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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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I don't think jail is the right punishment for those assholes.
Their crime is greed, I say we create a penal tax bracket for criminals that taxes 100% above the median income level, they can make more, but they ain't taking more home, though they can use their pre tax money for charitable donations, maybe some of it can raise the median income in this country..
I'm sure this will scare those greedy fucks more than the theoretical threat (that we don't have the balls to apply to often) of going to a white collar jail.

Fuck white collar jails and fuck the concept of white collar.


Assault Weapons Ban passes committee in strictly party-line vote 10-8

Dead on arrival in the Senate

Meanwhile, also in the Senate.....
A bipartisan Senate bill preventing a federal shutdown would make four long-standing gun protections permanent, including one preventing the Justice Department from requiring firearms dealers to conduct inventories to make sure weapons haven’t been stolen, congressional aides from both parties said.

Another provision made permanent would prevent the government from changing the definition of antique guns, which can sometimes be easier to obtain than modern weapons. Two others would block the department from denying a license to firearms dealers who report no business activity, and require the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to include language in firearms data stating that the information can’t be used to make conclusions about gun crimes.
In the midst of a "debate" about gun violence and new gun laws. So much for that.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I don't think jail is the right punishment for those assholes.
Their crime is greed, I say we create a penal tax bracket for criminals that taxes 100% above the median income level, they can make more, but they ain't taking more home, though they can use their pre tax money for charitable donations, maybe some of it can raise the median income in this country..
I'm sure this will scare those greedy fucks more than the theoretical threat (that we don't have the balls to apply to often) of going to a white collar jail.

Fuck white collar jails and fuck the concept of white collar.
That would be too brilliant of a deterrent. Throw it on the 'fantasy America' pile of genius that will never be implemented.
That would be too brilliant of a deterrent. Throw it on the 'fantasy America' pile of genius that will never be implemented.
Is that Dennis Kucinich's version of Rapture?
I didn't see this posted, but last quarter also turned out to be a fantastic retail quarter -- sales up 1.1 when the projection was 0.5.


just wait for this holiday season...ps4+xbox 4+new cod+new battlefield +the last guardian


That would be too brilliant of a deterrent. Throw it on the 'fantasy America' pile of genius that will never be implemented.
Populist ideas can have a life of their own, you never know, and if you never demand it from elected officials you never will know.

Or let's put like that, what would you imagine the counter argument for this will be?


Populist ideas can have a life of their own, you never know, and if you never demand it from elected officials you never will know.

Or let's put like that, what would you imagine the counter argument for this will be?

It's legalized slavery against the job creators that build America. Once this policy is in place, liberals can tax away your whole small business by accusing you of sexual harassment. Next they'll make it a felony to make too much money and bam, socialism.


It's legalized slavery against the job creators that build America. Once this policy is in place, liberals can tax away your whole small business by accusing you of sexual harassment. Next they'll make it a felony to make too much money and bam, socialism.
Can't do the time, don't do the crime.

Man, I always wanted to say it with conviction, feels good man.


I don't think jail is the right punishment for those assholes.
Their crime is greed, I say we create a penal tax bracket for criminals that taxes 100% above the median income level, they can make more, but they ain't taking more home, though they can use their pre tax money for charitable donations, maybe some of it can raise the median income in this country..
I'm sure this will scare those greedy fucks more than the theoretical threat (that we don't have the balls to apply to often) of going to a white collar jail.

Fuck white collar jails and fuck the concept of white collar.

Hah, this is a brilliant idea. I'm sure there'd be some oddities in implementing it, but still, I love the idea behind it.
"When British tyranny besieged our colonies, we survived. When flames danced from the White House windows in 1812, we endured. When the union split itself into two almost perishing from this earth, we rebuilt," he said Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference outside of Washington.

"When the soup lines of the Depression stretched down shuttered city blocks, we recovered. When an unstoppable Nazi regime and war machine threatened to extinguish the light of free nations, we triumphed," he continued. "And, ladies and gentlemen, when Barack Obama packs his bags and beats a hasty retreat back to Chicago, we will persevere."
Without googling, guess who said this today at cpac.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Populist ideas can have a life of their own, you never know, and if you never demand it from elected officials you never will know.

Or let's put like that, what would you imagine the counter argument for this will be?
What pigeon said, is basically the counter fallacy that would be used. But yeah, I really like your idea and something to keep in mind going into the future. Sadly as much as I would like to demand it of elected officials I don't think they would be on board with gutting the likely source of a lot of their campaign donations.


We should have an official CPAC thread. Shit's very entertaining


Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), speaking at conservative gathering CPAC, declared that "Vietnam was winnable, but people in Washington decided we would not win it!"


Speaking at the annual CPAC gathering of conservatives, Cotton, a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan bluntly argued that, "It's a war against radical Islamic jihad. It's not a war against terror. Terror is a specific tactic… This is a war we have to engage in and that we have to win."

Mike O'Brien @mpoindc
Rep. Labrador on the GOP's deficit among Latino voters: "We need to stop blaming ourselves for this problem."


Without googling, guess who said this today at cpac.

I don't understand this quote. He's setting it up as "When [bad thing happens] we will get over it and emerge better or victorious, etc." Then he gets to Obama and the [bad thing happens] is that Obama packs his bags and retreats back to Chicago?

Am I reading that wrong, or is he misusing his own repetition?
I don't understand this quote. He's setting it up as "When [bad thing happens] we will get over it and emerge better or victorious, etc." Then he gets to Obama and the [bad thing happens] is that Obama packs his bags and retreats back to Chicago?

Am I reading that wrong, or is he misusing his own repetition?

He is saying that Obama wil blow over, as did those other things.


He is saying that Obama wil blow over, as did those other things.

I know that's what he's getting at, but he's misusing his own literary repetition. He's saying when a bad thing happens, we persevere, yet in the bad thing spot for Obama he has him going back to Chicago, and in his mind that'd be the good thing. It should be:

"When the soup lines of the Depression stretched down shuttered city blocks, we recovered. When an unstoppable Nazi regime and war machine threatened to extinguish the light of free nations, we triumphed," he continued. "And, ladies and gentlemen, though Barack Obama has won yet another term of taxing and spending, threatening to stall our prosperity, our nation will persevere. He will eventually pack his bags retreat back to Chicago."
"When British tyranny besieged our colonies, we survived. When flames danced from the White House windows in 1812, we endured. When the union split itself into two almost perishing from this earth, we rebuilt," he said Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference outside of Washington.

"When the soup lines of the Depression stretched down shuttered city blocks, we recovered. When an unstoppable Nazi regime and war machine threatened to extinguish the light of free nations, we triumphed," he continued. "And, ladies and gentlemen, when Barack Obama packs his bags and beats a hasty retreat back to Chicago, we will persevere."

Without googling, guess who said this today at cpac.

Amazing. The paranoia and victim complex is amazing.

What is so bad? We are in no major wars and we are FINALLY winding down a war that no one cares about. The Dow is hitting new records. Unemployment is down to 7.7%.

Exactly what is the crisis? The Deficit? We could easily take steps to start addressing that if they went forward and approved Obama's plans of 2 for 1 cuts and tax hikes.

Crisis manufacturing seems to be the main industry on the right.

Edit: Allen West? Makes perfect sense. Who else but the modern Joseph McCarthy to manufacture such paranoid conspiracy nonsense.
Amazing. The paranoia and victim complex is amazing.

What is so bad? We are in no major wars and we are FINALLY winding down a war that no one cares about. The Dow is hitting new records. Unemployment is down to 7.7%.

Exactly what is the crisis? The Deficit? We could easily take steps to start addressing that if they went forward and approved Obama's plans of 2 for 1 cuts and tax hikes.

Crisis manufacturing seems to be the main industry on the right.

My uncle told me that he firmly believes the US will become Cuba very shortly if we continue down the path we're on. He couldn't articulate why he felt this way. He just felt it. He's a huge Fox News viewer.
My uncle told me that he firmly believes the US will become Cuba very shortly if we continue down the path we're on. He couldn't articulate why he felt this way. He just felt it. He's a huge Fox News viewer.

That is pretty ironic. I'm guessing that if Fidel dies, the new leaders after Raul open up the economy a bit more, and they release political prisoners then we could see an opening up of Cuba. The reverse is FAR more likely . . . Cuba may become more like us.

How could we become like Cuba? I can't even see a pathway to that.


Omg these people are insane
Well, any war is winnable, but the idea that "we just didn't want it bad enough" betrays a pretty simplistic understanding of what was going on.

I wonder how the world would be different now if Wilson had supported Ho Chi Minh's bid for independence from France.
How could we become like Cuba? I can't even see a pathway to that.

Neither could I. He looked shocked when I told him that I feel the US is a freer today than it's ever been.

EDIT: These manufactured crisis comments play into my uncle's fears though. I'm sure they do to the many others like him.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Aaron Swartz's lawyer files official complaint against DOJ Prosecutor

ArsTechnica Article

The lawyer who represented Aaron Swartz in his fight against computer fraud charges,has filed an official complaint against Stephen Heymann, theDOJ prosecutor who went after Swartz.

Specifically, Peters says that Heymann withheld a key e-mail until after a hearing inwhich it would have been useful.The e-mail "demonstrated that theSecret Service bothhad effective control over Mr. Swartz's electronic devicesand knew it needed to obtain a search warrant," as of January 2011, according to Peters. That contradictedother government testimony about delays in searchingSwartz's devices. Heymann thus violated his "duty of candor to thecourt," wrote Peters.
Pelosi: ‘Let’s Take A Look’ At Chained CPI

Igor Bobic

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said on Thursday that she would be willing to consider switching to a new inflation calculation, known as "chained CPI," for various entitlement programs such as Social Security as part of a broader package designed to reduce the deficit.

"In terms of C.P.I., I have said let's take a look at that," she said at a weekly press briefing in Washington. "What is it -- there are elements in our party, who have said that we can do this without hurting the poor and the very elderly. So let's see what that is. There are others who are objecting to it plain and simple. I have to say if we can demonstrate that it doesn't hurt the poor and the very elderly, then let's take a look at it because compared to what? Compared to what? Compared to Republicans saying Medicare should wither on the vine? Social Security has no place in a free society? These are their words. These are their words."


The funny thing is Dems are bending over backwards to cut benefits but it won't happen because the GOP is so crazy they won't take the offer.

CPAC is a display of the stupided and ignorance of the GOP and Conservative movement. Rand Paul just said the GOP is old and moss covered and needs to change. This is 2 minutes after him calling or eliminating the department of education, a flat tax rate, end to "burdensome regulation". Never heard these ideas before....


Rand Paul is giving a speech now for cpac, it's on cspan. He is going to propose a budget that balances in 5 years, that gets rid of the department of education. He promises to protect the freedom of people who want to choose their own health care and whether or not to send their kids to school.
Rand Paul is giving a speech now for cpac, it's on cspan. He is going to propose a budget that balances in 5 years, that gets rid of the department of education. He promises to protect the freedom of people who want to choose their own health care and whether or not to send their kids to school.

5 years? WTF? If he was really a true conservative he'd present a budget that balances in 1 year. Everybody knows that.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Rand Paul is giving a speech now for cpac, it's on cspan. He is going to propose a budget that balances in 5 years, that gets rid of the department of education. He promises to protect the freedom of people who want to choose their own health care and whether or not to send their kids to school.

LOL I can't wait to see how that goes over with the public


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
LOL I can't wait to see how that goes over with the public

Let's please not "wait and see."

We almost saw the supreme court strike down the entire ACA. I firmly believe that had the other 4 conservatives on the court simply struck down the individual mandate, roberts would have sided with them. The Bill would still remain but without the mandate.

Most of the academic consensus was that the mandate was constitutional, but expected that the court would strike it down anyways. Few people thought any of the justices would consider striking the whole thing down (excluding Scalia).

Taking a "wait and see" approach with the conservatives being as crazy as they are now is not a good idea.
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