Her minister is not black so that automatically makes it a non-story. Plus, you won't have ABC compiling a video of remarks taken out of context used to smear a candidate due to association by playing up racial tension. I think that about does it.
Seriously, the GOP has pretty much neutered the media in many respects. All the GOP has to do is cry sexism and it's a wrap. The media go themselves into this though. Hillary's camp pulled the sexism card late in the primaries to give a reason why she lost (so she didn't have to admit as much that she just got beat and fairly). They wanted to drag out the primaries as long as they could so they exploited that angle to keep the Obama/Clinton controversy going (and continued even long after the primaries up until Hillary's convetion speech).
Now they're in a bind. They dug themselve a hole with the sexism crap and the GOP is using it against them even though the media wants to go after Palin for legitimate reasons. It will be interesting to see if most of the media organizations fold or if they stick to their guns. Personally, I think they'll do the former. Palin may get another week of scrutiny and then I'm almost certain that all the talk of her inexperience will pretty much evaporate. Even though Obama won't win the experience argument against McCain, the media seems more willing to, even at times begrudingly, give into republican talking points that Palin may be a match for Biden in a debate. The ridiculousness of it all makes me ashamed to be an American.
Seriously, the GOP has pretty much neutered the media in many respects. All the GOP has to do is cry sexism and it's a wrap. The media go themselves into this though. Hillary's camp pulled the sexism card late in the primaries to give a reason why she lost (so she didn't have to admit as much that she just got beat and fairly). They wanted to drag out the primaries as long as they could so they exploited that angle to keep the Obama/Clinton controversy going (and continued even long after the primaries up until Hillary's convetion speech).
Now they're in a bind. They dug themselve a hole with the sexism crap and the GOP is using it against them even though the media wants to go after Palin for legitimate reasons. It will be interesting to see if most of the media organizations fold or if they stick to their guns. Personally, I think they'll do the former. Palin may get another week of scrutiny and then I'm almost certain that all the talk of her inexperience will pretty much evaporate. Even though Obama won't win the experience argument against McCain, the media seems more willing to, even at times begrudingly, give into republican talking points that Palin may be a match for Biden in a debate. The ridiculousness of it all makes me ashamed to be an American.