Both debates are only in America. Go in France and talk about creationism and people will mock and ridicule you, with reason too. America is being hurt from the inside for the sake of sustaining a political party that relies too much on fundamentalists. After a while you all seem to forget that the reason the whole abortion and evolution debate has gotten so much attention over the recent years is because the religious right is shrinking in numbers so the right is trying to bring religion back into the school curriculum to raise a whole new crop of future voters and sustain its current one. It's all politics, has nothing to do with bettering the situation of Americans.
Meanwhile, as a result of the above, you end up with a large amount of people who are ignorant, unhealthy, racist, etc., for the sake of a party's vote count (or for the sake of corporations, which is again for the sake of a party). This in the long term has seriously dangerous implications for the country's future.
The prosperity of the US, a nation that has all the foundations to remain the world's leading super power, relies on education, health, and energy. The later two are entirely dependent on education itself. Yet you have a party dedicated to ruin the strength of the public education system, ignore the need for health care, and turn its back on solutions for energy independence, and this can only be achieved by attacking the intellect of the population. It's sort of counter productive when half of your job is to run a country, the other half is to hurt it so you can keep on running it for eight more years.