Gary Whitta
Most of McCain's family is not in that pic.Beavertown said:Where's the indian girl?
Most of McCain's family is not in that pic.Beavertown said:Where's the indian girl?
With McCain as the GOPnominee I actually felt pretty good about this election cycle. I've been planning to vote Obama every since Clinton conceded defeat, but I figured that even if McCain won it would be a huge improvement over Bush and that he would be able to raise the level of political discourse in this country.lawblob said:I sort of feel sorry for McCain. I think he wants to be as independent as possible in his campaign / possible Presidency, but I imagine he is under a lot of pressure from party hacks to conform his message to the hard right. While I really can't stand Palin, I still think McCain is a pretty decent guy.
Gary Whitta said:
Beavertown said:Where's the indian girl?
CharlieDigital said:That's why he keeps smirking and blinking like crazy.
M3wThr33 said:Saw these last night. I didn't get 'em.
lawblob said:I sort of feel sorry for McCain. I think he wants to be as independent as possible in his campaign / possible Presidency, but I imagine he is under a lot of pressure from party hacks to conform his message to the hard right. While I really can't stand Palin, I still think McCain is a pretty decent guy.
Zeliard said:I think it is, honestly. I'm not going to pretend to be some expert on speech and body language, but McCain really does not come off to me as sincere in this campaign. The constant blinking, the awkward smiles, the stammering and pausing, the fidgeting... those are tell-tale bullshitting signs, aren't they? In the not-too-distant past (i.e. before he started his campaign), he came off as considerably stronger and more sure of himself in his manner of speech.
Even me, a raging liberal socialist didn't have much of a problem with him until this past year.Trurl said:With McCain as the GOPnominee I actually felt pretty good about this election cycle. I've been planning to vote Obama every since Clinton conceded defeat, but I figured that even if McCain won it would be a huge improvement over Bush and that he would be able to raise the level of political discourse in this country.
The introduction of Palin has completely changed the way I feel about him; I have few lingering suspicions that he will govern as the 2000 primary McCain. :-(
lawblob said:I sort of feel sorry for McCain. I think he wants to be as independent as possible in his campaign / possible Presidency, but I imagine he is under a lot of pressure from party hacks to conform his message to the hard right. While I really can't stand Palin, I still think McCain is a pretty decent guy.
Beavertown said:I believe some of that comes from his age and also the onset of dementia.
The GOP would have you believe exactly that judging by the way they venerate Reagan.Slurpy said:Because a little bit of dementia in a president never hurts.
Beavertown said:I believe some of that comes from his age and also the onset of dementia.
Yeah, once he hits the talking points that he's had to flip on, it's like he's trying to choke down castor oil.Zeliard said:I think it is, honestly. I'm not going to pretend to be some expert on speech and body language, but McCain really does not come off to me as sincere in this campaign. The constant blinking, the awkward smiles, the stammering and pausing, the fidgeting... those are tell-tale bullshitting signs, aren't they? In the not-too-distant past (i.e. before he started his campaign), he came off as considerably stronger and more sure of himself in his manner of speech.
worldrunover said:Watching the morning shows today I couldn't help but feel that Obama and Biden were pulling their punches on McCain and especially Palin. They're getting knocked to the floor by these guys, and Obama and Biden manage to stay on message of policy issues, etc.
I agree I'd rather see a clean campaign but right now I feel like this is a WWE match and McCain and Palin are slamming chairs and exposing turnbuckles while Obama tries to counter with his technical wrestling style.
For instance, I don't see why it's inappropriate to challenge the RNC on their assertion Palin is somehow more qualified to be president than Obama. Why can't he talk about this? Seems legit to bring up a VP nominee's complete lack of experience when she's slamming you on your inexperience.
I'm sure they know what they are doing, but it seems like if they turned any more cheeks they'd have to pull their pants down. From my (albeit brief) following of politics, the issues rarely rule the day.
worldrunover said:Seems legit to bring up a VP nominee's complete lack of experience when she's slamming you on your inexperience.
AniHawk said:What does that entail?
JayDubya said:Seems dumb to fall into an obvious trap, too.
Obama shouldn't play the "experience" game at all if he's smart.
His knee-jerk reaction seemed to claim she wasn't experienced enough to be Commander in Chief but seemed to have dropped it.JayDubya said:Seems dumb to fall into an obvious trap, too.
Obama shouldn't play the "experience" game at all if he's smart.
Gary Whitta said:
Cheebs said:His knee-jerk reaction seemed to claim she wasn't experienced enough to be Commander in Chief but seemed to have dropped it.
You know how the nerdy smart kid always got the shit kicked out of him by the dumb-ass bully in school? That dynamic never changes and we see it now in presidential politics. The Dems simply do not have the stomach nor the skillset for a bare-knuckle brawl but that's what this race is going to increasingly become as the GOP locks onto the idea that voters are responding more to personality and bullshit than issues. Biden and Obama can talk intelligently about the issues all day, but McCain and Palin are going to consistently score more points more efficiently with crafty soundbites and snide put-downs.worldrunover said:Watching the morning shows today I couldn't help but feel that Obama and Biden were pulling their punches on McCain and especially Palin. They're getting knocked to the floor by these guys, and Obama and Biden manage to stay on message of policy issues, etc.
Cheebs said:His knee-jerk reaction seemed to claim she wasn't experienced enough to be Commander in Chief but seemed to have dropped it.
Beavertown said:Where's the indian girl?
When you're a GOP frontman having to squirm and evade tough questions from Fox News, you know you're full of shit.yoopoo said:Don't expect Palin to give any interviews to the press
:lol :lol Holy shit! Very well done.StopMakingSense said:Pretty :lol remix of the Barackroll video and the RNC:
very well made.
Gary Whitta said:You know how the nerdy smart kid always got the shit kicked out of him by the dumb-ass bully in school? That dynamic never changes and we see it now in presidential politics. The Dems simply do not have the stomach nor the skillset for a bare-knuckle brawl but that's what this race is going to increasingly become as the GOP locks onto the idea that voters are responding more to personality and bullshit than issues. Biden and Obama can talk intelligently about the issues all day, but McCain and Palin are going to consistently score more points more efficiently with crafty soundbites and snide put-downs.
Charles M. Kozierok said:Obama knows far more than any of us do about how he's really doing. We're all "low information voters" compared to his campaign.
If he feels that things are going well, he's going to act like a team with a 37-20 leads in the 4th quarter that has possession: running plays and short passes.
Attacking McCain's ethics has potential to succeed but also to backfire. I doubt he bothers unless he feels he needs to.
TreIII said:I dunno, I think some over at 538 put it best:
And that's what I see, as well. For right now, Obama isn't going to be hitting heavy, because he doesn't need to. He can afford to take the high road and stick to talking about the economy and other legit issues, instead of doing more to sink to the "enemy's" level, and risk jeopardizing himself in the process.
That's what's going to do more to win over the independents, than any thing else.
In that light, again, Tim Russert seemed to have the ideal for how this election was going to go.
Guts Of Thor said:I'd have to agree with everything said about Obama not fighting back hard enough. I really hate to say this but I'm beginning to think this very well could be a repeat of 2004. I'm reminded of the Kerry campaign which is not a good thing at all.
I hope Obama doesn't lose but if he does I would hope that the loss will finally encourage the Dems to grow a pair of fucking balls.
yoopoo said:Don't expect Palin to give any interviews to the press
Odrion said:Wow, this isn't good:
OBAMA: Let's not play games. What I was suggesting -- you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my "Muslim faith." And you're absolutely right that that has not come...
STEPHANOPOULOS: Christian faith.
OBAMA: ... my Christian faith. Well, what I'm saying is that he hasn't suggested...
STEPHANOPOULOS: Has connections, right.
OBAMA: ... that I'm a Muslim. And I think that his campaign's upper echelons have not, either
That's exactly the kind of thing that GOP talking heads and bloggers (if not McCain/Palin themselves) will seize on. Biden made a similar gaffe today when he stated that there were no Sunnis in Anbar Province. He merely mis-spoke and immediately corrected himself (unlike McCain who had to be corrected by Lieberman about Iran not training Al Qaeda fighters) but expert political assassins can make hay out of even the smallest gaffe like that.Odrion said:Wow, this isn't good:
Odrion said:Wow, this isn't good:
Guy Legend said:
Gary Whitta said:That's exactly the kind of thing that GOP talking heads and bloggers (if not McCain/Palin themselves) will seize on. Biden made a similar gaffe today when he stated that there were no Sunnis in Anbar Province. He merely mis-spoke and immediately corrected himself (unlike McCain who had to be corrected by Lieberman about Iran not training Al Qaeda fighters) but expert political assassins can make hay out of even the smallest gaffe like that.
saelz8 said:So, what are the chances that the Mccain campaign makes an ad with Obama saying he's muslim?
saelz8 said:So, what are the chances that the Mccain campaign makes an ad with Obama saying he's muslim?
They could put it in a loop, and instantly win the election, even if it's out of context, or a mistake.
capslock said:Apparently tomorrow's USA Today poll has McCain up by 10, 54-44.
Clevinger said:Obama didn't misspeak. Stephenophopulous is just slow and didn't understand what he was talking about. It's his mistake.
it's over :[capslock said:Apparently tomorrow's USA Today poll has McCain up by 10, 54-44.
That's exactly how this stuff works though. Some radical PAC will make an ad which McCain can publicly disown in order to elevate himself above the fray while actually giving the story more oxygen.Zeliard said:I don't think McCain would allow something like that, and if someone in his campaign did do it, I think he would criticize and disown it immediately. I give him more credit than that. Another group, however? Probably.