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Swamp_Yankee a few seconds ago −
And if we go over the edge....
Taxes are raised on all the same people... and John Doe... and Jane Doe... and Joe Six-Pack... and every right leaning, hard working, Patriotic American who doesnt get all this, but will just know that the GOP had a chance to stop middle class tax hikes and said no.The GOP will be looked at as the party that helped raised taxes on working class folks.
You complain a lot, but what is you solution? Plan B looks grat right now. Even if shot down the GOP has all the leverage and talking points.
Now the Tea Party has sank into the big "L" Libertarian abyss, all platitudes and principles, nothing real. If the GOp does what these yahoos want, we are as relevant as the Liberarians.
Anyone can win arguments on principle. The Libertarians do it all the time, which is why they suck, cant win, and are pathetic, and are now trying to infest the GOP.
Tom Coburn, Pat Toomey, Ron Johnson, John Barrasso, Jim Inhofe, Kelly Ayotte, Jim Sessions, Mike Enzi, John Hoevan, Dean Heller, David Vitter... blah, blah, blah.. all traitors now.
The yahoos lost. They cant face it.
Plan B was a good strategy when you have one half of Congress and the enemy the POTUS. Make THEM turn down a comprensive bill. Show theit true colors. But no. We want to emulate the Libertarians. Real Principle! And just as oblivious!
Losing it. Just losing it.
Liberals never fought these battles on their way to the top. They always rallied around leadership even when it didnt suit them. They fought in a ademia, schools, media, Hollywood, courts... only idiots conservatives seek instant gratification and live the lie that the only reason our imaginary majority loses is because of failed leadership. Dummies. Fools.
The long war, the real war, the culture war... all that and them some will not be won by tearing down our own in poltics, who MUST compromise as part of their jobs.... the Let compromises all the time in IL, MA, NY and CA... it doesnt stop their march.
Becaust hey are more intelligent then us.... We are losing!!! It must be the House Speaker!!!! What a bucnh of blithering idiots.
Start figuring this crap out and start fighting the real wars.