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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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^^ Time to speed up hostage negotiations! Only this time there should be no negotiations, only hilarious laughter every time they make a demand.

"What the fuck dude, like, we'll pull the trigger and shit... we mean it..."
"Fuck it."

Angry black man

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Today has been unbearable. All my neocon friends Facebooks and everything are all about evil Obama raising taxes even though he said he wouldn't.

One of mine was bitching yesterday about their taxes going up, naturally blaming everyone who voted for Obama. I pointed out how strange it was that the payroll tax holiday was the only tax cut Republicans didn't fight to keep during the fiscal cliff garbage crisis, presumably since it didn't go to rich people. She launches into an earnest defense of said rich people, warning that they have "options", they pay 75% of taxes despite being 5% of the population and that if taxed too much they'll make their summer homes in Europe permanent.

So in summary she's pissed that as a lower-middle class earner her taxes are going up (to original pre-holiday levels) but also believes that the rich shouldn't see any tax increases either or else they'll... run to live in a socialist democracy somewhere.


Palazzo has taken heat nationally and at home for his vote against a bill providing $9.7 billion to cover insurance claims for people whose homes were damaged or destroyed by Sandy, despite making a fervent appeal for federal dollars following Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

"I came to the Northeast today to see firsthand the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy and to meet with my colleagues about securing immediate relief and assistance for those suffering from the storm. I was saddened to see the hard-hit portions of New Jersey and New York. I was reminded of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina. Mississippians have been through much of what the Sandy victims are experiencing.

“Now is the time for the federal government to provide immediate relief to those affected by the storm. I am fully committed to providing the relief they so desperately need.

“Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy have clearly demonstrated the need to revisit reforms for disaster relief. I spoke directly with House leadership this week about achieving meaningful disaster relief reform, and I remain committed to this much-needed national discussion.“

I guess being called out on your hypocritical stances works.



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
One of mine was bitching yesterday about their taxes going up, naturally blaming everyone who voted for Obama. I pointed out how strange it was that the payroll tax holiday was the only tax cut Republicans didn't fight to keep during the fiscal cliff garbage crisis, presumably since it didn't go to rich people. She launches into an earnest defense of said rich people, warning that they have "options", they pay 75% of taxes despite being 5% of the population and that if taxed too much they'll make their summer homes in Europe permanent.

So in summary she's pissed that as a lower-middle class earner her taxes are going up (to original pre-holiday levels) but also believes that the rich shouldn't see any tax increases either or else they'll... run to live in a socialist democracy somewhere.

Did you tell her that it was Obama's tax cut that she liked in the first place? The payroll tax cut was the DEMs idea in the first place.

Why are people so disconnected with reality? It's okay to be against the tax raise, but at least know why the tax raise happened.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Wal-Mart says representatives will attend Thursday meeting at the White House with Vice President Joe Biden on gun violence - @NBCNews, @CNN

A little change of heart from Wal-Mart today.


Setec Astronomer
One of mine was bitching yesterday about their taxes going up, naturally blaming everyone who voted for Obama. I pointed out how strange it was that the payroll tax holiday was the only tax cut Republicans didn't fight to keep during the fiscal cliff garbage crisis, presumably since it didn't go to rich people. She launches into an earnest defense of said rich people, warning that they have "options", they pay 75% of taxes despite being 5% of the population and that if taxed too much they'll make their summer homes in Europe permanent.

So in summary she's pissed that as a lower-middle class earner her taxes are going up (to original pre-holiday levels) but also believes that the rich shouldn't see any tax increases either or else they'll... run to live in a socialist democracy somewhere.
...with even higher taxes.


Did you tell her that it was Obama's tax cut that she liked in the first place? The payroll tax cut was the DEMs idea in the first place.

Why are people so disconnected with reality? It's okay to be against the tax raise, but at least know why the tax raise happened.
I know people bitching at work about Obamas tax increase and think its his fault that the payroll taxes went back up. These people only listen to Fox News and the media bubble they are in is truly amazing
For those of us who don't want to visit at work, what's he saying now?


That Daily beast article really bothered me because it basically screamed "IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!" and we all know it is, but to see it come out so blatantly was just... fuck. I have no faith in the system anymore. It's dry rotting from the inside out. And it isn't going to get better if damn near half the country will vote for these stupid fucks.


I'm guessing that "Liberals want to take away your guns" is going to be the big rallying cry for Republicans in 2014. I think the measures the administration has highlighted that they want to take are the correct ones and support for them polls well, but it's important to not forget how effective the Republican machine can be at spinning this kind of stuff into a rallying cry. I know Republican support is low right now, but the Democrats had control of the House, Senate, and Presidency prior to the 1994 and 2010 elections and they got creamed both times.

It doesn't take much to feed their spin machine and they're good at sticking to effective messaging, however dishonest it may be. "They're going to take your guns" could work in some swing districts and Senate races, so I hope the Democrats can manage their messaging on this issue well from the get-go and take advantage of the favorable polling.

This is really REALLY sad because:
1) It is a complete strawman argument.
2) They know it is a complete strawman argument.
3) It will be very effective anyway.

The GOP is now at the point where they know their followers are complete fools and thus they treat them as such. They'll just create bad arguments that they know are complete bullshit if they think it will help them. Reality does not matter anymore . . . it is what you can get away with.
I'm guessing that "Liberals want to take away your guns" is going to be the big rallying cry for Republicans in 2014. I think the measures the administration has highlighted that they want to take are the correct ones and support for them polls well, but it's important to not forget how effective the Republican machine can be at spinning this kind of stuff into a rallying cry. I know Republican support is low right now, but the Democrats had control of the House, Senate, and Presidency prior to the 1994 and 2010 elections and they got creamed both times.

It doesn't take much to feed their spin machine and they're good at sticking to effective messaging, however dishonest it may be. "They're going to take your guns" could work in some swing districts and Senate races, so I hope the Democrats can manage their messaging on this issue well from the get-go and take advantage of the favorable polling.

I don't see it working well. People know he doesn't want to take away all guns. The people who will fear "obama is coming for your guns" already think that about liberals


That girl in the bunny hat
Since we're on the topic, just want to make sure I understand the inflationary and other repercussions.

The Coin would effectively be instead of bonds, correct? With bonds, you'd have $1 trillion of bond buying (deflationary; that money's taken from the supply) for $1 trillion plus interest of redemption (inflationary). So, long-term, bonds are inflationary by their interest rate, but they're deflationary short-term.

With The Coin, those bonds don't have to exist, meaning that $1 trillion doesn't leave the money supply (inflationary). The spending the bonds are meant to fund happens anyway, so there's no change in that whole sense. But this also means the later interest never gets paid out, because the bonds it comes from never existed (deflationary). So there is a deflationary effect overall, but a short-term inflation as money isn't given to the government.

Now, that money staying in the money supply means it can be used on other things. Instead of being shoved into the government, it can be shoved into private business. I would expect mostly by way of investing, stocks, and other various "rich people money-fucking-with", which isn't very helpful, I admit. But even if it just means banks and brokerages hiring more, there would be a multiplier effect. And if that, in aggregate, ends up larger than the interest payments from the bonds, then The Coin would have a stimulative effect. It'd raise GDP. Right? Am I misinterpreting something or is The Coin actually a good idea for non-rich-assholes?
Since we're on the topic, just want to make sure I understand the inflationary and other repercussions.

The Coin would effectively be instead of bonds, correct? With bonds, you'd have $1 trillion of bond buying (deflationary; that money's taken from the supply) for $1 trillion plus interest of redemption (inflationary). So, long-term, bonds are inflationary by their interest rate, but they're deflationary short-term.

With The Coin, those bonds don't have to exist, meaning that $1 trillion doesn't leave the money supply (inflationary). But that also means the later interest never gets paid out, because it never existed (deflationary). So there is a deflationary effect overall, but a short-term inflation as money isn't given to the government.

Now, that money staying in the money supply means it can be used on other things. Instead of being shoved into the government, it can be shoved into private business. Mostly by way of investing, stocks, and other various "rich people money-fucking-with", which isn't very helpful, I admit. But even if it just means banks and brokerages hiring more, there would be a multiplier effect. And if that, in aggregate, ends up larger than the interest payments from the bonds, then The Coin would have a stimulative effect. It'd raise GDP. Right? Am I misinterpreting something or is The Coin actually a good idea for non-rich-assholes?
The coin is an accounting trick. Its not money in the traditional sense. It changes nothing but prevents the government from defaulting. It give them money without having to sell bonds.


That girl in the bunny hat
The coin is an accounting trick. Its not money in the traditional sense. It changes nothing but prevents the government from defaulting. It give them money without having to sell bonds.

Which I get, I'm pondering the result of those bonds not existing (because they now don't have to).
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