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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Even funnier because of:

We complain that there aren't enough counter points to the slant in here, and here you guys are mocking this dude. C'mon.

He even said it's easy to fall into that belief system when you're only in that echo chamber. Give the guy a break. Somebody asked him how he made that swing and he elaborated. If anything, his experiences show how much power those conservative groups and fox news hold in shaping the narrative of what's going on. It sounds like he was against the version of Obama that the conservatives drummed up, rather than the kind of person Obama really is. At one point he even says
I think, in part because Obama had so little experience yet was receiving so much fawning for his great oratory ability, I was susceptible to the "elitist", "arrogant", and "out of touch" claims. (Let's ignore how silly it really is to consider John "I-can't-remember-how-many-homes-I-have" McCain to be in touch.) And I think I felt this belief was married to how I (and many people saw/continued to see) as Obama not respecting the cultures and ways of life that weren't like him (which is quite a liberal impulse in of itself): farmers, rural communities, etc.
and I think, at least in regards to the farmers and rural area folks, that view is some what on point. I don't think Obama has focused on those areas as much as other presidents. I don't think Obama has a lack of respect for them, but the right wing has capitalized on the fact that Obama is from Chicago. Obama doesn't get into the small town bullshit that people like Paul Ryan and republicans try to use at every turn. "This factory in my home town of bumfuck wisconsin!" It doesn't mean Obama doesn't care about those people however. I think the right conflates Obama not being from those types of areas/cultures as not giving a fuck about them and they've been able to sell that idea to those folks.

And at least Qazaq came around. He said he voted for Obama's re-election.
To follow up on the "good rulings" by Scalia argument we had earlier, here's another:


Recent case concerning the extent of a search warrant. According to the court it is not ok for the police to use a search warrant to detain people without probable cause once they are outside the premises to which the warrant applies.

Fourth Amendment law is so fucked up there is no such thing as a good Fourth Amendment ruling (there are only occasional sighs of relief that police powers were not further expanded). And Scalia has made far more bad Fourth Amendment rulings than good ones. Also, no judge, no matter how crazy or ideologically driven, will have a perfect track record of bad rulings.


You can deride what I said about Sarah Palin all you want, but that's how many Republicans saw her in the run-up to the VP choosing. I thought, during that time, John McCain should indeed have picked her -- that she was the one who might provide the game change (pun!) for the dynamics in the race to shift.

And it's also why many people, who still do, continue to like her.

I don't support her NOW or anything like that.

We complain that there aren't enough counter points to the slant in here, and here you guys are mocking this dude. C'mon.

I didn't really take it as mocking per se., just a bunch of people who never realized the counterpoint to their own beliefs (in regards to the 2008 Presidential election). I gave the most basic bare-bones reasons for why people liked Sarah Palin at the time.

Although to that Rocket Science guy: You make it seem like you don't realize that that's what I *thought at the time*. And FYI, you may feel that way about Sarah Palin, and a LOT of people will disagree with me on this, but I felt like the whole "Palin inexperience = Obama inexperience" thing was hogwash. The notion that due to John McCain's age he was all the more likely to DIE IN OFFICE -- it just felt really ageist to me. No doubt scores of people believe it's a very genuine concern, and it's not that I don't think it is, it's that, again, it just felt like it was coming from an ageist place or dismissive place.

Regardless of whether or not you think she's at all a fit for the presidency, the fact that she's a very charismatic politician who certainly did have a good record as a governor (Alaska certainly loved her during that pre-VP time) that possesses some crucial contrasts in presentation to Obama is true.

If you think that's crazy, you need to get out of your own echo sphere. What exactly is it about her that you think excited Republicans across the spectrum for so long? You spent the entire time absolutely 100% convinced she was an idiotic moronic pick that you never bothered to entertain why the other side liked her? That's stupid, and I think far crazier and "holy shit".

NeoGAF was the only major website forum I was reading at that time during the primaries (aside from other leftie sites like Kos,, etc.), and I just found the hivemind here atrocious. Even during the Clinton/Obama pimary. It was one of the REASONS I had to look for other sites to read in the first place.

And at least Qazaq came around. He said he voted for Obama's re-election.

Well I'm actually really fairly liberal, so, of course.


One more thing:

It sounds like he was against the version of Obama that the conservatives drummed up, rather than the kind of person Obama really is.

Yes and no.

Obama WAS terribly inexperienced when he ran for President. He was. Even now, "community organizer"? Give me a break. (And I have been just as happy with his presidency as any typical Democrat.) More than a Herman Cain or something? Obviously not, but also obviously, I wasn't old enough to have had decades of watching presidential candidates come and go.

All of this stuff starts with preying on an opinion not being reflected or voiced -- an opinion that is genuinely held. So while I do now genuinely find Obama a caring and very empathetic man, at the time, as much as as reverse as I've come around on Obama, I still really don't think any of my initial concerns were unjustified or unreasonable. Thus, it's not that difficult for genuine concerns about his readiness, experience, past and background to be preyed upon and have it morph into opinions like the ones I held -- especially when I really felt most of the mainstream media really was ignoring all of what I felt were obvious and rational concerns.

In short, it's not about sheer susceptibility or gullibility or "falling" for a narrative per se. When we sit here wondering why conservatives shun facts and media outlets, it's because they feel there's a genuine, obvious opinion or angle they are not covering that someone needs to say.
Obama WAS terribly inexperienced when he ran for President. He was. Even now, "community organizer"? Give me a break. (And I have been just as happy with his presidency as any typical Democrat.) More than a Herman Cain or something? Obviously not, but also obviously, I wasn't old enough to have had decades of watching presidential candidates come and go.
Community organizer lols loser go back to mopping floors

CEO of a vulture capitalist firm PRESIDENTIAL MATERIAL


We complain that there aren't enough counter points to the slant in here, and here you guys are mocking this dude. C'mon.

He even said it's easy to fall into that belief system when you're only in that echo chamber. Give the guy a break. Somebody asked him how he made that swing and he elaborated. If anything, his experiences show how much power those conservative groups and fox news hold in shaping the narrative of what's going on. It sounds like he was against the version of Obama that the conservatives drummed up, rather than the kind of person Obama really is. At one point he even says and I think, at least in regards to the farmers and rural area folks, that view is some what on point. It doesn't mean Obama doesn't care about those people however.

At least he came around. He said he voted for Obama's re-election.

Good post. It's fun to mock anonymous idiots online who live in the conservative media bubble and do little more than regurgitate the latest talking points, but it's another story when it's someone you know.


Was Goldwater that radical?
He wanted to roll back the new deal, opposed the civil rights act and wanted to use nukes in Vietnam.
Yeah he was nuts, didn't even have to look in your guts to know that.

But he supported pot legalization pot later in his life, so much like Ron Paul he became "the voice of conservative reason".


This is the shit here that pisses me off. Did ANYONE say that? NO ONE said that. I thought Romney was a TERRIBLE candidate.


A ton of people were using his CEO experience as a plus for "getting the financial house in order".


Who's talking about Romney's candidacy?

CEO of a vulture capitalist firm PRESIDENTIAL MATERIAL

A ton of people were using his CEO experience as a plus for "getting the financial house in order".

You guys want to talk about Romney's candidacy go for it, I was talking about my own experiences in relation to becoming more conservative during the 2008 Presidential campaign and then switching back. And some of that switch had to do with that I felt like was Obama's relatively very little experience and very little legislative record.

Again, if you want to rehash an argument that was more at home four years ago, be my guest. I won't be participating.
You guys want to talk about Romney's candidacy go for it, I was talking about my own experiences in in relation to becoming more conservative during the 2008 Presidential campaign and then switching back. And some of that switch had a lot to do with that I felt like Obama had relatively very little experience and very little legislative record.

Again, if you want to rehash an argument that was more at home four years ago, be my guest. I won't be participating.

They were taking issue with the fact that you said Herman Cain was more experienced for the presidency than Obama.


You guys want to talk about Romney's candidacy go for it, I was talking about my own experiences in relation to becoming more conservative during the 2008 Presidential campaign and then switching back. And some of that switch had to do with that I felt like was Obama's relatively very little experience and very little legislative record.

Again, if you want to rehash an argument that was more at home four years ago, be my guest. I won't be participating.

Just realized you were talking 08. Oops.
You guys want to talk about Romney's candidacy go for it, I was talking about my own experiences in relation to becoming more conservative during the 2008 Presidential campaign and then switching back. And some of that switch had to do with that I felt like was Obama's relatively very little experience and very little legislative record.

Again, if you want to rehash an argument that was more at home four years ago, be my guest. I won't be participating.

Again no one's talking about Romney's candidacy except you. We're talking about qualifications. Being a CEO of a firm or a pizza chain doesn't give you any more credible experience for being potus. It's incredible that people think running a business means you are qualified for president's office.


They were taking issue with the fact that you said Herman Cain was more experienced for the presidency than Obama.

I was really unclear when I said it, reading it back over. I said that Obama's inexperience was not like Herman Cain's, in that, Herman Cain has no experience whatsoever -- Obama wasn't quite that bad. That I had just never seen presidential candidates like Herman Cain run before, so maybe my barometer for what was considered qualified was a bit skewed. After all, Hillary Clinton and John McCain have been around quite a long time and done quite a lot -- moreso maybe than the average Presidential contender.

Just realized you were talking 08. Oops.

Because people here are so insistent upon pouncing on any viewpoint they don't agree with, they don't stop to read the whole thing or what the context of it is! In this case, they're disagreeing with a viewpoint that's four years old and not held or relevant anymore, but they wouldn't know it because they don't care to actually read before pouncing.

Why, look, we have another person providing an example:

You know what prepares you to be President of the United States?

Being President.

Again no one's talking about Romney's candidacy except you.

Still not getting it...


for a sec i thought i was in OT5 discussing a romney candidacy.



He wanted to roll back the new deal, opposed the civil rights act and wanted to use nukes in Vietnam.
Yeah he was nuts, didn't even have to look in your guts to know that.

But he supported pot legalization pot later in his life, so much like Ron Paul he became "the voice of conservative reason".

Nukes in Vietnam? lol

I'd still place Rand Paul above him though.


Well, that attitude of yours just make people so eager to talk with you!

Well let me see if I can attempt to make this more friendly while still expressing the sentiment:

Perhaps, before making a quip that you think is so terribly obvious that you'll look very clever for pointing it out, it might be helpful to just read the conversation so that you can make sure the joke isn't infact on you when you say it?

So the upcoming sequester is actually going to effect me personally as it will put my wife out of work since she's a contractor at a local naval base. Whats mind boggling is that there's quite a few government workers there who are howling because they have a furlough coming and they're blaming Obama for it.
Which I suppose is fair because if the Republicans had control it would mean cuts to social programs and not military. But the disconnect of seeing themselves as valuable assets because they run a base in TN versus social workers and public works programs as a drain on society just frustrates me.


Again no one's talking about Romney's candidacy except you. We're talking about qualifications. Being a CEO of a firm or a pizza chain doesn't give you any more credible experience for being potus. It's incredible that people think running a business means you are qualified for president's office.
People generally don't understand what CEOs do.
All that stupidity stems from the bullshit idea that brought you the MBA - that "management" is an independent skill that allows you to sit at the top of any organization.
Republicans may get blamed initially but ultimately Obama will be blamed for the economic disaster this will cause. You can't vanish 1mil jobs and not have a recession.


I did, and the gist of my fairly general remark was that few things actually do prepare you to be President.

You know, I'd be interested in reading about that. Who, of the many presidents with very diverse backgrounds that we've had, feel their previous experience was indeed the most analogous to actually being president.
Well let me see if I can attempt to make this more friendly while still expressing the sentiment:

Perhaps, before making a quip that you think is so terribly obvious that you'll look very clever for pointing it out, it might be helpful to just read the conversation so that you can make sure the joke isn't infact on you when you say it?

Well with that attitude of yours...
You know, I'd be interested in reading about that. Who, of the many presidents with very diverse backgrounds that we've had, feel their previous experience was indeed the most analogous to actually being president.

Presidents tend to be governors which deals with running a single state's executive. Here is the list:

Bush II

Or they were vice president:

Bush I

Or they were in the military:

Eisenhower - Supreme Allied Commander

They also could be part of several of these groups or had careers in other political areas. LBJ was Senate Majority Leader before becoming VP. Clinton was the first president since WWII not to have served in the military. The only presidents in the last 100 years to really claim business experience as an asset were Bush II and Hoover.


Setec Astronomer
Abraham Lincoln was a self-taught lawyer who served in the Illinois militia but only served one term in the US House of Representatives.
Do you guys think Assault weapons will be banned under Obama's presidency?

If you look at the statistics, that part of his proposals probably wouldn't have a big effect. So I wouldn't mind if it were sacrificed in order to get something passed . . . such as closing the gun show and private sale loophole.
He wanted to roll back the new deal, opposed the civil rights act and wanted to use nukes in Vietnam.
Yeah he was nuts, didn't even have to look in your guts to know that.

But he supported pot legalization pot later in his life, so much like Ron Paul he became "the voice of conservative reason".
Goldwater also had the great gay-tolerance line of (paraphrased) "I don't care if you are straight, you just need to shoot straight to be in the military."


Obama's Sequester circa 2011:




Bonus WSJ Op Ed by John Boehner: The President Is Raging Against a Budget Crisis He Created

The president got his higher taxes—$600 billion from higher earners, with no spending cuts—at the end of 2012. He also got higher taxes via ObamaCare. Meanwhile, no one should be talking about raising taxes when the government is still paying people to play videogames, giving folks free cellphones, and buying $47,000 cigarette-smoking machines.

Jesus fucking christ. lol
Obama WAS terribly inexperienced when he ran for President. He was. Even now, "community organizer"? Give me a break. (And I have been just as happy with his presidency as any typical Democrat.) More than a Herman Cain or something? Obviously not, but also obviously, I wasn't old enough to have had decades of watching presidential candidates come and go.

First, thanks for the insight and explanations. And I agree that the hivemind is a real thing, even when I agree with it.

However, I think you totally bought the right-wing narrative if you focused at all on his community organizer career, which was 10 years prior to election. He was an IL state senator with a constiuency larger than Alaska's population before he was a US Senator. That doesn't mean he wasn't light in qualifications, but it's a far cry from community organizer. He was also a Constitutional Law professor, which is not inconsequential at all.
McConnell’s office duped by The Onion-style piece on Gitmo

Is the Obama administration preparing to give prisoners at Guantanamo Bay GI Bill benefits as part of a plan to “completely crush their souls with bureaucracy?” Wired Magazine reports that Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office asked the Pentagon that very question after a constituent sounded the alarm.

The problem? That far-fetched notion came from a story on the satirical site “The Duffel Blog,” a military-focused answer to The Onion. (Wired posted the constituent’s letter and the query from McConnell’s office on its top-notch “Danger Room” blog on national security).

The GOP has become a party run on conspiracy theories. Whether it is this new story, Rand Paul's "Libya secretly sending weapons to Turkey", DHS bullet purchases, the "Friends of Hamas" garbage, etc. . . . it is just a pile of crazy.
Edit: The rate at which these conspiracy theories is manufactured is amazing. All of the above conspiracy theories are just a few weeks old. They get piled on top of the birtherism, secret Muslim, FEMA death camps, Iraq WMD stockpiles, and all the rest of the nonsense.

But this is what you get with a party that still can't even deal with evolution.
They also could be part of several of these groups or had careers in other political areas. LBJ was Senate Majority Leader before becoming VP. Clinton was the first president since WWII not to have served in the military. The only presidents in the last 100 years to really claim business experience as an asset were Bush II and Hoover.

That's, like, a really bad pattern.

Unfunny man hosts a funny event? That's a shame.
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