pxleyes said:
He got kind of dramatic during the RNC while they were using the 9/11 scenes as leverage.
pxleyes said:
No, the huh is to the bullshit assumption that Olbermann isn't around anymore.Zeliard said:
VanMardigan said:Palin is giving the kind of lift, energy, shock, attention, interest, etc. that Hillary would've afforded Obama. He chose against it (can't blame him, really), and McCain pounced.
Now McCain has the controversial/exciting ticket, and Obama has............Joe Biden. Seriously, if Obama had picked Hillary, McCain couldn't have responded with Palin. He would've had to go with Mitt or Pawlenty and he'd be getting crushed right now in polls. No way Romney or Pawlenty would've energized the Republicans in this way.
I still think Obama will pull this out, but if he doesn't, we can safely point to the last two weeks as the beginning of the end.
Ether_Snake said:Here's a question Obama could ask to McCain to make him lose the debate (will they get to ask each other their own questions?):
Obama: What is a recession?
McCain: ...
PhoenixDark said:Very good point; right after he got back from Europe his numbers went down again, etc. By the time the debates get here things will be back to normal, ie tie or Obama +1 or +2.
Tamanon said:And then there's Dawkins.
VanMardigan said:Obama has............Joe Biden.
Rlan said:I don't see why pundits aren't putting "Alaska is close to Russia" with "Palin has only been out of the country once" together to get that stupid talking point off the campaign.
Maybe I've been playing too much Phoenix Wright. "HOLD IT! OBJECTION! EVIDENCE!"
Listening to techno and watching both your avatars is hypnotizing, btw.Gary Whitta said:How shallow am I for choosing CNN for my political coverage because it's the only rolling news station that I get in HD?![]()
Tamanon said:Plus Palin is going to be in hiding for a week or two starting this week.
Chrono said:The fuck? Dawkins is a republican?
Full props to Olbermann for that.Zeliard said:
WickedAngel said:It's incredible how confident you can be while being so wrong. Have you actually done any research into what you're saying or are you simply spouting off the talking points of the first person you heard when this argument was originally presented to you.
It's apparent to me that you've never looked at a single document that presented statistics on this matter, judging by the part in bold. Over the past few decades, rifles have accounted for an average of 3% of the guns that were used in violent crimes. That includes all rifles (Not just semi-automatic assault rifles).
That's cute. I guess I can't blame you; if I didn't have any facts, I'd try to make this a racial issue to shroud my ignorance on the subject at hand.
VanMardigan said:Have you ever seen a debate before? They're not going to be asking each other questions like that, that's just stupid.
Tamanon said:Plus Palin is going to be in hiding for a week or two starting this week.
Tyrone Slothrop said:good for him, though. he could;ve picked clinton or governer sebelious and coasted to november without a worry. but instead he picked his vp based on who'd be the best vp.
Tamanon said:Plus Palin is going to be in hiding for a week or two starting this week.
Tyrone Slothrop said:good for him, though. he could;ve picked clinton or governer sebelious and coasted to november without a worry. but instead he picked his vp based on who'd be the best vp.
ryutaro's mama said:For anyone who has a sliver of doubt that this "interview" will be BS, re-visit yoopoo's post:
This is the horse's mouth.
Gary Whitta said:Full props to Olbermann for that.
VanMardigan said:I think either Sebelius or Clinton would've made a very competent VP. Considering we simply can't afford four more years of incompetence, what is ultimately more important, personal rapport, or pushing your agenda into the white house?
OuterWorldVoice said:Sorry to drag this up again, but you can't or won't fucking read. I said semi and fully automatic weapons increased "innocent bystander" deaths. I mentioned rifles once - and specified a case - the LAPD versus the "Heat" bank robbers. It's incredible how confident you can be while being so wrong.
And again, I support sensible, well regulated gun ownership by law abiding citizens. So next time you argue - that's what you're arguing against.
Christopher Hitchens is who you're thinking of.Tamanon said:I'm thinking of someone else, there was a prominent atheist Republican, he was a big proponent of the Iraq War. I get all of them mixed up.
deadbeef said:I think this is a little bit naive. Obama seems to be first and foremost an excellent politician, which leads me to believe that the Biden pick was seen to be politically the best move.
Tyrone Slothrop said:good for him, though. he could;ve picked clinton or governer sebelious and coasted to november without a worry. but instead he picked his vp based on who'd be the best vp.
VanMardigan said:I think either Sebelius or Clinton would've made a very competent VP. Considering we simply can't afford four more years of incompetence, what is ultimately more important, personal rapport, or pushing your agenda into the white house?
Justin Bailey said:
No he was dropped because of this http://www.mediabistro.com/tvnewser/ratings/the_scoreboard_thursday_sept_4_93719.aspWickedAngel said:I wonder if Olbermann was dropped because of his response to that 9/11 video.
WickedAngel said:Perhaps you should pay attention to what you're responding to since I was clearly speaking of assault rifles and the act of banning them before you responded to me. You should also try to avoid stating the obvious in that there isn't a single person in here (Aside from maybe JayDub) who has suggested that automatic weapons ever be legal.
The percentage of firearms used in violent crimes are still ridiculously low (Practically inconsequential) in the face of the number of gun owners that exist in America. You responded to me by criticizing an argument that I never made; I never suggested that gun control is a poor concept. Regulations != Sweeping Bans
gkrykewy said:I think Biden is a very effective "bottom up" sort of pick. He gives enough fiery populist stump speeches that generate a lot of buzz locally, and could make a big difference in battleground areas.
Plus his more visible attack-dog role in the national media - he's a very good pick.
Gary Whitta said:How shallow am I for choosing CNN for my political coverage because it's the only rolling news station that I get in HD?![]()
Zeliard said:The problem is the media coverage. Biden gave a tremendous speech recently where he railed against Bush and Palin in a very effective manner, but I don't really think it got any real coverage.
I sure as hell hope he wouldn't have picked someone other than Biden simply for the sake of expedience in stealing the limelight from McCain. That's the kind of decisions I'd like to see an end of.schuelma said:I think if Obama had any idea that McCain was going to largely drop the experience meme and try and co-opt the "change/reformer" theme, he wouldn't have picked Biden.
Yep. IMO the media has way too big an influence in this shit. I rarely see Biden in the news, unless he says something about Palin. But remember, it won't last foreverZeliard said:The problem is the media coverage. Biden gave a tremendous speech recently where he railed against Bush and Palin in a very effective manner, but I don't really think it got any real coverage.
Stoney Mason said:and then it backs to being positive and contributing for a hopeful win for Obama in two months.
Liberals and gaffers always like to turn on each other once the going gets tough. Because it's easier to bitch and whine instead of actively doing something positive. This whole forum was in fantasy land all year imo that electing a black Democrat against a war veteran was going to be some easy catwalk. It never was. Even I got caught in the flurry and adopted that viewpoint against my better judgment but my eyes have been opened since before the conventions. This is going to be a tough hard fight to win the presidency and whining about why didn't he pick Hillary or Obama needs to be tougher I'm sure will be the mantra for the next two months on an on going basis for a group of whiners.
Instead of whining about it why don't you actively do something. Volunteer. Talk to friends. Stay positive. Keep a realistic opinion about the whole thing. Don't refer to people who disagree with you as morons. You catch more flies with honey and when you respect a differing opinion and the best free advertisment for a campaign is always motivated people who support that candidate. This is why Republicans always win. Because they understand that to really implement change (no matter how disasterous) you have to win. So why not adopt that same positive attitude and combine it with Obama's message. That seems like the right approach. I'm not overly freaking out about the polls. Honestly I think the odds are about a coin flip now so there is a lot of work to be done from both Obama and Biden and people who support both candidates.
But before that happens, I'm off to play some COD 4![]()
Guileless said:I have been watching CNN because that Campbell Brown is really something.
Ether_Snake said:I think if you want to win you have to flood the channels with lies lies lies lies lies and whatever you feel like saying or whatever you want to make up about the other candidate. No one is going to press pause for the whole country, go fact-check, and come back with the evidence. Everything goes very fast.
You can say McCain voted against blood transfusions for wounded Katrina victims due to religious reasons or whatever. No matter how fucking ridiculous it is no one will verifyNow imagine if all Obama supporters did that.
That's what the Republicans do, it works pretty well, but Obama supporters have made a better use of the communication channels (other than TV of course, it's private) so it could be an easy win, it just takes dedication.
Stealing those flags from the DNC was a pretty smart move you know.
Of course that Obama Rolled thing is pretty funny, but that should be just one layer, the funny layer. On top of that you need to lie a lot and quickly, all the time, all over the place.
But you won't do that![]()
PhoenixDark said:Doubtful. They're being punished for their embarrassing on air antics recently.
I love Chris but fuck Olberman
The election has to end sometime.The Lamonster said:But remember, it won't last forever![]()
Stoney Mason said:I don't really care for either and stopped watching MSNBC due to both for the most part.
Sadly I'm off two minds on that whole issue. It bugs me that MSNBC is getting flack for being too liberal when on Fox it's just an accepted bias.
On the other hand like I said, the journalistic side of me just doesn't like those two and how they frame issues.
But then Gregory and Andrea Mitchell aren't a big step up either imo.
PhoenixDark said:Chris does a better job hiding his bias but he usually seems more interested in the more romantic aspect of politics than any substantial discussion, although when he does discuss meaty topics he does a good job. Olberman is a disgrace, but I'm sure everyone disagrees with my disdain for his emotional bullshit.
...because then you might as well vote for McCain.Ether_Snake said:But you won't do that![]()
kaching said:...because then you might as well vote for McCain.
Zeliard said:You didn't like his response to the RNC's 9/11 video?