Under normal circumstances, Tillerson would be Poli-GAF's number one enemy. Talk about lowering the bar.
The first sign that this is a stupid idea is that the guy who has no government experience comes in and says he wants two-pagers when others didn't for years if not decades. He's forcing them to adapt to his own incompetence so as to not look like he's out of his element, same reasoning behind Trump's daily briefing approach.
This guy just wants to keep his job as SoS if Trump gets impeached so he can carry on the same agenda he was hired for, and he was hired because of his liabilities.
The first sign that this is a stupid idea is that the guy who has no government experience comes in and says he wants two-pagers when others didn't for years if not decades. He's forcing them to adapt to his own incompetence so as to not look like he's out of his element, same reasoning behind Trump's daily briefing approach.
This guy just wants to keep his job as SoS if Trump gets impeached so he can carry on the same agenda he was hired for, and he was hired because of his liabilities.