If we haven't reached the limit of stupidity the universe can handle yet I doubt we ever will.
Then again...we ARE just one planet in a universe with millions of galaxies....
If we haven't reached the limit of stupidity the universe can handle yet I doubt we ever will.
Then again...we ARE just one planet in a universe with millions of galaxies....
Oh god, the possibility of intergalactic teabaggers...
Eh, I'm pretty sure the line was suggested as a joke before.
Eh, I'm pretty sure the line was suggested as a joke before.
Earl Warren? Isn't he dead?E. Warren laying the smackdown!
I've heard
This line so many times in class. I do tend to agree with it though
E. Warren laying the smackdown!
Doesn't make sense. Obama wants a grand bargain solely as a legacy item. He continually cites Reagan and Tip O'Neil "fixing" social security in the 80s as a model for what he wants to do. The problem is that today, social security is not in danger nor close to being in danger, and it doesn't impact the deficit. There is no need to cut the program.Here's the thing, though. Carville IS right; Obama doesn't care to anger the left, but he is wrong, I think, about why. Obama knows his budget is DOA, but by offering safety net revisions, he also knows they won't be passed, and that just their existence on the table will rally the left and the middle who think they should be left alone and will likely keep them from ever being agreed to by the Dems in Congress, now or ever...
Carville hits the nail on the head
Selling a power plant for 35b to lower the deficit? Cutting social security benefits to save 150b over a decade...there's no policy explanation for any of this, it's all Beltway politics. If you raise the cap on social security you fix the program. If you allow the government to negotiate drug prices you lower the deficit and help people. If you make smart defense and Medicare cuts you lower the deficit without hurting anyone. So why are we focusing on boutique cuts that hurt more than they help? This is some of the most pathetic peer pressure I've seen. It's not leadership, it's not smart politics, it's not sound policy, it simply makes no sense.
Then again...we ARE just one planet in a universe with millions of galaxies....
Oh god, the possibility of intergalactic teabaggers...
lol, Fox news:
That MHP promo aired a grand total of 4 minutes on MSNBC, yet Fox talked about it for over an hour.
OK, I must be missing something but what do they mean when they say "collective responsibility"? Is it some new Biden gaffe that I missed?
You're thinking way too big.
A woman almost no one has heard of talks (for perhaps 15 seconds) about how it'd be nice if we thought of children as a collective responsibility, since this would lead to us as a society making better investments in public education.
You're thinking way too big.
A woman almost no one has heard of talks (for perhaps 15 seconds) about how it'd be nice if we thought of children as a collective responsibility, since this would lead to us as a society making better investments in public education.
To be fair, Fox News needs something to fill airtime while they avoid mentioning any of the stupid shit Republicans say.lol, Fox news:
That MHP promo aired a grand total of 4 minutes on MSNBC, yet Fox talked about it for over an hour.
Obama is a fiscal conservative...
You're thinking way too big.
A woman almost no one has heard of talks (for perhaps 15 seconds) about how it'd be nice if we thought of children as a collective responsibility, since this would lead to us as a society making better investments in public education.
I-I don't understand why this is a problem. Shit, if I were in charge everyone would get free health care until they turned 21. Actually if I were in charge we'd all have single payer, but you get the idea. I don't see what she said wrong, kids can't take care of themselves and require us to. What ever happened to "It takes a village..." huh? Dear god, if this is the new thing I am going to jump out my goddamn window.
They are gonna take yo kidz and indoctrinate them with Muslo-communism!And republicans are against this? Well, guess it goes along with their whole, I got mine, so fuck everyone else bit
MSNBC attacking Fox?lol, Fox news:
That MHP promo aired a grand total of 4 minutes on MSNBC, yet Fox talked about it for over an hour.
lol, Fox news:
That MHP promo aired a grand total of 4 minutes on MSNBC, yet Fox talked about it for over an hour.
And republicans are against this? Well, guess it goes along with their whole, I got mine, so fuck everyone else bit
Forgive my ignorance, but what would be wrong with privatizing the Tennessee Valley Authority? And why are Republicans against it?
I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm not generally for privatizing things, but I figure you could do a lot worse than the TVA. Besides, it's in Tennessee, so fuck those guys.
MSNBC attacking Fox?
Wow Nuke power is high In TN.
I know I'm probably late to this, but did you guys see that clip of Rand Paul at that predominantly black university asking the (predominantly black) audience members if they knew the NAACP was founded by Republicans?
Oh, the things I imagine he wrote in his diary later that night...
The Republican culture war is coming to a slow, painful death, as larger numbers of Americans support gay marriage, immigration reform and gun control. Forty-seven percent of Americans now disagree with the Republican Partys approach to cultural and social issues according to a new poll.
By 47 percent to 22 percent, Americans say they disagree with the GOPs approach to social and cultural issues, according to a new NBC/WSJ poll. Theres a thirty-eight percent-to-37 percent margin of those who disagree with the Democrats approach to social and cultural issues. While neither number is great, the Republicans have a whopping 47% of the respondents disagreeing with their approach on cultural/social issues.
Asked what they thought of when they hear the terms social and cultural issues, the highest response at 22% indicated that they think of gay rights,15% think of tolerance, 8% of abortion, 7% of race equality and illegal immigrants, while at the bottom 1% lay legalization of marijuana, environmental issues, feeding the hungry, American values, and a better standard of living.
Six percent think of civil rights/equal rights, while an equal number think of handouts/welfare. Five percent think of gun rights, while Christian values comes in at 3%, alongside family and creation of jobs.
Bear in mind that 74% of the respondents were white, while just 12% were black, 3% were Asian and within other at 4%, just 5% were Hispanic. In other words, they polled a disproportional amount of whites. When just 22% of predominately white respondents disagree with your approach to social issues and your party is comprised of mostly whites, youve got a large problem. Republicans have lost the culture war, they just refuse to face this fact.
This poll comes on the heels of the letter conservative groups wrote to the Republican National Committee, insisting that the party not change its discriminatory platform against same-sex marriage. The number one issue for Americans in terms of social and cultural issues was gay rights at 22%, so that suggests that the strongly negative reaction to the Republican Partys approach is being colored by their discriminatory approach to gay rights.
Democrats used to live in fear of the God, Guns, and Gays chants of the Republican Party, but the times are changing. Republicans are now caught in the middle of an inner-party civil war on the very cultural issues that have defined the party and served as a reliable get out the vote mechanism. If they continue catering to the extremist social positions falling out of favor with the majority of Americans, they cant win national elections, but if they soften on social issues they lose the only reliable vote other than the top 1%.
The time has come to see if the Republican Party can pull itself up by its own bootstraps in order to compete successfully in the market they claim to love so much. If not, theyll have to lay in the bed of intolerance they so gleefully made during the their heyday of yesteryears.
The time has come to see if the Republican Party can pull itself up by its own bootstraps in order to compete successfully in the market they claim to love so much. If not, theyll have to lay in the bed of intolerance they so gleefully made during the their heyday of yesteryears.
Held in the thrall of the extremists in the party. Dragging them straight down. GG, fellas.RNC Reaffirms Support For Prop 8 In Hollywood Meeting
Republican National Committee members met in Hollywood, one of the most gay friendly places in the country, on Friday and passed a series of resolutions reaffirming the party's support for marriage between one man and one woman, including California's Proposition 8, the 2008 law banning gay marriage currently under review by the Supreme Court.
A resolution introduced Wednesday by Michigan committeeman Dave Agema, who came under fire last month for posting an article describing gays as filthy on his Facebook page, passed the full RNC by a voice vote and without debate. A second resolution reaffirming core values of the party including opposition to same-sex marriage was also passed.
Party leaders, including RNC Chair Reince Priebus, have recently been pushing a plan to broaden their appeal to younger and minority voters by softening their stance on social issues. A group of social conservatives, however, responded in a letter threatening mass exodus should the party officially adopt gay marriage.
But no, they can change! They'll let Obama pass his budget, gun control, and immigration reform (with their votes), and then run against those things in 2014, delivering them a solid victory!Meanwhile, today:
Held in the thrall of the extremists in the party. Dragging them straight down. GG, fellas.
It has been a long time coming but it seems the day is finally here.
It seems they are losing on almost all the 'cultural issues':
gay rights . . . losing badly
guns . . . around even
abortion . . . losing
immigration . . . losing barely
But the thing is, it will probably get worse for them every year from here on out.
It has been a long time coming but it seems the day is finally here.
It seems they are losing on almost all the 'cultural issues':
gay rights . . . losing badly
guns . . . around even
abortion . . . losing
immigration . . . losing barely
But the thing is, it will probably get worse for them every year from here on out.
They've been winning on guns. It's more of a regional issue where members of both parties deal with districts that are rabidly pro gun.It has been a long time coming but it seems the day is finally here.
It seems they are losing on almost all the 'cultural issues':
gay rights . . . losing badly
guns . . . around even
abortion . . . losing
immigration . . . losing barely
But the thing is, it will probably get worse for them every year from here on out.
It has been a long time coming but it seems the day is finally here.
It seems they are losing on almost all the 'cultural issues':
gay rights . . . losing badly
guns . . . around even
abortion . . . losing
immigration . . . losing barely
But the thing is, it will probably get worse for them every year from here on out.
So apparently I'm LTTP on finding out that Mitch McConnel has an asian wife.
Da faq?
So apparently I'm LTTP on finding out that Mitch McConnel has an asian wife.
Da faq?
So apparently I'm LTTP on finding out that Mitch McConnel has an asian wife.
Da faq?
Doesn't make sense. Obama wants a grand bargain solely as a legacy item. He continually cites Reagan and Tip O'Neil "fixing" social security in the 80s as a model for what he wants to do. The problem is that today, social security is not in danger nor close to being in danger, and it doesn't impact the deficit. There is no need to cut the program.
Carville also points out Obama wanted to give republicans the farm in 2011, including raising the retirement age. A change that would save a small amount of money while hurting the middle class. There is no policy explanation for any of this, it's all about being seen as Serious and equating both the far right and far left as different sides of the same unruly coin. It's pathetic. I hope we see a complete revolt over this, similar to what happened to Bush in 2005 when he tried to privatize the program.
MSNBC attacking Fox?
Wait, some people think he's gay?Doesn't matter if she's white, black, Asian, or Hispanic. She's still ultimately a beard.
Wait, some people think he's gay?