Brutal accusations from a former aide to Holbrooke over in the State Department - essentially the White House made short term decisions overriding long term goals in the service of public opinion.
The GOP and right lost their credibility on FP when:
A)We invaded Iraq
B)Obamal took us out of Iraq
C)When Obama had Bin Laden Killed
D)When Bengazi was blown so out of proportion that no one gives a fuck anymore.
So, yeah, even if there was some truth to that article (which I'm skeptical of even taken away A-D), doubtful it'll gain traction due to how badly the GOP has burnt their bridges and now the only ones who're willing to cross it are diehard Republican.s
Republicans hate Obama more than they love this country; more than they honor the oath they take; and more than they care about the people who they work for.
That has been made abundantly clear and most people are simply tired of it.