will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Wouldn't the way the police and U.S. mail are currently run be more 'socialist' than universal health care under obama's plan?
I think polls have shown that more than not agree that McCain's an extension of Bush. It's just that they don't give a shit.Chiggs said:Maybe some people aren't buying the constant regurgitation of "JUST LIKE BUSH!"
polyh3dron said:If we can spent $10 billion dollars a month on a war based on lies, we can definitely afford universal health care.
polyh3dron said:If we can spent $10 billion dollars a month on a war based on lies, we can definitely afford universal health care.
laserbeam said:It's apparently 12,000 Flags so it could become a new email sensation for forwarding.
ninj4junpei said:Tell me about it. Apparently, believing in universal health care makes someone a socialist. :\
OuterWorldVoice said:Holy shit wat?
Cloudy said:Yeah but stuff like this will piss off Dems too. You wanna attack Obama not Dems in general in a race this close..
Well, this isn't necessarily easy to discuss. Trying to break them down, I will try to argue that a realistic answer to your questions are "no, so long as they have a real rationale."Chiggs said:I think there's a great deal more to it than that. I know you have images of the RNC still dancing in your head, but a generalization is still just a generalization.
People that disapprove of abortions are idiots?
People that are concerned with Obama's lack of experience for the job are idiots?
People who are concerned with tax hikes are idiots?
People who are still waiting for the debates before pledging allegiance are idiots?
People who disagree with socialism on a fundamental level are idiots?
There are a variety of other reasons as to why the polls are close; I'd like to think that the majority of Americans aren't dumb enough to buy the "4 MORE YEARS OF BUSH" crap is one of them. Both candidates are pretty engaging for wildly different reasons. And just because one isn't pulling away right now doesn't speak for the stupidity of America.
The lack of perspective around here, at times, is breathtaking.
"What, not everyone thinks like me? Impossible."
"Abortion doesn't seem to be a problem here on my college campus, why is it such a contentious issue elsewhere? I just don't get it."
“I know the governor of Alaska has been, you know, saying she is change,” Obama said at a town hall meeting here. “And that is great. She is a skillful politician. But when you [have] been taking all these earmarks when it is convenient and then suddenly you are the champion anti-earmark person.
“That is not change, come on,” Obama continued. “I mean, words mean something. You can’t just make stuff up. You can’t just make stuff up. We have a choice to make and the choice is clear.”
Obama also took on McCain’s inner circle Saturday, saying the presence of former lobbyists at the highest tier of his campaign makes him incapable of meeting his pledge to shut down special interest influence.
“Suddenly, he’s the change agent,” Obama said of McCain. “He says, ‘I’m going to tell those lobbyists that their days in Washington are over.’ Who’s he going to tell? Is he going to tell his campaign chairman who’s one of the biggest corporate lobbyists in Washington? Is he going to tell all the folks who are running his campaign who are the biggest corporate lobbyists in Washington?
“Who is it that he’s going to tell that change is coming?” Obama asked. “I mean, come on, they must think you’re stupid!”
gcubed said:i find it funny how you pick and chose what to reply to... but when your bullshit is countered
There's something rather short-sighted about only focusing on 2008 numbers.mckmas8808 said:And that doesn't include the fact that those numbers are just through June 2008. And Obama is only down by 2% points there.
Cloudy said:Yeah but stuff like this will piss off Dems too. You wanna attack Obama not Dems in general in a race this close..
laserbeam said:The Highways were built for military reasons specifically for the fact if Invaded forces from one side of the country could haul ass to the other on roads designed specifically for massive military movements.
SpeedingUptoStop said:Wouldn't the way the police and U.S. mail are currently run be more 'socialist' than universal health care under obama's plan?
Tamanon said:
Tamanon said:
laserbeam said:The Highways were built for military reasons specifically for the fact if Invaded forces from one side of the country could haul ass to the other on roads designed specifically for massive military movements.
26th.effzee said:when is the first debate? the 12th?
laserbeam said:The highway system's invention worldwide was not for you and me. Highways were made for fast and efficient Military movements.
Your really stretching with the rest considering a "police State" is the logical end goal of facism not socialism
26theffzee said:when is the first debate? the 12th?
Tamanon said:
This line is so fucking cash money.Who is it that hes going to tell that change is coming? Obama asked. I mean, come on, they must think youre stupid!
Chiggs said:I'm getting a lot of replies. If there's something you'd like to me to specifically respond to let me know, and I'll do so...even if the results are awkward and fumbling.
But honestly, it seems like you're a little upset and just wanted to get a shot in, so if that's the case....
SpeedingUptoStop said:This line is so fucking cash money.
It is pretty ironic that the same right wing nuts that get a chubby just looking at the national flag don't realize that their very army is the closest thing to a communist organization.SpeedingUptoStop said:Wouldn't the way the police and U.S. mail are currently run be more 'socialist' than universal health care under obama's plan?
GhaleonEB said:There's something rather short-sighted about only focusing on 2008 numbers.
Here's Florida, November 2004 compared to now:
Voter registrations ebb and flow. In the comparisons I posted before for other states I always referenced the November 2004 number as well as YTD. Dems are gaining in Florida, but they fell behind after the 2004 elections so it's not as rosy as just YTD would have you think.
laserbeam said:Agreed. It will be interesting to see how it is worded to prevent going after the democrats as a whole and just Obama's people
Jesus man. We can all agree that was a great military idea for his fucked up agenda, but let's not act like that's why we continue to build highways these days, okay?
polyh3dron said:and Chiggs, you need to watch "Sicko" and really watch it with an open mind rather than thinking "lol michael moore is a stupid fat liberal".
Chiggs said:Maybe some people aren't buying the constant regurgitation of "JUST LIKE BUSH!"
You gotta remember that the stump speech basically stays the same from event to event so if you follow this stuff it's going to start sounding mind-numbingly repetitive pretty fast.ViperVisor said:Palin has her stuff together in the speech going on now.
But is running through it and seems more like running through an audiobook recording session.
This is what I wanted to know too. i'm pretty sure he would given how young he is and how incredibly strong his followers are. If he loses now, he's a lock for 2012 IMO.Cloudy said:Question for you guys. If Obama loses, do you think he'd run again? He has a huge following so I'm sure the Dems would like him too..
I think an Obama loss would energize the Clinton's to no end and they would hammer the "I told you so."Cloudy said:Question for you guys. If Obama loses, do you think he'd run again? He has a huge following so I'm sure the Dems would like him to..
soul creator said:james earl jones is standing behind sarah palin on cnn
laserbeam said:I think an Obama loss would energize the Clinton's to no end and they would hammer the "I told you so."
Cloudy said:Question for you guys. If Obama loses, do you think he'd run again? He has a huge following so I'm sure the Dems would like him to..
Chiggs said:Maybe some people aren't buying the constant regurgitation of "JUST LIKE BUSH!"
Atrus said:Because as I pointed in the previous post, they are idiots who believe John McCain is really a 'Mavrick' that disagrees with Republican policies of the last 8 years
gcubed said:how an optional national healthcare plan is socialist medicine
Primaries would be epic... Obama vs. Hillary: ROUND 2SpeedingUptoStop said:This is what I wanted to know too. i'm pretty sure he would given how young he is and how incredibly strong his followers are. If he loses now, he's a lock for 2012 IMO.
Hillary: "Obama had his chance. MY TURN."polyh3dron said:Primaries would be epic... Obama vs. Hillary: ROUND 2
The cost is already stratospheric and people aren't even getting proper care at times even with insurance.Chiggs said:I know something has to be done, but the cost could be stratospheric, and I'm worried about that.
Atrus said:I am willing to bet that such people are idiots, and only a handful have the intellectual capacity to back up their ideological positions with an educated stance rather than emotional appeals or a sense of traditionalism.
So how can someone be interested in voting for the right or still be uncommitted? It's because they lacked the essence of self-discovery that would have already led them to investigate the candidates prior or they're a slack-jawed traditionalist that has to be told why he should vote away from the party his families always voted for just because. Perhaps they have researched and have based to support their candidate on only one issue, but they're still stupid enough to let one of a subset of lesser issues cloud an election with far reaching consequences if the same tactics used for the last 8 years continue onward.
People who voted for Bush the first time can't really be blamed for their choice. Those that did it a second time are morons, and those leaning to vote for another candidate in the same vein again are imbeciles.