Vox has obnoxious headlines but is pretty good for a center-left liberal perspective. I prefer their podcasts to the articles, though.
It's a blog, but ginandtacos.com is pretty interesting and funny commentary from a political science professor in Chicago I think, though uh occasionally he's less sensitive than I'd probably like. He also is pretty good at criticism of liberal centrism if you're into that, especially if you want someone who isn't an actual socialist doing the critique.
If you're looking more into the socialist side of things, Jacobin usually has some pretty good articles, though I think they're often a little too class-focused and occasionally downplay racism. I've been meaning to subscribe to the actual magazine for a while but haven't gotten around to it. They also have a pretty good (and free!) short collection of essays about socialism if you're interested in it as an ideology but have questions because all you've known is liberal capitalism called The ABCs of Socialism.
Pod Save America is a good podcast that's basically Keepin' It 1600 but now under its own brand. If you hadn't listened to it before, it's four former Obama staffers who do commentary and try to help people get involved with activism.
New Republic is pretty good and a decent range from liberal to leftist. I haven't read a whole lot of their stuff though.
For news-y news, I do NPR (mostly when I'm in the car) and WaPo for domestic coverage and BBC/Al Jazeera for international news, though I don't think these are what you're looking for. Hope this helps!
Yo but he's a Smart Wonk Conservative with Big Ideas about how to Help People Gain Liberty and definitely isn't a Randian hack that masturbates to poor children starving.