Ha Rand Paul for immigration reform/path to citizenship. Good news.
Rand running in 2016. Dat Latino outreach
He announced?
He announced?
I can see that (a large portion of) the country is resistant to change. Significantly so. And the indifference (or ignorance) of others doesn't help. So, I can agree change for the better will be an ongoing struggle. Especially change that requires questioning of the Constitution or "Founding Principles".
But is it actually hard to move somewhere else?
Well, I was making references to fundamental issues with the leadership, governance, and the political system. What you mention above I see as symptoms of a broken system (you could throw bloated military in there too).
It seems crazy that it is that way though. The US has the know how and resources to be able to deal with these issues, arguably moreso than any country on the planet. But the mis-allocation of resources or indeed the inability to allocate resources in some instances sees these social, health, and economic issues not only remain remain unresolved but worsen*.
I'm watching from the outside, but even I find it frustrating that the pettiness and selfishness of American politics is holding the country back and an ignorant and indifferent chunk of the population allows the situation to perpetuate.
*well, some things are getting better in these areas but painfully slowly and not without people actively demonizing positive efforts or even fighting progress
nymag said:Rand Paul has always supported immigration reform in general, but he is delivering a speech today forcefully advocating reform in a manner that would seem to block off any potential avenue for retreat. What makes this more interesting is that Paul has been openly floating a presidential campaign. And immigration reform is probably going to shape the 2016 Republican presidential campaign, and the presidential campaign will in turn help determine the fate of immigration reform.
Here is the lay of the land. The Republican Partys leadership has collectively decided that its political future requires the party to support immigration reform....
Almost certainly there will be some kind of conservative revolt. Stirring of it could be heard at CPAC, where figures like Jim DeMint, Donald Trump, and Ann Coulter issued fiery denunciations. Whats interesting is that, as of now, anti-reform conservatives have no standard bearer. All of the major 2016 figures Paul, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan, Scott Walker support comprehensive reform. Somebody will surely emerge to represent the conservative base in an open field, but so far the political marketplace has not supplied a candidate to fill that anticipated demand.
Instead, the field looks a lot like a kind of cartel. All of the major candidates support reform, so none of them can undercut each other by appealing to anti-reform sentiment...
And that potential dynamic, in turn, will shape the prospects for the passage of a bill. The key factor in passing a law is for leading Republicans in Congress, especially Rubio, to stay solid in their support. Theyll continue to support a bill as long as they feel secure that fellow Republicans wont attack them as an Obama-loving sellout willing to let hordes on Mexicans pour forth over the border....
As of now, though, all the 2016 contenders can support a bill in the anticipation that their major rivals will be locked in to the same stance. The most plausible vehicle for a grassroots insurgent candidacy was Paul, who had harnessed his fathers grassroots appeal with shrewd cultivation of the party elite. With Paul signed up with the pro-reform cartel, nobody is going to make Rubio, Bush, or Ryan nervous, which means theres little right now to stop a bill from passing the House this summer.
Chait makes an interesting point about the immigration bill and Rand Paul's move:
It's happening. Dot gif.
Advisers to Sen. Rand Paul say the Kentucky Republican did not, in fact, endorse a faster path to citizenship, despite many reports Tuesday morning that he had.
Many outlets, including the Washington Post, had reported Paul would back a path to citizenship in his speech to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, dating back to Monday evening, when the Associated Press obtained an advance copy of Paul’s remarks.
“The AP story was wrong, which spurred a lot of erroneous reports,” Paul’s office said in a statement. “He does not mention ‘path to citizenship’ in his speech at all.”
One Paul adviser told Post Politics that the path to citizenship Paul is pushing doesn’t make it any easier to attain citizenship than current law allows.
“They would get into the back of the line and get no special privileges to do so,” said the adviser, who wasn’t authorized to comment publicly. “What his plan is extending to them is a quicker path to normalization, not citizenship, and being able to stay, work and pay taxes legally.”
At the root of the confusion appears to be the difference between legal status and citizenship.
The comprehensive immigration reform plan proposed by a bipartisan group of senators led by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who like Paul is a potential 2016 presidential candidate, does include a path to citizenship.
The multidimensional chess move here is for the dems to push a pass to citizenship before 2016, so the GOP will have to oppose it and the dems will further solidify their Hispanic support.Chait makes an interesting point about the immigration bill and Rand Paul's move:
It's happening. Dot gif.
I don't think the first one isn't racist at all, just ignorant of reality. The middle one is okay. The bottom one is dumb, the commentary is that militants being killed is worse than being water boarded? Ok, time for a complete withdrawal of combat forces, right?Why is conservative humor so... insulting?
How can this be seen as anything other than blatant racism?
edit- bonus pics!
Is there even a joke in this one?
While I see merit behind the sentiment in this one, it's still not funny.
More than that, Obama has to sign it, and he'll make a show of it.What I don't understand is how the GOP thinks they're gonna win on Immigration reform. Whatever passes is gonna have more than half the GOP house vote against it. Having 40-50 representatives support a bill with the vast majority of dems supporting it shows they're still on the wrong side. They can't just have their national starts support it its disingenious
No, but a cancelation of the CIA drone program would be a fucking good start.Ok, time for a complete withdrawal of combat forces, right?
More than that, Obama has to sign it, and he'll make a show of it.
But long term, they just have to get that issue all the table (although once again, one have to wonder how are they going to attract poor white voters without those wedge issues).
I wonder if Republicans will still suffer the Rubio delusion in four years, putting him as their candidate certain he'll snag the latino vote, only to be shocked by the actual votes the way they seemed dumbfounded by the last election. From CPAC, they seem to have a collective mental disorder that makes them incapable of learning from their mistakes.
Maybe they are just telling us that they vote for white people because they are white and expect others to do the same?
In any case, it is going to happen.Republicans can still ensure the bill doesn't do much of anything on citizenship. Rubio constantly says if the border security requirements are changed he will walk; on the other hand Durbin and democrats claim the border requirement won't stop people from starting the path after paying taxes, a fine, etc.
I just hope a good bill is passed, not some weak bandaid Obama can loudly declare victory about. Do it right, address STEM and all the other things that can truly make it comprehensive.
Maybe they are just telling us that they vote for white people because they are white and expect others to do the same?
I see where you're coming from, but we really don't have it that bad. In fact I still think we're top tier. Which is sad.Between stuff like this, gerrymandering, SuperPACs, executive privilege, policy pork, politicians obviously voting for re-election rather than to govern, elections happening constantly, drone strikes on US citizens, wiretapping laws, rampant revisionist history, "news" channels not being required to report actual facts, a largely misinformed electorate etc, I don't see how anybody can seriously claim the US is "the greatest democracy on Earth".
Politicians and the media have done such a great job diverting attention to the "tyranny" of government trying to legislate the likes of large sodas that the populace seem ignorant as to the very real and important freedoms they lack.
Well, as long as they are up to speed with what the Kardashians are doing at any given moment, it's a small price to pay I guess.
Seriously, I don't know how some of you guys can live like this.
Is there even a joke in this one?
The Associated Press ‏@AP
BREAKING: Senate Democrats dropping assault weapons ban from gun bill, making ban's approval unlikely.
No, but a cancelation of the CIA drone program would be a fucking good start.
Shocking Development:
Exactly. They can't run on immigration reform if it only gets enough votes from their caucus to pass.What I don't understand is how the GOP thinks they're gonna win on Immigration reform. Whatever passes is gonna have more than half the GOP house vote against it. Having 40-50 representatives support a bill with the vast majority of dems supporting it shows they're still on the wrong side. They can't just have their national starts support it its disingenious
Ok now that it the AWB is officially dead can we pass a bill that will actually address gun violence and might pass the House?
The CIA drone program is not combat force in the traditional way, or at least, they're as much a combat force as the CIA black prisons.Nothing to do with my criticism, but ok.
Why have dems given up on this aspect of the issue (Its not just PD)? While yes it was never gonna pass they should let it be know there position is to ban those type of guns. Adam Lanza would not have been able to kill as many people had he not had an Assault Rifle same for the Movie Shooting. The might not reduce the number of shootings but I don't know how they wouldn't reduce the number of deaths.
I agree that they should move to ban it, but I am also very much disappointed by how all of these issues seem to drop off the public's radar just like that. People really don't care enough, no matter how many times they say ''this time really is enough''. It's disgusting how quick the assault weapon defense force popped up. Just pass a bill now with background checks and mental health funding. It's sad to say but it will take a lot more shootings before people are going to push for an assault weapons ban.Why have dems given up on this aspect of the issue (Its not just PD)? While yes it was never gonna pass they should let it be know there position is to ban those type of guns. Adam Lanza would not have been able to kill as many people had he not had an Assault Rifle same for the Movie Shooting. The might not reduce the number of shootings but I don't know how they wouldn't reduce the number of deaths.
What about the gun in the movie shooting?Dropping the ban is a deliberate part of the negotiations for getting the bill through that will hopefully contain actually productive restrictions. The assault weapons ban wouldn't have applied to Lanza's gun.
Just saw that Mittens won the CPAC 4 times.
I agree that they should move to ban it, but I am also very much disappointed by how all of these issues seem to drop off the public's radar just like that. People really don't care enough, no matter how many times they say ''this time really is enough''. It's disgusting how quick the assault weapon defense force popped up. Just pass a bill now with background checks and mental health funding. It's sad to say but it will take a lot more shootings before people are going to push for an assault weapons ban.
According to a 2012 study by the Pew Research Center, only 29 percent of Latinos view protecting gun ownership rights as very important, compared to 57 percent of whites.
A lot of the "I need a gun to protect myself" is part of a lot of whites fear of minorities. Who do they imagine when the thing about protecting themselves? It's not johnny up the street, its "Kareem" who pops up in their head (there are some people who imagine the mass murders but I'd imagine its fewer). Its the same thing as the crime rhetoric you hear.
What about the gun in the movie shooting?
Why have dems given up on this aspect of the issue (Its not just PD)? While yes it was never gonna pass they should let it be know there position is to ban those type of guns. Adam Lanza would not have been able to kill as many people had he not had an Assault Rifle same for the Movie Shooting. The might not reduce the number of shootings but I don't know how they wouldn't reduce the number of deaths.
Lanza had two glocks on him when he was arrested, he could have easily killed as many people with them. I find the focus on AWB to be disingenuous considering the vast majority of gun violence in this country is due to handguns yet no one in Washington has anything to say about that, especially when the victims are inner city minorities instead of suburban whites. You know what would have prevented Sandy Hook? Metal detectors and auto lock doors, which you can find in many inner city schools.
I support an AWB but it's not going to pass with Obama (or another Clinton) as president. Therefore I would rather focus on things that would actually dent overall gun violence. Banning straw purchases, enforcing anti-traffiking laws, and having background checks would lower crime. Especially in places like Illinois which already has strict gun laws but is surrounded by states with little to no laws or regulations. The guns are coming from outside the state and from gun shows where people buy 10-20 guns with the intention of re-selling them.
But is it actually hard to move somewhere else?
He couldn't have bought that specific gun. However, he could have bought a nearly identical gun with the same specifications but different cosmetic features and the removal of, say, a completely unnecessary bayonet mount.
Basically, the assault weapons ban is completely ineffective at its purpose, because it includes a lot of things in the definition that don't contribute to the lethality of a weapon. You could write one that was effective, and banned, say, all semiautomatic rifles, but it would never pass.
I'm surprised he is only behind by 12 points.Rick Scott's approval rating is in the shitter.
Could have, but most likely wouldn't have. Pistols are very inaccurate compared to rifles even at very short ranges.Lanza had two glocks on him when he was arrested, he could have easily killed as many people with them.
Could have, but most likely wouldn't have. Pistols are very inaccurate compared to rifles even at very short ranges.
Probably the right move. Focus on stronger registration requirements, psych evals, required recerts, closing the gun show loophole, etc. It's not worth making the whole thing impossible to pass to ban weapons that aren't much different but are given a certain name.Shocking Development:
While I would have guessed that white people were the main group opposing gun control, I hadn't realized that that means that demographic changes will also affect gun laws. Demographic shifts are the US' largest blessing.I disagree, its gonna take demographic changes. When we become a minority majority country we're going to finally address issues like this more rationally. I think this also extends to economic issues as well.
Depressing.He couldn't have bought that specific gun. However, he could have bought a nearly identical gun with the same specifications but different cosmetic features...
Didn't maddow do something on this too? There is no way he could have gotten off the rounds as fast. He'd also have to reload.
I see where you're coming from, but we really don't have it that bad. In fact I still think we're top tier. Which is sad.
The rest of the world isn't much better (ignoring military stuff).
Shocking Development:
The CIA drone program is not combat force in the traditional way, or at least, they're as much a combat force as the CIA black prisons.
I think the cartoon is making a valid point.
I'm surprised he is only behind by 12 points.