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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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My high school SCIENCE TEACHER said something very similar to our Biology class, how he felt that animals were put on the planet for human use. I decided that asking him why the other 99.999% of species that do nothing for humans in any way, shape or form existed was a mistake. (I went to high school in mid-Michigan for the record)
I think Keen is great, far better than Krugman. Keen unlike Krugman actually understands banking. My impression of Krugman is that his conclusions about what actions to take in the real world are often (not always) right, but for the wrong reasons. It actually makes one wonder about the power of cultural academic indoctrination, and here I'm not talking about crude brainwashing, but about the power that various models and equations that Krugman learned from educational authorities and which he then adjusts and "applies" to get the right answer wields over him. After seeing this process repeated over and over, the feeling that all Krugman is really doing is intuiting his answers and then justifying them after the fact becomes overwhelming. His gut gets him to the right answers despite having the wrong models and a faulty understanding of both the monetary and banking systems. It reminds me somewhat of the use of epicycles to accurately predict the movement of celestial objects while preserving the model that set the earth at its center. It works, but its really a charade.
I like the fact that he is pretty broad. He adds in banking and debt into the models which would seem bloody obvious that you can't ignore. And better yet, he considers real world things like the 2nd law of thermodynamics that economists just can't seem to comprehend will fuck up their abstract non-real world bullshit.

Crazy cat-lady politcs.

I think Keen is great, far better than Krugman. Keen unlike Krugman actually understands banking. My impression of Krugman is that his conclusions about what actions to take in the real world are often (not always) right, but for the wrong reasons. It actually makes one wonder about the power of cultural academic indoctrination, and here I'm not talking about crude brainwashing, but about the power that various models and equations that Krugman learned from educational authorities and which he then adjusts and "applies" to get the right answer wields over him. After seeing this process repeated over and over, the feeling that all Krugman is really doing is intuiting his answers and then justifying them after the fact becomes overwhelming. His gut gets him to the right answers despite having the wrong models and a faulty understanding of both the monetary and banking systems. It reminds me somewhat of the use of epicycles to accurately predict the movement of celestial objects while preserving the model that set the earth at its center. It works, but its really a charade.

Pretty much. I mean Krugman is alright because he his feet generally land in the right place. But at the end of the day Krugman, to me at least, believes in many of the tenets of neo-liberal economic policy. His views on sweatshops, as being a positive thing as they are mandatory for economic growth, is a prime example.


Setec Astronomer
Pretty much. I mean Krugman is alright because he his feet generally land in the right place. But at the end of the day Krugman, to me at least, believes in many of the tenets of neo-liberal economic policy. His views on sweatshops, as being a positive thing as they are mandatory for economic growth, is a prime example.
Japan's growth in the 50s and 60s involved cheap (female) labor. Being able to actually benefit from the arrangement and start rising up the ladder is pretty key to it being a positive thing, though.
Japan's growth in the 50s and 60s involved cheap (female) labor. Being able to actually benefit from the arrangement and start rising up the ladder is pretty key to it being a positive thing, though.

Its inarguable that wealth can be created with such slave labor (see China). My problem is that Krugman said that it is mandatory for a nation to have a mass amount of workers work in sweatshop conditions.
How do you cite a tweet in a paper?

Its inarguable that wealth can be created with such slave labor (see China). My problem is that Krugman said that it is mandatory for a nation to have a mass amount of workers work in sweatshop conditions.

I always thought his argument was not that it was good but it was a step up and better than what came before.


I don't even know if I need to. I'm referencing what someone said in a tweet as a kind of joke but I'm not sure I need to cite it.

The paper isn't a real academic paper in that sense of having to follow rules strictly
I was just making a joke, I can actually think of countless cases where quoting a tweet in an academic paper is perfectly acceptable.
Sadly, I really have no idea.


Setec Astronomer
Why not cite it as a web page? Use the tweet ID as the page title.

Edit: Hah, MLA now has tweets in their citation guidelines.
Brokaw, Tom (tombrokaw). "SC demonstrated why all the debates are the engines of this campaign." 22 Jan. 2012, 3:06 a.m. Tweet.



I'm thinking her article was a joke. Here she is last month complaining about the sheer number of deer, asking her city council that they be culled due to the danger they cause on the road:


Sounds like now she's mocking city council, who are acting like deer crossing is just part of city planning.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16

This is the original article, its a bit longer and equally amazing. I love the comments as well. I honestly thought this was satire when I first read it.

Choice quote


This comment is awesome

Shea W
9:53 am on Monday, February 18, 2013

As a native Ohioan and current expat, I often find myself having to explain my countrymen's strange sense of humor to non-Americans. However, explaining sheer wilful ignorance is a horse of a different color. I am embarassed for north-central Ohio, for America, and frankly for the human race.


Junior Member
Yeah, remembered as in, thirty or forty years from now, an average person will say, "Oh! John McCain! Yeah, I remember him." I don't think he'll approach McCarthy levels of common knowledge.

Isn't that because of McCarthyism? Right now, we just need McCain to lead some hearings on Benghazi...omg, i know what he's doing!
Anyone who doesn't prescribe to MMT is a dunce at best and fraud at worst!

There is some truth to this, insofar as the core of MMT is an accurate understanding of the monetary system. But Keen isn't an MMTer, although his views are not incompatible. And it is true that Krugman does not understand the monetary system or the banking system (per Keen and other non-MMTers like Galbraith, who is neither a dunce nor a fraud).
President Obama Speaks on Sequester Impacts (live)

edit: Seemed to be going for the "first responders!!11!" framing. I have to admit, I've heard more about "first responders" in the past year or so than I ever have my entire life. Interesting how they've kind of become the goto "will someone think of the children!" occupation. Not saying it's necessarily wrong to think of them, just thought politicians have found a use for them, lol.



This is the original article, its a bit longer and equally amazing. I love the comments as well. I honestly thought this was satire when I first read it.

Choice quote


I'm not sure this is real.

A few months ago my parents were telling me about some radio show where a caller was stating something like this. She was wondering why we put those signs on highways. She was totally just having a really stupid ass moment on the air, and the radio hosts were kind of jazzing her for it and laughing.

But this was a long while ago, last year even, and this article is dated 2013.

edit: Here's a story on it


President Obama Speaks on Sequester Impacts (live)

edit: Seemed to be going for the "first responders!!11!" framing. I have to admit, I've heard more about "first responders" in the past year or so than I ever have my entire life. Interesting how they've kind of become the goto "will someone think of the children!" occupation. Not saying it's necessarily wrong to think of them, just thought politicians have found a use for them, lol.

I think there's some of that. For Obama, I think it's his way of highlighting essential government functions. After a few years of cut cut cut he's drawing a line where we can't cut; sort of countering the argument he's getting from the GOP/tea party crowd that all government is bad, must be cut, etc. Of course it helps that he's drawing the line at a government function the public values most.

I wonder if he's have to do this if he hadn't contributed to the deficit hysteria.


No Scrubs
So apparently some conservative thought that #LiberalTips2AvoidRape would be funny. Apparently it's been trending for a while...
The shoe is dropping? Folks are starting to realize Obama and Rubio's plans are virtually the same
Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions issued a press release on Monday saying, "Unfortunately, the leaked [Obama] plan is little different in its substance from the Gang of 8 plan, which is also unlikely to withstand scrutiny... Perhaps this leak, and what it reveals, may mark the beginning of the collapse of this new scheme to force through a fatally flawed plan." The Washington Examiner's Conn Carroll was not impressed either, asking, "What’s the difference between Obama and Rubio on immigration exactly?" The Daily Caller's Mickey Kaus thinks there's little difference. Iowa evangelical Bryan Fischer calls it the "Obama-Rubio amnesty plan."

It was bound to happen. Now that the jig is virtually up, what does Rubio do? I still believe he'll bolt the minute his border trigger idea is changed in any way.


The shoe is dropping? Folks are starting to realize Obama and Rubio's plans are virtually the same


It was bound to happen. Now that the jig is virtually up, what does Rubio do? I still believe he'll bolt the minute his border trigger idea is changed in any way.

I love how Obama support is a death wish for any kind of plan... and that this rarely gets talked about by anyone of importance. Its embarassing
The shoe is dropping? Folks are starting to realize Obama and Rubio's plans are virtually the same


It was bound to happen. Now that the jig is virtually up, what does Rubio do? I still believe he'll bolt the minute his border trigger idea is changed in any way.

At this rate, over 90% of Hispanics should be supporting dem candidate in 2016.


The shoe is dropping? Folks are starting to realize Obama and Rubio's plans are virtually the same


It was bound to happen. Now that the jig is virtually up, what does Rubio do? I still believe he'll bolt the minute his border trigger idea is changed in any way.

This makes the initial lavish praise Rubio's immigration plan got in GOP circles all that more amusing. The GOP was praising essentially an Obama proposal and only now are they figuring that out. And why did they support it initially? Simply because Obama wasn't the 'face' of it.

Makes the GOP habit of opposing anything Obama proposes--even when it's a GOP idea--all that more apparent and sad.
This makes the initial lavish praise Rubio's immigration plan got in GOP circles all that more amusing. The GOP was praising essentially an Obama proposal and only now are they figuring that out. And why did they support it initially? Simply because Obama wasn't the 'face' of it.

Makes the GOP reflexive habit of opposing anything Obama proposes--even when it's a GOP idea--all that more apparent and sad.

They have to decide when being the anti-Obama party is no longer logical for them. Rubio's entire framework (outside of the trigger) mirrors Obama's 2008 plan, which of course mirrored Bush's 2007 plan. Learn English, get in back of line, border security, e-verify, STEM visas, etc. The problem is that now both parties support the same framework, republicans have to find a way to buck or insult the president just to appease their base. First it was the whole "Obama should stay away and let us work" language. Then the WSJ ran that story about all powerful junior Senator Obama shitcanning Bush's immigration plan. Then we got the more familiar "we need the president to lead!" call from Boehner, followed by outrage displayed last weekend over Obama's extremist out of the mainstream partisan horrible awful immigration plan (that looks like the senate's bill).

It's fucking pathetic. Too bad Obama can't point this out in a press conference, that would just cause republicans to cry moar and go home.
Have any of you guys been following the Paul Krugman vs. Joe Scarborough feud?

It's really amazing that Joe has kept this going so long. In terms of their abilities, it's a lot like that LeBron James vs. DeShawn Stevenson feud from a few years back.


No Scrubs
Have any of you guys been following the Paul Krugman vs. Joe Scarborough feud?

It's really amazing that Joe has kept this going so long. In terms of their abilities, it's a lot like that LeBron James vs. DeShawn Stevenson feud from a few years back.

It's more like Jordan vs a 3rd grader...
I rarely get to watch network news thankfully but I do see of Morning Joe is insufferable. He can be rather moderate on issues like guns, but the entire show is mainly focused on advocating for benefit cuts ASAP and other deficit doom/gloom. Anyone who doesn't agree with his general view that benefits must be cut is castigated or considered part of the problem. And Mika, who probably should be ashamed of her television "barely informed woman" role/gimmick, nods along.

How about we eliminate the income cap on social security, allow the government to negotiate drug prices, lower the Medicare eligibility age, and means test. There, I've solved entitlements without cutting shit.


Setec Astronomer
After Joe Scarborough, the main thing I hate about MSNBC is their punditry incest. Hey, let's bring on the host of another one of our shows as an expert guest! Let's do this for the majority of our segments!

Hey, how about giving me more than the semblance of an outside expert and actually bring more on if guests are important to you.


No Scrubs
For someone who doesn't really know what these exchanges entail, what does this all mean?

They are a way of grouping large numbers of people together so as to get them a better price on health insurance. It's basically how businesses get a good price on health insurance for their employees. You join the exchange and pick from a number of providers and plans, all cheaper than trying to get that same coverage alone.
I wouldn't mind if the ACA was set up not to create plans for states that didn't comply with the law - it should be all or nothing. It's hard to see the government creating more than a dozen effective exchanges for states that refuse to even work with them.

You get what you vote for.
They are a way of grouping large numbers of people together so as to get them a better price on health insurance. It's basically how businesses get a good price on health insurance for their employees. You join the exchange and pick from a number of providers and plans, all cheaper than trying to get that same coverage alone.

Right, when you insure someone, the expected payout is just the average for that person's demographic with the same risk factors. But because of individual randomness, the standard deviation is much higher. So the expected payout for an individual could be $2000, but with a standard deviation of $0 to $20,000. With groups, the larger sample size creates a much smaller standard deviation, and you don't see nearly as much variance in costs. If the group is large enough, you should be able to model the costs on a Normal distribution. This allows you to even out the premiums across members.

Also, I believe the ACA is mandating community rating, which means a standard price for everyone regardless of risk factors.
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