The Librarian
Coinstitutional crisis?
You're good at coining new phrases.
Coinstitutional crisis?
I don't think it'd go on for very long to have any real effect. It would force congress' hand pretty fast IMO
And, frankly, I'm here to tell you guys that 1776 will commence again if you try to mint that coin.
....I'm not sure what you're referring to here. I'm talking about comparing the effects of $1 trillion of bonds being issued (the debt ceiling is raised like normal) vs. those bonds not being issued (The Coin is used instead).
Minting a 1T coin would probably be bad news for dems in 2014, assuming the economy continues to grow slowly.
I'm confident they would issue those bonds when the ceiling gets raised, and if they make that intention clear, then there won't be any inflationary effects, because inflation is more about expectations than anything else, so everybody will just behave the way that they would if there were already bonds issued because they assume it's going to happen.
So instead of raising the ceiling to Current + X now, then (Current + X) + Y later, they'd do the coin trick now and jump right to Current + X + Y later, and it'll all have been pointless on the whole?
Basically. They talked about having $50 million dollar coins, and then melting them down and replacing them with bonds once the debt ceiling is raised.
Since we're on the topic, just want to make sure I understand the inflationary and other repercussions.
The Coin would effectively be instead of bonds, correct? With bonds, you'd have $1 trillion of bond buying (deflationary; that money's taken from the supply) for $1 trillion plus interest of redemption (inflationary). So, long-term, bonds are inflationary by their interest rate, but they're deflationary short-term.
With The Coin, those bonds don't have to exist, meaning that $1 trillion doesn't leave the money supply (inflationary). The spending the bonds are meant to fund happens anyway, so there's no change in that whole sense. But this also means the later interest never gets paid out, because the bonds it comes from never existed (deflationary). So there is a deflationary effect overall, but a short-term inflation as money isn't given to the government.
Now, that money staying in the money supply means it can be used on other things. Instead of being shoved into the government, it can be shoved into private business. I would expect mostly by way of investing, stocks, and other various "rich people money-fucking-with", which isn't very helpful, I admit. But even if it just means banks and brokerages hiring more, there would be a multiplier effect. And if that, in aggregate, ends up larger than the interest payments from the bonds, then The Coin would have a stimulative effect. It'd raise GDP. Right? Am I misinterpreting something or is The Coin actually a good idea for non-rich-assholes?
She always gets incredibly stupid whenever gun control comes up.Also S.E. Cupp is going stupid on defending assault rifles guns.
She always gets incredibly stupid whenever anything comes up.
In case any of you haven't seen it in the other thread:
Fixed.She always gets incredibly stupid.
Fixed. She seems very stupid, like she's playing an act. Still, I would give her a Real Time-esque show on MSNBC with a liberal guest host
Perhaps I should have said she gets more stupid.Fixed.
Since we're on the topic, just want to make sure I understand the inflationary and other repercussions.
The Coin would effectively be instead of bonds, correct? With bonds, you'd have $1 trillion of bond buying (deflationary; that money's taken from the supply) for $1 trillion plus interest of redemption (inflationary). So, long-term, bonds are inflationary by their interest rate, but they're deflationary short-term.
With The Coin, those bonds don't have to exist, meaning that $1 trillion doesn't leave the money supply (inflationary). The spending the bonds are meant to fund happens anyway, so there's no change in that whole sense. But this also means the later interest never gets paid out, because the bonds it comes from never existed (deflationary). So there is a deflationary effect overall, but a short-term inflation as money isn't given to the government.
Now, that money staying in the money supply means it can be used on other things. Instead of being shoved into the government, it can be shoved into private business. I would expect mostly by way of investing, stocks, and other various "rich people money-fucking-with", which isn't very helpful, I admit. But even if it just means banks and brokerages hiring more, there would be a multiplier effect. And if that, in aggregate, ends up larger than the interest payments from the bonds, then The Coin would have a stimulative effect. It'd raise GDP. Right? Am I misinterpreting something or is The Coin actually a good idea for non-rich-assholes?
Minting a 1T coin would probably be bad news for dems in 2014, assuming the economy continues to grow slowly.
Minting a 1T coin would probably be bad news for dems in 2014, assuming the economy continues to grow slowly.
Probably. They should mint a few more and grow the economy faster, then.
(Actually, the Treasury can't spend more than Congress says, so that's a no-go. But people should really remember that what we are talking about here is how the Treasury spends what Congress has required it to spend. We are not talking about how much the Treasury should spend.)
This Trillion dollar coin talk is the dumbest thing ever!!! And why are respected people actually talking about it like it should be a real thought?
Virginia's gas tax is also one of the lowest in the nation. It brings in less money per gallon of gas, adjusted for inflation, than anytime in history, and is less than half in real dollars what it was in 1933. That's why a lot of Virginia legislators are calling for real action on transportation this year.
The state would then collect no money at all on people buying gas, even though it collects money from people buying most anything else. It even has a sales tax on groceries, unlike DC and Maryland. This means you would pay something for buying grapes and ginger but not gasoline.
But wait, isn't McDonnell's plan a transportation funding plan? McDonnell would then raise the sales tax by 0.8 cents on the dollar. This would bring in $183 million a year by 2018, but less now. Meanwhile, many people say the state needs about $1 billion a year for transportation. Fairfax County alone says they need $300 million a year. The Washington Post calls the revenue from this plan "paltry."
This Trillion dollar coin talk is the dumbest thing ever!!! And why are respected people actually talking about it like it should be a real thought?
Not raising the debt ceiling and letting the US default is actually the dumbest thing ever.
Okay this is true, but the Trillion dollar coin is in the top 5 of dumb.
I think the trillion dollar coin makes more sense than challenging the 14th amendment. The latter is opening a huge can of worms.
I don't know why the coin is a crazy idea. The alternative is we have the GOP actively taking the economy hostage and openly bragging about it. I don't see why letting economic terrorists win is a better idea than minting a trillion dollar coin.
Right. I mean, let's be honest. It is a crazy idea. A week or two ago everybody would've been saying it but all the media excitement about the coin means that now everybody loves it. It's still a totally insane thing to do. It's just not any more insane than anything else governments usually do, and better than the insane alternatives.
Minting a 1T coin would probably be bad news for dems in 2014, assuming the economy continues to grow slowly.
Ladies and gentlemen, behold one of the dumbest policy proposals of the century.
Governor Bob McDonnell, the republican from Virginia has a problem. Gas tax isnt making enough. His roads fund is broke. Hes borrowing everywhere. Enormous shortfalls....
How to solve this issue?
Eliminate the gas tax.
Raise the sales tax.....but continue to exclude gas from sales tax, making road use free
......except for electric ca users. They must pay $100. Just because.
Oh and diesel, that stays.
Possibly the most regressive proposal of all time.
Ride the bus? Congrats, you now pay more for food! Drive 100 miles a day in your BMW? Enjoy your new tax cut!
Driving through the state, tearing up the roads? No cost to you!
Does it even solve the funding issue?
Its clear to me that every republican failed math class and did not take logic class.
Governor ultrasound's political career needs to end soon and permanently. That is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.Ladies and gentlemen, behold one of the dumbest policy proposals of the century.
Governor Bob McDonnell, the republican from Virginia has a problem. Gas tax isnt making enough. His roads fund is broke. Hes borrowing everywhere. Enormous shortfalls....
How to solve this issue?
Eliminate the gas tax.
Raise the sales tax.....but continue to exclude gas from sales tax, making road use free
......except for electric ca users. They must pay $100. Just because.
Oh and diesel, that stays.
Possibly the most regressive proposal of all time.
Ride the bus? Congrats, you now pay more for food! Drive 100 miles a day in your BMW? Enjoy your new tax cut!
He can try that but people are just not that stupid. And the whole ultrasound thing ended his presidential chances.I don't think they failed anything - they simply don't care. McDonnell's term will be up soon, the next governor will have to deal with the shortfall - likely by (you guessed it) gutting services. Meanwhile in the summer of 2015 when gas prices once again increase due to high demand, McDonnell will be on Fox discussing how he lowered gas prices in his state by eliminating the gas tax, prepping for a presidential run.
So just now on my way back home, I drove by the post office. Standing outside, people had a giant sign saying "pull over, Dump Obama!" Then a booth with Obama's picture and "IMPEACH HIM!" on it. Why does the post office let this happen, it's Govt property right? This is in San Diego btw.
So just now on my way back home, I drove by the post office. Standing outside, people had a giant sign saying "pull over, Dump Obama!" Then a booth with Obama's picture and "IMPEACH HIM!" on it. Why does the post office let this happen, it's Govt property right? This is in San Diego btw.