Nah, "hate the sin, love the sinner" at work.Jesus CHRIST. GOP are full of pieces of shit I swear.
Nah, "hate the sin, love the sinner" at work.Jesus CHRIST. GOP are full of pieces of shit I swear.
Part of the problem on the pro-gun control side's messaging, imo, is the focus on the mass shootings as a need for gun control. A lot of conservatives just counter that "mass shooting X" would have happened even with the new gun control, and often times that's true and some people realize that and are turned off of gun control because they don't think it would have any real effect.
The problem is that most gun deaths don't happen in mass shootings, they happen on city streets, and city gun violence is definitely reduced by increased gun control. But nobody except a few of the big mayors like Bloomberg are even talking about city gun violence. It's all about the mass shootings in Colorado and Newtown, because unfortunately, white suburban voters don't give a shit about black kids getting shot in the city.
this x100. I give Obama credit for talking about what's happening in Chicago but overall no one gives a shit. No one is talking about banning handguns, whereas trying to ban automatic weapons is like shopping at Whole Foods: a no-effort attempt to do something good, that doesn't really accomplish anything.
The sad thing is that when democrats take the House again, and still hold the senate, no one will be talking about gun control. This issue is only important for about 30-60 days after a tragedy, then people go back to the real world while blacks and brown kids die daily on the street corner.
So you're suggesting we need a bunch of white kids dying for people to care!? At least for the moment?
You're probably right...
I'm furious that Republicans and pussy Democrats can get away with not even letting a vote happen on this thing. How cowardly must you be to hide behind the filibuster. Fucking grown men and women at work people.
Arm daycare workers with automatic weapons.Maybe a 911 type event, but then again some people thought Newtown would be that. Perhaps someone shooting up 100 kids at a daycare. And even then I'd be skeptical.
The NRA has also successful made idiots think of "Let's just arm the teachers!" as a sensible solution.
Arm daycare workers with automatic weapons.
Two fantastic argumentsI heard from anti-gun control family members yesterday
1) All of those hollywood-types are hypocrites to want gun control. They use guns all the time in their movies!!!
2) Legislation won't do anything--Just look at rape and murder; both are illegal, and yet both still happen!
Oh and they live in Bachmann's district. Surprise surprise.
Arm daycare workers with automatic weapons.
This morning, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee released a new online ad campaign aimed at 17 "vulnerable" House Republicans who backed Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-WI) budget. DCCC spokesman Jesse Ferguson told TPM the group targeted by the ads aren't necessarily the most vulnerable GOP House members and are a sampling of the larger group of Republican seats the Democratic campaign organization sees as potentially changing hands in 2014.
"This group is a sample of the 50-60 we see in play. All of those are potentially vulnerable," Ferguson said.
Ryan plays a starring role in the ads, which describe his budget as a "radical vision for America" and feature a clip of Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Senior Fellow Jared Bernstein describing Ryan's plan as "Robin Hood in Reverse. The DCCC launched a similar attack on Ryan's buedget late last month, but these web videos name each of the targeted House members as sharing Ryan's "radical vision." Ferguson said the 17 Republicans named in the ads were chosen for targeitng based on a "variety of factors" including their perceived vulnerability for attacks based on the Ryan budget.
View the full list of House Republicans named in the ads and the version of the video made for California Congressman David Valadao below.
AR-02 Tim Griffin
AR-04 Tom Cotton
CA-21 David Valadao
CA-31 Gary Miller
CO-06 Mike Coffman
IN-08 Larry Bucshon
MN-02 John Kline
MN-03 Erik Paulsen
NE-02 Lee Terry
NJ-03 Jon Runyan
NY-11 Michael Grimm
NY-23 Tom Reed
OH-14 David Joyce
OH-16 Jim Renacci
PA-08 Mike Fitzpatrick
VA-02 Scott Rigell
WA-03 Jaime Herrera Beutler
We should just give up on being sad when kids get murdered. We could instead get a nice giant number display, put it up someplace like Times Square, light some candles around it, and what not and call it a sacrifice (everyone has to make sacrifices in this day and age, 'limited' resources and all). We'd would have to pick a god (or should we use the term saint?) of the gun for the US Pantheon though. We got any good choices?
Why can't we recall Reid? Guy talks big then folds at the worst times.
Interesting how they're finally going after Lee Terry who barely won in 2012 after the DCCC didn't spend a dime on that race.http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.c...dget-inspires-democratic-attack-on-17?ref=fpb
I like that they're out attacking now, seems the Dems are seriously gonna try to put up a fight in 2014. In 2010 they never attacked just defended which I think was to their detriment.
Wish they'd use less MSNBC clips though
I don't think it's even about whether or not this is the end though, it's just the fact that every single piece of legislation goes through a ridiculous drawn out process in the senate for no reason.I think people are overblowing this as the end too soon. I'm not gonna take one article as the end of it. OFA and Obama are still gonna be pushing it. When they give up then its over. Wasn't health care "done" about 10 times?
Seems baseball legend Curt Schilling and I are no longer BFF's.
Teabagger style personal responsibility. Gotta love it.
I'm to the point now that I'm cynical as fuck and ALMOST to the point of apathetic when another school shooting occurs.
If goddamn children getting massacred can't get this country to wake the fuck up to reality, nothing will.
At this point i wonder if a shootout inside the congressional daycare would even change things
"Time to give those toddlers guns!"At this point i wonder if a shootout inside the congressional daycare would even change things
The preferred plot line for many in the GOP establishment for revitalizing their party goes something like this: They move to a more libertarian stance on key social issues particularly same-sex marriage and the Bible-thumping, evangelical wing of the party meekly complies, realizing times have changed.
One problem with that scenario, however: The Christian Right, while a diminished force, doesnt like how that story ends at all.
Yet as some party intellectuals openly wonder if the heyday of the religious right has come and gone, social conservatives are responding with ferocity, indicting John McCain and Mitt Romney for their losses and bluntly warning that the GOP will cease to exist if the party abandons those voters who are in the party because of, not despite, its platform on values. If cultural conservatives are headed toward extinction, they are making clear they wont go away without a fight.
Social conservatives fight back
Sen Casey Backs Gay Marriage
@maddow: Sen Casey evolves: Sen Dems against = marriage rights: Manchin Nelson Heitkamp Landrieu Carper Johnson Donnelly Pryor
"Time to give those toddlers guns!"
@maddow: Sen Casey evolves: Sen Dems against = marriage rights: Manchin Nelson Heitkamp Landrieu Carper Johnson Donnelly Pryor
We'll see who's next.
Social conservatives fight back
Top Republican pundit Bill Kristol believes that members of his party are only considering support of marriage equality to keep up with TV shows, and to appeal to some 26-year-old who doesnt know anything honestly.
In an interview on The Weekly Standards podcast, Kristol, the publications editor, argued that Republicans who reconsider their position on marriage like Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), who flipped his view after his son came out are pathetic. When the interviewer pointed to television shows like Friends and Dharma and Greg, Kristol said that, thanks to young people, thats exactly what is driving the conversation:
I mean, theres something pathetic about it. Ive found it really distasteful. I mean I myself am socially conservative on the marriage issue but even if youre not, just say what you believe and let the country decide . This kind of pathetic attempt of Oh my god, young people especially are liberal so lets just rush to cater to them. As if theyre going to respect you if you just embrace the views of some 26-year-old who doesnt know anything honestly. Cant adults say young people are sometimes wrong? [...]
Gee, this TV show is popular so lets just throw over thousands of years of history and what the great religions teach and lets just embrace it because, hey, you dont want to be on the other side from a TV show that has 20 million viewers. I mean, really, thats what a serious political party does?
Kristols effort to squash the voices of young people is familiar; the far conservative right has made similar arguments before, even as the mainstream of the Republican party recognizes its need to appeal to young voters. In its post-election autopsy report last week, the Republican party specified, we do need to make sure young people do not see the Party as totally intolerant of alternative points of view.
Its unlikely that marriage equality is going to go the way of The Macarena; with the support of 81 percent of people ages 18-29, same-sex marriage is no fad. Sixty-one percent of Americans know someone who is gay. Moreover, young people tend to be a weather vane on social issues as they were during the civil rights movement and the fight for womens equality.
And while it is true that young people are more receptive to television programming with gay characters, the evidence suggests that people are more likely to watch shows that promote values they already hold, not that they are forced to believe something thanks to what they watch. Perhaps Kristol has failed to realize that inculsivity in programming might be evidence of acceptance, not a gay agenda.
Social conservatives fight back
We are only two high-profile school shootings away from this being a mainstream conservative position. Three, tops.
I'm guessing it'll be Bill Nelson. He was an astronaut so all we need to do is give him a Moon Stone and I'm sure he'll evolve.
Yeah, they'll come out against gay marriage once they turn 30.Are these people seriously that fucking retarded? Christ.
Are these people seriously that fucking retarded? Christ.
There is a split, said Santorum, on the views of younger Republicans on gay marriage and abortion. But the marriage issue is still a very new issue in America, and people said in the 1970s it was just a matter of time before everybody became pro-choice. So, I think well see the pendulum swing back once young conservatives see the real consequences to the destruction of marriage.
So a friend posted on Facebook about getting fucked after going to the doctor. He's like visit was 50 then I got a bill for 75 and then paid for prescriptions. Who should I be pissed at.
A friend of his posted "The government" and went on a rant about how medical providers and doctors don't have to compete like any other capitalist system.
My understanding was that medical costs remained high because the insured are paying inflated prices for two reasons: the first is because the doctors and hospitals can get away with it because of insurance. The other reason is prices are high due to something like half of people's medical bills will go unpaid. So doctors try to get as much upfront as they can so they don't get fucked.
Someone help enlighten me.
According to author Jeff Sharlet, Pryor is affiliated with a political organization called the Family. Sharlet quoted Pryor as stating that through the Family he "had learned that the separation of church and state was a sort of secular exaggeration" and that "Jesus did not come to bring peace. Jesus came to take over."
What are the consequences to the "destruction of marriage?"
The gay marriage issue is so weird because it literally affects no one directly or indirectly outside of the two consenting adults!
Are these people seriously that fucking retarded? Christ.
Top Republican pundit Bill Kristol believes that members of his party are only considering support of marriage equality to keep up with TV shows, and to appeal to “some 26-year-old who doesn’t know anything honestly.”
This is the man who said there was no evidence of any discord between Sunnis & Shias in Iraq and said that Iraq would be a 3 or 4 month war not an 8 year war. Why does anyone listen to him for anything?
Dick Morris is still treated seriously by the GOP and he was dead fucking wrong about everything in 2012. Maybe i should become a partisan hack, it seems pretty easy. Hey everyone, democrats are going to lose 10 Senate seats in 2014. Give me a job Fox News!Top Republican pundit Bill Kristol believes that members of his party are only considering support of marriage equality to keep up with TV shows, and to appeal to “some 26-year-old who doesn’t know anything honestly.”
This is the man who said there was no evidence of any discord between Sunnis & Shias in Iraq and said that Iraq would be a 3 or 4 month war not an 8 year war. Why does anyone listen to him for anything?
Listening to Huckabee today and he was arguing that regulation isn't needed in business since without regulation companies would simply do the right thing. They would do the moral thing, the honorable thing, be good stewards of their finances, be fair, just, and moral.
Social conservatives fight back
The last two presidential elections, we had more moderate candidates, so if anything a lot of conservatives went to the polls reluctantly or just didnt go at all, said Huckabee in a separate interview. If all of the evangelicals had showed up, it may have made a difference.!
And this is why no matter what I can never truly hate the Obama admin.