Side eye me for a word when the man is literally telling people who are concerned over the status of their healthcare being repealed is a non-issue.
Spicer continued to try and paint all these angry voters at town halls as being at least partially fabricated as to downplay peoples actual concerns is so underhanded
Saying the protesters are paid is a really dumb angle.
- They are pretty obviously not paid
- Not all of them are even Democrat
- All it does is just rile them up to protest even louder, more frequent and gives them a rallying cry
Saying the protesters are paid is a really dumb angle.
- They are pretty obviously not paid
- Not all of them are even Democrat
- All it does is just rile them up to protest even louder, more frequent and gives them a rallying cry
You have to think of Trump his movement as the "Nigerian Prince" movement.
Nigerian 419 scams are riddled with shoddy spelling and grammar. Why do this, when the scammers are often so clever in other respects. Could they not find and copy-paste official-looking verbage from a bank's website, or even from a novel or something?
No, the shoddiness is deliberate, because it pre-screens for the intelligence of possible marks. Anybody who reads that and thinks "this *might* be real," is much more likely to fall for it than if you made it look neat and official up-front. You're more likely to waste time on someone who will eventually see through the scam rather than pick up a solid mark right from the beginning.
This is why the GOP keeps embracing reality-denial tactics. Anyone who's willing to go a little further away from fact-based reality is someone who's more loyal. With each "test" they reduce their base in a small way, but they also harden it, because those who remain are those who are already willing to buy anything the GOP sells.
2018 looks like this will have impact, the hope is that the anger carries to 2020 as well. 4 years is a long time to bank anger going into 2020, things will definitely change, hopefully not in favor of these 22 R seats up for grabs then.
Tensions and anger were a lot more mild by comparison in the mid 2000s and that anger managed to continue on right into 2008.
2018 looks like this will have impact, the hope is that the anger carries to 2020 as well. 4 years is a long time to bank anger going into 2020, things will definitely change, hopefully not in favor of these 22 R seats up for grabs then.
Those people already vote GOP in 100% of elections. It's really poor politics to reduce your own base to solidify a bunch of people who were already always voting for you.
There's no alternative sinister strategy or high level politics here. It's just a stupid, incompetent administration that doesn't know how to handle issues or "do politics" after coasting along for almost a decade on anger because the president was black. Now that they hold the keys, they don't really know what to do, since their only actual reason they were even elected left office a month and a half ago.
It's a good thing this administration and this Congress gives us reasons for anger on a daily basis.
People say "Why not do both?", but it's not that easy.
It actually is. Clinton did both, but wasn't credible on the economic side compared to Bernie.
Fortunate that, my hopes is gerrymandering takes more serious hits along the path to 2020 to boot. That'd be the real turning point.
It assumes that they care about expanding their base. I agree that it's not 5th-dimensional chess or anything like that, but the way forward for the GOP is voter suppression, by law and by apathy. Convincing folks that no activism is genuine both helps solidify the loyalty of their base and tries to convince others that there's no "good" in the world, that everything's phony so why bother trying while the rich men rob you blind?
It assumes that they care about expanding their base. I agree that it's not 5th-dimensional chess or anything like that, but the way forward for the GOP is voter suppression, by law and by apathy. Convincing folks that no activism is genuine both helps solidify the loyalty of their base and tries to convince others that there's no "good" in the world, that everything's phony so why bother trying while the rich men rob you blind?
It also totally ignores why most people vote in the first place. Because the real utility of voting (as in, your voting affecting the outcome) is astronomically tiny especially in a system as unrepresentative as ours, people largely vote because it makes them feel good. They get to participate in civil society, they vote for a candidate they like, and they *feel* like it matters, so the utility comes from the feeling and experience of voting rather than the actual impact of voting. This is why stuff like voter ID works! It's all about making the costs of voting outweigh the desire to still cast the ballot.Of course, it's easy to say "yeah, but you should still vote for the one that isn't fucking Donald Trump", but just on a pure psychology level, that's not really the greatest GOTV message. And then when you get things like that Joy Reid tweet about latinos, it almost becomes abusive in a way, since it's not like those same issues just started happening when Trump was elected. "Silly Latinos, why didn't you vote for the party that deported your family...but spoke really nicely about it" doesn't really seem like a good political message to win people over, to say the least.
I mean this is important to keep in mind in the short-term, but in the long term we should probably try to make sure the country isn't in a position to elect another Trump again. We've been edging towards this for quite a while, and temporary success won't prevent us from edging closer.People need to remember that Trump wasn't elected by a wave popular support or an affirmative endorsement of his agenda. He won due to a fluke of the news cycle where a bunch of regular D voters couldn't be assed to pull the lever for Hillary out of disgust towards her scandals or the party as a whole. There's more than enough people who hate Trump out there to deny him a second term, the key is making sure they actually turn out and vote for the D on the ballot.
I mean this is evident by the fact that they intend to defund PBS/NPR. While on the coasts both of the local stations will likely be well funded and secure, middle American will basically only have conservative AM station to tune to and even less choices for educational broadcasting on TV. Depressing voters is absolutely critical to their success, it was evident in the primary, it was evident in the general and absolutely evident going forward considering the pressure for 'securing voter rights' through ID enforcement and the like. Gerrymandering, odd hours for polling locations or reduced staff at polling locations, more stringent voting laws, etc all work in tandem to get as few people to the polls as humanly possible and secure their victory.
Opinions on most of Trump's personal qualities also are negative, as American voters say:
 55 – 40 percent that he is not honest;
 55 – 42 percent that he does not have good leadership skills;
 53 – 44 percent that he does not care about average Americans;
 63 – 33 percent that he is not level-headed;
 64 – 32 percent that he is a strong person;
 58 – 38 percent that he is intelligent;
 60 – 37 percent that he does not share their values.
Trump is doing more to unite the country, 36 percent of American voters say, while 58
percent say he is doing more to divide the nation.
”President Donald Trump's popularity is sinking like a rock," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.
”He gets slammed on honesty, empathy, level headedness and the ability to unite. And two of his strong points, leadership and intelligence, are sinking to new lows.
”This is a terrible survey one month in."
Looking at Trump's immigration proposals, voters oppose:
 49 – 43 percent ”suspending immigration from ‘terror prone' regions ...;"
 53 – 45 percent suspending for 90 days all travel to the U.S. by citizens from seven
Middle Eastern nations;
 60 – 37 percent suspending for 120 days immigration of all refugees to the U.S. from any
 68 – 27 percent suspending indefinitely all immigration to the U.S. of Syrian refugees
Voters approve 47 – 41 percent of the way Trump is handling the economy. Looking at his handling of other issues, voters:
 Disapprove 56 – 36 percent of the way he is handling foreign policy;
 44 percent approve of his handling of terrorism, as 49 percent disapprove;
 Disapprove 58 – 40 percent of the way he is handling immigration issues.
EDIT 2: Jesus, he has 43% Strong Approval from Non-College Educated White voters.
The opposition to his immigration plans make me wonder if there really was an element of "I didn't think he'd actually do it."New QPac poll. These numbers are Very Bad for Trump:
Topline is 38/55 job approval. 39/55 approval rating. Was 42/51 earlier this month.
Of course:
10% disapproval rating with Republicans. Independents are 38/55 disapprove of Trump.
EDIT: Just want to say that 7% Don't Know seems a bit high. My guess is they are shy Trump voters.
EDIT 2: Jesus, he has 43% Strong Approval from Non-College Educated White voters.
It's already working to divide, though. I see the Trump diehards on Twitter all repeating the same thing: "Soros-paid protestors."
Usually that happens when either Limbaugh or Hannity say it, so it's obviously catching on.
ATLANTA (AP) Just days before Democratic activists pick a new party chair, the contest to head the Democratic National Committee remains fluid, as national leaders grapple with how to turn an outpouring of liberal protest against President Donald Trump into political gains.
The tight race between former Labor Secretary Tom Perez and Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota marks the first heavily contested battle to run the organization in recent history, a reflection of a newly energized Democratic party struggling to find the best path forward after years of losses in Congress, governor's mansions and statehouses.
Perez, who was encouraged by Obama administration officials to run for the post, has emerged as the front-runner with the backing of 205 committee members, according to independent Democratic strategists tracking the race. The strategists spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not allowed to discuss the voting publicly. Ellison, backed by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and his supporters, has the support of 153 members.
South Carolina Democratic Party chair Jaime Harrison has support from 27 members, creating a role for him to become a potential kingmaker in the race.
Two other candidates Idaho executive director Sally Boynton Brown and Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana have 10 and eight votes, respectively. Jehmu Greene, a Democratic organizer and a former Fox News contributor, has no supporters.
The remaining members are uncommitted, meaning the race could easily go to either Perez or Ellison.
Aides to Ellison disputed the count, saying their internal count is higher. Multiple other campaigns said they accurately reflect the state of the still-competitive race.
The 447 DNC members will vote during the party's meeting in Atlanta on Saturday, with as many rounds as required for a candidate to get 224 votes. The candidates will meet for a forum hosted by CNN on Wednesday night and spend the next several days wooing the state party chairs, longtime activists and donors who make up the voting members.
Oh god damnit just give it to Ellison I really don't want to fucking do this
Trump's ratings on intelligence and good leadership have dropped the most since his post-election honeymoon, per Quinnipiac
Looking at this, my guess it's Perez, but:
Looking at this, my guess it's Perez, but:
64% percent that he is a strong personNew QPac poll. These numbers are Very Bad for Trump:
Topline is 38/55 job approval. 39/55 approval rating. Was 42/51 earlier this month.
Of course:
10% disapproval rating with Republicans. Independents are 38/55 disapprove of Trump.
EDIT: Just want to say that 7% Don't Know seems a bit high. My guess is they are shy Trump voters.
EDIT 2: Jesus, he has 43% Strong Approval from Non-College Educated White voters.
Fox News is full of scam advertisements - it's obviously a root cause of the problems.I'm surprised there haven't been more pundit takes about why more educated people could see through Trump more easily.
We have used education to say "educated people are less accepting of open racism and sexism because of life experiences" and that could easily be true, but it could also be true that less educated people are just more prone to falling to con men and don't understand that shouting "I'm very smart!" doesn't make you smart.
Democrats continuing to not give a shit about pissing off thier base, even if the base is wrong to be.
Looking at this, my guess it's Perez, but:
According to people close to Buckley who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations, he had asked his rivals for control of day-to-day operations of the organization, as well as the next presidential convention, in return for his support.
Can we just give it to Mayor Pete?
I feel like the Democratic Primary has been on repeat for the past year. Figured electing a fascist would wake people up, but here we are.
The better person should get the job. This position isn't meant to be overtly political.
Yeah, but picking Ellison is how you get those idiots to shut up.