Bernie is my favorite politician but what he said pisses me off, it was fucking stupid.
What do you think about Sanders' actions post election?
Which actions?
Yea, never mind.
So is "purity test" our new buzzword for anything we don't like concerning the left?
Perfectly reasonable response is when you don't want to work with them.
So anything critical of Sanders is now a purity test.
Do you not feel the tiniest soupçon of irony?
I'm only left with two choices here regarding that; either Bernie really is trying to wrangle influence within the party (this would answer a lot of questions I have, actually), or he's a fucking moron.
Because Bernie Sanders would have to be a total, complete fucking moron at this stage to not realize the power of his words.
No, I don't. Because there is a difference between being critical and deciding to dump someone because they don't align with you 100%. And yes I saw the earlier comment, but that's not what most here are doing.
This man literally called for a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary and the Clinton Foundation just months ago.Chris Christie: "When a special prosecutor gets involved, the thing gets completely out of control."
He does, I think Bernie is genuinely motivated. I think he continues to underestimate the effect his words have, and its getting tiring
This led to Trumps remarks on the DNC.
As usual, he watched fox news and tweeted about what he saw.
Right, and the overwhelming amount of material coming from the average progressive is simply critical. More Sanders supporters backed Clinton than Clinton supporters backed Obama. So why does this thread persist with the asinine material about BernieBros (especially when statistically speaking the average Sanders supporter was a young woman)?
The hostility and unwillingness to compromise is pretty one-sided tbh.
Just learned about the Delaware state senate win yesterday... 52-48 feels good. And hopefully portends good things for more state and local races ahead.
Just learned about the Delaware state senate win yesterday... 52-48 feels good. And hopefully portends good things for more state and local races ahead.
All of these democrat wins in special elections are making me wonder--since most of these wins are much better than win Clinton was on the ticket:
A) Was Clinton a major drag on the ticket herself?
B) Was Trump on the ticket just a major boon for the racist non-voters finally coming to the ballot box?
Yes.All of these democrat wins in special elections are making me wonder--since most of these wins are much better than win Clinton was on the ticket:
A) Was Clinton a major drag on the ticket herself?
B) Was Trump on the ticket just a major boon for the racist non-voters finally coming to the ballot box?
I think it's a bad idea though. Nobody wants to become Labour in here.Bernie understands that our system can't support more than two parties. Instead of trying to start a third party that replaces the Democrats (though there is the Vermont Progressive Party) he's trying to insert himself into the Democratic Party and have his people take it over to reshape it into a social democratic party. This is why he's having his people run for low level DNC stuff and why he pushed Ellison.
This is what the Watergate Babies did when they pushed out the New Deal-ers in the 70's and 80's. I bet if we had internet forums in 1976 or whatever we could read posts about how these damn McGovernites need to get out of our party and stop making power plays.'s_6th_Congressional_District_special_election,_2017When is GA-06?
Heading into the election, Ballotpedia rates this race as safely Republican. The election will replace Tom Price (R), who was confirmed as U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services.[1] Eighteen candidates filed to run in the race. They are as follows: Judson Hill (R), Mohammad Ali Bhuiyan (R), Bob Gray (R), Dan Moody (R), Karen Handel (R), Bruce LeVell (R), David Abroms (R), Keith Grawert (R), Amy Kremer (R), William Llop (R), Kurt Wilson (R), Ron Slotin (D), Jon Ossoff (D), Ragin Edwards (D), Richard Keatley (D), Rebecca Quigg (D), Alexander Hernandez (I), and Andre Pollard (I). All candidates will compete in the same election on April 18, 2017. If no candidate receives at least 50 percent of the vote, the top two, regardless of party affiliation, will advance to the runoff election on June 20.
Bernie understands that our system can't support more than two parties. Instead of trying to start a third party that replaces the Democrats (though there is the Vermont Progressive Party) he's trying to insert himself into the Democratic Party and have his people take it over to reshape it into a social democratic party. This is why he's having his people run for low level DNC stuff and why he pushed Ellison.
This is what the Watergate Babies did when they pushed out the New Deal-ers in the 70's and 80's. I bet if we had internet forums in 1976 or whatever we could read posts about how these damn McGovernites need to get out of our party and stop making power plays.
Bernie understands that our system can't support more than two parties. Instead of trying to start a third party that replaces the Democrats (though there is the Vermont Progressive Party) he's trying to insert himself into the Democratic Party and have his people take it over to reshape it into a social democratic party. This is why he's having his people run for low level DNC stuff and why he pushed Ellison.
This is what the Watergate Babies did when they pushed out the New Deal-ers in the 70's and 80's. I bet if we had internet forums in 1976 or whatever we could read posts about how these damn McGovernites need to get out of our party and stop making power plays.
And that strategy worked in the 90s because hyper partisanship had not taken over. An election could actually be won in an open forum debate setting driven by reasonable policy. Tried that this election and people went lol trump.Didn't McGovernites lead us into the woods for like 20 years until we got Bill Clinton, who, as I've read on the internet, is the most racist, right-wing president since Saddam Hussein?
And that strategy worked in the 90s because hyper partisanship had not taken over. An election could actually be won in an open forum debate setting driven by reasonable policy. Tried that this election and people went lol trump.
You can't make a play to the center anymore like you used to. Or it's stupid to try.
Trump won by not by trying to appeal to people who voted for Obama over Romney, but driving up people who didn't turn out before.
It's better to aim for people who didn't vote and hope you pick up some flippers in the process. Hillary trying to appeal to white suburban moms blew up in her face even against the big bad pussy grabber
Well I mean maybe but since then they've controlled the party at all levels?Didn't McGovernites lead us into the woods for like 20 years until we got Bill Clinton, who, as I've read on the internet, is the most racist, right-wing president since Saddam Hussein?
They lost their jobs to them so I guess so?Wouldn't they have been right?
Is this basically saying that yes, the Sanders wing is totally okay with a new Republican golden age as long as they're the ones always losing presidential elections instead of "the establishment"?Well I mean maybe but since then they've controlled the party at all levels?
It's pretty incredible that some of you then turn around and act indignant when bernie's wing responds poorly to this.quelle surprise...
Bernie is not a Democrat, will never be a Democratic, and should be given no power in how this party runs. Because he doesn't give a fuck. I truly believe that's why Perez was backed in this race. Bernie pulled a power move and needed to be checked.
And that strategy worked in the 90s because hyper partisanship had not taken over. An election could actually be won in an open forum debate setting driven by reasonable policy. Tried that this election and people went lol trump.
You can't make a play to the center anymore like you used to. Or it's stupid to try.
Trump won by not by trying to appeal to people who voted for Obama over Romney, but driving up people who didn't turn out before.
It's better to aim for people who didn't vote and hope you pick up some flippers in the process. Hillary trying to appeal to white suburban moms blew up in her face even against the big bad pussy grabber
Joe Biden would have won and he's Mr. Moderate. You gotta stop playing this ideologue card, people vote for people they like. Clinton was seen as corrupt and lame, she also had unique external factors bringing her down that no one else does.
and he would have lost to Hillary in the primary does not matter
It's pretty incredible that some of you then turn around and act indignant when bernie's wing responds poorly to this.
Dems had a chance to extend an olive branch to a young, energized liberal constituency and fucked it up. Again.
soul, did you ever read this? Reed's book Not Alms But Opportunity is also a fantastic look at the black emancipation movement in the pre-Civil Rights era. Would recommend.
CrimzonSamurai said:I really don't think that there are enough non-voting uber-progressives in America to counter-balance the number of non-voting uber racists.
It's pretty incredible that some of you then turn around and act indignant when bernie's wing responds poorly to this.
Dems had a chance to extend an olive branch to a young, energized liberal constituency and fucked it up. Again.
We, right now, have pretty much the most liberal leader of the DNC the party has ever had in its entire history.
When Bernie lost, Hillary made major, unprecedented changes to her platform to better match Bernie's. The primary loser doesn't get to make such major adjustments to the platform and yet...
In what ways have the Democrats done that isn't attempting to appeal to "liberals?"
Is this basically saying that yes, the Sanders wing is totally okay with a new Republican golden age as long as they're the ones always losing presidential elections instead of "the establishment"?
Russia talk is FAKE NEWS put out by the Dems, and played up by the media, in order to mask the big election defeat and the illegal leaks!
Biden has never done well in a primary in large part due to his flaws. He's an incredibly undisciplined politician. He'd also be facing an entire establishment infrastructure ready to attack him from every angle. Liberal sites would be ready to hit him with various nasty stories, handed to them by Clinton's camp; a Vox piece on how he violates women's space for instance, which would quickly be boosted up Twitter/trending.How are you so sure? Are you relying on Russia I mean Debbie to rig the election?
Ellison as chair would be the whole damn tree...? You're being ridiculous. Pelosi leading house, Schumer in senate, now Perez as chair. So much for olive branches. You're demanding people be satisfied with crumbs, then belittling them when they complain about it.We've extended olive branches. The segment of the Bernie wing up in arms about this don't want a branch, they want the whole damn tree.
If extending an olive brand to that wing means ceding power to a man who won't even claim Democrat, well then I think you saw last night how the party as a whole feels about that.
Maybe I'm just not paying attention, but it feels like there is waaaaayyy less talk about ISIS these days.
While I don't think they're uninterested in stopping Trump and will (as they did last year) vote for the Democratic nominee, I think they also probably feel that the other side of the party is incapable of mounting a serious opposition to Trump.Is this basically saying that yes, the Sanders wing is totally okay with a new Republican golden age as long as they're the ones always losing presidential elections instead of "the establishment"?
Good post.Here's the reality. People are desperate because life on average in the US is bleak. People can't afford homes, young people can't afford children, healthcare plans, have a decent retirement plan, are stuck with jobs that are completely demoralizing and tedious like the retail industry and Walmart. People are swimming in student debt and struggling to pay it off. Racial tensions, police brutality and our criminal justice system seemingly continue to get more fucked up by the year.
As far as I can tell, the far left is at least proposing ideas that, while difficult, plan to address these problems. They are at this point, proposing legislation that your average American, if implemented, would actually feel the effects of. That's what democrats need to start doing.
Unless people have better ideas of where to go from here I really don't know what to say. Because while some ideas out of the far left are to out there I'd say most people on here even the detractors agree with the vast majority of it. I also don't want to hear "lol socialists will destroy the party can't have them". Because as far as I can tell the party has been destroyed and that happened because we weren't promising the type of transformational change people desperately are looking for. We just elected a reality show fascist whose literally actually in the pocket of Russia, so I don't buy the whole "can't run with far left ideas because red scare murica"
Despite the fact that the GOP has the most power they have ever had, they are struggling to move forward with an agenda, because people are active. They are flooding their reps email boxes and their phones are ringing off the hook. There are constant massive, insane sized protests and marches. Republicans are getting roasted at town halls and they are practically afraid to go outside at this point.
We can channel this energy and use this anger in a positive manner to get stuff done. Bernie was wrong about a lot of things and that's why I didn't vote for him. But he was right about saying the party needs to do what it can and focus on mobilizing voters like we are currently seeing happen.
It would be funny how fucking preoccupied he was with things like this. If he wasn't supposed to be doing a kind of important job.what is this about