benedict is gonna resign. Not much else is known.
I wonder how this will affect Obama's reelection chances.
Who would be the Democratic equivalent of Nugent to bring to a Republican President's SotU?
Democrats have tried. Obama even unveiled his proposal to a joint session of Congress on national television. And it fizzled spectacularly. Republicans have demonstrated an unwillingness to compromise even slightly on the matter. Perhaps greater pressure would compel them, although I am doubtful. Of course, I am not suggesting Obama ignore the topic. But it's mistaken to identify the problem as an absence of a plan.
The White House on Monday categorically ruled out raising the Medicare eligibility age as part of deficit reduction.
Asked during his daily press briefing if President Obama is willing to consider the idea, spokesman Jay Carney said, “No.”
“The president’s made clear that we don’t believe that’s the right policy to take,” he told reporters.
The White House was never fond of the idea, which Republicans and conservative advocates support, but was open to gradually raising the Medicare eligibility age to 67 as part of a broader deal in prior deficit reduction talks. Carney’s remarks nix the proposal in the White House’s most explicit terms yet.
Raising the eligibility age from 65 to 67 would save the federal government $125 billion over 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office, by shifting some of the health care burden to younger seniors by requiring them to obtain insurance on their own.
House Speaker John Boehner’s (R-OH) office responded to Carney.
“The White House keeps saying what they won’t do to replace President Obama’s devastating sequester — when will they tell us what they will do, and call on the Senate Democrats to pass it?” Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said in an email to TPM.
Immediately after Carney made his remarks, Boehner spokesman Brendan Buck tweeted that he was “shocked” and that “[t]he table is bare.”
Democrats have tried. Obama even unveiled his proposal to a joint session of Congress on national television. And it fizzled spectacularly. Republicans have demonstrated an unwillingness to compromise even slightly on the matter. Perhaps greater pressure would compel them, although I am doubtful. Of course, I am not suggesting Obama ignore the topic. But it's mistaken to identify the problem as an absence of a plan.
Jackson is right; Obama proposed a fairly detailed plan on national TV during a speech specifically to push this plan. A website was made to advertise it and it was at the beginning of the Presidential election and it gained absolutely no traction. I'd love to see it or a similar proposal get somewhere, but the Republicans don't want to let him win on anything.
He'll get something right in May!Looks like you're on a roll PD. One day you may just get something right. May being the operative word.
He'll get something right in May!
I remember when he proposed the American Jobs Act, I think it was called, and you're right that he tried, but I feel like the Dems just gave up way too easy. Did Republicans stop talking about repealing Obamacare just because it had no traction and was unable to happen?
There should be a Democrat on TV every day blasting Republicans for trying to destroy jobs by pushing for deep spending cuts, and at the same time promoting the Democrats plan to create new jobs. Even if/when Republicans continue to refuse to budge and it doesn't pass, at least more Americans would know why it doesn't pass.
My point is that you can't just release a plan and then let Republicans go unchallenged in the media spewing bullshit and building the narrative and then act surprised when that plan fails to gain traction. You need to fight back and sell it to the public because unfortunately in our media, having the facts on your side just isn't enough to win.
http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/inhofe-promises-to-postpone-hagel-confirmation-voteSen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) told the National Review Online that he and other Republicans plans to postpone the confirmation of Chuck Hagel, President Obama's nominee for secretary of defense.
Ill do that for as long as it takes, Inhofe said. Im going to make sure there is a 60-vote margin.
Hagel may be passed out of the committee, but its going to be a long, long time before he hits the floor, Inhofe said. Were going to need as much time as possible, and there are going to be several of us who will have holds.
Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-MI) scheduled a vote to pass Hagel's confirmation out of committee for Tuesday.
PD is Neogaf's own Fox News at this point. I don't even bother reading the shit he posts anymore.But PD said
Looks like you're on a roll PD. One day you may just get something right. May being the operative word.
Ill do that for as long as it takes, Inhofe said. Im going to make sure there is a 60-vote margin.
Hagel may be passed out of the committee, but its going to be a long, long time before he hits the floor, Inhofe said. Were going to need as much time as possible, and there are going to be several of us who will have holds.
Obama went on a national tour promoting the Jobs Act, immidiately after releasing it. He proposed it to Congress in a joint session, televised. And the House and Dem leadership pushed for it, but were stonewalled in both chambers. Obama also made the components of the Jobs Act foundational to his campaign proposals, which he campaigned on heavily. It really wasn't a fire and forget proposal.
The reason you didn't see a lot of Dems on TV pushing for it is because our media was busy with debtmagedded and BENGHAZIBENGHAZIBENGHAZI. Dems tried. Obama campaigned on it. Republicans were steadfast in their opposition, and ultimately there's nothing Obama can do about it. Not even winning the election mattered to the GOP.
.It's all smoke and mirrors, Hagel's got 60 votes already.
Obama went on a national tour promoting the Jobs Act, immidiately after releasing it. He proposed it to Congress in a joint session, televised. And the House and Dem leadership pushed for it, but were stonewalled in both chambers. Obama also made the components of the Jobs Act foundational to his campaign proposals, which he campaigned on heavily. It really wasn't a fire and forget proposal.
The reason you didn't see a lot of Dems on TV pushing for it is because our media was busy with debtmagedded and BENGHAZIBENGHAZIBENGHAZI. Dems tried. Obama campaigned on it. Republicans were steadfast in their opposition, and ultimately there's nothing Obama can do about it. Not even winning the election mattered to the GOP.