Stoney Mason
Verano said:what the hell is an uncle tom?
The more modern term is an Uncle Ruckus
Verano said:what the hell is an uncle tom?
Verano said:what the hell is an uncle tom?
lol yea same here and i'm not even black.XxenobladerxX said:I remember a watching a McCain rally when a black guy asked McCain if he was going to take off the gloves and go after Obama in the debates.
That made me mad for some reason.
so_awes said:lol yea same here and i'm not even black.
i really wanted to know why he supports McCain.
harSon said:Basically a way in which people label Black Americans as overly subservient to Whites. It's stupid and to call somebody one because they're Republican is ludicrous, bordering on idiotic.
so i'm a notch above. Good to know.grandjedi6 said:I can actual follow your arguments though (no matter how insane or how much I disagree).
He is a christian conservative.so_awes said:lol yea same here and i'm not even black.
i really wanted to know why he supports McCain.
VictimOfGrief said:so i'm a notch above. Good to know.
Fox318 said:also this thread needs more ruckus
StoOgE said:StoOgE's drunk Poligaf tirad:
1) Fuck John McCain for his race baiting bullshit. the only reason they brought Ayers into the picture is so they can use the word "terrorist" with Obama. Now they have a fucking commercial out saying that Obama "worked with a domestic terrorist". FUCK YOU ASSHOLE. He was on a god damn college grant board with him, you make it sounds like he flew the fucking plane into tower 2.
2) Fuck Cindy McCain and her "you sent a shiver down my spine". Your skin is stretched so tight you cant get shivers down your spine anymore you old hag. Oh, and your HUSBAND voted against funding your son to. Go find some other married guy with a crippled wife to fuck.
3) Fuck Sarah Palin and her "palling around" bullshit and her "wait, you mean to tell me Obama didnt know he was a terrorist" horseshit. You are currently fucking someone who was a member of a party that wanted to break away from the United States. Why dont you go back to Alaska, get knocked up and see if you can think of a more fucked up redneck name than any of your current children have.
StoOgE said:StoOgE's drunk Poligaf tirad:
1) Fuck John McCain for his race baiting bullshit. the only reason they brought Ayers into the picture is so they can use the word "terrorist" with Obama. Now they have a fucking commercial out saying that Obama "worked with a domestic terrorist". FUCK YOU ASSHOLE. He was on a god damn college grant board with him, you make it sounds like he flew the fucking plane into tower 2.
2) Fuck Cindy McCain and her "you sent a shiver down my spine". Your skin is stretched so tight you cant get shivers down your spine anymore you old hag. Oh, and your HUSBAND voted against funding your son to. Go find some other married guy with a crippled wife to fuck.
3) Fuck Sarah Palin and her "palling around" bullshit and her "wait, you mean to tell me Obama didnt know he was a terrorist" horseshit. You are currently fucking someone who was a member of a party that wanted to break away from the United States. Why dont you go back to Alaska, get knocked up and see if you can think of a more fucked up redneck name than any of your current children have.
StoOgE said:unban me from teamxbox.
ryutaro's mama said:Too bad you're not really drunk and that is your plausible deniability.
The Chosen One said:It's interesting how McCain got a lot of props from people even here in PoliGAF for finally taking a stand for decency at his rallies.
I have a feeling that if McCain actually ran a respectable campaign starting in June, he might actually be in a better shape now. Independents and soft Dems wouldn't be so disgusted with McCain and his campaign.
I think the major reason so many of them went in droves toward Obama when the economic crises hit is because McCain spent two months engaging in silly political attacks (Paris Hilton, Kindergarten Sex-Ed, Lip stick on a Pig, and etc). No one talks about this but when all the pundits were saying how McCain was doing great and Obama couldn't close the deal, the Obama campaign was meanwhile quietly and steadily laying the groundwork for their economic message. Being a democrat of course helped but when the economic crises hit Obama had already laid solid foundation in the states he campaigned in while McCain got totally swept under by the tidal wave because his campaign had been wasting their time trying to win news cycles with stunts and negative attacks. They had no message of their own. You know it's bad when a campaign starts using the opposing campaign's slogans in TV ads.
Once McCain got the Republican nomination, he should have put together his 2000 team back together with Mike Murphy and Co. But I think it's McCain's age that worked against him. Due to his age, he knows this is the last time he'll able to run. So I'm guessing he figured he had to win now or never so he was willing to sell-out his honor and integrity to win the election. Unfortunately for him it looks like he's still going to lose this election after selling his soul.
I can't wait until someone writes an insider's book about this campaign.
The Chosen One said:I can't wait until someone writes an insider's book about this campaign.
ryutaro's mama said:Based on his performance in 2000 vs. Bush, I really believe this election cycle has been hard on McCain.
I think deep down, he is a maverick but having to satisfy the base has been a killer for him.
He isn't willing to do whatever it takes to win and in seeing him on tv, I see that he isn't comfortable being in a room with those rabid Republicans who aren't really McCain supporters as much as they are Obama haters.
I think this is why he has Palin and the pundits doing the major attacks on character for the most part.
Shiggie said:UGHHHHH!
"If democrats are for the poor why are people still poor?"
GaimeGuy said:on Monday, when he asked the crowd "Who is Barack Obama?" and the crowd screamed angrily things like "terrorist," you could see McCain visibly jerk back and have a look of disgust on his face about it.
I think the guy knows it's wrong, but at the same time, I condemn his actions of helping stir the pot and allowing his campaign to run out of control.
It's ultimately his responsibility.
Nobody made him hire Rick Davis. Nobody made him hire Phil Gramm. Nobody made him hire Nancy Pfotenhaufer.ryutaro's mama said:I agree and I'm not a McCain supporter.
I just think that his advisors are constantly in his ear and he's doing some things he is uncomfortable with.
I'm sorry, but watching him get booed by so called Republicans when he tried to tell them that Obama isn't an "Arab" made me feel really bad for him.
He's trying to do the right thing and his "supporters" are shitting on him for it.
reilo said:Nobody made him hire Rick Davis. Nobody made him hire Phil Gramm. Nobody made him hire Nancy Pfotenhaufer.
And for sure as fuck, nobody is making him listen to them.
He put himself in this position. Just like Hillary Clinton did the same thing in the primaries - although she never went this far.
Shutup reilo.ryutaro's mama said:I can't refute anything in this post.
Let's GO Blazers...
reilo said:Nobody made him hire Rick Davis. Nobody made him hire Phil Gramm. Nobody made him hire Nancy Pfotenhaufer.
And for sure as fuck, nobody is making him listen to them.
He put himself in this position. Just like Hillary Clinton did the same thing in the primaries - although she never went this far.
reilo said:Nobody made him hire Rick Davis. Nobody made him hire Phil Gramm. Nobody made him hire Nancy Pfotenhaufer.
And for sure as fuck, nobody is making him listen to them.
He put himself in this position. Just like Hillary Clinton did the same thing in the primaries - although she never went this far.
Cloudy said:I was thinking about this today. Say Obama was down 5-6 points right now....what would his campaign be doing? Would it be nastier or would they stay on messaage to preserve the "brand" since he's relatively young?
Cloudy said:I was thinking about this today. Say Obama was down 5-6 points right now....what would his campaign be doing? Would it be nastier or would they stay on messaage to preserve the "brand" since he's relatively young?
PS2 KID said:Exactly the same thing as John McCain's campaign managers. Go Negative! Why? Because it works. See Kerry and Swiftboating. He didn't win the election either.
Also his brand is Change and Hope. McCain's campaign is opening up Obama's past now trying to relabel him. However, the MSM is very much in the tank so even with ACORN, Ayers, Rezko, Odinga, etc the dems will win this election. People will believe anything the MSM tells them so that works in the dems favor.
Come to think of it, why isn't Obama winning by double digits? You would think with the last 8 years it would be a landslide of epic proportions.
its this and the fact that they're pulling this 'house negro' bullshit.bdizzle said:if republicans are for the rich why isn't everyone rich? Questions like that have no real answer, they're just meant to cause confusion. It's different than saying if God is all powerful, why is their evil in the world.
facepalm indeed
Byakuya769 said:sarcasm?
PS2 KID said:Why would you think that? I'm just stating my honest view on Cloudy's question.
MSM - lolPS2 KID said:Exactly the same thing as John McCain's campaign managers. Go Negative! Why? Because it works. See Kerry and Swiftboating. He didn't win the election either.
Also his brand is Change and Hope. McCain's campaign is opening up Obama's past now trying to relabel him. However, the MSM is very much in the tank so even with ACORN, Ayers, Rezko, Odinga, etc the dems will win this election. People will believe anything the MSM tells them so that works in the dems favor.
Come to think of it, why isn't Obama winning by double digits? You would think with the last 8 years it would be a landslide of epic proportions.
Byakuya769 said:joke character?
numble said:MSM - lol
Would the most watched news channel be considered MSM?PS2 KID said:For real dude! MainStream Media (MSM for short) for those Political Pundits out there.
Partisan habits are very hard to overcomePS2 KID said:Come to think of it, why isn't Obama winning by double digits? You would think with the last 8 years it would be a landslide of epic proportions.
PS2 KID said:Also his brand is Change and Hope. McCain's campaign is opening up Obama's past now trying to relabel him. However, the MSM is very much in the tank so even with ACORN, Ayers, Rezko, Odinga, etc the dems will win this election. People will believe anything the MSM tells them so that works in the dems favor.
PS2 KID said:Come to think of it, why isn't Obama winning by double digits? You would think with the last 8 years it would be a landslide of epic proportions.
PS2 KID said:Exactly the same thing as John McCain's campaign managers. Go Negative! Why? Because it works. See Kerry and Swiftboating. He didn't win the election either.
Also his brand is Change and Hope. McCain's campaign is opening up Obama's past now trying to relabel him. However, the MSM is very much in the tank so even with ACORN, Ayers, Rezko, Odinga, etc the dems will win this election. People will believe anything the MSM tells them so that works in the dems favor.
Come to think of it, why isn't Obama winning by double digits? You would think with the last 8 years it would be a landslide of epic proportions.
PS2 KID said:Exactly the same thing as John McCain's campaign managers. Go Negative! Why? Because it works. See Kerry and Swiftboating. He didn't win the election either.
Also his brand is Change and Hope. McCain's campaign is opening up Obama's past now trying to relabel him. However, the MSM is very much in the tank so even with ACORN, Ayers, Rezko, Odinga, etc the dems will win this election. People will believe anything the MSM tells them so that works in the dems favor.
Come to think of it, why isn't Obama winning by double digits? You would think with the last 8 years it would be a landslide of epic proportions.
It just kills you that a black guy named Barack Hussein Obama is beating the pants off of John "Mr. Military" McCain doesn't it?PS2 KID said:Exactly the same thing as John McCain's campaign managers. Go Negative! Why? Because it works. See Kerry and Swiftboating. He didn't win the election either.
Also his brand is Change and Hope. McCain's campaign is opening up Obama's past now trying to relabel him. However, the MSM is very much in the tank so even with ACORN, Ayers, Rezko, Odinga, etc the dems will win this election. People will believe anything the MSM tells them so that works in the dems favor.
Come to think of it, why isn't Obama winning by double digits? You would think with the last 8 years it would be a landslide of epic proportions.
numble said:Would the most watched news channel be considered MSM?
Wait are you suggesting that Fox isn't a part of the mainstream media?PS2 KID said:You mean FOX? They're just the flip side of MSM. Also, MSM has a whole as a larger viewing audience than FOX alone. We have to examine all media with skepticism. Just like I don't think MSM is always right or wrong nor do I think Fox is always right or wrong but we do have to filter out the very carefully placed spin and read even more carefully in practically all US media nowadays IMHO.