I have to be honest, I am not sure how that happens, especially at such a quick interval.
It all comes down to this:
“We are finding that the brain can change in response to the environment, i.e., we can change our minds.
I did not think Obama was qualified. I very enthusiastically supported his re-election and proudly voted for him. But when he was running, I did not like really like him, didn't think he had much experience, wasn't sure what he would do in office, didn't like the embarrassing fawning given by politically apathetic people and dumb talking heads. (NeoGAF was absolutely atrocious at this time -- but then, it always is when you don't agree with the NeoGAF HiveMind. And PS, you can get away with a ton of shit if you have The Collective on your side, that will otherwise get you banned if you DON'T have The Collective on your side. But I digress...).
Plenty of that had to do with me wanting Hillary to win, but obviously much of it did not.
I began gravitating towards right-wing blogs because I found their perspective on the Obama/Hillary race very interesting, and at the time I just found it more fair.
I think, in part because Obama had so little experience yet was receiving so much fawning for his great oratory ability, I was susceptible to the "elitist", "arrogant", and "out of touch" claims. (Let's ignore how silly it really is to consider John "I-can't-remember-how-many-homes-I-have" McCain to be in touch.) And I think I felt this belief was married to how I (and many people saw/continued to see) as Obama not respecting the cultures and ways of life that weren't like him (which is quite a liberal impulse in of itself): farmers, rural communities, etc.
Due to me having to retreat to the right wing blogs to have my opinions on Obama echoed, I began to sympathize and agree with the world-view espoused by those sights: Individual responsibility, not punishing job creators and those who earned their wealth. I liked Sarah Palin a lot (at the time), and liked that she seemed to be everything Obama was not: genuine, like she would level with you, that she would speak like a very charismatic ordinary citizen. She had a good record as a governor in Alaska of bipartisanship and of not being a crazy fundie Republican.
I think I became more pro-life. I'm hazy on this. I'm not saying I switched entirely, or maybe I'm wrong if I even did -- but I recall my opinion on abortion shifting. I definitely became more hawkish. I thought a lot of the media was biased -- and that was easy to believe, because they were fawning over Obama and weren't mentioning the obvious viewpoints I had that I felt needed to be represented. I clinged to the scarce polls of good news in the run up to the election -- in much the same way that I recognized the current crop of Republicans do it for this latest election.
My opinions did not uniformly change. I voted a Democratic down ticket, believing a split government was the best way to have the spectrum of views fairly represented in Congress. I was still pro-environment.
So while I'm not sure it's necessarily accurate to say I went from Democrat to Republic in that timespan (despite me voting for Republican for president), I definitely became more conservative.
It wasn't until after the election I began to go back.
But in summary: There's a reason that the right-wing media sphere is successful and powerful. It's because it works.
While surrounding yourself with leftie blogs and watching leftie TV shows like I do also does have the power to obviously shape your ideology and opinions, I don't mind it, because I think very generally speaking, liberals are open to listening to and responding to what the facts say and what the reality really is -- and going from there to fix a problem. It's not about picking and choosing what to believe because you want to believe it.