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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Al Sharpton did a good job combating this douchebag from NOM.

That's why I don't mind the guy as much as the rest of poligaf.
Al Sharpton did a good job combating this douchebag from NOM.

That's why I don't mind the guy as much as the rest of poligaf.

Exactly when did Al Sharpton get on the gay marriage bandwagon. I suspect he's never said a good word about gay marriage until very recently. But, as with Rob Portman, the more the merrier.
Exactly when did Al Sharpton get on the gay marriage bandwagon. I suspect he's never said a good word about gay marriage until very recently. But, as with Rob Portman, the more the merrier.
Hes made statements in support for at least 10 years. Hes very pro gay rights. I dont know why youd think otherwise.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Still getting Facebook posts of people putting Obama on blast for having to pay in on their taxes FOR THE FIRST TIME, LIKE, EVER. Although I want to post a wikipedia link to the payroll tax holiday I have a feeling that would not change anyone's mind here.
Al Sharpton did a good job combating this douchebag from NOM.

That's why I don't mind the guy as much as the rest of poligaf.
Meh. He's an Obama slappy and racial opportunist. I've never respected him.

Anyway, I continue to get the impression that Rubio will bail on immigration the minute a bill is drafted, claiming it wasn't what he worked for. He continues to sound quite negative on the process, although my bias could be reading more into it than reality. I have a feeling any bill will include multiple parts that conservatives hate, plus of course it will cost billions to implement. I think it will pass just that Rubio will determine voting against it is in his best (short term) interests, and won't be brave enough to buck his party.


So it's April. Does it turn out that sequester didn't do anything?

I'll be losing 14 days of pay this summer instead of 22 (which is what it was before the continuing resolution). And I'll be a dad any day now, and my wife can't work for a long time. Austerity, fuck yeah! >:-(
Exactly when did Al Sharpton get on the gay marriage bandwagon. I suspect he's never said a good word about gay marriage until very recently. But, as with Rob Portman, the more the merrier.
Uhh dudes been pro gay for awhile now, hell before Obama was a household name in fact. This isn't some magic turn around just to be on the right side of history
Background checks dead in the Senate according to TPM. Not enough votes to defeat GOP filibuster. Some believe Reid isnt pushing due to how many pro gun state Dem Senators are up for reelection in 2014. Anyway...yea.


Background checks dead in the Senate according to TPM. Not enough votes to defeat GOP filibuster. Some believe Reid isnt pushing due to how many pro gun state Dem Senators are up for reelection in 2014. Anyway...yea.

So if it doesn't have background checks, or ammo clip limits, or an assault weapons ban....what the heck is in the bill?


The Autumn Wind
Background checks dead in the Senate according to TPM. Not enough votes to defeat GOP filibuster. Some believe Reid isnt pushing due to how many pro gun state Dem Senators are up for reelection in 2014. Anyway...yea.
Once again, fuck you, Harry Reid. And especially fuck you to Republicans. You're all shitheads.


Every day that passes, I'm still surprised that the approval rating for Congress hasn't hit 0% yet. Their most notable accomplishments lately include "letting the sequester go into effect" and "struggling to renew something as obvious as the Violence Against Women Act."
Every day that passes, I'm still surprised that the approval rating for Congress hasn't hit 0% yet. Their most notable accomplishments lately include "letting the sequester go into effect" and "struggling to renew something as obvious as the Violence Against Women Act."

The only way for me to forgive America for 2010 is for one they come out in droves in 2014 and the elect Hillary if she runs.

Otherwise....we deserve everything that comes to us for this kind of stupidity.
May have 90% approval nationwide but in red states its probably much lower.

I'm sorry but nobody voting for landrieu is gonna change their vote for background checks.

Gun Control advocates need to do better personal lobbying and research challenging the notion the NRA has any real effect on elections.
Was this posted?

A top Republican in Georgia has sounded an ominous warning that legalization of same-sex marriage may also lead to fraud.

Sue Everhart, chairwoman of the Georgia Republican Party, told the Marietta Daily Journal in a story published Saturday that once gay nuptials are legally permitted, there will be nothing to stop a straight person from exploiting the system in order to claim marital benefits.

“You may be as straight as an arrow, and you may have a friend that is as straight as an arrow,” Everhart said. “Say you had a great job with the government where you had this wonderful health plan. I mean, what would prohibit you from saying that you’re gay, and y’all get married and still live as separate, but you get all the benefits? I just see so much abuse in this it’s unreal. I believe a husband and a wife should be a man and a woman, the benefits should be for a man and a woman. There is no way that this is about equality. To me, it’s all about a free ride.”

Everhart also expressed a distaste for homosexuality, which she argued is unnatural.

“Lord, I’m going to get in trouble over this, but it is not natural for two women or two men to be married,” Everhart said. “If it was natural, they would have the equipment to have a sexual relationship.”
HOLY SHIT! Both at the insinuation that two heterosexuals can't already cheat the system and that last part. Dayumn son, you just went off the deep end. Things like this just don't happen on the left.


wapo said:
Last week, we spent some time discussing a recent “This American Life” segment on the extraordinary growth of federal disability insurance, which now costs $260 billion per year. There are now roughly 8.8 million Americans receiving disability benefits, a number that has doubled since 1995.
So what explains this rise? The radio segment offered up several theories....
But there might be a much, much simpler explanation: demographics. Kathy Ruffing of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has argued that more than half of the rise in disability since 1990 can be explained by the very boring fact that Americans are getting older:


Three big demographic factors are at work here. First, as the U.S. population ages, people are more likely to become physically disabled, especially if they’re working in manual labor. Second, Congress has hiked the retirement age for Social Security over the years — in fact, about 5 percent of current disability recipients would simply be on ordinary Social Security had Congress not changed the rules.
Third, many more women have been qualifying for disability insurance since the 1980s because there are many more women in the workforce, period.

If one controls for those three demographic factors, the rise looks somewhat more gradual, with the percentage of workers on disability going from 3.5 percent in 1995 to 4.6 percent in 2012[.]

And these three factors won’t continue forever: Ruffing writes that the disability program is currently at “its peak demographic stress,” with the rolls expected to shrink in the coming years as many current beneficiaries age into Social Security and Medicare....
Interestingly, however, Ruffing is skeptical that the current recession created a surge of beneficiaries. “[E]conomists generally find that while a sour economy significantly boosts applications to the program, it has a much smaller effect on awards,” she notes. ”The implication is that economic downturns tend to attract more marginal, partially disabled applicants, but their applications are more likely to be denied.”
Now, that still leaves a pressing policy issue here. The disability insurance program is underfunded and is expected to exhaust its trust fund by 2016. At that point, benefits will drop significantly unless Congress figures out how to fix it. But, says Ruffing, lawmakers have known about this problem for more than a decade “and should not be considered evidence that the program is out of control.”


Disability-industrial complex?
When Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) came out for marriage equality last month, he largely attributed his change of position to his gay son and his desire to support him. Apparently, Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ), who is Mormon, was not so moved when his own son came out to him, as he explained to 3TV News:

SALMON: I don’t support the gay marriage… My son is by far one of the most important people in my life. I love him more than I can say… I’m just not there, as far as believing in my heart that we should change 2,000 years of social policy in favor of a redefinition of the family. I’m not there. [...]
I don’t believe that this is a lifestyle that he chose. In fact, I remember him telling me at one point in time — he said, “Dad, do you truly believe that if I could have chosen a lifestyle I would have chosen this with all the things that come along with it?”
It doesn’t mean that I don’t have respect; it doesn’t mean that I don’t sympathize with some of the issues. It just means that I haven’t evolved to that station.
Rob Portman apparently has.

Portman clearly coordinated his announcement with his son, Will, in mind. The family released photos of Rob and Will spending time together, Will tweeted his support for his father that day, and last week wrote about how they made the decision together. Salmon has done the opposite, speaking without the consent of his son in an attempt to soften his own anti-gay positions, including past support for banning same-sex marriage and adoption.

Salmon’s son, Matt, talked to the Phoenix New Times back in 2010 about his sexuality and explained that his father is not nearly as loving or respectful as he may claim. Matt’s been with his boyfriend Kent Flake for over 10 years, but his family doesn’t allow Flake to be around, and Matt’s siblings defriended him on Facebook for promoting gay rights. He endured years of ex-gay therapy, but has since left the Mormon Church.

Jesus CHRIST. GOP are full of pieces of shit I swear.


Jesus CHRIST. GOP are full of pieces of shit I swear.

I am thankful everyday that I grew up with a family who are Democrats, and while not the most reasonable and understanding people at time, all of them accept the fact that I am gay, and actually support me in that regard.
I am thankful everyday that I grew up with a family who are Democrats, and while not the most reasonable and understanding people at time, all of them accept the fact that I am gay, and actually support me in that regard.

The Republican Party...where they're fools everyday not just on April 1.
The gun debate went as expected; it wasn't going to happen without a republican jumping on board early, helping to craft the legislation. Can't even blame Obama, although it seemed like Beltway types were trying to on sunday.

Also, all the people on sunday shows (Peggy Noonan) lamenting that Obama should have pushed for legislation within days of Newtown are bullshiting. If he had done that you know Peggy Noonan and company would be hand wringing over Obama rushing things ("just like health care!") and forcing republicans to reject his proposals.

I hope suburban schools just take a page from inner cities and install metal detectors and auto lock doors. That would prevent most shootings.


it has 90% approval, it has NRA members approval, how does it hurt dems?

Sure, universal background checks may have 90% approval, but "gun control" most definitely does not. It's like healthcare reform. Nearly every specific measure may be extremely popular, but "Obamacare" is extremely unpopular and got people voted out of office.

Fox News, the NRA, and other conservatives will just lie about how Obama and his allies are coming for your guns and you have to be scared! And the likes of CNN will just say "Republican congressman says the new gun control legislation is confiscating Americans weapons and destroying the 2nd amendment. Democratic congressman says it simply requires universal background checks. You decide who's telling the truth!"
The gun debate went as expected; it wasn't going to happen without a republican jumping on board early, helping to craft the legislation. Can't even blame Obama, although it seemed like Beltway types were trying to on sunday.

Also, all the people on sunday shows (Peggy Noonan) lamenting that Obama should have pushed for legislation within days of Newtown are bullshiting. If he had done that you know Peggy Noonan and company would be hand wringing over Obama rushing things ("just like health care!") and forcing republicans to reject his proposals.

I hope suburban schools just take a page from inner cities and install metal detectors and auto lock doors. That would prevent most shootings.

I'm to the point now that I'm cynical as fuck and ALMOST to the point of apathetic when another school shooting occurs.

If goddamn children getting massacred can't get this country to wake the fuck up to reality, nothing will.


I'm to the point now that I'm cynical as fuck and ALMOST to the point of apathetic when another school shooting occurs.

If goddamn children getting massacred can't get this country to wake the fuck up to reality, nothing will.

Part of the problem on the pro-gun control side's messaging, imo, is the focus on the mass shootings as a need for gun control. A lot of conservatives just counter that "mass shooting X" would have happened even with the new gun control, and often times that's true and some people realize that and are turned off of gun control because they don't think it would have any real effect.

The problem is that most gun deaths don't happen in mass shootings, they happen on city streets, and city gun violence is definitely reduced by increased gun control. But nobody except a few of the big mayors like Bloomberg are even talking about city gun violence. It's all about the mass shootings in Colorado and Newtown, because unfortunately, white suburban voters don't give a shit about black kids getting shot in the city.


The Autumn Wind
The NRA has also successful made idiots think of "Let's just arm the teachers!" as a sensible solution.
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