
I don't think a political cartoon has depressed me this much in a Looong time.
Holy smokes. This map was in another thread. Wow is this nation polarized. Even something as random as a 'missed connections' map seems to correlate with an electoral college map. Look at the WalMarts.
Hah, "bar" in Wisconsin does not surprise me in the least
Indiana is weird.
Obama Budget Ponders Sale of Tennessee Valley Authority
President Barack Obama is considering the sale of all or part of the Tennessee Valley Authority (3015A), the largest publicly owned U.S. power company, in a deal that may raise as much as $35 billion as the administration seeks to reduce the national debt.
LOLBoth of Tennessee’s Republican senators oppose a sale.
Who the fuck claims that? And in what context?
My co-worker does. He says that every country hates on America when they should be praising us do to our freedoms and all the good that we've done.
That Socialist Kenyan doesn't seem to understand Socialism very well.
And it gets better . . .
That Socialist Kenyan doesn't seem to understand Socialism very well.
And it gets better . . .
Carville hits the nail on the head
Selling a power plant for 35b to lower the deficit? Cutting social security benefits to save 150b over a decade...there's no policy explanation for any of this, it's all Beltway politics. If you raise the cap on social security you fix the program. If you allow the government to negotiate drug prices you lower the deficit and help people. If you make smart defense and Medicare cuts you lower the deficit without hurting anyone. So why are we focusing on boutique cuts that hurt more than they help?
This is some of the most pathetic peer pressure I've seen. It's not leadership, it's not smart politics, it's not sound policy, it simply makes no sense.
Do you think the GOP would agree to either of these?If you raise the cap on social security you fix the program. If you allow the government to negotiate drug prices you lower the deficit and help people. If you make smart defense and Medicare cuts you lower the deficit without hurting anyone.
Forgive my ignorance, but what would be wrong with privatizing the Tennessee Valley Authority? And why are Republicans against it?
I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm not generally for privatizing things, but I figure you could do a lot worse than the TVA. Besides, it's in Tennessee, so fuck those guys.
Do you think the GOP would agree to either of these?
I don't know how liberals get off saying Obama needs to "lead more" and just push through the most progressive budget possible and somehow get the GOP to sign off on it. You can say 70-80% of Americans support expanding Medicare, support preserving Social Security, support raising taxes on the wealthy etc. but the Republicans clearly don't give a shit about public opinion. If they did they'd be supporting gun control and gay marriage.
Perhaps Obama's going about this the wrong way - maybe - but there's not much he can do unless Democrats win the House next year.
Forgive my ignorance, but what would be wrong with privatizing the Tennessee Valley Authority? And why are Republicans against it?
I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm not generally for privatizing things, but I figure you could do a lot worse than the TVA. Besides, it's in Tennessee, so fuck those guys.
Do you think the GOP would agree to either of these?
I don't know how liberals get off saying Obama needs to "lead more" and just push through the most progressive budget possible and somehow get the GOP to sign off on it. You can say 70-80% of Americans support expanding Medicare, support preserving Social Security, support raising taxes on the wealthy etc. but the Republicans clearly don't give a shit about public opinion. If they did they'd be supporting gun control and gay marriage.
Perhaps Obama's going about this the wrong way - maybe - but there's not much he can do unless Democrats win the House next year.
Privatization means increased prices. It's also pointless, because the stated purpose of doing so is debt reduction, and debt is a public good. Government debt is private savings.
1) No, I don't believe republicans would agree to either, nor do I believe Obama would propose them since he's in bed with Pharma
You...do know Obama's budget cuts $164 billion to drug companies, mostly by changing Medicare drug rates to the much lower Medicaid drug rates, right?
My co-worker does. He says that every country hates on America when they should be praising us do to our freedoms and all the good that we've done.
Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) on Gosnell trial: "If babies had guns, they wouldnt be aborted"
According to Sentiment140, a Twitter analysis tool, 54 percent of mentions of @ReElectStockman is negative. One Twitter user responded to the tweet with:
“@ReElectStockman you are beyond despicable, beyond offensive, beyond any sense of human dignity.”
Stockman responded to the criticism on his personal Twitter handle…
Democrats offended by a bumper sticker, not offended by #Gosnell.Thank you for helping me illustrate your double standard. #hypocrites
— Rep. Steve Stockman (@SteveWorks4You) April 12, 2013
Onion. HAS TO BE.
So. Fucking. Predictable. This was called by everyone during the last "grand bargain" negotiations. Even the Obama administration players correctly gamed out that it was the reason the GOP would not name their entitlement cuts: they wanted Obama to own them for the inevitable bait and switch.
Obama walked right into it. He learned zilch from his entire first term working with these people. I don't think it's a stretch to say this will have an impact on the House midterms. The collective cry of dismay from House Dems when chained CPI was known to be included in the budget was deafening.
Gotta be satire.
EDIT: he's made it a bumper sticker
Onion. HAS TO BE.
This is helping the liberals, this is horrible. Unbelievable. What really bothers its called a womens act, but then they have men dressed up as women, they count that. Change-gender, or whatever. How is that how is that a woman?
So basically the legislation, if it even passes the house, is fucking useless on any practical level?
Fuck this country so hard for letting the problem get this bad and STILL are taking half-ass steps to address it.
Not always, though probably in this case. The government can artificially hold down prices and on things like energy that isn't always desirable, I'm not an expert on the TVA though
How does the TVA generate power? If it uses coal an increase in costs could also be a good thing
Is there really a need for the Onion?
I've heardCarville hits the nail on the head
This line so many times in class. I do tend to agree with it though"Got a good David Brooks column. He's kind of excited this morning. This is kind of important to him."
Onion. HAS TO BE.
Onion. HAS TO BE.
Eh, I'm pretty sure the line was suggested as a joke before.They wish, you cant make this shit up.
Eh, I'm pretty sure the line was suggested as a joke before.
he made that shit into a bumper sticker. i think the world is done for, dead not by nuclear war or an asteroid but by an implosion of sheer stupidity