Captain Pants
Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
syllogism said:Oh wow Gallup 52-41
syllogism said:Oh wow Gallup 52-41
Thank you, Palin.syllogism said:Oh wow Gallup 52-41
Sex, shown in graph form.mj1108 said:
Fragamemnon said:They cooked their LV weightings to reflect an America that would be more likely to self-identify as Republicans today than they were in 2004. Garbage poll.
mj1108 said:
i just sat up a little straighter on my couchmj1108 said:
mj1108 said:
And this is crucial:mj1108 said:
It's not a one-day blip that's going to scroll off in three days. It's 10+ for three days running.Voter preferences seem to have stabilized for the moment, as Obama has held a double-digit lead over McCain in each of the last three individual nights of polling.
syllogism said:Oh wow Gallup 52-41
Barack Obama holds an 11-point lead over John McCain in the latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking report, 52% to 41%. This is the Obamas highest level of support to date, and also represents his largest lead of the campaign.
grandjedi6 said:Reading the Corner is pretty hilarious. Its made up of 80% delusions and 20% "What the fuck are you guys talking about? We lost big time". Awesome
Stoney Mason said:Gallup lead is actually bigger than the Daily Kos poll.
Joe said:i don't care if he's up 20 points, let's not forget he's a black man running for president in america. i won't be happy or excited until he actually wins it.
Joe said:i don't care if he's up 20 points, let's not forget he's a black man running for president in america. i won't be happy or excited until he actually wins it.
Evlar said:So... What's left? Anyone interested in speculation on Obama's cabinet appointments?
mj1108 said:
mj1108 said:
Tamanon said:Kos/R2K vindicated as not just Democratic tools?
Evlar said:So... What's left? Anyone interested in speculation on Obama's cabinet appointments? said:Hey guys, where's that crazy psychedelic video of McCain saying ehh ehh? The one with the screen flipping upside down and stuff.
mj1108 said:
We should have a GAF pool. Whoever guesses the most appointments correctly prior to the election wins a tag.CharlieDigital said:Current office holder in ():
Secretary of State (Condoleezza Rice)
Secretary of the Treasury (Henry Paulson)
Secretary of Defense (Robert Gates)
Attorney General (Michael Mukasey)
Secretary of the Interior (Dirk Kempthorne)
Secretary of Agriculture (Edward Schafer)
Secretary of Commerce (Carlos Gutierrez)
Secretary of Labor (Elaine Chao)
Secretary of Health and Human Services (Michael Leavitt)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (Steve Preston)
Secretary of Transportation (Mary Peters)
Secretary of Energy (Samuel Bodman)
Secretary of EducationMargaret Spellings
Secretary of Veterans Affairs (James Peake)
Secretary of Homeland Security (Michael Chertoff)
Vice President of the United States (Richard Cheney )
White House Chief of Staff (Joshua Bolten)
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (Stephen Johnson)
Director of the Office of Management and Budget (Jim Nussle)
Director of the National Drug Control Policy (John Walters)
United States Trade Representative (Susan Schwab)
Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Ben Bernanke)
Commissioner of the Social Security Administration (Michael Astrue)
Director of National Intelligence (Mike McConnell)
You're living in the past manJoe said:i don't care if he's up 20 points, let's not forget he's a black man running for president in america. i won't be happy or excited until he actually wins it.
maybe but after 2004 i have zero faith.grandjedi6 said:You're living in the past man
Joe said:i don't care if he's up 20 points, let's not forget he's a black man running for president in america. i won't be happy or excited until he actually wins it.
Revengeance said:
lawblob said:FINISH HIM!!!
scorcho said:1. (Mortgage) Resurgance Plan - McCain's second straight 'wtf' policy plan introduced during a debate. He's right in that at the core, the genesis of the crisis is based on the sharp decline in housing assets and that arresting this decline will likely stabilize the freefall. The problem for me is this - stabilizing these prices essentially resets the bubble and sets it in stone - leaving current housing prices still well above historical levels. When considering a decade in stagnant working-class wages, this isn't a good option. They need to fall more.
2004's stupidity isn't the same as 2008's stupidity.Joe said:maybe but after 2004 i have zero faith.
Muhammad Ali vs Golem?lawblob said:FINISH HIM!!!
True, but stupidity is immune to the ravages of time.grandjedi6 said:2004's stupidity isn't the same as 2008's stupidity.
Brannon said:True, but stupidity is immune to the radishes of time.