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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Well, I guess that settles it then.

Yep, another pandering fake christian. All life in all stages of development deserve protection, as long as it's easy to legislate, doesn't cost anything, and is American.

Rick Perry giving a speech now...that swagger. "Federally Sponsored Jail Break" I need to read up on what went on.
If the economy's smooth sailing by 2014, Democrats could run a campaign on social issues and entitlements, and they would win.

Economy? Obamacare? Deficits? All essentially neutralized as GOP advantages if things go well.

So that leaves gay marriage, climate change, immigration reform, minimum wage, gun control etc. - all issues where Democrats clearly have the majority backing them up.

Democrats would need a huge popular vote margin to overtake the House, but those results have been achieved before - 2006 and 2008. OFA's microtargeting could make it easier.
If the economy's smooth sailing by 2014, Democrats could run a campaign on social issues and entitlements, and they would win.

Economy? Obamacare? Deficits? All essentially neutralized as GOP advantages if things go well.

So that leaves gay marriage, climate change, immigration reform, minimum wage, gun control etc. - all issues where Democrats clearly have the majority backing them up.

Democrats would need a huge popular vote margin to overtake the House, but those results have been achieved before - 2006 and 2008. OFA's microtargeting could make it easier.

CPAC is showing the GOP is gonna run on the same stuff too

They're running for the white vote even more. This stuff doesn't fly in the people they need to attract.
CPAC is showing the GOP is gonna run on the same stuff too

They're running for the white vote even more. This stuff doesn't fly in the people they need to attract.

I hope the GOP goes out.

The party is in dire need of reform.

The fastest way to do that is for them to suffer and absolutely humiliating defeat.


The Autumn Wind
CPAC is showing the GOP is gonna run on the same stuff too

They're running for the white vote even more. This stuff doesn't fly in the people they need to attract.
They've completely lost touch. Like I said in the CPAC thread, they think the whole "Satan? Obama!" thing is actually helping their cause.
They've completely lost touch. Like I said in the CPAC thread, they think the whole "Satan? Obama!" thing is actually helping their cause.

Even their ideas about "personal responsibility" and "opportunity" are code words. People aren't stupid to what they are talking about.

Oh. Rick Perry is telling us what Hispanics want....


I agree with the logic of the sentiment as expressed here, but I think your first response assumed that maintaining benefits levels for the poor and elderly while dropping them for everybody else is an example of eliminating all the negative consequences while keeping any positive consequences. Specifically, you said, "But the whole problem with chained CPI is that it hurts the poor!" That's not true. The whole problem with chained CPI is that it hurts all Americans. Reducing the benefits of a person who is just outside the poverty line, or, indeed, a typical middle class individual, is a negative consequence of chained CPI. Nancy says fuck those people. And she says fuck those people without providing any reason for why they require fucking. It's a senseless fucking.

It might not be a big shift, but it's yet another example of a Democrat starting the discussion from the right. Instead of "Let's remove the cap on Social Security!" or "Let's reduce our debt by implementing Medicare For All!", it's "Let's look at these Social Security cuts if they're not too bad."

It also throws into question whether they're bad or not. If one side is saying let's do it, and the other is saying "Well, we'll see, maybe we can. We'll check it out," then people will believe the center is between those two, and perhaps they could do it. And they'll also wonder why one side apparently hasn't even researched it yet. If one side is saying let's do it and the other is saying "What are you fucking nuts? Do you know what this does? Here's something much more logical" then that shifts the center of the debate.

I think these are generally valid critiques. I would definitely prefer that they expand entitlements across the board, and I agree that Pelosi is taking a compromising stance here. Again, this is the Washington consensus on entitlements in action -- all the serious people "know" that we have to cut entitlements. Frankly, I think we should try to avoid doing anything about entitlements for the next four years or so, so that the American people can get used to Obamacare and hopefully change their perspective on expanding social programs to some degree.


If the economy's smooth sailing by 2014, Democrats could run a campaign on social issues and entitlements, and they would win.

Economy? Obamacare? Deficits? All essentially neutralized as GOP advantages if things go well.

So that leaves gay marriage, climate change, immigration reform, minimum wage, gun control etc. - all issues where Democrats clearly have the majority backing them up.

Democrats would need a huge popular vote margin to overtake the House, but those results have been achieved before - 2006 and 2008. OFA's microtargeting could make it easier.

Don't forget agriculture infrastructure changes that need to be done in the next few years. Would be a shame if people were to get sued for growing their own food.
I hope the GOP goes out.

The party is in dire need of reform.

The fastest way to do that is for them to suffer and absolutely humiliating defeat.
Hopefully this will occur in 2014 after Dems gain seats in Congress and pick up a number of governorships, and then again in 2016 after Hillary swats down her GOP challenger and Democrats win a supermajority.
If the economy's smooth sailing by 2014, Democrats could run a campaign on social issues and entitlements, and they would win.

Economy? Obamacare? Deficits? All essentially neutralized as GOP advantages if things go well.

So that leaves gay marriage, climate change, immigration reform, minimum wage, gun control etc. - all issues where Democrats clearly have the majority backing them up.

Democrats would need a huge popular vote margin to overtake the House, but those results have been achieved before - 2006 and 2008. OFA's microtargeting could make it easier.

That's not true of House races. There are plenty of districts that aren't as liberal on social issues as the rest of the country. Guns especially could be a hurdle for many districts.


Papa Joe is making a podcast! "Being Biden" sharing personal stories


it is a strange world we live in, folks. maybe too strange

I will say I'm super glad Obama picked Joe Biden. I've always known about him, but this time has allowed me to real get to know the type of person he is, and I'd say unlike some of the people who I may disagree with on policy a lot of the time and also hate with a passion for being fucking retarded, I like Joe genuinely even when I disagree with him. He really believes what he does. I dunno, I sort of wish we lived in a world where he could possibly win the White House instead of Hillary Clinton... but take what you can get, I s'pose.


it is a strange world we live in, folks. maybe too strange

I will say I'm super glad Obama picked Joe Biden. I've always known about him, but this time has allowed me to real get to know the type of person he is, and I'd say unlike some of the people who I may disagree with on policy a lot of the time and also hate with a passion for being fucking retarded, I like Joe genuinely even when I disagree with him. He really believes what he does. I dunno, I sort of wish we lived in a world where he could possibly win the White House instead of Hillary Clinton... but take what you can get, I s'pose.

Yeah, I have this feeling Joe would be an amazing president. I have a feeling he'd be a bit like an LBJ type dude, in that I'm sure he'd want to get a ton of stuff done just to prove himself just as worthy if not more worthy than his predecessor.

Even if he didn't, he's got to be one of the most caring, understanding, down to earth politicians I know.
Yeah, I have this feeling Joe would be an amazing president. I have a feeling he'd be a bit like an LBJ type dude, in that I'm sure he'd want to get a ton of stuff done just to prove himself just as worthy if not more worthy than his predecessor.

Even if he didn't, he's got to be one of the most caring, understanding, down to earth politicians I know.

The fact that he's one of the "poorest" members of Congress in recent memory, says a lot.
That's not true of House races. There are plenty of districts that aren't as liberal on social issues as the rest of the country. Guns especially could be a hurdle for many districts.
Depends on what policies Democrats are pushing. Liberals need to take the gun control debate back. Everyone agrees on strong universal background checks. Assault weapon bans/clip restrictions are more polarizing but even those enjoy decent support.

I really believe Newtown has changed the gun debate for a very long time. Obviously the Republicans in Congress don't give a shit, and they'll continue to attack Democrats as anti-gun and the usual idiots will believe it, but I don't believe that message will resonate with as many people as it does now.

Realistically speaking, if Democrats wanted to regain a majority in the House their path would go through moderate suburban districts - ones that may have voted for Obama or Romney by a small margin either way, and would be more susceptible to the Democrats' positions on social issues. MN-3 for example - my district - used to be represented by Jim Ramstad, a pro-choice, pro-gay, anti-tax Republican, and went for Bush twice and Obama twice. Now of course it's represented by Erik Paulsen, who votes as conservatively as Michele Bachmann but knows what to say to win moderate support. He's the kind of incumbent Democrats would need to unseat to hold onto a sustainable majority, one that wouldn't be completely devastated in a GOP wave.


Elections don't matter, according to Boehner.

Speaker John A. Boehner suggested Thursday that candidates and personalities – not Republican proposals on Medicare and spending cuts – contributed to Republican losses in November, as he vowed to press forward with a House budget plan that renews the push to shrink the government.

In short, Mr. Boehner, Republican of Ohio, said in an interview, the election losses would not deter his party from pressing its vision of reducing the size of government and turning government health care programs largely over to the private sector.

That's right, there were nothing wrong with your ideas, just with your salesmen. SMH.

This party is so afraid of their base that they are becoming detached from reason. I would hope that their will take a beating at the polls in the next election for their obstinance, but gerrymandering, voter apathy and a failure to understand the importance of midterms by the democratic coalition means that things won't change in the house till at least 2016.
Elections don't matter, according to Boehner.

That's right, there were nothing wrong with your ideas, just with your salesmen. SMH.

This party is so afraid of their base that they are becoming detached from reason. I would hope that their will take a beating at the polls in the next election for their obstinance, but gerrymandering, voter apathy and a failure to understand the importance of midterms by the democratic coalition means that things won't change in the house till at least 2016.

If there was any doubt that the GOP actually believes its own horseshit and wasn't pretending for the sake of politics.

Just read about Obama speaking to Israëli tv about Iran being a year away from a bomb. What a fucking moron.

Yeah, that is a pretty stupid thing to say.

A year from now there will be people saying "OK, it is time to invade. Obama said they were a year away. We didn't get a deal done so they are about to get the bomb, so let's invade!
Elections don't matter, according to Boehner.

That's right, there were nothing wrong with your ideas, just with your salesmen. SMH.

This party is so afraid of their base that they are becoming detached from reason. I would hope that their will take a beating at the polls in the next election for their obstinance, but gerrymandering, voter apathy and a failure to understand the importance of midterms by the democratic coalition means that things won't change in the house till at least 2016.
Don't give up hope too quickly. OFA's going to work their butts off targeting minorities and youth in 2014. They failed in 2010 because the fundamentals were strongly against them and Obama didn't really care about losing the House (I wouldn't be surprised if there was some belief that working with a GOP House would actually bolster his legacy in some manner). Now he realizes the only way anything's going to get done is with Pelosi in charge again.

Not to say I really think the Democrats can win the House, but picking up a dozen seats or so and holding even in the Senate would put Boehner in a really tight spot. You can only claim you're not the problem for so long.


Just heard Chris Hayes is getting the Primetime on MSNBC

he has their best show, but I can't imagine a one hour slot format will be conducive to the type of conversations they were having. Kiiinda bummed, but we'll see if he can maintain quality.
Elections don't matter, according to Boehner.

That's right, there were nothing wrong with your ideas, just with your salesmen. SMH.

This party is so afraid of their base that they are becoming detached from reason. I would hope that their will take a beating at the polls in the next election for their obstinance, but gerrymandering, voter apathy and a failure to understand the importance of midterms by the democratic coalition means that things won't change in the house till at least 2016.

Yeah, they want to blame all their problems on the rape caucus. But that just does not hold water. Do polling on slashing medicare & social security and see how you do. Yes, a generic 'cut government' view polls well but when you start naming programs and making cuts, things change real fast.


Don't give up hope too quickly. OFA's going to work their butts off targeting minorities and youth in 2014. They failed in 2010 because the fundamentals were strongly against them and Obama didn't really care about losing the House (I wouldn't be surprised if there was some belief that working with a GOP House would actually bolster his legacy in some manner). Now he realizes the only way anything's going to get done is with Pelosi in charge again.

Not to say I really think the Democrats can win the House, but picking up a dozen seats or so and holding even in the Senate would put Boehner in a really tight spot. You can only claim you're not the problem for so long.

Ah, the darkness! The PhoenixDarkness is spreading! :)


The Autumn Wind
Elections don't matter, according to Boehner.

That's right, there were nothing wrong with your ideas, just with your salesmen. SMH.

This party is so afraid of their base that they are becoming detached from reason. I would hope that their will take a beating at the polls in the next election for their obstinance, but gerrymandering, voter apathy and a failure to understand the importance of midterms by the democratic coalition means that things won't change in the house till at least 2016.
Please proceed, GOP.
GOP collapsing inwards is going to be bad for the short term, but good in the long term. The whole party will implode at one point, giving Democrats easy elections.


I wish I had a time traveling device so I could go into the future and witness the GOP party (if one still exists) int he year 2020.

you're gonna be awful sad when you travel to 2020 and see Chris Christie has been transformed into a Reagan-esque demi God worshiped by all Republicans after his stunning upset of Hillary Clinton (after a leaked video released showing her giving goverment secrets to her Muslim Terrorist contact, Huma Abedin) and the Democrats are cowering after realizing Julián Castro receding hairline is going into full on baldness so obviously no hope


you're gonna be awful sad when you travel to 2020 and see Chris Christie has been transformed into a Reagan-esque demi God worshiped by all Republicans after his stunning upset of Hillary Clinton (after a leaked video released showing her giving goverment secrets to her Muslim Terrorist contact, Huma Abedin) and the Democrats are cowering after realizing Julián Castro receding hairline is going into full on baldness so obviously no hope

Replace Christie with Rand Paul and this would read as CPAC fan fiction.


Replace Christie with Rand Paul and this would read as CPAC fan fiction.

Nah, don't forget Reagan was a HOLLYWOOD ELITE who did the whole California gig and was all 'gun control' and shiz; Republicans retconned his past. They'll do the same for Christie!

The mark of good fanfiction right here!
I'm kind of bummed a Goldwater-type extremist probably won't win the nomination in 2016; it'll be another establishment candidate who has more money. I'd love to see Rand Paul run an insurgent campaign and win the nomination. Someone like that getting blown the fuck out by Hillary (or any non-Cuomo democrat) would be the ultimate I Told You So. Conservatives have been complaining about their candidates not being conservative enough since 1992.
Replace Christie with Rand Paul and this would read as CPAC fan fiction.

I assume in this vision that Barack Hussein Obama will have been tried for treason and sent to Mississippi to work in the cotton fields OR flown over to North Korea to work in the camps. Of course after this took place Michelle Obama gained a few hundred pounds, was fully dependent upon food stamps, and once the GOP liberated our fine country from such lazy dependents Michelle ended up having to sell herself for her bonbons.
I'm kind of bummed a Goldwater-type extremist probably won't win the nomination in 2016; it'll be another establishment candidate who has more money. I'd love to see Rand Paul run an insurgent campaign and win the nomination. Someone like that getting blown the fuck out by Hillary (or any non-Cuomo democrat) would be the ultimate I Told You So. Conservatives have been complaining about their candidates not being conservative enough since 1992.
I'm pretty sure even Cuomo would stomp Rand Paul. The Paulists' brand of lunacy only appeals to a select few.


The Autumn Wind
I'm kind of bummed a Goldwater-type extremist probably won't win the nomination in 2016; it'll be another establishment candidate who has more money. I'd love to see Rand Paul run an insurgent campaign and win the nomination. Someone like that getting blown the fuck out by Hillary (or any non-Cuomo democrat) would be the ultimate I Told You So. Conservatives have been complaining about their candidates not being conservative enough since 1992.
Rand Paul has already mentioned that he's planning on running as a Libertarian.
Color me shocked
JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon, along with other managers of the largest bank in the U.S., misled investors, dodged regulators and withheld information in an effort to hide trading losses, according to a new Senate report released Thursday. Per Bloomberg:

The largest U.S. bank “mischaracterized high-risk trading as hedging,” and withheld key information from its primary overseer, sometimes at Dimon’s behest, according to a report today by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. The 301-page document also shows how managers manipulated internal risk models and pressured traders to overvalue their positions in an effort to hide growing losses in a “monstrous” credit derivatives portfolio in London.

“We found a trading operation that piled on risk, ignored limits on risk taking, hid losses, dodged oversight and misinformed the public,” Chairman Carl Levin, a Michigan Democrat, told reporters today after his investigators spent nine months combing through 90,000 documents and interviewing current and former executives.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I wish I had a time traveling device so I could go into the future and witness the GOP party (if one still exists) int he year 2020.

I can't get you there instantly, but I have a device which will decrease the amount of time it will take you to travel into any point in the future by roughly 33%.



So PoliGAF, let’s talk about the Voting Rights Act (VRA).

What decision do you think the Supremes will hand down? Will it be a 5-4 along partisan lines?

I understand the importance of Federal oversight of the 9 states that have an abhorrent record on disenfranchising black from the vote. For that alone I think the Section 5 should remain upheld. However, do you envision a time where Section 5 can be lifted say in 25, 50, 100 years?

There is a larger point to be made about the role of the Federal Government in ensuring ease of access to the vote for all Americans. In 2012, it wasn’t the southern states that were trying to suppress the minority vote. Midwestern states like Ohio and Pennsylvania tried and failed to implement voter ID. Rick Scott of Florida used targeted tactics to reduce access to black voters (e.g. closing the polling place the Sunday before Election Day, where many black church groups organise and bus out their congregants to the polling place). It seems odd that these states can push these initiatives to suppress the vote, with only the judicial branch acting as the check and balance.

The electoral system is a mess in dire need of reform. A patchwork of different registration practices, varied early voting windows, irregular voting machines, and inefficiently located and operated polling places are all indicators of a broken system. There really needs to be a Federal set of standards to which all the states have to adhere to. But I hold no hope for that happening, until the people demand it.
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