CharlieDigital said:That's quite general.
How about this, then. I expect them to do their job and protect the law of the land from infringement and shut down programs that violate it. Instead, they make new law that no one can change except for themselves, and even then, they cry "precedent."
Commerce Clause: GONZALES. The use of medicinal marijuana that you grow yourself violates interstate commerce. Give me a fucking break. Stevens, Ginsberg, Souter, Breyer. Scalia, too, because he's an authoritarian bastard.
2nd: Don't even get me started. Heller was limp-wristed.
5th: KELO. The use of eminent domain to take from one person to give to another for economic development? Great. Need I go on with more, or is listing something recent and wholly repugnant enough?
8th: Minor point, but your team thinks cruel and unusual means whatever they think is cruel and unusual.
9th: This is where the worst abuses happen. The people have whatever rights we say they do. The Constitution says whatever we say it does. The Supremacy Clause means that no lesser government can defy us.
10th: Doesn't exist. The States exist to serve their master, the Federal Government, which has whatever power it says it does.
I really don't understand why that would be a good thing. I'm willing to hear you out, but if all it comes down to is babies, guns, and your right to own a fully automatic assault rifle, well, then I have a fundamental disagreement (not because I don't like guns), but because I think there are more important social, legal, and economic issues at hand other than guns and a woman's choice.
I expect them to protect the second. I expect them to be able to read well enough to understand that they, the federal government, have zero authority to legislate anything with regards to abortion policy outside of what is explicitly federal territory.