Well you had to pay to get in, so I doubt a lot of non-Trumpers would bother.Melbourne rally line looks filled with Trump supporters. So, today should be good for him.
Well you had to pay to get in, so I doubt a lot of non-Trumpers would bother.Melbourne rally line looks filled with Trump supporters. So, today should be good for him.
Really? I guess they're collecting for the 2020 election.Well you had to pay to get in, so I doubt a lot of non-Trumpers would bother.
Okay, now this one is funny. I am capable of laughter! Improvement.Another too silly to be true
Okay, now this one is funny. I am capable of laughter! Improvement.
We all know this is would only come up in his lame duck months.
In one month Trump has cost tax payers 11.3 million dollars (that's almost as much as Obama in a year)
http://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/white-house-nsc-aide-craig-deare-dismissed-235175The White House abruptly dismissed a senior National Security Council aide on Friday after receiving reports that he had publicly laced into the president and his senior aides, including son-in-law Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka Trump at an event hosted by a Washington think tank.
Even more amazing that this was how they did it in the 1830sTrump is doing rallies to recruit for positions.
"Hey you with the MAGA hat on. You good with cyber? Ahh, I know you are. My 10 year old son is. You're hired." And, "Lady, you have a wonderful smile. You're now ambassador to Mozambique."
Even more amazing that this was how they did it in the 1830s
Damn that Milo thread turned into a graveyard. Glad i bailed out when i could. Last few pages is BANNED!
Blocking that thread was one of the best GAF decisions I've made in a while.
I largely agree with this, and I'd add that there haven't really been any substantive votes on Trump agenda
"Back up to 40% on Gallup. Wonder how long it will be before it stabilizes in the 30s."
Knowing the way this world is heading, it'll go higher than Lincoln by the end of the year.
Pessimism aside, I do wonder how SNL will get under his skin tonight. He'll probably forget the loving crowds by the evening as that show comes on.
I have no idea why I even go into that thread. It's just page after page of people going:
It's literally filled with the worst political posters of the last year making bad arguments.
Milo is headlining CPAC. Looks like future mainstream conservatives are ready to just keep pushing Trump asshole style rhetoric in the future I guess.
I have no idea why I even go into that thread. It's just page after page of people going:
It's literally filled with the worst political posters of the last year making bad arguments.
The way the right has rallied around Milo (a NeoNazi) for being violently protested against for trying to endanger the lives of minorities is just fucking weird honestly.
Even the mainstream/non-Trumpy right are aligning themselves with a guy who writes "Muslims do get rapey."
All Republicans are bad.
They're managing to undermine their own argument by putting forth someone who explicitly and openly doxxes people as targets for focused harassment as the poster child for why white nationalists need to not only have platforms, but also have platforms free from effective criticism.
The way the right has rallied around Milo (a NeoNazi) for being violently protested against for trying to endanger the lives of minorities is just fucking weird honestly.
Even the mainstream/non-Trumpy right are aligning themselves with a guy who writes "Muslims do get rapey."
All Republicans are bad.
It's not even just the right, there's people on the left doing it too. It's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen.
I have no idea why I even go into that thread. It's just page after page of people going:
It's literally filled with the worst political posters of the last year making bad arguments.
Unless a church allows me to give a speech to their congregation (with no criticism or protesting mind you) about why all churches should be burned to the ground and why late term abortions are great, then there is no free speech.
Sonntagsfrage #btw17 Bundestagswahl • Emnid/BamS: SPD 33 %, CDU/CSU 32 %, AfD 9 %, LIN 8 %, GRÜ 7 %, FDP 6 %, Son 5%
Unless a church allows me to give a speech to their congregation (with no criticism or protesting mind you) about why all churches should be burned to the ground and why late term abortions are great, then there is no free speech.
It's not even just the right, there's people on the left doing it too. It's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen.
Where can I watch the Trump rally?
Cybit, CPAC is a private institution.
Germany isn't letting the Nazis come back.
Oh, I thought we were talking about Berkeley.
Fuck the CPAC dudes. They are abhorrent for inviting him.
Where can I watch the Trump rally?
Oh, I thought we were talking about Berkeley.
Fuck the CPAC dudes. They are abhorrent for inviting him.
We were actually talking about Maher inviting him on his show and washing his balls.
To expand on my own point, with regards to CPAC I think they are choosing someone particularly shitty to rally themselves around, which doesn't exactly do any valid meta-level principle they may invoke much favor. Milo being terrible doesn't invalidate the general principle of free speech, but choosing the guy who uses his platform to dox individuals for targeted harassment as their example case makes it reallyyyy easy to muddy the waters. Well, I'm not sure if saying "muddy the waters" is a fair term because this is actually exactly what they arguing for on an object level. I guess it's more like when confronted on the muddiness of their water, they just dumped another bucket of dirt in. They've managed to screw up their own chance to deflect into "we're just defending free speech".
I think there are merits in exposing the contents of hateful rhetoric to the public eye and in fact think that part of why the alt-right metastisized is because people due to the "don't look at the comments" aversion developed their own vision of what the alt-right is yet are too scared to actually read their manifestos, but it's something that must be done with great care. If someone is going to go as far as to encourage a widely televised even "debate" with a nazi, they had damn well better be prepared to make sure they don't lose, or at the very least show up with a salient grasp of the relevant facts and statistics to not get rolled over. I've heard it said that not allowing nazis to speak is a slippery slope, so I contend that allowing them to speak also can be a slippery slope as well.
I am also an advocate for massive sunshine on hate speech in order to permanently get rid of it. Then again, I come from a culture where they try to "hide" things that are unsavory, and it ends up backfiring all of the time. In a world where the internet exists and access to that speech is readily available for those who want to believe it, I think sunshine and exposing that speech for the hateful bile it is over and over again is what actually gets a large mindshift change against it rather than trying to hide it, which makes folks innately curious about it. Basically, trying to suppress it can create a Streisand effect. I wonder had we engaged more substantively with Trump's rhetoric rather than just calling it hateful and racist (which it was), but explaining why it was hateful and racist over and over again, would that have changed the election? I don't know. :/