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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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Paul said that Republicans will "never even get started" with major policy changes like repealing Obamacare if they are focused on investigating their colleagues.

Fuck off, Rand.

"What the GOP is doing is a distraction from literally killing people by getting rid of their healthcare!"


The GOP are slowly backing themselves into a corner. Too cowardly to investigate Trump, making them hypocrites in the process. Too cowardly to push for Repeal and Replace. Those are the two big news stories now, and for the foreseeable future, and they're just sat there.

If they don't move soon, the Dems can just batter them on being the party of do-nothing. They don't need to qualify it in any way, either - the GOP is the party of do-nothing, and it'll stick to them no matter what.


China awards Trump valuable new trademark
The registration this week came as a surprise win for Trump after a decade of trying — and failing — to wrest the rights to his name back from a man named Dong Wei. The abrupt turn in Trump's bureaucratic fortunes once he declared his candidacy has raised questions about the extent to which his political status may be helping his family business.

Any special treatment from China would mean that Trump effectively accepted a present from Beijing, an act that would violate the Constitution, Richard Painter, chief White House ethics lawyer under President George W. Bush, said in an email. "A different conclusion might be reached if Trump had been treated like everyone else seeking a trademark, but the evidence does not point in that direction."
China giving our lawyers more ammo?

In other depressing news, Texas going for a second try: Texas anti-abortion efforts renew after Supreme Court defeat
Undeterred by a U.S. Supreme Court decision striking down sweeping abortion restrictions that were sold as protecting women's health, Texas Republicans are pushing new measures pitched as protecting fetuses, with a hopeful eye toward Washington.

New anti-abortion measures are moving through the Legislature — where Democrats are virtually powerless to stop them — and opponents see a shift in GOP strategy after last year's 5-3 Supreme Court ruling that rejected the state's claims of trying to safeguard women and dismantled a 2013 law that prompted many of the state's abortion clinics to close.

A state Senate committee on Wednesday will begin hearing three anti-abortion measures, none of which claim to be aimed at protecting women's health. And with the Supreme Court apparently set to become more socially conservative under President Donald Trump, Republicans say there is a new opportunity.
They don't even bother hiding their intentions anymore, I guess Trump's election has certainly emboldened those who think women are just hosts.


Joe Walters

@20committee I can kind of guess but what do you think is going on inside NatSec right now after Trump's "intelligence" tweet this morning?

John Schindler ‏@20committee 1m1 minute ago

Now we go nuclear. IC war going to new levels. Just got an EM fm senior IC friend, it began: "He will die in jail."

John Schindler's Twitter bio:

#Natsec columnist @observer, security consultant, author, provocateur, bon vivant, polyglot, counterintelligencer, cat guardian. Formerly NSA, NAVSECGRU, NWC.

So the "senior IC friend" part isn't unlikely.

John Berman Verified account

JUST NOW: @RonDeSantisFL tells us he wants the transcript of conversation between Flynn and Russian Ambassador released.



I thought he might start sucking up to the IC and the leaks might stop but.... noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Trump thinks Russia has investigative journalists that expose Putin's crimes and live?
So that new thread about Democratic town halls in the OT is full of "fuck the Democratic Party", I am voting third party over the corporate democrats, unless Mancin is primaried the DNC is just as bad, etc nonsense.

How after Trump is so many on the left still saying these things?

Because people on the left are just as dumb as people on the right. I just hope they don't lose us as many seats as the Tea Party lost the GOP


Lol, Republican Congressman Desantis on MSNBC saying Congress works for the president. Motherfucker, know your job.


So, question time.

Seems like Trump-Russia story is picking up more heat. The dossier story is back, Flynn is out for Russia stuff, NYT story about Trump team contacts (in line with the dossier)

If Trump falls for this, why would it make sense that Pence becomes president? Why would it be a simple succession?

It shouldn't be, yes? Because the very fabric of American democracy was affected, wouldn't it make more sense to conduct an emergency election soon after?


So, question time.

Seems like Trump-Russia story is picking up more heat. The dossier story is back, Flynn is out for Russia stuff, NYT story about Trump team contacts (in line with the dossier)

If Trump falls for this, why would it make sense that Pence becomes president? Why would it be a simple succession?

It shouldn't be, yes? Because the very fabric of American democracy was affected, wouldn't it make more sense to conduct an emergency election soon after?

We've never had to cross that bridge before, but it would make the most sense to me
So, question time.

Seems like Trump-Russia story is picking up more heat. The dossier story is back, Flynn is out for Russia stuff, NYT story about Trump team contacts (in line with the dossier)

If Trump falls for this, why would it make sense that Pence becomes president? Why would it be a simple succession?

It shouldn't be, yes? Because the very fabric of American democracy was affected, wouldn't it make more sense to conduct an emergency election soon after?

There's no provision in American law to do that. If Pence is also implicated, Ryan will be president.
So, question time.

Seems like Trump-Russia story is picking up more heat. The dossier story is back, Flynn is out for Russia stuff, NYT story about Trump team contacts (in line with the dossier)

If Trump falls for this, why would it make sense that Pence becomes president? Why would it be a simple succession?

It shouldn't be, yes? Because the very fabric of American democracy was affected, wouldn't it make more sense to conduct an emergency election soon after?

There's no real apparatus for that (that doesn't involve the President, anyway.) An impeachment would doubtlessly follow the line of succession up until the next general election no matter what.
So, question time.

Seems like Trump-Russia story is picking up more heat. The dossier story is back, Flynn is out for Russia stuff, NYT story about Trump team contacts (in line with the dossier)

If Trump falls for this, why would it make sense that Pence becomes president? Why would it be a simple succession?

It shouldn't be, yes? Because the very fabric of American democracy was affected, wouldn't it make more sense to conduct an emergency election soon after?

There is literally no mechanism in our constitution for an emergency presidential election. Only the line of succession.


There's no provision in American law to do that. If Pence is also implicated, Ryan will be president.

Even if Pence isn't implicated, his path to the White House was a tainted one. It wouldnt make sense to give him a free raise up to the Presidency.

Its kinda crazy that we even have to think about this now. Crazy times ahead.


I'm not sure Pence would be implicated. The Flynn resignation highlights how out of the loop he really is. He could very well have genuine, plausible deniability on this whole thing.
Even if Pence isn't implicated, his path to the White House was a tainted one. It wouldnt make sense to give him a free raise up to the Presidency.

Its kinda crazy that we even have to think about this now. Crazy times ahead.

It might not make sense from a moral or ethical standpoint, but it makes sense from a legal one.


President Donald Trump offered the job of national security advisor to retired Vice Adm. Robert Harward on Monday night, and was a bit surprised when Harward responded by saying he needed a couple of days to think it over.

If, as expected, Harward accepts the job today, he is likely to bring in his own team, from deputy on down, with a focus on national security types with some experience under their belts.

Mattis' guy.


I'm not sure Pence would be implicated. The Flynn resignation highlights how out of the loop he really is. He could very well have genuine, plausible deniability on this whole thing.

But it's not about avoiding implication, it's that Pence benefited from Russian influence. Think of it as a political version of the "Fruit from the poisonous tree" doctrine, essentially.

And bear in mind that US/UK/UN and a whole host of other countries routinely call for "new and impartial elections" when something like this occurs in a Third World country.

I can totally understand the argument there's nothing in US law/constitution to allow for it. But at the same time, unless there's something that expressly forbids it, then surely it would be a decision to be made, not a foregone conclusion?
But it's not about avoiding implication, it's that Pence benefited from Russian influence. Think of it as a political version of the "Fruit from the poisonous tree" doctrine, essentially.

And bear in mind that US/UK/UN and a whole host of other countries routinely call for "new and impartial elections" when something like this occurs in a Third World country.

I can totally understand the argument there's nothing in US law/constitution to allow for it. But at the same time, unless there's something that expressly forbids it, then surely it would be a decision to be made, not a foregone conclusion?

By the time the mechanism for it were agreed upon, it would be general election season anyway.

It's not practical, at all. Let's say Trump were removed from office in short order--like, this year. And there's no clear incrimination of Pence. With whose Congress are you going to design a special election? This one? Nope.

If it happens during 2018 and then Democrats get control of one or both Houses, they'll just start impeachment proceedings on Pence if they feel it's necessary.


contribute something
Mattis is right about NATO. If European states were more responsible for their own defense, the American taxpayer would bear a lighter burden and the global structure of power would be more equitable. Stronger European militaries could also check Russian aggression and reduce the necessity for US intervention.

But I don't think Mattis is arguing for this in good faith. He's just serving as a mouthpiece for Donald Trump's apathetic anti-imperialism.
But it's not about avoiding implication, it's that Pence benefited from Russian influence. Think of it as a political version of the "Fruit from the poisonous tree" doctrine, essentially.

And bear in mind that US/UK/UN and a whole host of other countries routinely call for "new and impartial elections" when something like this occurs in a Third World country.

I can totally understand the argument there's nothing in US law/constitution to allow for it. But at the same time, unless there's something that expressly forbids it, then surely it would be a decision to be made, not a foregone conclusion?

I'm sure we'd see some talk, but I think most people would settle for "Pence is in charge and the IC/LEO agencies will probably have increased access over the entire administration until we get to the next election." I'm sure Pence is similarly compromised as Trump, but if Trump were to be taken down for treason (or similar charges), then there's no way his successor would be able to do similar acts. He'd be monitored for the rest of the term like an infant.


Yoni Appelbaum‏ @YAppelbaum

UPDATE: Bannon is “very unhappy” with the Breitbart story attacking Preibus, White House official tells





Personally, I don't see any good reason why European countries should not be upholding their agreed-upon NATO contributions. I know these are running goals, and that France isn't due to contribute 2 percent of its GDP by tomorrow, but I also don't understand why it's okay for them to not meet those goals anyway. And frankly, if the US is an unreliable ally to the preservation of the EU, it's in their best interests to be ramping up their own national security contributions.

That said, I don't think this should be used as a bargaining chip where the US will flat out refuse to help NATO allies that don't pay up if they're attacked.

Getting rid of KT McFarland too, then.
Mattis is right about NATO. If European states were more responsible for their own defense, the American taxpayer would bear a lighter burden and the global structure of power would be more equitable. Stronger European militaries could also check Russian aggression and reduce the necessity for US intervention

No evidence of that whatsoever. Especially not in a world where congress refuses to reduce military spending even when the military flat out tells them they don't need the shit that they buying.
Mattis is right about NATO. If European states were more responsible for their own defense, the American taxpayer would bear a lighter burden and the global structure of power would be more equitable. Stronger European militaries could also check Russian aggression and reduce the necessity for US intervention.

But I don't think Mattis is arguing for this in good faith. He's just serving as a mouthpiece for Donald Trump's apathetic anti-imperialism.

I agree that he's not doing this in good faith, but honestly. our military is one of the only ones that can check Russia's. Most European militaries would lose a traditional war with the NYPD, let alone the Russian military. We could certainly argue for more from places like Germany and others of that size, but I really think the numbers just add up to the US having to put in more than a fair share.

Think of it like taxing the rich more to cover poor people, except with bullets instead of money. We can contribute a ton where a lot of these places can't, so we should.

I'm interested (and a bit scared?) to see what happens in the region when Russia's banana republic collapses in a few decades (max).


By the time the mechanism for it were agreed upon, it would be general election season anyway.

It's not practical, at all. Let's say Trump were removed from office in short order--like, this year. And there's no clear incrimination of Pence. With whose Congress are you going to design a special election? This one? Nope.

If it happens during 2018 and then Democrats get control of one or both Houses, they'll just start impeachment proceedings on Pence if they feel it's necessary.

This would need to happen:
- Trump impeached/convicted or resigns
- Pence agrees for some reason to choose his new VP by results of a national vote, and to resign afterwards. Senate agrees to approve that person. VP office remains vacant until then.

- Trump impeached/convicted or resigns
- Senate agrees to not confirm a new VP
- House agrees to appoint a new Speaker of the House (who constitutionally doesn't have to be a member of the House) based on the results of a national vote. After this Pence resigns/is impeached, and the Speaker becomes President based off line of succession.

Basically you'd have to have an agreement to select someone to fill in the line of succession based off a popular vote (or even something mimicking the electoral college) and hope that everyone would abide by that as it'd have no legal force.
I'm interested (and a bit scared?) to see what happens in the region when Russia's banana republic collapses in a few decades (max).

If south and central america are anything to go by (and it should be, we pros at crony capitalism), nothing. There'll just be someone seen as an outsider that'll take up the mantle, propose reforms, make some token short-lived efforts, and nothing will really change.

Keys to power and allathat.
Why did the mortgage tax credit removal and Cadillac tax (policies targeting the most obscene tax exceptions for the upper middle class) fail and why would universal programs that need much higher taxation on the upper middle class not fail?
I agree that he's not doing this in good faith, but honestly. our military is one of the only ones that can check Russia's. Most European militaries would lose a traditional war with the NYPD, let alone the Russian military. We could certainly argue for more from places like Germany and others of that size, but I really think the numbers just add up to the US having to put in more than a fair share.

Think of it like taxing the rich more to cover poor people, except with bullets instead of money. We can contribute a ton where a lot of these places can't, so we should.

I'm interested (and a bit scared?) to see what happens in the region when Russia's banana republic collapses in a few decades (max).

Russia's economy is so oil driven that a collapse is happening a lot faster than that.

Electric vehicles becoming affordable, fracking gaining speed, and solar getting cheap are going to cause a massive oil glut within ten years.



I thought he might start sucking up to the IC and the leaks might stop but.... noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

What's hilarious is that this prick can't stay off of twitter. He calls the leaks "fake news" but then he confirms they're true in his very next tweet.

It's like when idiot kids vandalize a house or beat someone up and then post a video of themselves doing it on facebook.

He's going to end up a "Stupid Criminals" segment on the news.
If south and central america are anything to go by (and it should be, we pros at crony capitalism), nothing. There'll just be someone seen as an outsider that'll take up the mantle, propose reforms, make some token short-lived efforts, and nothing will really change.

Keys to power and allathat.

Sure, but most if not all of those countries didn't have the economic clout of Russia, and they weren't sitting on massive militaries. When oil collapses as a viable product to base an economy on, the collapse of Russia will probably have pretty big consequences.
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