AniHawk said:
And like Nate Silver says, Obama really needs some better ads. I'm not sure why they haven't gone on the attack for the community organizer thing. I'm not sure why they haven't gone on the attack to paint Palin as a corrupt government official that left her small town in a load of debt. I'm not sure why they don't point out that McCain was against giving her lobbyist money when she requested it years ago. Destroy her character by showing her for who she really is.
I'm starting to be reminded of Kerry and his nonexistent push back against the Bush bullshit.
Pretty much. As big of a fuss as the democrats made over not getting "Kerry"ed again, they sure are looking like they are heading down the same path. They are letting the pubs knock them around while avoiding returning any serious fire. And there are several things out there. There needs to be more ads attacking McCain AND Palin. It's good to see they are at least starting to address Palin now, but they really need to attack both of them more.
you know why the republicans are getting better media coverage? Becuase they actually try to hold them accountable. The media screws the dems over and they just say, "Well, that's just part of the game." The media starts attacking the pubs, they say, "Hey, that's not fair!" They put pressure on the stations. Why is Fox news allowed to be so biased and be accepted, yet MSNBC can't show too much love for Obama?
We need Democrats that will HIT BACK against the republican bullies... and what's so phenomenal is that we can do it with TRUTH instead of lies.
We sit here and blame the stupidity of the American people, etc. etc., for choosing McCain and Bush, yet we don't ever question why the republican tactics are seeminngly working THREE elections in a row with utterly incompetent candidates. If the democrats fielded such poor candidates, they'd be getting trounced right now. So why is that? The republicans play to win. The democrats are stuck playing the nice guy. I mean I guess being nice is more important than possibly starting a WWIII when McCain tries to rashly quarrel with Russia or Iran. I mean, this is the guy that was singing a tune about bombing Iran.
The thing is, playing up the hope thing worked in the Democrats Primary, but it's not going to work nearly as well in the general election. It's not good form to attack your own party, which is something Hillary really was doing. There's no such rule about attacking the other party. And seriously, what is so bad about telling America about how the other candidate actually IS? There is so much out there on Palin and McCain, yet the Dems don't want to utilize that because they feel like they will be 'attacking character?' Ridiculous. I seriously hope that you guys will maybe comment on Obama's myspace or try and get in contact with some of these higher ups in the Democratic campaign and tell them to be more aggressive. John Kerry won the primary for the Dems by being John Kerry, and look at what that did for him in the general.
And if anything, we know the media isn't going to hold anyone accountable. They'll just roll with the juicy story, which is why I keep saying not to depend on the media to 'tear apart' Palin. They can turn her into a star just as quickly. If you need something done, you'll have to do it yourself.
I'm considering starting a small group to distribute videos/information about McCain and Palin so more people can really understand what they are getting. I hope some of you will join me. It's time to hit back.