Without the social issues the base wouldn't support shilling for the rich.
I can't wait till we get most of the social issues out of the way, so we are no longer distracted from what the rich are doing to us and this country.
Without the social issues the base wouldn't support shilling for the rich.
I maintain the Roots have made the song their own. Seeing them do this live was one of the few activist music moments that actually had an effect on me.
I can't wait till we get most of the social issues out of the way, so we are no longer distracted from what the rich are doing to us and this country.
Am I the only one that kind of fears this, in a way? I feel like some of the economic ideas of the right are down right fucking dangerously stupid. If you take away the social aspects the right has, then I know a good amount of people that will fall for that crap hook, line, and sinker.
I suppose some might go the other way, but still...
Am I the only one that kind of fears this, in a way? I feel like some of the economic ideas of the right are down right fucking dangerously stupid. If you take away the social aspects the right has, then I know a good amount of people that will fall for that crap hook, line, and sinker.
I suppose some might go the other way, but still...
Yeah I think you may be right. Or not.Am I the only one that kind of fears this, in a way? I feel like some of the economic ideas of the right are down right fucking dangerously stupid. If you take away the social aspects the right has, then I know a good amount of people that will fall for that crap hook, line, and sinker.
I suppose some might go the other way, but still...
Yeah I think you may be right. Or not.
Perhaps what could happen is that they would go for it for while . . . but as things get worse for the common man, it could flip violently in the other direction. The occupy movement was head-fake toward that.
I think the right are foolish if they push things too far. It will backfire eventually. Tunisia, Egypt . . . those were not popular uprisings merely against a tyranically ruler. They were economic riots of people unable to earn a decent living.
A successful economic system needs balance. And if you have too much money going to the top and just stagating there the system the system starts to fall apart. You need that middle class as both workers AND as consumers.
True, but the black prisons have been a problem of both administrations, so I think the criticism is directly about Obama's attack on the inhumanity of waterboarding (versus legality of it and the targeted killings of combatants). I think your construction is too nuanced for that caliber of artist.
And having 0 debt will not protect the country from economic turmoil. See the Panic of 1837.
Nonscientific (and I'd like to see this studied) but have you noticed that a lot of people that earned their money (Bill Gates, Speilberg, Warren Buffet, Soros, etc.) don't mind paying higher taxes but those people that inherited their money (Koch brothers, Steve Forbes, Walton family, etc.) cry about higher taxes. Yeah, don't talk me about 'punishing work', you didn't work for that money.A lot of the wealthy realize this. They support tax reform and such to help the problem. Their long term viability requires it.
The problem is that some only look short term and others are forced into exploiting the system or be left behind everyone else.
I wonder if there is polling out there on millionaires on this.
Sounds like big Democrats (Clintons, etc) are pushing a Democrat other than Ashley Judd into the Kentucky Senate election in 2014
Hope Judd doesn't actually go through with this (or if she does, Grimes easily beats her in a primary with little money spend), it's a waste of a legitimate opportunity to win a Senate seat (and one that would strike a pretty big blow, IMO)
So what is PoliGAF's take on Real Time with Bill Maher? I feel that a lot of what he says would resonate with posters here, but his show only comes up as discussion here infrequently. Even worse it the glacially slow pace in which the Official Thread moves. Shame given how interesting (and entertaining) the show is.
The most recent episode was probably the most substantive this season - discussion on the three budget proposals (including a shout out to the CPC proposal), 10 year Iraq War anniversary, NYC limitation on big gulp sodas, hunger crisis and Rob Portman's gay marriage switch.
Sounds like big Democrats (Clintons, etc) are pushing a Democrat other than Ashley Judd into the Kentucky Senate election in 2014
Hope Judd doesn't actually go through with this (or if she does, Grimes easily beats her in a primary with little money spend), it's a waste of a legitimate opportunity to win a Senate seat (and one that would strike a pretty big blow, IMO)
Steele told radio host Andrea Tantaros he could whip Priebus in a steel cage fight.
"Oh, no question. I'd clean his clock," Steele said in the interview. When Tantaros asked what moves he'd use, Steel answered: "Just one knock on the head. Its done.
Steele continued to hit Priebus in the interview, clipped by the Washington Examiner. "I was laughing at some of these numbnuts after the election talking about, 'Oh, well we need to do a 50-state strategy,'" Steele said. "Dude, where were you for 2009 and 2010? Thats exactly what we did."
That was an obvious shot at Priebus, who called for a 50-state strategy after GOP losses in the 2012 elections.
restored confidence in the US....
I don't even know how to respond to this.
Judd probably would be a better senator, but I'm saying that as a Minnesotan liberal. Grimes would be far more likely to win. I like Judd a lot, but Grimes is a popular (won the highest # of votes of any statewide candidate in 2011) and well-known entity in Kentucky. And hell, a proxy campaign battle between the Clintons and McConnell is probably the only scenario under which they could beat him.What if Judd would be the better senator?
I'm not sure if electing someone who "hails from a well-connected family influential in Kentucky Democratic politics" is really what Kentucky or the US needs.
Yep.Who ever is more likely to turf out the turtle gets my approval.
Judd probably would be a better senator, but I'm saying that as a Minnesotan liberal. Grimes would be far more likely to win. I like Judd a lot, but Grimes is a popular (won the highest # of votes of any statewide candidate in 2011) and well-known entity in Kentucky. And hell, a proxy campaign battle between the Clintons and McConnell is probably the only scenario under which they could beat him.
I dunno, Franken's approval is pretty high. Not as high as Klobuchar's and he probably won't cruise like she does, but Minnesota's a fairly gosh-darn liberal state. Franken's also running in the same year as Dayton, who's popular himself. I think they'll both win like 55-45 or so.Yup, Klobacher will cruise to victory for the foreseeable future. Franken will be in for another dog fight next election, even though he's been great. Celebrity politicians just turns some people off
What if Judd would be the better senator?
I'm not sure if electing someone who "hails from a well-connected family influential in Kentucky Democratic politics" is really what Kentucky or the US needs.
I dunno, Franken's approval is pretty high. Not as high as Klobuchar's and he probably won't cruise like she does, but Minnesota's a fairly gosh-darn liberal state. Franken's also running in the same year as Dayton, who's popular himself. I think they'll both win like 55-45 or so.
Of course the media won't shut up about how "hurr this could be republicans' year in MN!" until the results come in, like always.
I'd rather have a chance at winning than no chance. Judd needs to go back to Hollywood, she's a horrible candidate
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How has this not been posted yet?
Elizatbeth Warren is on a roll when it comes to being awesome.
I'm blocked....Care to post an excerpt or two?
+1 Oswalt.Facebook feed
Man, you can't even shop Bams to look like that kind of guy. Try as they might they can just never pull it off. The Hitler mustache was about as good as it ever got but honestly that works on damn near everyone.
I'm blocked....Care to post an excerpt or two?
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Well they sure aren't talking about how many times Raygun or Bush sr. went or when Bush jr. went.how is the right wing taking Obama going to Israel as president?
I can't wait till we get most of the social issues out of the way, so we are no longer distracted from what the rich are doing to us and this country.
I did it again. I read a comment section.
SOme guy named Lance, talking about being for smaller government but he works for Nasa. He then talks about how good people on welfare have it. When he's hit with facts he's like "Your puppet masters taught you this!"
President Barack Obama has once again named his picks for the NCAA Final Four: Louisville, Indiana, Florida, and Ohio State. Republican House Speaker and Ohio native John Boehner countered with his own Final Four picks: Michigan State, Kansas, Miami, and "Are you serious that he picked Ohio State? What do I do? Um, Pass."
Onion or real?I thought you all might find this funny.
Onion or real?
Let Grimes run. Just the juxtaposition of a young, pretty candidate running against a hideous aging man turtle will be interesting and sway some votes. Besides, Judd's campaign is so gonna be DOA, especially with the hollywood baggage and Clintons supporting Grimes.