The morning news isn't reporting the Russia stuff so I guess it's not interesting."They had to know [Sally Yates] was radioactive, and that there would be consequences," said a West Wing confidant. "It was either reckless, or total incompetence. It leads back to the fact that nobody is in charge."
A top source described "borderline chaos" in the White House.
"Some staff is in survival mode ... scared to death," the source said.
Fuuuucckkkking whaaaaattt tttthheeee hhhhheeelllll iiiisssss happpennninnnggggg
This is insane. My retroactive feelings about how Obama handled this has reached critical mass and become a black hole of anger! Why are we talking about this in the context of political theater when it's actually about our country's national security first and foremost?
If direct collusion with a foreign power to destroy your political opponent doesn't qualify as treasonous enough behavior to merit an official presidential response than what does?
This Russian connection non-sense is merely an attempt to cover-up the many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton's losing campaign.
Despite the public's increasing misgivings about Trump's behavior and tactics in the White House, he still beats Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) in a hypothetical matchup, 42 percent to 36 percent
Trump is, however, maintaining relatively higher approval numbers in the POLITICO/Morning Consult poll than in other public surveys. Forty-nine percent of voters approve of the job he's doing as president in the new poll, and 45 percent disapprove.
Depends on whether Trump can get to the leaks before the leaks can get to the truth that is unequivocally damning and can't be so easily denied or spun away from.The more he runs his mouth and lies, the more the intelligence community will leak. This is a war he can't win
Donald J. TrumpVerified account
Information is being illegally given to the failing @nytimes & @washingtonpost by the intelligence community (NSA and FBI?).Just like Russia
I have to agree.So Trump just verified the info...
I also like that he says it's "just like Russia" which leads me to believe he doesn't understand the political system in Russia at all. People who leak information in Russia end up in the locked trunk of their car from a tragic 18 stabwound in the back suicide, and then their loved ones mysteriously vanish...
Why resign when you still have the chance to end up president?Pence is being walked over by the administration ain't he? Dude should resign..
oh wait, that requires a backbone.
Pence is being walked over by the administration ain't he? Dude should resign..
oh wait, that requires a backbone.
Maybe a couple years.Pence is going to be the President very soon.
So Trump just verified the info...
Pence is going to be the President very soon.
Jesse Rodriguez ‏@JesseRodriguez 27m27 minutes ago
.@SenBobCorker just now on @Morning_Joe: "The question is whether the White House is going to be able to stabilize itself."
One last trip before his indictment.Bibi sure is coming to the US at a great time, lol.
I have to believe this is intentional. He's trying to suss out the elements in each organization that don't hold him in high regard. He needs more info to get leaked so he can isolate where it's coming from.Now Trump is attacking NSA and FBI again?
Oh, yeah, this is going to work out REAL well for him.
One last trip before his indictment.
I have to believe this is intentional. He's trying to suss out the elements in each organization that don't hold him in high regard. He needs more info to get leaked so he can isolate where it's coming from.
I have to believe this is intentional. He's trying to suss out the elements in each organization that don't hold him in high regard. He needs more info to get leaked so he can isolate where it's coming from.
I have to believe this is intentional. He's trying to suss out the elements in each organization that don't hold him in high regard. He needs more info to get leaked so he can isolate where it's coming from.
I betcha Hillary's downing tequila shots, dancing, and shouting "Payback's a bitch, puppet!"
Mr.Shrugglesツ;230357262 said:
Related: I keep on trying to smush "no puppet" into The Prodigy's Firestarter. It really doesn't scan, but my brain won't stop.
"The NSA and FBI should not interfere in our politics" is a very strange thing to say after you just spent over a year both praising and complaining about the FBI's investigation of Hillary Clinton.
So that new thread about Democratic town halls in the OT is full of "fuck the Democratic Party", I am voting third party over the corporate democrats, unless Mancin is primaries the DNC is just as bad, etc nonsense.
How after Trump is so many on the left still saying these things? How? How How?