Indeed. Just go find that science vs. religion pic that was in the last thread and that will explain that you have no reason to believe that yours was the narrow point of view....samus4ever said:You just have a better understanding of the world. Don't feel narrow. He is. Most adults stop believing in fairy tales after 12 years old.
You, sir, win GAF.Mr Jared said:Inspired by the Gandalf quote earlier-
I'm a pothead atheist.samus4ever said:You just have a better understanding of the world. Don't feel narrow. He is. Most adults stop believing in fairy tales after 12 years old.
Europe wants us to go Right?!Koshiro said:I think I speak for all of Europe when I say: please get it right this time.
Then shouldn't you be in bed by now?Boogie9IGN said:omg omg omg I can't wait, getting up at 630 to get ready and vote before school/work <333
I'm glad you chose to be a part of it.camineet said:This will be my first election voting for a Democrat.
You know how in the 80s there were the 'Reagan Democrats' that formed a large block of Reagan's strength. Well now I feel there are gonna be a significant group of 'Obama Republicans' Obama has the potential of being as great as Reagan and Kennedy.
Even Obama himself compared this election to the 1980 election of Reagan which changed the trajectory of the nation.
Schlep said:Because you dismissed the importance of religion in this woman's life. I don't particularly care for people voting based on religious views, especially when they are misinformed, but I do respect that everyone votes based on what is important to them in a candidate.
Haha, well played sir.Link Man said:Europe wants us to go Right?!
Dear Europe, please stop electing Nazi sympathizers.Koshiro said:I think I speak for all of Europe when I say: please get it right this time.
Mr Jared said:Inspired by the Gandalf quote earlier-
Hasn't Dennis Miller always been bonkers? He practically speaks his own language...WinFonda said:AMERICA GAF, FUCK YEAH!
Today will be so awesome. I also can't wait to tune into Fox News for the epic commentary/meltdowns. Did anyone see Denis Miller on the O'Reilly Factor? Holy shit he's gone absolutely bonkers! He was strangely jovial but also seemed to be having a nervous breakdown. It was some of the weirdest television I've ever seen.
Marvie_3 said:Hasn't Dennis Miller always been bonkers? He practically speaks his own language...
Yeah, he's a nut, but you should have seen him tonight. He had a serious case of the giggles throughout the whole thing, insisted that O'Reilly call him by his first name, and then reached across the desk and gave O'Reilly a hug. He also made a weird comment about voting for McCain because he's a Vietnam vet, and said something to the effect that it's a sad day when a guy like Obama can come out on top of a war hero like McCain. The whole thing was just really, really odd.Marvie_3 said:Hasn't Dennis Miller always been bonkers? He practically speaks his own language...
Yeah it's hard for me to comprehend how someone as ostensibly educated and eloquent as he can hold such idiotic views. I lost a lot of respect for him after he was so rude to that one guest on his CNBC show. I don't think it's an accident that his career has increasingly dwindled into the margins, from his fairly illustrious SNL/HBO days to the slippery slope of CNBC and now his current career as O'Reilly's shill.White Man said:He went special crazy after 9/11. The terrorists truly won on his lame ass.
Gary Whitta said:Yeah it's hard for me to comprehend how someone as ostensibly educated and eloquent as he can hold such idiotic views. I lost a lot of respect for him after he was so rude to that one guest on his CNBC show. I don't think it's an accident that his career has increasingly dwindled into the margins, from his fairly illustrious SNL/HBO days to the slippery slope of CNBC and now his current career as O'Reilly's shill.
Maybe he's just having side effects to all the hopium floating around......WinFonda said:Yeah, he's a nut, but you should have seen him tonight. He had a serious case of the giggles throughout the whole thing, insisted that O'Reilly call him by his first name, and then reached across the desk and gave O'Reilly a hug. He also made a weird comment about voting for McCain because he's a Vietnam vet, and said something to the effect that it's a sad day when a guy like Obama can come out on top of a war hero like McCain. The whole thing was just really, really odd.
WinFonda said:Yeah, he's a nut, but you should have seen him tonight. He had a serious case of the giggles throughout the whole thing, insisted that O'Reilly call him by his first name, and then reached across the desk and gave O'Reilly a hug. He also made a weird comment about voting for McCain because he's a Vietnam vet, and said something to the effect that it's a sad day when a guy like Obama can come out on top of a war hero like McCain. The whole thing was just really, really odd.
WinFonda said:Yeah, he's a nut, but you should have seen him tonight. He had a serious case of the giggles throughout the whole thing, insisted that O'Reilly call him by his first name, and then reached across the desk and gave O'Reilly a hug. He also made a weird comment about voting for McCain because he's a Vietnam vet, and said something to the effect that it's a sad day when a guy like Obama can come out on top of a war hero like McCain. The whole thing was just really, really odd. and Cries said:any video of when Obama cried tears last night?
youtube please
ItsInMyVeins said::lol
Not to be critizing you guys or anything since it looks like Obama might win, but I'm still somewhat annoyed that the presidential race is even this close between Obama/McCain. Obama should have won with a landslide of 80% or something. But I guess rural NA is a large piece of the country.
And it boggles my mind that the bullshit McCain is saying is actually getting people's attention, and from the stuff I've seen I'm just curious on why people don't call him out on a whole bunch of obvious bullshit lies -- the whole "socialism"-part and all that. And I'm suspecting that Palin's just Sacha Baron Cohens new character or something.
Marvie_3 said:Unrelated topic: What does the green dot by everyone's screenname mean? When you move the cursor over it it just says (neutral).....
The reason is that most people don't even know what socialism is. They automatically assume it's a bad thing like communism.ItsInMyVeins said::lol
Not to be critizing you guys or anything since it looks like Obama might win, but I'm still somewhat annoyed that the presidential race is even this close between Obama/McCain. Obama should have won with a landslide of 80% or something. But I guess rural NA is a large piece of the country.
And it boggles my mind that the bullshit McCain is saying is actually getting people's attention, and from the stuff I've seen I'm just curious on why people don't call him out on a whole bunch of obvious bullshit lies -- the whole "socialism"-part and all that. And I'm suspecting that Palin's just Sacha Baron Cohens new character or something.
Sweet, thanks! I had been wondering for awhile now...echoshifting said:Helps the mods keep track of how many warnings a user has been given to determine if a ban is warranted. It doesn't always say (neutral)...
thanks manAniHawk said:
Marvie_3 said:The reason is that most people don't even know what socialism is. They automatically assume it's a bad thing like communism.
echoshifting said:Helps the mods keep track of how many warnings a user has been given to determine if a ban is warranted. It doesn't always say (neutral)...
Gary Whitta said:Man, there's a big fat red "I VOTED" button the front page of Facebook to press and add to the overall tally, but all it's doing is reminding me that I can't vote. So frustrating.
I'd be interested to see what certain groups in America would say if you explained some of the 'socialist' policies without emotive buzzwords like that. My bet would be that a significant number would like the sound of it.ItsInMyVeins said:Yeah, which makes it even worse. They use it as some kind of argument against Obama without knowing what they're talking about. I'm sure a lot of them would think it sounded kinda nice if they were told about it without mentioning the name of the ideology, or at least a social liberal version. Again, without using the words "social" and "liberal".
And Obama is a whole lot of not socialism, by the way. Man, if he ran here he'd be running for a right wing party :lol
Not a citizen. I knew I should have signed up to fight against Klendathu!AniHawk said:...Did you forget to register? Or are you not a US citizen?
I tried searching for it on youtube but to no avail. I'm not the best at finding stuff though.camineet said:anyone got a link to this ?
I think it would help if these people realized how many government programs were in a sense "socialist" programs. Just another example of the uninformed masses that inhabit the US....ItsInMyVeins said:Yeah, which makes it even worse. They use it as some kind of argument against Obama without knowing what they're talking about. I'm sure a lot of them would think it sounded kinda nice if they were told about it without mentioning the name of the ideology, or at least a social liberal version. Again, without using the words "social" and "liberal".
And Obama is a whole lot of not socialism, by the way. Man, if he ran here he'd be running for a right wing party :lol
Agreed - maybe some of these people should ask themselves where the term "SOCIAL Security" comes from...Marvie_3 said:I think it would help if these people realized how many government programs were in a sense "socialist" programs. Just another example of the uninformed masses that inhabit the US....
WinFonda said:I tried searching for it on youtube but to no avail. I'm not the best at finding stuff though.
NekoFever said:I'd be interested to see what certain groups in America would say if you explained some of the 'socialist' policies without emotive buzzwords like that. My bet would be that a significant number would like the sound of it.
Marvie_3 said:I think it would help if these people realized how many government programs were in a sense "socialist" programs. Just another example of the uninformed masses that inhabit the US....
Well for Howard, there wasn't a next time.Gary Whitta said:Man, there's a big fat red "I VOTED" button the front page of Facebook to press and add to the overall tally, but all it's doing is reminding me that I can't vote. So frustrating.
"Next time, baby."