Shadow Hog
I can't imagine a name like "Grimes" doesn't lend itself to all sorts of amusing and incredibly insulting pun-based political ads.
What is it about going to business school that turns people into dicks? I've got a friend that works a minimum wage job and I tell him about the tentative deal for the min. wage increase, he used to bitch about how it needed to be higher, now that he's started business school it's the total opposite. Also he's become a bit of a selfish prick, we go out and I'm short a dollar for the movies and all of a sudden I'm shit out of luck after all the times I've helped him out (he still owes me $20 on top of it). It's freaky.
That cover gives me chills. I want to go home and hug my son.
I've know people who went to business school who didn't become dicks.
It's your friend that's the issue.
Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper signed landmark new gun laws on Wednesday expanding background checks on gun purchases and limiting the size of ammunition magazines, placing the traditionally firearm-friendly state among the handful to pass new restrictions in the wake of the shooting in Newtown, Conn.
One of my fiancée's friends is earnestly opposed to raising the minimum wage because businesses will raise prices and cut benefits to retain their profit margins.
She works two jobs, a waitress at Denny's and a clerk for a fabric store.
It's Stockholm Syndrome.
Only super sheltered or feeble minded people have their personality changed drastically by their bachelor degree, I think this more the case of business school attracting greedy assholes.I've know people who went to business school who didn't become dicks.
It's your friend that's the issue.
I've know people who went to business school who didn't become dicks.
It's your friend that's the issue.
I've know people who went to business school who didn't become dicks.
It's your friend that's the issue.
Only super sheltered or feeble minded people have their personality changed drastically by their bachelor degree, I think this more the case of business school attracting greedy assholes.
It's a terrible degree, and I have no idea who fucking thought it prepares you to run a company, any company.
I remember some article about Businesses not wanting undergrad Business majors because the degree teaches them nothing, they'd rather have English and other liberal arts because they were learning skill such as writing and critical thinking that's actually useful.
Edit: here it is it was a little bit different than what I remembered but still b-schools are weird. I don't know what you "learn"
What the fuck do business majors actually learn?
Well, in light of AWB not passing. At least we have this.
Are we talking B-school or business majors? There seems to be some confusion here.
What the fuck do business majors actually learn?
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) on Tuesday threatened to revisit the Senate rules amid the latest Republican filibuster — his second such threat this month.While the Senate waits to wrap up passage of a stopgap bill to fund the government, Democratic leaders want to begin debate on the budget resolution. But Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS) is blocking that unless Reid agrees to vote on his sequester amendment, which Reid won’t do because Democratic leaders don’t want to replace the automatic cuts in patchwork measures. So they’ll have to wait out the delays and finish the stopgap bill before moving on to the budget.
“It is things like that that will cause the Senate to have to reassess all the rules because right now they accomplish so little,” Reid said on the Senate floor. “I’m disappointed.”
It’s an idle threat for now because there’s little indication that Democratic leaders are willing to reignite another painful filibuster reform battle after the last one ended with a whimper this January. Nor do they want to raise expectations for changing the rules mid-session. But the many GOP filibusters since the rules change have left Democrats deeply frustrated.
Reid’s remarks were backed up by Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), the author of the Democrats’ budget, who also took to the floor late Tuesday to bash Republicans for stalling. Democratic aides privately claim the GOP-enforced delays reflect their unpreparedness for the budget process — while Dems believe they’ve united their caucus around the Murray budget. The majority leader continued his criticism of Republican delays on Wednesday.
“Republicans were desperate, they said, to have a budget debate. Republicans were desperate for an amendment vote-a-rama,” Reid said in a morning floor speech. “So I was amazed yesterday — I mean amazed, flabbergasted, stunned — when Republicans blocked attempts to begin debate on the budget resolution.”
Moran refused to back down after Reid’s remarks and again demanded a vote on his measure, which would mitigate the sequester’s cuts to air traffic control towers. He claimed 26 cosponsoring senators, many of them Democrats.
“I can’t figure out why this amendment can’t be made in order,” Moran said. “Broad support — Republican, Democrat, I’ve had many senators, including very senior senators from the Democrat side of [the] aisle, come to me and express amazement this amendment cannot be considered. I can’t come up with an explanation.”
"This ain't democracy anymore" - Rick Grimes 2014"I support raising taxes on stuff...and thangs"
You get to jerk off over Jack Welch for the first few semesters.What the fuck do business majors actually learn?
Fuck you, Harry Reid. Just... fuck you.
Fuck you, Harry Reid. Just... fuck you.
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - A House panel has advanced a bill declaring South Carolina's opposition to the federal health care law.
The measure approved Wednesday 4-2 along party lines would put Republican lawmakers' well-known opposition into state law. It says no state employee could help enforce provisions of the federal law.
The vote was met by applause from a room packed with supporters.
Democratic Rep. James Smith of Columbia says the bill is nothing more than political theater that changes nothing.
The bill made any federal employee attempting to enforce the law a felon. But Republican Reps. Tommy Pope and Rick Quinn said the state cannot put federal judges in prison.
Their amendment threw out the punishments. The bill reaffirms the Legislature's right to pass legislation later.
No doubt about it. He's just trying to sound like he's playing hardball but he's not doing anything. It's sad really.He's got to be lying/faking, there is no way that he couldn't have seen that this is how it would turn out. He's a damn tool.
Wow @ the South Carolina decision.
I simply do not understand how there was not enough push for real reform. There is no reason to believe that republicans will win the senate in 2014 or 2016, especially not 2016. There is every reason to believe that democrats would get two two term presidents presiding over a relatively peace time recovery which combined with demographic shifts could kill or greatly moderate the Republican party. Why be a pussy in light of this...I want to punch Harry Reid in the throat.
Such a fucking fraud. He knew damn well this would keep happening.
yawn. meaningless and unenforceable.
I know, but these chucklefucks are making the state look even more laughably dumb than it already is.
not sure it can go much lower. This just keeps them there. They have to reassert themselves once in a while
We could be Arizona.
Its been a bit since Arizona went full crazy hasn't it?
We could be Arizona.
"Arizona:Its been a bit since Arizona went full crazy hasn't it?
It's all in the game yo
I think we need a grassroots(ish) campaign demanding a new majority leader.
In 2016, he will comeI think we need a grassroots(ish) campaign demanding a new majority leader.
Were the schools in the the US?
Check the OT thread on a GOP congressman trying to make it illegal for transgenders to use a restroom that doesn't match the gender on their birth certificate.
"Arizona:120 Days Crazy-free"
Wow at the anti-B School rants. Some people learn accounting, marketing, how to budget and manage.
No, I have not been to business school myself, but I am appalled at the idea that anyone who did is a robber baron or fraud.
Wow at the anti-B School rants. Some people learn accounting, marketing, how to budget and manage.
Never forget.In 2016, he will come