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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Rubio's response...I know I shouldn't get heated about what was generic Republican bullshit we've been hearing for years now...but if I had the time I would seriously write down a 5000 word essay to put on Poligaf's blog about how retarded that speech was. Rubio...just fuck off you token piece of shit. You're an embarrassment to every Cuban not living in Florida or to those who stopped giving a shit about Castro.

Hell, screw that. My grandfather is no friend of Castro either, especially as he was banned for life from ever entering the country again when he left in 1958, but even he thinks you're a fucking tool.

Your only purpose in life is to get destroyed by Hillary and that's if you make it past the primary of the other jokers.

I am applauding you sir.
Ronito had a good summary in of Rubio Rebottle:

Rubio was the perfect republican response.

"Government has a very VERY small role. I know I wouldn't have succeeded without Federal Aid for College, medicare for my older friends, welfare for the poor, social security for both. But the President really believes in big government!"


He was nervous. He'll be a lot more seasoned when it counts. He could turn this into a positive, though he runs the risk of having it stick.

He was nervous because he was walking out there with the same obsolete bullshit the right wing have pedaled for decades. See, it used to make sense, government was too big, we did need to de regulate, but that was the 80's, times have changed.

If he was to stroll out there with some serious Edmund Burke for the 21st century shit then we would all be talking about the great incoming revolution, but he didnt, it was tired and predictable with a dash of racial patronization thrown in.

His rebuttal was bullshit. Like modern day Republicanism.


Man the Republicans have some really shit luck with these responses to the State of the Union

Rubio sounded completely gobbed the entire speech, like he was completely naked in front of ten million people or something. Deer in the headlights don't even begin to describe his demeanor at points.


Man the Republicans have some really shit luck with these responses to the State of the Union

Rubio sounded completely gobbed the entire speech, like he was completely naked in front of ten million people or something. Deer in the headlights don't even begin to describe his demeanor at points.

Yeah, but at least he doesn't use a teleprompter! Oh, wait...

I like how he used to make it a point to not use a teleprompter (because, you know, he uses them), then in one speech he eventually lost a page and had to stop his speech awkwardly until an assistant gave him a copy. I think that put an end to that.
The response will always look bad. Even when Pelosi and the Dems did it it looked bad (granted not that bad).

The President has an audience and feedback. Rubio was by himself. And standing. It is just terrible optics.
He should have played the drink of water cool. Obama delivered that ribbon cutting line with the swagger of a 1000 normal men.

Man,I wish for once I could see Obama talk trash without having to be in front of cameras or Presidential.

To have been a fly on the wall the night of the election results, either one.
He should have played the drink of water cool. Obama delivered that ribbon cutting line with the swagger of a 1000 normal men.

Man,I wish for once I could see Obama talk trash without having to be in front of cameras or Presidential.

To have been a fly on the wall the night of the election results, either one.

Thankfully, Obama didn't go for another milk joke like last year. Oh man was that bad.
Rubio is going to get eaten alive in the primaries. He won't survive.
I do wonder how Rubio would react in a hostile situation where not everyone is buying what he's selling. While I don't think Christie will appeal to the far right, I can at least imagine him holding his own against them with force and wit; whereas Rubio seems like he could be a fish out of water if faced with a tough crowd (like Romney at the Iowa state fair). If republicans pass immigration yet still lose the Hispanic vote big time in 2014 I can imagine Rubio's shelf life will begin to expire.


I disagree with this. There are many politicians that deliver the standard Republican message with more confidence and energy; Chris Christie is an example of this.

Yeah, but christie appears to believe it, Rubio got token'ed.


The Autumn Wind
Just got done watching my DVR recording of the SOTU and Rubio's response. Rubio... oh man. That was just straight embarrassing. Isn't the point of being prerecorded to not sweat, flub, and lip smack your way through what you're saying? I could actually hear his tongue in his mouth by the end of it.


Rubio's arid performance did not surprise me in the least. His supposed "Republican Obama" credentials have always been overstated and we just witnessed whatever remained of his theoretical political prowess wither away.

The ideological drought that has plagued the GOP has shown no sign of abatement in years and tonight was no exception. Alleged future leaders of the Republican Party like Rubio continue to spew the same tired, recycled rhetoric to quench the desires of conservatives who only have an interest in having their ideological bubble coddled and polished. But this target audience has proved little more than a desiccant to Rubio's chances in the near term, as this speech will be of no use in a primary and certainly makes Rubio's hypothetical general election landscape look more barren. In the meantime, this leaves the country high and dry as we persist in having only one functional (if still flawed) political party.
I asked my question right before Rubio's sip of water, so I'm not surprised it got lost in the chaos, but, I'll ask again:

Rubio suggested a lot of our debt problems would dissipate if our economy grew at least at 4%. When has our economy grown more than 4% in the last thirty years? Anyone know?
I asked my question right before Rubio's sip of water, so I'm not surprised it got lost in the chaos, but, I'll ask again:

Rubio suggested a lot of our debt problems would dissipate if our economy grew at least at 4%. When has our economy grown more than 4% in the last thirty years? Anyone know?

Wow. If they passed all this shit... woah.

Edit: Why is Obama buddy buddy with that Republican exploding fistbump guy?

Edit: What happens when a few from the other side get up and clap but they're sitting next to two people who don't clap? Isn't that incredibly awkward lol? Do people remember who got up and who clapped or not? Do they gossip about it later? Are these people shunned? It all seems so stupid and awkward when everything that's being said is reasonable.

Edit: So this is good stuff. Maybe I'm just not remembering the last few SOTU's as well, but this is definitely a step up. Even though I feel like every Obama SOTU has been pretty good with specifics etc.


Ahahaha. Just saw the Rubio water grab. This is suppose to be the GOP's golden boy?
The GOP just can't get any luck with their SOTU responses.
Did Rubio just seriously grab water while still staring at the camera? LOL. Dems better take full advantage of just how many clowns are in the GOP. If Hillary runs its going to be a slaughter possibly greater than 08


Lol on CBS This Morning in their opening segment they show Obama's "They deserve a vote" clip and then their example of Rubio's response was a clip of the water drink and showed people saying he looked tense.
didnt even do it right

Just found out that's Mark Kirk, who just returned to the senate after a stroke. So he's got an excuse lol; it's good that he's recovering, and I read an article about how the hospital experience convinced him that stroke victims on Medicaid deserve more hospital time to properly recover.


Haven't watched the rebuttal, but I think jumping to conclusions about Rubio is premature. He did give a pretty damn good speech at the convention, that would have had people talking more if it wasn't for Clint and his invisible chair.

But the whole 'Golden Boy' myth is a creation purely of the media. They need something to talk about now that the election is over. It would be much better if they did their jobs and did some actual investigative journalism - you know, about issues and stuff - but that's boring and expensive.

Btw Obama's speech was ace. I just wish people who don't agree with him actually watched his speech, so they could see how reasonable are his proposals. Too bad people don't and instead get their views after it has bubbled through the Hannity / Limbaugh / Fox punditry filtration system.
Btw Obama's speech was ace. I just wish people who don't agree with him actually watched his speech, so they could see how reasonable are his proposals. Too bad people don't and instead get their views after it has bubbled through the Hannity / Limbaugh / Fox punditry filtration system.
Yup. Very sad. The ''enhanced'' graphs and everything also help so much in visualizing the point he's making in a simple way. Did they have this before Obama? I'm assuming not.


That gun moment during the speech...that was amazing, not sure I've seen anything like that before in a SOTU. He seems to be acknowledging it's a hard sell with the focus on simply holding a vote (instead of the regular "pass this bill right away"), but it was quite an impressive moment.

Surprised you didn't spin this to be Obama lowering the bar of expectations so that when the vote inevitably fails he can proclaim victory, wash his hands clean and move on, in another glaring example of his inability to lead.

Election-year PD would have been all over this. You're slippin'.


I think the administration has accepted that universal background checks + tougher laws for people who buy guns for people who can't obtain them legally is the most realistic gun law that they're going to get. I think these two things will have a better impact on gun violence than the AWB. Though I agree with the AWB, I'd much rather get these things passed and lose the ban than fight for it and get nothing.
I think the administration has accepted that universal background checks + tougher laws for people who buy guns for people who can't obtain them legally is the most realistic gun law that they're going to get. I think these two things will have a better impact on gun violence than the AWB. Though I agree with the AWB, I'd much rather get these things passed and lose the ban than fight for it and get nothing.
The narrative that cops shouldn't be outgunned by citizens is a good move though. It could gain traction. Though you're right that those two are far more important than a ban. Throw in increased mental services and you've got a good step forward.


When people call for "better mental health care" what kind of actual policy is proposed and what could the federal government realistically do to catch some of these problems? I'm not being disingenuous, I just really am unsure what people would expect such policies to be.


Edit: Why is Obama buddy buddy with that Republican exploding fistbump guy?

Do you think anything will be accomplished with a divided federal government if all Obama does is antagonize every Republican? Even though most of the party is determined to do nothing, a few votes this year have shown that some Republicans are willing to get something done. It is in the country's best interest, and the Democratic Party's best interest, that they get just enough Republicans to go along with a few key proposals because otherwise Obama is already a lame duck.

The reality of the situation is that Obama can't just go super-liberal and expect Republicans to do the same or to magically get what he wants from a divided Congress.

Whether or not hardcore conservatives or liberals like it, our government is built on compromise. No amount of whining from either side is ever going to change that. I know liberals cannot stomach the fact that Obama hasn't declared the Republican Party a hate group, but no matter how the other side acts, a good President acknowledges their existence and understand that big ideas have to go through both parties if anything is to come of them.
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