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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Because an awkward State of the Union response worked out so well for Bobby Jindal. oh wait...

That was on a whole other level.

I don't think that his response was good. At all. Those saying that he doesn't stand a chance in 2016 because of his tiny water bottle are living in a different universe.

No one will give a shit about him his response is the same old tired bullshit that gets peddled every singe SOTU response.



Rubio's delivery was alright, it was a bit high-school debatey in his earnestness, but the delivery was much better than Jindal.

The substance, if you can call it that, though was just stupid. No alternative plans, just denigration of a straw man. It didn't help that it seemed like he was responding to a speech in 2010....
lol, come on guys, it was funny and awkward but it's not a big deal at all

the entire thing was a disaster. He was barely better than Jindal.

Seemed like he was slurring almost at times. Spoke way too fast, smacking his lips, the water, etc.

He looked incompetent. Such a difference from the convention.


The bigger problem with Rubios "response" is that it was all refuted and addressed in the sotu.

He was like canibus free styling in 2012 with a notebook.


Rubio's delivery was alright, it was a bit high-school debatey in his earnestness, but the delivery was much better than Jindal.

The substance, if you can call it that, though was just stupid. No alternative plans, just denigration of a straw man. It didn't help that it seemed like he was responding to a speech in 2010....

If the right can't come up with something better than "The president hates private business" to try and sell the general public, I can't wait for 2016.


Bane was better.
Here's marco making sure no one steals his spotlight:



the entire thing was a disaster. He was barely better than Jindal.

Seemed like he was slurring almost at times. Spoke way too fast, smacking his lips, the water, etc.

He looked incompetent. Such a difference from the convention.

this is how he usually talks. Not ready for primetime. Clinton will wipe the floor with him in 2016.


Rand Paul's response: "Free Market is perfect" "Free market is perfect" "Free market is perfect, also respect constitution when it fits our agenda"


Rubio's delivery was alright, it was a bit high-school debatey in his earnestness, but the delivery was much better than Jindal.

The substance, if you can call it that, though was just stupid. No alternative plans, just denigration of a straw man. It didn't help that it seemed like he was responding to a speech in 2010....
I agree with this. I find it hilarious that the water thing is going to be such a big deal, but in all honesty his speech was devoid of substance.
So my facebook has very little of note.

Just this gem:

Obama catering to the pre-school vote. Obvious power grab for 3rd term election.
Gun nut response: He doesn't know how to do anything but campaign

Didnt get the joke :(

Why do I say gun nut?

His status
Typical. Obama is using the state of the union address for partisan politics and gun control advocacy.
So my facebook has very little of note.

Just this gem:

Obama catering to the pre-school vote. Obvious power grab for 3rd term election.
Gun nut response: He doesn't know how to do anything but campaign

Didnt get the joke :(

Why do I say gun nut?

His status
Typical. Obama is using the state of the union address for partisan politics and gun control advocacy.
Pre school vote? More like sixth term then


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
From the Guardian:

~24,700: Tweets-per-minute during the most-tweeted moment of the state of the union -- when Obama covered middle class opportunity and minimum wage.

~9,200: Tweets-per-minute during the most-tweeted moment of Rubio's GOP response -- when Rubio gulped a sip of water, obviously.
Not according to my sources.

2013: Rubio
2012: Mitch
2011: Pauly
2010: McDonnell
2009: Jindahl

Jindahl got laughed at, McDonnell became toxic Governor Ultrasound, Paul lost as VP, Mitch Daniels went from translucent to transparent. Rubio is brave to take rebuttal, it seems cursed lately.


Rubio's response...I know I shouldn't get heated about what was generic Republican bullshit we've been hearing for years now...but if I had the time I would seriously write down a 5000 word essay to put on Poligaf's blog about how retarded that speech was. Rubio...just fuck off you token piece of shit. You're an embarrassment to every Cuban not living in Florida or to those who stopped giving a shit about Castro.

Hell, screw that. My grandfather is no friend of Castro either, especially as he was banned for life from ever entering the country again when he left in 1958, but even he thinks you're a fucking tool.

Your only purpose in life is to get destroyed by Hillary and that's if you make it past the primary of the other jokers.


I dug the SOTU for the most part.

Rubio's response was strange, as he basically said nothing.

Swigging that water, though.
Gary Johnson, Ron Paul V.2.0
"What we didn’t hear tonight was a President telling the truth about the real state of the Union: that we are broke -- and that he and the Congress are succeeding only in digging us deeper into a financial hole that is, in reality, the single greatest threat to the nation’s well-being.

“Rather, we once again heard the tired argument that the challenges we face can somehow best be met by more government that costs more and taxes more. We’ve tried that. In fact, we’ve tried it so hard and so long that we have a debt totaling more than $90,000 for every worker in America.

“And while he spent an hour laying out a mind-boggling list of things the government should do, from ‘investing’ in infrastructure, technology and energy to helping parents pick the best college for their kids, he assured us his plans will not increase the deficit by ‘a single dime’.

“That is absurd on its face, and could only be based on the same arithmetic that has given us a $16 Trillion debt.

“Once again, we witnessed a great political performance wrapped around promises that shouldn’t be made in the first place, and that we certainly cannot afford to keep.”

How does that much stupid gets thousands of supporters?
Even a boss back then. He even used the "building bridges to the 21st century" line.

Notice how the entire video is democrats saying "hey we made some mistakes but we're different now, we're doing some cool things let us tell you about them." A party that recognized they were unpopular, in a ditch, and working to get out while facing a wildly popular transformational president. Whereas tonight we basically just heard a Hispanic republican parrot Mitt Romney's platform, while personally attacking the president.
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