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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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I've never understood the 'liberals should be poor' thinking. I just don't get it all. Maybe they can explain to me. And to Bill Gates, David Geffen, Warren Buffet, George Soros, etc.

I think its fairly consistent with republican conservative philosophy - nonsensical
I've never understood the 'liberals should be poor' thinking. I just don't get it all. Maybe they can explain to me. And to Bill Gates, David Geffen, Warren Buffet, George Soros, etc.

I think it comes down to their characterization of liberals as people who say "Do as I say, not as I do." This isn't really true at all (as an anecdote, though, I have a lot of liberal friends like that) but it's sort of become a meme in conservative circles

It's the same reason they like to point to Al Gore's energy usage in his home and his advocacy of green energy (though the truth on this is mixed and he's taken steps to reduce his carbon footprint in recent years)


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Right wing outrage over Yglesias' house isn't surprising. What IS surprising is that he's able to buy a house for $1.2 mil!

They pay better at Slate than I thought.
I think it comes down to their characterization of liberals as people who say "Do as I say, not as I do." This isn't really true at all (as an anecdote, though, I have a lot of liberal friends like that) but it's sort of become a meme in conservative circles

It's the same reason they like to point to Al Gore's energy usage in his home and his advocacy of green energy (though the truth on this is mixed and he's taken steps to reduce his carbon footprint in recent years)

You should have heard Hannity railing over how much Obama/Biden's 'trips' are.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
It's the same reason they like to point to Al Gore's energy usage in his home and his advocacy of green energy (though the truth on this is mixed and he's taken steps to reduce his carbon footprint in recent years)

Isn't it hypocritical for Al Gore to be against carbon, considering he himself
is made of carbon?


Nailed it, Hannity back with his "Failed Diplomacy" banner at the bottom right of the screen talking about how Obama stood under a picture of Arafat and how he wouldn't do that if he were president. Hannity has a live audience of gathered morons like Louie Gohmert to discuss how radical terrorists love Obama but no one else does.
I think it comes down to their characterization of liberals as people who say "Do as I say, not as I do." This isn't really true at all (as an anecdote, though, I have a lot of liberal friends like that) but it's sort of become a meme in conservative circles

It's the same reason they like to point to Al Gore's energy usage in his home and his advocacy of green energy (though the truth on this is mixed and he's taken steps to reduce his carbon footprint in recent years)
But when do liberals say "Be poor!"?

I guess the thinking is "Well, they want to tax the rich thus they must hate the rich." Uh . . . no, we tax the rich because they have money. Duh. Taxing the poor doesn't work real well. Progressive taxation WORKS. We do, Germany does it, Japan does it . . . pretty much every successful industrialized country does it.
The Family Research Council is giving its members "prayer targets" surrounding the Supreme Court's consideration of DOMA and Prop 8, asking them to pray that Ted Olson and David Boies "present their arguments in an inept, confusing and unconvincing way" and "fail to gain traction in the minds of the Justices,"

Seriously? If marriage is as simple/clear cut as they claim, why would they need to pray for the opposition to present unconvincing arguments? By default isn't the position of gay marriage unconvincing - or at least, isn't that the general position the religious right has taken for decades?

Last stand. I seriously doubt many serious GOP candidates will sign statements expressing support for a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage in 2015/2016. Very hard to see a Rubio or Christie waste political capitol on that.


The Autumn Wind
I can't watch this video at work, but is this clip as dumb as it appears to be?

I don't feel like elevating my blood pressure, but probably. Also, top comment wins:

Gunsel • 2 hours ago −
O'Reilly: Is it moral for them to take half my money?

Callahan: Reagan took half your money.

O'Reilly: That's irrelevant. Is it moral for a Black man to take half my money?
26 1 •Reply•Share ›
Does anyone ever bring up Eisenhower taking 90% of rich people's "stuff" back in the good ole days? Taxes today are a joke compared to most of the 20th century.


No Scrubs
I can't watch this video at work, but is this clip as dumb as it appears to be?


Dumber. Bill's argument is so incredibly stupid that I had to turn it off. He knows full well that he's full of shit. It's just ratings bait at this point.

Does anyone ever bring up Eisenhower taking 90% of rich people's "stuff" back in the good ole days? Taxes today are a joke compared to most of the 20th century.

For real and look at all the economic growth during that time. An economy can't go anywhere if money is just being pooled at the top, whether Fox likes it or not taxes and a certain amount of redistribution of wealth is healthy for the economy.
You should have heard Hannity railing over how much Obama/Biden's 'trips' are.

Rush, too. It's very frustrating because they're smart enough to understand that a) the President and the Vice President represent the USA and that requires a certain level of support and presentation and b) all that shit costs $$$.

It's an absurd talking point, even more so than usual.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Does anyone ever bring up Eisenhower taking 90% of rich people's "stuff" back in the good ole days? Taxes today are a joke compared to most of the 20th century.

Actually, somebody did mention that to Bill the other day, and he said that those don't count because "nobody actually paid those rates" back then.
Actually, somebody did mention that to Bill the other day, and he said that those don't count because "nobody actually paid those rates" back then.

Well yea, instead of paying 90% they got their accounts to knock it down to what, 60-70%? Still quite the attack on freedomz
I don't understand the "it's half my monies!" people. If the tax rate were lower, their pretax income would just be decreased and the employer would get a windfall. The fact that 10%, 50%, or 90% of a paycheck goes to income taxes is irrelevant (I mean the percentage in and of itself, all other factors remaining equal, is irrelevant) because at the end of the day a worker is paid for the value of his labor. And the value of labor doesn't magically increase if the tax rate goes down.

I guess it's just a psychological issue, seeing a certain amount of taxes come out of a paycheck. I only wish people would understand that the fact of taxation is taken into account when negotiating an employment contract.


No Scrubs
I don't understand the "it's half my monies!" people. If the tax rate were lower, their pretax income would just be decreased and the employer would get a windfall. The fact that 10%, 50%, or 90% of a paycheck goes to income taxes is irrelevant (I mean the percentage in and of itself, all other factors remaining equal, is irrelevant) because at the end of the day they a worker is paid for the value of his labor. And the value of labor doesn't magically increase if the tax rate goes down.

I guess it's just a psychological issue seeing the taxes come out of a paycheck. I wish people would understand that the fact of taxation is taken into account when negotiating an employment contract.

It also doesn't seem to register that stuff is done with that money (I know what EV wants to say to this and I sort of agree, but making people look at it this way tends to help them justify paying their taxes), like fund schools and roads and cops and the army. It's the same with Union dues, I see people complain about them until they need the union to back them up at which point they're thankful for it.
I don't understand the "it's half my monies!" people. If the tax rate were lower, their pretax income would just be decreased and the employer would get a windfall. The fact that 10%, 50%, or 90% of a paycheck goes to income taxes is irrelevant (I mean the percentage in and of itself, all other factors remaining equal, is irrelevant) because at the end of the day a worker is paid for the value of his labor. And the value of labor doesn't magically increase if the tax rate goes down.

I guess it's just a psychological issue, seeing a certain amount of taxes come out of a paycheck. I only wish people would understand that the fact of taxation is taken into account when negotiating an employment contract.

The economics of claiming taxation is built into wages and salaries is very dubious. Economic freedom is a real concept whether you understand it or not.
50% wouldn't be half your money, it would be half your money above a certain point.
People don't comprehend progressive taxation. They think once their salary goes over 400k they're getting robbed.

I remember stories after the 08 election of doctors who were deliberately taking less work to keep their income under 250k so they would escape Big Scary Barack's tax increases. It's more embarrassing for someone in a professional position to not know how the system works, really. Your average tea partier will never be at risk at making 400,000 a year on social security
Bachmann is a fucking nut. I can't see how anyone could vote for such a completely clueless liar.
As a minnesotan i can testify that her district is filled with the nastiest of conservative ideologues. However 49% of that district wanted her out. Hopefully we can get there in 2014, even if a "moderate" Republican would just win it back anyway. Her brand of insanity is literally the only thing that keeps that seat a tossup - and if it wasn't for redistricting, we'd have Representative Graves now.
I thought Bachman was doing a good job not saying stupid shit after barely winning re-election. I guess she was on a Malcolm X-esque 90 days of silence, and now she's back to talking crazy. Benghazi concern trolling is one thing, but blatantly declaring the president of the United States refused to help US citizens, and let them die because he didn't care, is beyond the pale. And when elected officials are saying that shit it validates the views of a lot of crazy, dangerous people.


Setec Astronomer
Perhaps you'd care to explain why the economics are dubious?
Same reason that price comparisons made in the supermarket probably don't involve sales tax. It's difficult to account for such things beyond the base value when they are removed from it. Accordingly, pressure on employees to demand higher salaries when a tax is raised or lack of pressure when taxes are lowered probably don't happen in a consistent way, and it assumes that employees have the market power to do so in the first place.


I thought Bachman was doing a good job not saying stupid shit after barely winning re-election. I guess she was on a Malcolm X-esque 90 days of silence, and now she's back to talking crazy. Benghazi concern trolling is one thing, but blatantly declaring the president of the United States refused to help US citizens, and let them die because he didn't care, is beyond the pale. And when elected officials are saying that shit it validates the views of a lot of crazy, dangerous people.

Well, I think the problem is that Bachman is one of those crazy, dangerous people
Well, I think the problem is that Bachman is one of those crazy, dangerous people
This. The story about her crying and calling 911 after a pair of lesbians asked her about gay marriage at a campaign rally has me convinced she is mentally unhinged.


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, from January 2011 through December 2012, Wisconsin lost 15,900 jobs — more than any other state in the union. In fact, only two other states — Rhode Island and Maine — actually had fewer jobs at the end of that time period than they did at the beginning…

Nearly a year ago, Tom Emmer told a gathering of tea partiers that if he had defeated Governor Dayton in 2010, he would’ve made “Wisconsin look like the poor ugly stepchild that they are.” With the latest job numbers in mind, Emmer’s possible world sounds more dystopian than ever.
If the Democrats in Wisconsin let Walker run his re-election campaign on a "good economy" they're a joke. Especially when you look at neighboring Minnesota, with a Dem trifecta and over 60,000 jobs gained in the last year. Hey-oh. It's my understanding Walker and Dayton have a little competition going, I'd say MN wins again.
This. The story about her crying and calling 911 after a pair of lesbians asked her about gay marriage at a campaign rally has me convinced she is mentally unhinged.


If the Democrats in Wisconsin let Walker run his re-election campaign on a "good economy" they're a joke. Especially when you look at neighboring Minnesota, with a Dem trifecta and over 60,000 jobs gained in the last year. Hey-oh. It's my understanding Walker and Dayton have a little competition going, I'd say MN wins again.

Wisconsin has a 6.7 unemployment rate dude.
Wisconsin has a 6.7 unemployment rate dude.
And? There's less jobs than there were when Walker took office, clearly a sign of people leaving the workforce. I thought that's why Obummer was supposed to get voted out

Wisconsin needs to add 265,000 jobs over the next two years in order for Walker to live up to his campaign promise, but the media keeps washing his balls. I'm sure he'll still win re-election but it's fucking ridiculous.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Three random unrelated things:

1. Solar Will Be Second-Biggest Source of U.S. Power Added in 2013

2. Chris Matthews made a good (and obvious) point that I didn't think of the other day. Some Republican strategist was saying that while everyone hates the Republicans in congress, people still elect lots of Republican governors, even in blue states, thus showing that Americans do agree with GOP policies, like being pro-life. Matthews then pointed out that Republicans at the state level in blue states can't do things about abortion since it's (supposed to, anyway) be a federal thing. Surprised that didn't occur to me until now.




Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Also, something else occurred to me about O'Reilly's argument about no one paying those high tax rates: If no one was paying the top rates due to all the deductions, then...what was the point of constantly lowering the rates throughout the years?
Also, something else occurred to me about O'Reilly's argument about no one paying those high tax rates: If no one was paying the top rates due to all the deductions, then...what was the point of constantly lowering the rates throughout the years?

no one is paying the top tax rates we have now, due to deductions and tax shelters. pointless argument is pointless.


Why did Micheal Steele lose his job when the GOP crushed the DEMs in 2010? But Priebus keeps his job when the GOP got crushed by the DEMs in 2012?

Race certainly seems to be a factor here. Or am I crazy?
If chairing the RNC came with any real power, the GOP would never let people like Michael Steele or Reince Priebus have that job.
The GOP didn't win big in 2010 because of Steele and they didn't get whooped in 2012 because of Priebus.

Also, I'm sure race played into that (it plays into pretty much everything in this country) but look historically, people don't head the RNC for years and years, Michael Steele tenure length is the norm, not the exception.
Why did Micheal Steele lose his job when the GOP crushed the DEMs in 2010? But Priebus keeps his job when the GOP got crushed by the DEMs in 2012?

Race certainly seems to be a factor here. Or am I crazy?

Apparently no one liked him. I kind of get the feeling that the election of a black guy to head the RNC when Obama, the first black president, was in office was no coincidence.
Apparently no one liked him. I kind of get the feeling that the election of a black guy to head the RNC when Obama, the first black president, was in office was no coincidence.
Nah it was blatant. Kenneth Blackwell was also a major contender for the job; they wanted a minority face to help rebuild mindshare. The victory of 2010 made that irrelevant so they dumped him.

Steele may be cool on msnbc but let's not forget he wasted a bunch of money and generated ugly headlines like the strip club fiasco. Republicans were going to dominate in 2010 regardless, it had nothing to do with Steele masterminding anything. Dems were going to win big regardless in 2006 too, but Dean at least made sure they won all around the country with good candidates. The 2010 crowd was entirely an extremist group that defeated RNC candidates; now they only keep their seats due to gerrymandering. Steele is taking credit for a tea party wave he had nothing to do with.
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