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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Holy carp. So Jon Chait's been having a little fun the past week or so giving Joe Scarborough somewhat of a rough time on account of his not knowing anything, and Joe decided he didn't like being made fun of:



There's so many amazing things encapsulated in that one tweet alone.

Chait may be reading one of my essays for Carville's class about the "debt crisis". Debating putting a inside reference to this in there.


I'm actually starting to feel sympathy for Christie over this whole weight thing. Now, Inside Edition just ran a piece on him eating a piece of pizza today, then going into how high calorie pizza is.


No Scrubs
I'm actually starting to feel sympathy for Christie over this whole weight thing. Now, Inside Edition just ran a piece on him eating a piece of pizza today, then going into how high calorie pizza is.

Yea, everyone is kind of going nuts on it. I mean even he said he doesn't mind the jokes so long as they're funny, but that sounds just insane. That said he really does need to lose some weight.


Democrats weak on foreign affairs, they want to GUT the military!


Tea Party 2014


Will there be an official SOTU thread?

If there isn't one, kiss poligaf goodbye.


Yeah, there definitely needs to be one. Anyone want to volunteer?

Make sure it has Fox's sotu banner with Rubio pointing to the word president.


More Democratic Voter Fraud Coming:

President Barack Obama will announce a bipartisan presidential voting commission to focus on improving the Election Day experience, The Huffington Post has learned from two sources outside the White House with knowledge of the plans.

The commission is one of a number of efforts the Obama administration is making to address the problems that plagued voting on Election Day 2012. The commission, which will focus specifically on Election Day issues and not broader voting reform, will likely be co-chaired by one Republican and one Democratic lawyer, according to one of the sources.

Perez said voting reforms were a top priority for the Obama administration in its second term. He said he had spoken with Attorney General Eric Holder in the early morning the day after the election.

"He was actively engaged, and I've had many meetings and conversations with him about this," Perez said. "So if you're asking, looking ahead, what are the things we want to do within the department, making sure we don't repeat the shock and somnolence cycle in voting is certainly a top priority."



Will McConnell actually allow the sequester to happen or is this just a negociation tool?


Things could fall through, but the Republican establishment would like to avoid the sequester. They don't really want to cut spending all that much, and especially not military spending. They'd be fine with just negating the whole thing; the dealbreaker for them is tax increases on the rich. McConnell and Boehner's problem going into this is that deficit reduction (in general) is popular, so they don't want to be the ones proposing negating the sequester. Plus some of the House caucus is crazy. If Obama owned negating the sequester, the Republican establishment would want to allow the necessary votes.


He flat out said the house isn't going to do anything with Obama's plan and they're gonna see if he's "more receptive" after the sequester on FOX tonight.

They're planing on playing the whole "obama's sequester" card and thats it. If that fails theyre gonna get screwed

Which is why I think the high percentage move for Obama is to offer weaker and weaker deals up until the end of the month, when he offers no deficit reduction and only can-kicking as a last ditch effort to avoid the sequester that the Republicans have thus far refused to compromise on. If the sequester happens, everyone's going to want to be against it, and it's hard to have a simpler policy than delaying or cancelling it. Republicans would be stuck arguing that they hate the sequester but wanted just as much in spending cuts anyway, just distributed differently.

This all assumes that the Democrats don't want the sequester.
Mention a chart you made on your mom's powerpoint.

If I can work it in. But I was assigned to argue the deficit wasn't a problem (we couldn't argue our own point of view though mine matched up) so that might not really fit in well.

I probably just use his name as someone why hypes up the debt. "unlike some debt fear-mongers like Scarborough who in the face of factual information sticks with DC "conventional wisdom" and "common sense"" or something


Remember when Hillary lost the 2016 Presidential election because the 2013 State of the Union didn't end with Obama saying "Oh, and one more thing..." before showing the debut trailer of his gay marrige legislation?


I'll need to stock up in Girls Generation before the Korean War Pt.2

It will be interesting to see how China reacts. No matter how North Korea tries to modernize like asking help from the Germans with their economy, they'll never really change.
Aside from the perfunctory disapprobation, China might accede to additional sanctions. However, any additional sanctions will be intentionally toothless, and they would only be marginally effective given the current level of sanctions. China could unilaterally chasten NK as they did in 2006. But that seems unlikely given Chinese efforts to facilitate Kim Jong-un's consolidation of power. And given NK's already precarious economy, they fear that even a hiccup in aid and trade could imperil the regime. So, status quo.
North Korea is one of the poorest countries in the world yet one of the exceptional few that can actually build long range nuclear missiles.

Could you imagine that if say Burkina Faso was doing something similar? Insane.
North Korea has not actually developed a long-range nuclear missile. Yet, at least. They successfully launched a satellite launch vehicle and detonated a nuclear device. But they've yet to miniaturize the device or launch a missile to carry the warhead.
Remember when Hillary lost the 2016 Presidential election because the 2013 State of the Union didn't end with Obama saying "Oh, and one more thing..." before showing the debut trailer of his gay marrige legislation?

It's because Rocket Scientist's Diablosing proved true and Obama let Rubio overshadow him :(


lets just accept it now, Marco Rubio is our next president, next four years is just filler.

Who would he pick as secretary of state? Obama maybe? Rubio will probably give Biden secretary of transportation.


Listening to NPR today, they were discussing China's reaction to NK and had a IR professor from Fudan University on. He stated that one of the reasons why they fear a collapse of NK (besides a massive wave of fleeing migrants) is that NK provides an American buffer and that having American troops on the border would be unacceptable.

But, why the hell would we put troops on the Chinese-Korean border? It just seems pointless and needlessly provocative. If anything, Id think our military presence in Korea would shrink because there wouldnt be a plausible military threat. Sure, I'd imagine we would have a base or two, maybe one in NK, but thats about it.
Listening to NPR today, they were discussing China's reaction to NK and had a IR professor from Fudan University on. He stated that one of the reasons why they fear a collapse of NK (besides a massive wave of fleeing migrants) is that NK provides an American buffer and that having American troops on the border would be unacceptable.

But, why the hell would we put troops on the Chinese-Korean border? It just seems pointless and needlessly provocative. If anything, Id think our military presence in Korea would shrink because there wouldnt be a plausible military threat. Sure, I'd imagine we would have a base or two, maybe one in NK, but thats about it.

Not that I don't agree with you, but what was Iraq?


Listening to NPR today, they were discussing China's reaction to NK and had a IR professor from Fudan University on. He stated that one of the reasons why they fear a collapse of NK (besides a massive wave of fleeing migrants) is that NK provides an American buffer and that having American troops on the border would be unacceptable.

But, why the hell would we put troops on the Chinese-Korean border? It just seems pointless and needlessly provocative. If anything, Id think our military presence in Korea would shrink because there wouldnt be a plausible military threat. Sure, I'd imagine we would have a base or two, maybe one in NK, but thats about it.

Nah America would at the very least keep the same amount of military presence in the South (gotta keep an eye on the Chinese somehow!). The North side who knows, definitely wouldn't be near the border tho.


Nah America would at the very least keep the same amount of military presence in the South (gotta keep an eye on the Chinese somehow!). The North side who knows, definitely wouldn't be near the border tho.

We'd have some kind of presence but probably most of our stuff would go home.


According to CBS, Obama is going to propose that all children receive pre-K education tonight. This is a great idea, as it seems as if access to pre-K services is a strong indicator of future academic performance.


According to CBS, Obama is going to propose that all children receive pre-K education tonight. This is a great idea, as it seems as if access to pre-K services is a strong indicator of future academic performance.

That would be amazing. I really hope he does.


According to CBS, Obama is going to propose that all children receive pre-K education tonight. This is a great idea, as it seems as if access to pre-K services is a strong indicator of future academic performance.

Fantastic policy. I hope something gets done, and should have tremendous popular support, just because parents wont have to worry about daycare during those years


No Scrubs
According to twitter he will also call to raise the minimum wage to $9/hour.

Oh my god, this would be amazing. I have a brother who works a minimum wage job while he goes to school and to be frank he gets paid nowhere near enough for what he's asked to do. This would be a whole $2 more for him. When I told him Canada's is $10 on average he flipped out.


Listening to NPR today, they were discussing China's reaction to NK and had a IR professor from Fudan University on. He stated that one of the reasons why they fear a collapse of NK (besides a massive wave of fleeing migrants) is that NK provides an American buffer and that having American troops on the border would be unacceptable.

But, why the hell would we put troops on the Chinese-Korean border? It just seems pointless and needlessly provocative. If anything, Id think our military presence in Korea would shrink because there wouldnt be a plausible military threat. Sure, I'd imagine we would have a base or two, maybe one in NK, but thats about it.
It's not that the U.S. would place troops directly on the border. Rather, NK occludes direct access to Chinese territory. If the NK regime were to collapse, then the U.S. might gain unimpeded access. And it's not that they fear an invasion. They want to obviate even the remote possibility of the U.S. meddling in their state.


Fantastic policy. I hope something gets done, and should have tremendous popular support, just because parents wont have to worry about daycare during those years

Yep... there's short-term economic benefits beyond the long-term benefits (which are well, well worth it).
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