Because these aren't liberals. They are Bernie supporters.
They don't care about the actual ideals and policies, they care about Bernie.
I really hate this dismissive rhetoric. You are diminishing the opinions and trying to snuff out the enthusiasm of people who are on your side.
I see this day after day here. It's so depressing. I really wish people here could better understand why young people are enamored with far-left ideals without considering themselves far-left. When you say they are petty or unappeasable and aren't interested in policy, you are ridiculing people who - until recently - didn't see any difference between you and them.
Do people here even talk to supposed far-left voters? Because I think a lot of the people you're writing off are just "voters under 25." They are deeply distrustful of establishments and institutions because they have been screwed or strung along by them their entire lives. They have no job security, their wages are low, their cost of living is high, and things their parents were doing at their age - like buying houses and having children - are completely off the table. Even people with college degrees and no debt - like me - have to work six days a week to pay their bills. They are furious they have paid into systems and programs their whole lives - including programs their parents were able to benefit from - only to see a fraction of the results.
These voters are energized and restless because they kept their heads down and plodded along under Obama because they believed everything would eventually be okay. Progress was progress, even if it was slow and measured. They liked Obama and he was making things better, and whoever succeeded him would carry us even further. But overnight, they watched their entire worldview get demolished under the weight of Donald Trump. It makes everything they thought was safe and guaranteed feel fragile and vulnerable. They are not willing to wait for 2018 or 2020 to try to defend themselves or take back territory. They trying to do it every single day. Their fight is right now. They will stop at nothing to feel like they have their voice back.
This is an energy you should be welcoming and grooming into good Democrats and regular voters, not closing the door to for not buying into another institution they're wary of. You have to realize that lots of these voters have never experienced anything as dramatic or traumatic as Donald Trump. This is their 9/11. This is their life-changing catastrophe that forever changes how they see the world. Everything they believed before the election is now threatened or collapsing in front of their eyes. They've never seen anything like this before - or at least never felt its effects. The reason they are so vicious is because they are terrified and angry in ways they have never been. These people are going to dictate the culture of a generation. These people are an asset to you. Connect with them. They desperately want to be connected with.
I always feel I need to make it clear I am not a Berniecrat and I voted for HRC. I still keep her keychain in my car. But is is plainly obvious to me as a young voter than people you brand as far-left and insatiable anarchists are people looking for somebody and something to rally behind. They want it to be somebody they took part in choosing. They want to feel like they're contributing directly to the machine that is going to determine how the remainder of their lives may go. Help them. You will win more elections.
I just can't stand seeing people who all believe the same things demonizing each other over what is ultimately just a difference in attitude, not politics. I give Gray Wolves another version of this same speech. There is so much opportunity here.