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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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MAGA has to have surpassed Yes We can as most iconic campaign slogan of the century right? Literally any time i see a white dude wearing a red hat now i automatically think that goddamn hat.


I think we had the exact same idea. I know how to put in for the press corp, but beyond that it will take a bit of work.

It honestly wouldn't be hard. Just write vapid stories about "fake news" and "left wing outrage culture" for a year, get credentials, go in and ask them the most savage question you possibly could.

Of course, a lot of work for one moment of payoff, energy that could probably be better spent supporting voter enrollment in the South and Midwest, far more likely to do the country good.


"You think our country's so innocent?"

British officials believe Russian authorities were behind a plot in October to kill Montenegro's pro-Western prime minister, the Sunday Telegraph newspaper reported, citing senior British government sources.
The British newspaper reported on Sunday that senior British officials believed there had been a plot to kill Djukanovic, and that Russia had constructed it in a way that it could be blamed on rogue Russian nationalists if uncovered.

"You are talking about a plot to disrupt or take over a government in some way. You can't imagine that there wasn't some kind of approval process," the newspaper quoted one unnamed source as saying.

The newspaper said Britain and the United States' intelligence agencies had gathered evidence of high-level Russian involvement in the plot for Montenegro's government.
Russia/Putin is moving fast in trying to flip Western Europe/America on its head. Almost like a domino effect. It's a good thing Obama allowed secret intelligence agencies from around the world to share information among each other.
For as much rightful shit Obama gets in regards to NSA/Snowden/Government surveillance, his actions regarding sharing that Intel (vs. Trump's seeming paranoia) is going to be thought of as forward thinking. There's no reason why intel shouldn't be shared between steadfast allies, especially when it pertains to a common problem.


Haven't seen this linked to here...

Tracking how many key positions Trump has filled so far

Of 549 key positions requiring Senate confirmation …

515 Awaiting nomination
20 Awaiting confirmation
14 Confirmed
The Post and Partnership for Public Service, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, are tracking more than 500 key executive branch nominations through the confirmation process. These positions include Cabinet secretaries, deputy and assistant secretaries, chief financial officers, general counsel, heads of agencies, ambassadors and other critical leadership positions. These are among the roughly 1,200 positions that require Senate confirmation.
Continuously blame Democrats for stalling things and ignore the reality of it. I don't exactly trust the media enough yet to actually fight back on something like this. Conspiracy theory answer: Largest pile of recess appointments in history incoming, which would cover up all sorts of things like his country club members and former contractors getting administration jobs as the rumor mill has been swirling about.


There is a great piece on Medium about 4Chan, Pepe and Trump. Saw JKR tweet it and it was well worth checking out:

"4chan: The Skeleton Key to the Rise of Trump
Trump's younger supporters know he's an incompetent joke; in fact, that's why they support him."

(not shocking news... but perspective is very helpful)


I think people like to conflate 4chan with hard-right Trump supporters. You'll find them, sure, but the bigger problem is there's a lot of these people who want to support whatever is the most offensive or harmful, in great part because they themselves think they are immune to it and they simply do not care if things get bad because they think it doesn't impact them. It's nothing but spectacle. This goes along very clearly with a lot about what we know about people who get most of their socialization from the internet starting at a young age... they don't have the levels of empathy for other humans that they should, among other problems.
Follow up for anyone. And I am not defending Trump here.

How does a competent President historically fill all these positions?
It can take a while.
Whereas the Kennedy administration took an average of two-and-a-half months to get its appointees sworn in, the Nixon administration took three-and-a-half, Carter four-and-a-half, Reagan five-and-a-half, the first Bush administration just over eight, and Clinton eight-and-a-half.


As of October 1, 2001, the second Bush administration had been in office eight months and had just passed the halfway point in the confirmation of its top 500 appointees.

But I think that he's managed to either alienate or blacklist much of the traditional GOP public servants is why he doesn't even have nominees.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The irony here with Priebus using unnamed sources to say that intel told him there were no communications between Trump campaign and Russia.

You can't even make this stuff up.


".@CLewandowski_: "Why as the world's greatest super power wouldn't we want to work with the other greatest super power?" #Russia"

You mean...China?


There is a great piece on Medium about 4Chan, Pepe and Trump. Saw JKR tweet it and it was well worth checking out:

"4chan: The Skeleton Key to the Rise of Trump
Trump’s younger supporters know he’s an incompetent joke; in fact, that’s why they support him."

(not shocking news... but perspective is very helpful)


I think people like to conflate 4chan with hard-right Trump supporters. You'll find them, sure, but the bigger problem is there's a lot of these people who want to support whatever is the most offensive or harmful, in great part because they themselves think they are immune to it and they simply do not care if things get bad because they think it doesn't impact them. It's nothing but spectacle. This goes along very clearly with a lot about what we know about people who get most of their socialization from the internet starting at a young age... they don't have the levels of empathy for other humans that they should, among other problems.

An really strong article from someone who clearly had experience with 4chan for years. I agree that this article pinpoints why when people call anyone supports Trump a Nazi, it can fall on deaf ears. The true core of this movemeant is Nihilism and self-loathing. Although I do think Trump's support online is much louder and fuller than the young Gamergaters who actually went to a poll and voted.

The thing that REALLY stuck with me- because I've been trying to put it into words- is the author explaining how antiquated Hillary's story about her dad managing to be a small business owner came off. That narrative worked for years, but now young people just see the societal privilege that allowed him to do that- a man supporting a family and buying a home by himself, something Millenials could never do. It's not cute anymore.Trump's story doesn't face the same scrutiny because being a billionare isn't within most people's realm of possibility.

I think those stories will be replaced more and more with stories like Obama's- raised by a single mother, no father figure. Young people who feel their masculinity is constantly in crisis may resonate more with that than a 50's origin that no longer exists.


There is a great piece on Medium about 4Chan, Pepe and Trump. Saw JKR tweet it and it was well worth checking out:

"4chan: The Skeleton Key to the Rise of Trump
Trump's younger supporters know he's an incompetent joke; in fact, that's why they support him."

(not shocking news... but perspective is very helpful)


I think people like to conflate 4chan with hard-right Trump supporters. You'll find them, sure, but the bigger problem is there's a lot of these people who want to support whatever is the most offensive or harmful, in great part because they themselves think they are immune to it and they simply do not care if things get bad because they think it doesn't impact them. It's nothing but spectacle. This goes along very clearly with a lot about what we know about people who get most of their socialization from the internet starting at a young age... they don't have the levels of empathy for other humans that they should, among other problems.
Cool article. Though yeah, I don't think you have to look much further than people voting for a dead gorilla to see some people are just clueless and think there's no repercussions for political action.

There's an interesting book by an MIT professor that was written back in the 90s... I'm trying to remember the name, but he more or less predicted what worries you with the younger generation. I think it's cause for concern too, but at the same time, how do we as a society negate the ill-effects of technology?

Edit: Being Digital by Nicholas Negroponte
Mr. Christie going to Washington

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is telling friends and staff he is taking a role with the Trump administration, according to a source close to the White House.

The GOP governor’s position has not been worked out, but he would not replace ­Reince Preibus as the president’s chief-of-staff, the source said.
Secretary of Ordering Meatloaf or some shit, I'm sure

His Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno would become governor which could give her a boost in her own 2017 gubernatorial campaign, although the Christie stank might be too strong for her to overcome anyway, his approval ratings are utter shit right now.
Okay, so Trump wants to use a nonsense definition of a trade deficit (a car exported to Mexico doesn't count as an export because we imported some parts from Mexico in this definition) so that he can claim that the trade deficit is way more than it actually is because... he thinks this will give him leverage in "renegotiating" trade deals?


Nothing in this plan makes sense.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
David Cay Johnston Verified account

David Cay Johnston Retweeted Joe Hickman

Monday morning is target now....well worth you time when we get it posted as opens major new veins of Putin-Trump ties.

Looks like another decent news story coming tomorrow.
The United States should lose all of our allies if Israeli or Chinese spies can determine that Trump signed off on that document pushing for a coup in Ukraine.

We are not trustworthy and should not be trusted or depended on.
Mr. Christie going to Washington

Secretary of Ordering Meatloaf or some shit, I'm sure

His Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno would become governor which could give her a boost in her own 2017 gubernatorial campaign, although the Christie stank might be too strong for her to overcome anyway, his approval ratings are utter shit right now.

Would laugh if Trump was just stringing Christie along and has no intention of offering him any position.
The United States should lose all of our allies if Israeli or Chinese spies can determine that Trump signed off on that document pushing for a coup in Ukraine.

We are not trustworthy and should not be trusted or depended on.

That plan is worse than just lifting sanctions. We'd actually be rewarding Russia for invading Ukraine by helping overthrow the anti-Russian political parties there and then letting Russia "lease" Crimea. That this was even proposed is disgusting.
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