PS2 KID said:Come to think of it, why isn't Obama winning by double digits? You would think with the last 8 years it would be a landslide of epic proportions.
Gallup says hi.

PS2 KID said:Come to think of it, why isn't Obama winning by double digits? You would think with the last 8 years it would be a landslide of epic proportions.
grandjedi6 said:Partisan habits are very hard to overcome
PS2 KID said:Thanks your well mannered reply. I appreciate it. I have this fear that we have become too partisan and everything is just wayyy too far left and far right while the candidates pander to the moderate and independent voters. It disturbs me.
2004 really seemed to be the peak of it. Since then the partisanship seems to have gone down, though I'm not sure how much of that is due to actual healing and how much of it is due simply to Bush's approval plummet.PS2 KID said:Thanks your well mannered reply. I appreciate it. I have this fear that we have become too partisan and everything is just wayyy too far left and far right while the candidates pander to the moderate and independent voters. It disturbs me.
grandjedi6 said:Wait are you suggesting that Fox isn't a part of the mainstream media?
grandjedi6 said:2004 really seemed to be the peak of it. Since then the partisanship seems to have gone down, though I'm not sure how much of that is due to actual healing and how much of it is due simply to Bush's approval plummet.
PS2 KID said:I'm stating what we've well known for many years, they are an exception.
Latest puts him at triple digits, or +162EV, or, over twice the amount at what McCain is projected to win.sp0rsk said:If we go by the electoral college, isn't Obama technically ahead by a manner of triple digits?
Slurpy said:From your last few posts, you seem to be the very example of partisan. Obama is ahead IN SPITE of the media, not BECAUSE of them, as you state.
PS2 KID said:However, that doesn't mean I can't criticize where I see fit or where I see wrongs or mistakes. Let's think about it, even though I'm voting Dem, I don't know much about Obama's past and IMHO his experience is lacking. Does that mean I'm partisan? That just means I'm a voter who has questions that hasn't been addressed.
PS2 KID said:Come to think of it, why isn't Obama winning by double digits? You would think with the last 8 years it would be a landslide of epic proportions.
A brief sampling:sp0rsk said:If we go by the electoral college, isn't Obama technically ahead by a manner of triple digits?
reilo said:a) Single issue voters suck.
b) What the fuck does the bolded part even mean? How the hell do you not know about Obama's past? The only way you could not know about Obama's past is if you are willfully ignorant of it. Are you willfully ignorant?
Are those percentages? I think he asked for EV count.numble said:A brief sampling: = 63.8 Obama 34.2 McCain
RealClearPolitics = 51.5 Obama 29.4 McCain = 65.6 Obama 34.4 McCain
Newsmax/Dick Morris = 71.7 Obama 21.9 McCain
Oh for fuck's sake.Tamanon said:C'mon, he brought up Odinga as something that the MSM doesn't cover, you should know what that means![]()
REALLY?In a January 2008 interview, Odinga suggested that he was the first cousin of American Senator and presidential candidate Barack Obama through Senator Obama's father.[26] However, Barack Obama's paternal uncle Said Obama has denied any direct relation to Odinga, stating "Odinga's mother came from this area, so it is normal for us to talk about cousins. But he is not a blood relative."[27] Obama's father belonged to the same Luo tribe as Odinga. [26]
During the last weeks of the 2008 presidential campaign, some fringe McCain supporters, such as author Jerome Corsi, have attempted to link Odinga to Obama, claiming the democratic nominee "made a pact" with the controversial Kenyan. This claim has, however, been widely discredited.[28]
Clevinger said:Indeed. Though you seem to think all the other channels are just biased in the other direction. They are biased, sure, but probably not in the way you think. They're biased in many ways and in many directions depending on specific employees, from conservatism, liberalism, and both confrontation and sensationalism.
You cannot say CNN is in the tank for Obama when you have Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs, easily their most opinionated showheads. MSNBC you could say, but you'd still be wrong. They have Scarborough and Buchanan (and you used to have Tucker Carlson) to balance out Olbermann and Maddow. They're biased in both ways.
Fox is the only channel which is just completely and utterly to one side. All of their showheads are conservatives (minus Colmes, who is probably the most timid liberal in existence), and many on the extreme side.
I'm not going to even bother explaining how radio is dominated by conservatives.
reilo said:a) Single issue voters suck.
b) What the fuck does the bolded part even mean? How the hell do you not know about Obama's past? The only way you could not know about Obama's past is if you are willfully ignorant of it. Are you willfully ignorant?
a) You still suck. I'm not gonna go trudge the gay marriage issue up again, Gaborn is watching.PS2 KID said:a) Well Gay Marriage was the other issue. Neither party support it. It's a shame.
If I could think of one other issue neither party is addressing it would be the federal deficit. I hear lip service but I doubt the sincerity of either candidate when it comes to that issue.
b)It means what it means. You can interpret it the way you so wish.
Dude, where'd the dogs get the Obama kerchiefs? I've been trying to find those!Iraq solder returns home after 14 months: guess how greats him at the door.
reilo said:a) You still suck. I'm not gonna go trudge the gay marriage issue up again, Gaborn is watching.
b) You are still willfully ignorant. Got it.
So when you are given a choice between knowing the truth and knowing lies, you choose neither?PS2 KID said:c) There are no saints in Politics. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you will refuse to take the red AND the blue pill.
numble said:So when you are given a choice between knowing the truth and knowing lies, you choose neither?
So you interpreted that the media is protecting Obama, and then you blast them for not talking about Rezko, Ayers, or Odinga enough. So, if they reported those stories more and went "below the surface", you'd be appreciative of the media "doing their job" in that instance?PS2 KID said:Numble, of course not. That means you dig deeper than what surrogates, the media, partisan blogs, 527's and spokespersons are telling you. Go below the surface, see what really lies below. Then interpret your findings as you so choose.
Hey, I could be wrong too!![]()
reilo said:So you interpreted that the media is protecting Obama, and then you blast them for not talking about Rezko, Ayers, or Odinga enough. So, if they reported those stories more and went "below the surface", you'd be appreciative of the media "doing their job" in that instance?
Do you know how twisted and downright stupid your logic is?
In other words, you only will believe the bullshit you want to believe.
reilo said:So you interpreted that the media is protecting Obama, and then you blast them for not talking about Rezko, Ayers, or Odinga enough. So, if they reported those stories more and went "below the surface", you'd be appreciative of the media "doing their job" in that instance?
Do you know how twisted and downright stupid your logic is?
In other words, you only will believe the bullshit you want to believe.
PS2 KID said:DA (Devil's Advocate): Well have they done any 'in depth' stories which seek not to protect him on those issues? I'm just asking if you know what the truth behind those stories are?
Media should be nonpartisan and vet all candidates to the fullest extent. Not just to the extent of page hits *wink wink*. Well that's my belief anyway. You can disagree with it.
PS2 KID said:DA (Devil's Advocate): Well have they done any 'in depth' stories which seek not to protect him on those issues? I'm just asking if you know what the truth behind those stories are?
Media should be nonpartisan and vet all candidates to the fullest extent. Not just to the extent of page hits *wink wink*. Well that's my belief anyway. You can disagree with it.
numble said:Are you playing Devil's Advocate or stating your own belief?
Opiate said:Hope you don't mind me jumping in on this -- I absolutely agree, but I'd much prefer they fully vetted them on issues that matter. Using your method, I might need to ask:
Q: "Mr. McCain, are you a child pornographer?"
A: "Of course not, that is absurd."
And now, for no reason, you have considered whether John McCain is a child pornographer. Why would I ask such a question? What do I know? Simply asking the question hurts the candidate, as no matter how he answers, people will wonder.
Most, if not all, of the topics you've just brought up fall under that category: so completely and totally false that any acknowledgment of them does nothing but lend those rumors credibility.
....really now?However, the MSM is very much in the tank so even with ACORN, Ayers, Rezko, Odinga, etc the dems will win this election. People will believe anything the MSM tells them so that works in the dems favor.
What is the Devil's Advocate's position?PS2 KID said:My belief was media should vet all candidates in a nonpartisan fashion. You're not trying to put words in my mouth are you?![]()
Cloudy said:I was thinking about this today. Say Obama was down 5-6 points right now....what would his campaign be doing? Would it be nastier or would they stay on messaage to preserve the "brand" since he's relatively young?
Socreges said:....really now?
numble said:What is the Devil's Advocate's position?
PS2 KID said:I see what your point would be if say the media would ask if Odinga is Obama's cousin. That should have no bearing whatsoever. Maybe if the question would be why did you campaign for Odinga Sen. Obama?
Opiate said:I'll use another extreme example, just to clarify my point. Consider if Brian Jennings said this in the middle of his newscast:
"John McCain is not addicted to child pornography. I repeat, he is not. We have seen no empirical evidence to suggest otherwise."
If Jennings were to bring this up during a broadcast, can you see how absolutely terrible this would be for McCain? Even though it is, technically, a repudiation of (completely fabricated) rumors?
PS2 KID said:I see your position. I raise you with the actual case of the AP painting Palin skirting 'racism' linking Obama to Ayers. Of course we all know the truth that it's not racist but people read the AP and trust them. The McCain camp had to respond of course just bringing the issue to a broader audience who might read the article if they hadn't and think well that's just racist of them.
PS2 KID said:Exactly the same thing as John McCain's campaign managers. Go Negative! Why? Because it works. See Kerry and Swiftboating. He didn't win the election either.
Also his brand is Change and Hope. McCain's campaign is opening up Obama's past now trying to relabel him. However, the MSM is very much in the tank so even with ACORN, Ayers, Rezko, Odinga, etc the dems will win this election. People will believe anything the MSM tells them so that works in the dems favor.
Come to think of it, why isn't Obama winning by double digits? You would think with the last 8 years it would be a landslide of epic proportions.
Tim the Wiz said:The question really is, do you know what you're talking about? Or are you making conclusions straight from your gut, without checking those pesky, out-of-the-way facts?
Tim the Wiz said:This post is incorrect on so many points, it's hilarious. Firstly, Obama is leading by double digits in the polls. And secondly, Obama didn't go negative when the effects of Palin's introduction as VP hit after the Republican convention, the lowest point of his election run in the last several months, even when many within his party and ranks were urging him to.
The question really is, do you know what you're talking about? Or are you making conclusions straight from your gut, without checking those pesky, out-of-the-way facts?
PS2 KID said:With news of Acorn donations and Ayers 'not just a neighbor' coming to the surface you really ask that question? I'm still voting for the guy but I want to see what I'm getting with my vote. Is it too much to ask Socreges?
Opiate said:Q: "Mr. McCain, are you a child pornographer?"
A: "Of course not, that is absurd."
Opiate said:Not that I necessarily agree with most of PS2 kid's points, but can we please not resort to insults? By normal standards, these attacks are very, very tame. I wouldn't call you on them.
But it's already very hard to express dissenting opinions in a 200 page thread where practically every poster is in agreement against you: it would be a kindness if we didn't make it any harder than it already is.
PS2 KID said:I'm stating what we've well known for many years, they are an exception. A flipside in comparison to the MSM. Why do they have the highest ratings? I believe it's people's innate need to want to hear a message that resonates with and reinforces their own beliefs. So one side flocks to FOX which is a right leaning cable news network, which explains it's inflated viewership. The otherside gets it from the 'trusted' MSM. Of late I've begun examining the how nonpartisan I believed the MSM to be. After all it was right wingers watch FOX, everyone else who doesn't believe that drivel watches the MSM. So, I've started to look at everything with a skeptic's eye as in what spin are they trying to pull on me today of all US media. I have to wonder what they teach journalism majors these days. It's almost all partisan no matter who you watch nowadays..
Clearly.iapetus said:Interesting. Why does McCain deny that he's a child pornographer so strenuously? Clearly there's something to the allegations.