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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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He was a middle-class kid who worked his way into Harvard Law and decided to spend his time being a community organizer in Harlem and the South Side of Chicago, but he knows nothing about "the lived experiences of Americans."

This pandering to the WHITE working class while disparaging a well loved black president is going to alienate quite a few voters from the most reliable voting bloc in this country.

How does anything she said come across as pandering to specifically the White Working Class? It was basically a statement that getting on stage and saying "Our GDP grew 3% year over year!" isn't going to mean shit to a lot of people who haven't felt an improvement. Here's the quote from the article;

“I think President Obama, like many others in both parties, talk about a set of big national statistics that look shiny and great but increasingly have giant blind spots,” she told the Guardian. “That GDP, unemployment, no longer reflect the lived experiences of most Americans.

That's 100% accurate. Knowing Unemployment is low or that the GDP is up doesn't really matter to most Americans since wage growth has stagnated while worker productivity has continued to climb. The actual experiences of people across the country are drastically different than the sunny outlook politicians have on the economy. Obama did a phenomenal job handling the recovery, but there's a lot of progress to be made for Middle and Working Class Americans (regardless of race).
What is a government supposed to report if not job numbers, GDP, unemployment rates, real and nominal median incomes...

It doesn't run like your hippy communes where you cound how many one handed claps and spirit fingers waves occurred for Jim producing the best organic pumpkin.


What is a government supposed to report if not job numbers, GDP, unemployment rates, real and nominal median incomes...

It doesn't run like your hippy communes where you cound how many one handed claps and spirit fingers waves occurred for Jim producing the best organic pumpkin.

I mean you say that but...

that sounds really nice to be honest


I mean not really every 5-4 is because of Kennedy basically.

It's pretty much an implied threat to Gorsuch, kind of like a cartoon mob boss reminding someone exactly who his benefactor is, and how breaking that contract is a direct affront to himself and his legacy.

Trump's convictions seem to change day after day, so it's inevitable that one of Gorsuch's opinions will contradict him eventually, either if he tries to hold to a consistent ideology or bend to Trump's whims.

It's pretty much an implied threat to Gorsuch, kind of like a cartoon mob boss reminding someone exactly who his benefactor is, and how breaking that contract is a direct affront to himself and his legacy.

Trump's convictions seem to change day after day, so it's inevitable that one of Gorsuch's opinions will contradict him eventually, either if he tries to hold to a consistent ideology or bend to Trump's whims.


That pull is so ridiculous



The comment I made this morning was unfair and I apologize for that.

I am consistently frustrated by your willingness to erase and downplay the degree to which Trump is a white supremacist and people who are willing to choose to vote for him are accepting that and mainstreaming it.
Dude, as a dyed in the wool political crank, I have to tell you that you need to figure out how to market your ideas better. Propose a London-on-steroids system where we de-automobilize urban cores through onerous entrance-exit fees combined by massive public transit investment. No one will take you seriously if you start with "ban cars". Read Cass Sunstein, we need to nudge nudge nudge nudge nudge.
Yeah. Don't ban cars. Make more "livable cities."
Strimei said:
And I'll go with human intuition over driving AI every time.
Don't take this the wrong way, but this sentence sums up why I believe we'll eventually need to ban or heavily restrict car ownership.

Economic forces can't arbitrage someone out of a position that economic forces didn't arbitrage them into.
Same, tbh. I just can't understand the whole human intuition thing, especially when the fatalities from car accidents kind of show that's hardly a failsafe. Personally, would much rather trust the thing that actually has 360 degree cameras and GPS and shit (while I have blindspots) and is incapable of panicking and acting irrational (I can, particularly in life or death situations), but that's me. Why would I even begin to suspect myself of being able to make a better decision than such a machine could in most circumstances? That's just silly. But such ideas seem quite pervasive regardless of how silly they are, so something like this seems necessary at some point or another.

EDIT: But yeah, making cities and stuff more livable and making cars progressively more and more annoying to actually use efficiently would certainly also help and is also something we should proably be doing regardless.
Handel takes this I think, close election but she wins.

What is the standard political lean of that seat? If they shave it down to 1-3 points is it a bad sign for Republicans?

EDIT: It's R+8, so if Ossoff gets it down to R+1 it's pretty telling. Handel just recently started embracing Trump so maybe that will scare some people off and keep it very close.
It's pretty much an implied threat to Gorsuch, kind of like a cartoon mob boss reminding someone exactly who his benefactor is, and how breaking that contract is a direct affront to himself and his legacy.

Trump's convictions seem to change day after day, so it's inevitable that one of Gorsuch's opinions will contradict him eventually, either if he tries to hold to a consistent ideology or bend to Trump's whims.

God I haaaate this faux macho stuff. You fucking child, grow up.

I doubt it. Democrats have a purity test problem like the tea party who are known for snatching defeat from victory. People acting like petulant children is the reality.
Said voters already voted for Ossoff once though. If anything I could see drop-off from people not understanding what the run-off election is. "I already voted in April!"

I'm not too worried about a 1 point lead (seriously, it has us winning, that's already good). Polls of the primary massively underestimated Ossoff there too, his best polling result put him at like 46% (lowest was 39%). Gun to my head I think he wins it, but it's really a 50/50 affair.

What is the standard political lean of that seat? If they shave it down to 1-3 points is it a bad sign for Republicans?
Depends on what metric you look at I suppose. Clinton only lost the district by 1.5%, but Ossoff matching that would be a good sign in the long run, whether that reflects anger at Trump or trends in the district being good for us.

With all the hype and attention the race is getting though, I would be legitimately disappointed by a loss. Not to dismiss the meaning of close losses, but I'm kind of tired of being like "Hooray, we almost won!"


It's pretty much an implied threat to Gorsuch, kind of like a cartoon mob boss reminding someone exactly who his benefactor is, and how breaking that contract is a direct affront to himself and his legacy.

Trump's convictions seem to change day after day, so it's inevitable that one of Gorsuch's opinions will contradict him eventually, either if he tries to hold to a consistent ideology or bend to Trump's whims.


it looks even weirder from older footage


just what the fuck

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
What is a government supposed to report if not job numbers, GDP, unemployment rates, real and nominal median incomes...

It doesn't run like your hippy communes where you cound how many one handed claps and spirit fingers waves occurred for Jim producing the best organic pumpkin.

Real growth in earnings (inclusive of living costs) at a range of deciles, obviously.
I mean it's true. They would have kept being 4-4 or 5-3 decisions without Trump appointing gorsuch, also true in the alternate reality Hillary was elected in because they would have kept blocking democratic nominees as long as they held the senate
According to politico we would have Supreme Court Justice Cory Booker right now.

Cost of living indices at what demographic granularity. Presumably instead of standard CPI adjustment. Earnings defined as.
Also presumably this is done at a state? City? District level?
Since the complaint is really as much about nationalised figures not necessarily representing certain geographies. And the practicality of wildly varying costs of living.
Is this in addition to or in replacement of current economic performance metrics.

This notwithstanding no one knows their income decile anyway. Or quintile probably.
And if this was reported more widely that people would actually care.
Rather than just go on how they "feel" they're doing e.g. Elkhart, Indiana.

Edit: I'm not actually opposed to such a measure. I just don't think it will make a difference.
You guys still watch Morning Joe? Don't they just switch between loving Trump and hating Trump like every two weeks?

I think AHCA passing looks more likely, Webster is now gone from No to maybe a Yes. Lot of pressure being applied as last chance to pass repeal.
You guys still watch Morning Joe? Don't they just switch between loving Trump and hating Trump like every two weeks?

I think AHCA passing looks more likely, Webster is now gone from No to maybe a Yes. Lot of pressure being applied as last chance to pass repeal.
To "maybe a yes"

The bully pulpit at work, people


I doubt it. Democrats have a purity test problem like the tea party who are known for snatching defeat from victory. People acting like petulant children is the reality.

Dude. where is the evidence that it was a problem? I can't STAND this kind of dismissive bullshit, you're the one making it a problem now, and you're not helping the party with stuff like this.


Pro-Trump farmers now worry he was serious about NAFTA repeal

Yes, the content is as awe-inspiring as the headline makes it sound.

Washington (CNN)

Bob Hemseath, whose corn-farming business hinges on the whims of mother nature, is comfortable with uncertainty. But as the fourth-generation farmer heads onto his northeast Iowa farm for the 2017 planting season, it's the uncertainty coming from the White House that has Hemseath increasingly worried.

The farmer listened during the 2016 campaign as Donald Trump, the real estate magnate turned politician, promised to end the North American Free Trade Agreement. Hemseath, a Republican whose industry relies heavily on exports to Mexico, chalked it up to political bluster, noted Hillary Clinton's anti-trade rhetoric and voted for Trump in November.

Now that Trump is looking to make good on his promise, Hemseath -- and countless corn, soybean and dairy farmers like him -- are worried the President's NAFTA rhetoric could directly impact the markedly narrow margins that provide them their livelihood. The same rural communities that animated Trump's campaign, would feel the brunt of changes to the trade deal, hurting the President's political base as he tries to make good on a key component of the campaign that got him elected.


I should not watch MSNBC as much as I should not watch FoxNews. But CNN has gotten so bad lately this Morning Joe thing is interesting and refreshing.

I'm so heartbroken Al Jazeera isn't on the air anymore. I like to have something on as I eat, and I always miss the BBC news broadcast. I somehow always hit their sports section.
I'm so heartbroken Al Jazeera isn't on the air anymore. I like to have something on as I eat, and I always miss the BBC news broadcast. I somehow always hit their sports section.

You can still watch Al Jazeera English, from their youtube stream but their news is a lot more global now.

I have it on a lot, their documentaries are still pretty damn good.

If they had the votes they wouldn't be trotting out maybes as examples.

Voting for this bill is signing your own death warrant, and there's enough GOP house members that know this

For Republican moderates, the AHCA is Midterm Poison. They don't want to sign anything close that resembles the bill from March. For Conservative Republicans, they feel pressure to pass something in the House, they're feeling an equal amount of pressure to show they can govern and take action after promising repeal for 7 years to their voters.

Right now there seems to be a little more inertia with the "pass something" crowd but as I said earlier, Trump isn't doing them any favors. Freedom Caucus members have to be worried that since Trump doesn't really understand his own bill, he could instantly throw them under the bus once it's clear it's still unpopular. So if Trump shuts up for the remainder of the week, I give it a 60-40 chance of passing by the end of the week.
Right now there seems to be a little more inertia with the "pass something" crowd

According to CNN, this isn't the case

But on Monday, a stream of moderate members came out against the bill, putting its prospects in serious doubt and leaving little room for further defections. By early Tuesday, CNN's whip count suggested that 21 Republican lawmakers had said they would vote against the new iteration of the bill -- a compromise between some conservatives and moderates.

More came out against the bill yesterday than for it.
Just gonna quote pigeon on AHCA: "they've got the votes when they actually put it up for a vote."

They haven't even scheduled one or released a bill.


You can still watch Al Jazeera English, from their youtube stream but their news is a lot more global now.

I have it on a lot, their documentaries are still pretty damn good.

I much prefer global news than the typical US's World News, where the US takes up 9/10th of the section regardless of global events. I used to love watching AJE when I was living in South Africa.

Though, if PBS Newshour was shown in the morning, I would watch that all the time.
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